What Is/Was Your College Major?



  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Double major in math and economics - I started in economic consulting when I first graduated but HATED my life and the stress made me miserable so now I'm in sales. I sell financial software so my background make me understand the product better and it impresses the clients but I don't really use it. I think I mainly benefited from having a leg up on humanities majors. Honestly though, as long as your passionate, you'll be good.
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    Currently studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in math. 2 more years!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    A business or law degree are the most practical degrees, imo, but I also believe it's not always about practicality. Good luck with your education! :)

    The market is so bad, even lawyers can't get jobs. I know quite a few, and very few are actually practicing law! I guess we're all suffering together in this market..
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I have a bachelors in Biology. I haven't started looking for jobs yet, since I have plans to get a PhD.
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I started in Mechanical Engineering, but ended up in Civil. I'm a highway designer and have been since 1999, I'm very committed to what I do. But I have an interest in Geology and was headed back this fall to take Geology coursework but now I have too many highway projects to consider taking any classes. Of course it is time to vote for Governor this year so I'm sure the highway work will calm back down after the election :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    If you like math, go to school to be an Actuary. Best-paid job that requires only a Bachelors degree. Engineers also get paid well with just a B.S. and have good job prospects. Check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics for info on the jobs with the best career outlooks, and then decide on a major based on what you'll be likely to get a job in.

    Oh, I majored in Biology. I work in research so yeah, I needed the degree, but I'm trying to get into Optometry school for next year.

    It may only require a Bachelors degree, but there is 7 years + of further qualifying and exams afterwards that even really bright mathematicians struggle with. My school friend finally qualified at 31, having gone into it straight from uni at 22.
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    I got my BA in chemistry in 12/2007 and began working in my field right away (2 weeks after commencements). Then, I completed my MS in chemistry while working full-time in my field. However, I know I've been very blessed with the opportunites that I've received and not all college graduates (especially in sciences) are able to get a job in their field so quickly. The best suggestion that I can make is do your research regarding which degrees lead to which career opportunities, you may be surprised what areas of work your degree can lead to. Also, it's really important to pick something you are interested in and passionate about. Good luck!
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I majored in communications with a minor in English with the intent of going to law school. I took two years between undergrad and law school and had no problems finding a professional job right away. Reading, writing, analyzing, and speaking are an important part of any career, so if you don't have a specific career in mind, I would recommend majoring in communication. I'm currently graduated from law school, studying for the bar exam, with a job lined up for when I'm done.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I am currently in school getting an undergrad education in Biomedical Engineering

    I plan to at least get a masters, probably a PhD so I can run my own research lab.

    Its the hardest thing I've ever done. So stressful and I feel like its slowly killing me. But I know that it will be worth it when I get to do a job that I love and get paid a crapload of money =]
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    Middle Grades Education (Language Arts and History)
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Got two years left of my Psychology bachelors. (All core classes done, just have to finish 2 years of a foreign language). I'm picking up an associate's degree in nursing while finishing my bachelors.

    Psychology is interesting but not very useful unless you plan on going to grad school. I picked up nursing so I can actually get a job outside of retail. (A decade in retail is more than enough! lol)
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    Biology major...haven't entered the real world yet
    i'm hoping to go to med school
  • lmvince
    lmvince Posts: 54 Member
    I have a BS in Biology. I'm a researcher at an international breeding company, although I started on the medical path. I got my first position (as a temp) in this field 6 months after graduating. Biology is general, so you could find a position in a hospital, lab, doctor's office....as long as you're willing to learn.

    I'm currently pursuing a MS in Crop and Soil Science, and an Associates in Food Safety (just because).
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Business Management in the Automotive Industry, Fluid Mechanics-Engineering & now Managerment Information Systems
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I got a BSc in Kinesiology and have a masters in Occupational Therapy. I got a job relatively quickly, and yes, I use my degree every day.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    Will have my BA in Homeland Security Jan '12 and then undecided what Masters program I will pursue but it is between Criminal Justice, Intelligence, Law, and Terrorism. For the most part I do use my degree but I would hope to use it more when I move back to the East Coast.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    What is/was your college major?

    If you have graduated, do you find your major useful or do you wish you got it in something else?

    What do you guys think is the best college major to get a job out of college?

    I'm deciding between (gonna probably do 1 major, 1-2 minors): economics, health care management, business management, anthropology, finance, and political science.

    Well, I'm majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Spanish, Sociology, Psychology, and maybe Computer Science. After that it's off to law school, hopefully NYU (I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one). I eventually want to work for the FBI and was told by some former agents that law school and speaking Spanish will help tremendously. The CJ major is just because I enjoy it and it comes easy to me. Law school doesn't require a certain major either so. That being said, there's not really anything that requires a CJ degree and there's not a whole lot you can do with it that you couldn't (probably) do without it.
    I think you should base your major off of what you want to be doing in the future, not what you think is the best major. If you're just going into college I would look into taking some intro classes in things you're interested in until you figure out what's best for you. You could also try talking to an advisor. My advisors have all been extremely helpful. I'm only a junior, but I've changed my major like 5 times and it's no big deal. Good luck! College is great, so don't worry or stress too much :smile:
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    BS in Geography/Meteorology and a Minor in Broadcasting. Did some on air television for awhile and decided I wanted a family. Then, I went into Human Resources.
  • ShyBreasts
    ShyBreasts Posts: 91
    I'm currently studying a BA (hons) in Documentary Film and Television in Wales :-)