Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, I just had another AWESOME workout! I did Kenpo Cardio+ and ARX, with ab work on ab slings and the ball. That just felt EXCELLENT!!!! Tomorrow is my regularly scheduled Rest Day but I doubt I will rest much with Ashley here!

    When I got done with my workout, I went into the bedroom to see why Mike and Ashley were so quiet. Mike is asleep on the bed and Ashley is asleep laying on his chest. I did take a picture that I will have to post later for you all to see! It was soooo cute!!!

    Jenn: I talked the other day to another girl from Canada and she orders and gets the Recovery Drink so let me know if your interested and I can walk you through ordering it. Email me and I can call you because I have free long distance.

    Well, I am starting to freeze so it is time to hit the shower and get ready for a nice dinner...
    Oh and this Recovery Drink tastes heavenly!!!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    great job on everyones workouts! i have been eating great still. my sister loves her junk and keeps buying chips and cookies etc and i keep saying no! maybe its b/c i don't want to end up like her. good enough motivation for me. today i only did my 30 day shred but many laps in the pool. i forgot what a workout swimming is. i don't even know how i used to do 45 min everyday after school when i was on the swim team. crazy. i also got 2 new workout dvds. i hope they are good. one has 10 min of flexability which i desperatly need. well im off. have a great night all.
    ps- there was some sun today so i got a bit of colour! whoo hoo
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :tongue: morning all. i bet everyone is sleeping in this sunday, something i have never been able to do lol. actually i slept in till 7:30 pretty nice. anyhoo i tried out my new biggest loser dvd and it was pretty good, then did my fav 20 min ab workout dvd. that video never gets easier. last night i wanted to munch on some popcorn and chips so bad but brushed my teeth instead. it too late to eat again so i decided against it. good thing cause there is sun again today so im walking around in the bikini! we are going to my fav steak place tonight with good bread and baked potatoes so im going to try to eat less during the day today. maybe just tuna at lunch no bread. well im off to the pool and going to try to get in as many laps as poss. they really dont make bikinis for swimming, i end up flashing most people with the girls or my butt. :laugh: .
    enjoy your days off whoever has an off day!
  • so..... today was my 4th day with the P90, I decided to try out the fat burner cardio.... It was great is a lot funner than the regular sweat 1-2. Then I did the abb ripper 100. God I was dying lol.

    So I did cheat a little on my diet this weekend but I promise to keep on track this whole week.

    Well I hope all of you have great work outs!
    Remember keep pushing play no matter how hard it gets!!!!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Buddies! Well, today has been a busy and long day! Ashley and I went and did our 2 wks grocery shopping this morning. She really was alot of help and it only took about 1 1/2 hrs where usually when I am by myself, it takes 3 hrs. I spent alot less this payday so I had her pick out a toy and she picked out a Hanna Montana cell phone and then I bought her some cute grown up kind of sun glasses. She picked out a pair of sunglasses for my grandson, Chandler and a little hand held game for him. I bought some men's workboots for work. I am a secretary at an overhead crane company. I am the only girl with 20 guys! I love my job and get to wear jeans every day. I go into the shop alot and have ruined a pair of shoes and 2 pairs of New Balance tennis shoes. So, I decided I just needed workboots like the guys wear. I bought a pair of men's! They are really comfortable too! Now I am getting ready to color my hair cause next Saturday I have an awards banquet for Mike's(hubby) work. I get to wear a fancy long, tight fitting slinky dress, size 6 might I add! It is so pretty. I will have Mike take a picture. Mike is getting the Top Honors award and a diamond ring!

    Adriana: Way to go on your workout today! You are doing awesome! Keep it up girl! Today is my Rest Day so no workout today.

    Tomorrow is P90X Back & Biceps and Ab Ripper with extra ab work on the slings & ball. Can't wait!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :happy: morning all !
    this morning i did 2 new workout dvds, can't remember the names. but good workouts none the less.
    today we are going to the beach even though its not too warm/sunny. more just to do some walking i guess. this sounds funny but im actually looking forward to going home! i miss my dogs and my hubby (don't tell him though lol). we are having pizza at the beach so i willo order a salad and have 2 - 3 slices with it. have a great day!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Andrea: I am so proud of you that you are being so good in Florida! Im telling Jay that you miss him!
    Looking forward to you coming home since we are both umemployed bums we should get together soon!

    Well I just finished Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200 and feel great about my workout but did something dumb! I took my firelean and Omega 3-6-9 before my workout without food and by the time the punches came I was dizzy and light headed I had to stop and just walk around.. I tried to do as much as I could of the punches but didnt get through too many. I also did as much as the Ab Ripper I could too. Now I know too much of a workout for no food in system. I felt so bad I am glad I had the yogurts with 14g of sugar in them to bring me back to normal, still not there yet but its coming back!

    Have an awesome workout today everyone!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jenn: Way to go on trying the workout and mainly for listening to your body! We all learn from our mistakes so just shake it off. I am so proud of you for continuing and doing your best. That is what counts! WAY TO GO!!!

  • Well Friday I did Sculpt 1-2 and Sweat 1-2 with abs... so two workouts in one night and i worked out with my girls, they attempted to do the stretching and then got bored and played inteh basement while i worked out. I felt great doing it, especialy since i was without my hubby for the night and the girls just loved being able to play in the basement. I didnt work out all weekend, but I did get prepared to start p90X on monday. . I bought myself pushup bars for me and hubby and then a full set of dumbells and then resistance bands (stronger ones since mine is so easy)

    Tena - any other equipment i will need to do the workouts? You sure make me sweat just thinking about all the workout you can do.. I sure hope I will get to the stage you are at with fitness.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jen: Way to go on your workout Friday! Double one! WOW!

    Sounds like you are pretty set to start P90X. I do recommend some weightlifting gloves, otherwise you will develop callous' and my hands do not get sore.

    Be positive. Don't hope you will get to my stage of fitnes. YOU WILL! It just takes time, consistency, hard work and a positive attitude that you will succeed! I know you will do great! Can't wait to hear what you think!

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Jen: Way to go on your workout Friday! Double one! WOW!

    Sounds like you are pretty set to start P90X. I do recommend some weightlifting gloves, otherwise you will develop callous' and my hands do not get sore.

    Be positive. Don't hope you will get to my stage of fitnes. YOU WILL! It just takes time, consistency, hard work and a positive attitude that you will succeed! I know you will do great! Can't wait to hear what you think!

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


    Tena - this is a great post - very motivating.

    I had to rest Friday and Saturday to allow my hip some rest therapy -but it is doing better and I did level 1 on cardio blast yesterday...I made the mistake of doing it right after eating - was out of breath really fast. I will do it again today but after food settles.

    Here's to a great week ladies....:drinker:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I just attempted my first day of P90X Core Synergistics. I only did 20mins of it because I started to feel lightheaded again like this morning so I stopped. I was actually surprised with myself I did more then I thought I could!

    Going to continue P90 3-4 this week and next monday start P90X again!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Finished my workout and I am wiped out! My arms feel like they weigh 10 tons! Tonight I did Back & Biceps and Ab Ripper X with extra ab work on the ab slings and exercise ball. I even did mason twists with weights! Even using weights I did 50! I burned 515 calories in Back & Biceps and 230 in my ab workout! Now I am cooling down and starting to freeze. But I tell you what that Recovery Drink is AWESOME! After a workout like that I need it!!! Tomorrow is Plyometrics!

    I will try to come back after shower and dinner.

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    :tongue: geeze there are so many dvds i have no clue about lol. i did my ab one this morning as we are going to be walking around a lot today. it looks kinda sunny and i bought a new bikini yesterday so im excited to try it out. if i dont eat heavy or have a lot of salt you can actually see definition in my abs lol! although this excites me i still know i have lots of work to do to get down to my ultimate goal. i need to get all that extra fat of me. it seems to be hanging out in my arms lately lol!
    so yesterday at lunch i did what i said and got a salad and a slice of pizza. bad idea. i hadnt eaten any dairy in a while and i sometimes get ibs so my stomach did not enjoy having that cheese and some ice cream also later. so no more dairy for me. well maybe an ice cream here and there :laugh:
    i sure hope we can go down to the pool so i can get some laps in!
    have a great day all! we are going to an amazing steak place tonight so im really going to take it easy during the day. last night here!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I had a very good nights sleep. Too good in fact! When the alarm went off, I was in a deep sleep and it took awhile to register it was going off. In fact, it took one of my German Shepherd's, Tasha to wake me up! It is supposed to be sunny and in the 40's again today. I can handle that! We have been super lucky so far this year and only had one week where we got ice and on and off really cold days.

    Well, tonight I have plyometrics! I am ready!!!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and excellent workout today!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I just finished Sculpt 3-4. Starting to really love P90!

    Like I said last night I did try P90X and it was hard but when I was going my P90 today I was thinking that I am going to do all 90 days of P90. I have never finished a whole workout routine so I am going to prove to myself that I can do it!

    Tena: You always have great sleeps I wish I was like that! Any tips?

    Have an awesome workout day everyone!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I'm just starting my P90. I had it a while ago and lost it, so a friend just burned it for me again. I'm kinda scared and pumped at the same time. I know it's gonna kick my butt.
  • Sleep - whats that??? My oldest dd got me up at midnight to go pee, then one of our huskies woke us up at 130 wanting to go outside, so dh just yelled at her and then at 230 she was up at our bedside again. I of course got up and took her downstairs to let her out and she had gotten sick... so let her out, clean up the mess and then get her back in... Then 30min later she wants out again. I am so tired. Of course I couldnt fall back to sleep until 5 and my alarm went off at 6am.argh i give up.

    So yesterday I screwed up and did Arms and shoulders P90X instead of hte back and chest... opps so that will be my wednesday workout. I am not sore at all surprisingly. I was able to do 10lbs and did 15-16 reps for all excersizes. And I was actually able to do 20-25 chair lifts and 25 side ab lifts (whatever those are called) they bruised my hips. ouch they are killing me. ANd then we did the ab ripper, I didnt do so well on those, I think I did maybe 150-200, it was so hard with my hips hurting and some of those ab workouts really hurt my tailbone.

    Trltampa - good luck on starting today.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Can't wait till mine comes :happy: I'm super pumped!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Jenn: Way to go on your workout this morning! I am so glad you had a good one today! I think that is a good plan to do the whole 90 days. That way you build yourself up for the X. The X is an intense workout... About sleep...I think it is a combination of working all day and the intense workout I do when I get home. I do not do anything special...

    TRL: Welcome to our group! I am kind of a veteran here. I have been doing P90X for over a year and half now. I am a coach on the beachbody thread. First, don't be afraid. You will be surprised at what you can actually do when you push hard enough. I never thought I would ever be able to do an unassisted pull-up on the pull-up bar and now I just whip them out. Day 1, I could not do any. I was doing the X for about 8 months before I could actually do one unassisted. So, first rule never say never... Just say I will be able to do it (any exercise) one day. Have the right mindset. You will do great! Jenn, aka sweettart is doing P90 and doing great! You will too. Best of luck and we are here to help you succeed.

    Well, back to work...

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