Weekly Weigh In Challenge for June

mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
Hello all,

This is the second month I do this. It was very helpful for me and several others during the month of May. It helped us keep accountable each week, and kept us pushing forward in our journey.

I was looking for something to keep myself accountable and thought I would give this a shot. I would like to do a weekly weigh similar to those done at weight watchers meetings. I would like a place where others can help keep me accountable of my journey. I would love it if you would join me in doing weekly weigh-ins for the month of June. We can post about goals, struggles and successes each week. Please copy and paste the following in the comment box and add your information each week. Hope some of you can join me.


Starting Weight May 29th:
Goal Weight July 3rd:

Weigh In Week

June 5:
June 12:
June 19:
June 26:
July 3:

Total LBS lost this week:
Total LBS lost this month:

Weekly Goals:




  • corina4546
    corina4546 Posts: 5 Member

    Starting Weight May 29th:171lbs
    Goal Weight July 3rd:158lbs

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Work out 6 day for 30minutes and strength training for 20minutes rest on Sundays.
    Drink my 8glasses of water each day and STAY FOCUS!!!

    Struggles: Setting my workout times with work , my daughter, and husband. Getting up earlier to workout.

  • hmhrchl
    hmhrchl Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Hannah
    Age: 20

    Starting Weight May 29th: 119lbs
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 112lbs

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: workout 5 days of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday. Drink more water!

    Struggles: calorie consumption & healthy eating & snacking

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 119 Member
    Name: LeanStrongSexy
    Age: 51 on June 9th!!

    Starting Weight May 29th: 250
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 240

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: 2 lbs

    Struggles: sweets

  • rfk6
    rfk6 Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Mom × 3
    Age: 39

    Starting Weight May 29th:169
    Goal Weight July 3rd:158

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:
    1. Exercise 3 times this week
    2. Drink lemon water every day
    3. Track my caloric intake daily


  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member

    Starting Weight May 29th:235
    Goal Weight July 3rd:222

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:
    Exercise 5 times a week. 10000 steps a day. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

  • AndrewD315
    AndrewD315 Posts: 57 Member
    Name: Andrew
    Age: 50

    Starting Weight May 29th: 224.6
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 214

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: 2 lbs,

    Struggles: Being patient, changing routine to stay fresh and keep it moving.

    Successes: Will no longer be obese at 220, cant wait.
  • crystal_kat3
    crystal_kat3 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight may 29: 195
    Goal weight july 3: 186

    Weekly goals:
    1. Avoid foods that make me feel lethargic
    2. Sweat daily/ drink more water
    3. Smile more
  • crystal_kat3
    crystal_kat3 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight may 29: 195
    Goal weight july 3: 186

    Weekly goals:
    1. Avoid foods that make me feel lethargic
    2. Sweat daily/ drink more water
    3. Smile more

    Struggles: random snacking when bord, procrastination, laziness

  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Cathy
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 29th: 166.8
    Goal Weight July 3rd:156

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: My goal this month is to go to the gym at least 3 times a week and focus on drinking more water daily.


    Successes: Last weekly weigh in challenge for May went really well and I feel positive going into this new one!

  • Yesseniasarriaga
    Yesseniasarriaga Posts: 37 Member
    Name: Yessenia
    Age: 39

    Starting Weight May 29th: 138.4
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 115.0

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: my goal for this week is to power walk 7 days straight, and eat healthier.

    Struggles: Food I love food. I always find a reason not to go on that daily one hour walk.

  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Kaeli
    Age: 22

    Starting Weight May 29th: 289.2
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 279.2


    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total pounds lost this week:
    Total pounds lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:
    - 6 workouts per week (at least 60 minutes)
    - 4 weight training sessions per week
    - drink 12 or more cups of water every day

    - my motivation is slipping a little bit
    - snacking out of boredom and going over my macros (especially carbs)

    - I lost almost 10 pounds last month and that makes me so excited to achieve my goals this month!
    - I've been successful at kicking my bad habit of weighing myself too often

    Best of luck to everyone!!! I'm excited to see you achieve your goals :)
  • stacyhsings
    stacyhsings Posts: 3 Member
    Name: Stacy
    Age: 38

    Starting Weight May 29th: 247
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 237

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: Meet my water intake each day, complete my food log for each day with everything tracked in it. Hit at least 10,000 steps a day.

    Struggles: making the time to workout. With a full time job and a toddler, I skip this nearly everyday. Time to make this a priority.

  • the_new_mark_2017
    the_new_mark_2017 Posts: 149 Member
    Joining in!

    Name: Mark
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'11"

    Starting Weight May 30th: 242lbs
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 222lbs

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:

    Log everything!
    Drink more water

    Struggles: Fighting my cravings and my mind!

  • tumbleweed00
    tumbleweed00 Posts: 3 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Age: 25

    Starting Weight May 29th: 125
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 115

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:
    - Orangetheory 3-4x/week
    - Drink 62-125 oz of water/day (refill water bottle 3-4x/day)
    - Eat clean!!!

    - Eating habits (my cheat day tends to turn into a cheat weekend)
    - Finding ways to stay active outside of Orangetheory

    - Consistently doing Orangetheory 3-4x/week
    - Usually on target with my water goal
  • jenncarmy
    jenncarmy Posts: 8 Member


    Starting Weight May 29th:251
    Goal Weight July 3rd:218

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: exercise 60 minutes daily, eat greens, and drink at least 64 oz of water daily

    *wanting to give up when the number on the scale isn't what I was expecting to see
    *wanting pizza

    *started healthier lifestyle 5/15/16 and have dropped 17lbs so far.(2weeks in)
  • leahnorth44
    leahnorth44 Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Leah
    Age: 26

    Starting Weight May 29th: 222
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 210

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals: continue to do T25 5x/week and get my Fitbit steps 10 000 Every. Single. Day.

    Struggles: late night snacking. Purely out of boredom. Go golfing more to stop with the boredom
    It's a new week and I'm ready to crush it
  • MeganD_96
    MeganD_96 Posts: 143 Member
    Name: Megan
    Age: 19

    Starting Weight May 29th: 191
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 185

    Weigh In Week

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:


  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    So many people have joined!! Welcome back to those who did this with me in May! Let's all get each other through this month with flying colors! June is not going to know what hit it!! Good luck everyone!!!!

    PS congratulations to our May challengers on all those LBS lost. We killed it last month!!