40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. The weather has been nice the past week or so, but as Stiring said, the heat is comin' to the East for the weekend. Not Texas heat, but that hot, sticky weather that we experience right around the 4th of July.

    We have Monday and Tuesday off for the holiday, so I decided to take the rest of the week off as well, We will be getting our Grandson next Tuesday for a few days, so being off will be even more special.

    I'm looking forward to Friday night at the German Club. The summer Bier Garten season has begun. Every Friday night they have a big outdoor beer garden, usually with live German music. Should be a fun night. Not too much planned for the weekend, though. Just a few cookouts and relaxing.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, there is a restaurant in Columbus, Ohio in the German district, that my husband loves. It is called Schimdts. I am not particularly fond on German food but I will go for their cream puffs. They are the best !!! Huge pastries full of yummy cream.

    :flowerforyou: tladame, your enthusiasm to begin a new workout is very encourageing to all of us. Let us know how it goes.

    I did go to the gym last night and my youngest daughter went with me. I love spending time with her. Her older sister took her driving test yesterday. She passed the driving portion but not the manavibility (not spelled right, I know) . This is were they have to drive backwards through cones. She will be taking that part over again next Wednesday. I have mixed feelings about her getting her license. On one hand...I can stop driving her all over. But, do I really want her to be out there on her own? And, we have only one car. So, we will be stuck at home if she takes it.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    To all those with cat inquiries, we now have three,and the new cat is 21 lbs.

    So, after bench pressing the 21 lb cat and the 10 lb cat, I got a slow 90 minutes on the treadmill last night, and also had a walk at lunchtime during the day. I'm off from work tomorrow, so if I forget to check in, everyone have a great 4th of July. Everyone is doing so well, I love reading all the posts!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    To all those with cat inquiries, we now have three,and the new cat is 21 lbs.

    So, after bench pressing the 21 lb cat and the 10 lb cat, I got a slow 90 minutes on the treadmill last night, and also had a walk at lunchtime during the day. I'm off from work tomorrow, so if I forget to check in, everyone have a great 4th of July. Everyone is doing so well, I love reading all the posts!

    :laugh: sounds like a good strength training workout!:laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: zebras, if you don't post over the weekend we will just think that you are off doing some sort of exercising.:laugh: Even if it is lifting cats.

    I, also, am very active at work. I walk at least five miles a day and do some lifting. I hardly ever get a chance to sit down. But, I realize that my body is used to this. Yes, it is helping but not really enough to cause any weight lose.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Just completed my June goal of moving 127 miles this month. My goal was 125
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Yea Lady Persia! Way to go!

    Zebras: lift those kitties!

    I had a good eye doctor appointment and I can now go back every 6 months instead of every three. (I have a structural problem in my eyes resulting in a pre-glaucoma condition for which I use eye drops. I am always the youngest patient in there, although the doctor is actually 2 days younger than me.)

    I just got back from the River. I think we are going to do a flash mob video next month. Today was supposed to be the last class of the first four week session but we get a makeup class on Tuesday for a session which was cut short due to lightening. Next session starts the week after the Fourth. I signed up for that session online today and I signed up for a class for after the river is over: it is a spin and yoga class. Let's see how I do!

    I got really good news at the river tonight: we are going to get to have our woman's water polo games on Friday starting next Friday! YEA!!! We played last summer and it was so much fun. All women, most 40+ in age. Water polo is like soccer except in the water. You are swimming or treading water the whole time. We play 60 to 70 minutes. We get really agressive but it is great fun.

    The Aqua Zumba interest is growing. I am hoping to get enough people interested so that we can get a trainer certified and start a class in January. (The schedule is already out for the fall.)

    I get long winded after the river.... Take care all I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Fourth! TxMs
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone. I spent the day with my mother and daughter. My mom doesn't get out much due to her husbands failing health. He suffers from PTSD, has had strokes, and dementia. He's quite the handful that's for sure. So, we had lunch and did all her grocery shopping for the month. She only gets a few hours a month "babysitting" so she can get out. tomorrow I will be back out with my daughter doing her shopping. :laugh:

    I still haven't gotten the insanity program. Hope the mail man hurries up and delivers it! I'm excited to get started.

    Sing... Have fun with your week off, the 4th, and being with your grandson

    Tex... Good luck getting someone to teach zumba. Sounds even better in the water!

    LadyPersia... Congrats on reaching you goal!

    Everyone else, have a terrific day, and have a safe 4th. We will be going to Tahoe this year. They have an awesome firework display there.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Check in day again!!!! Not a bad week, exercising every day and "TRYING" to watch the food intake. I'm slowly getting there. My clothes are slightly looser...a good sign!

    I can't wait for the German Bier Garten tonight..."Ein Prosit Der Gemuetlichkeit"!!!!!!

    I will try to check in a few times next week. We will have our Grandson for a few days and we are going away next weekend.

    Keep cool gang! Happy 4th!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, I think it wonderful that you are helping your mom. I can only hope that one of my kids will be there for me as I get older.

    :flowerforyou: tex, I sure wish that I lived closer to you. I would join your Aqua Zumba class. We have gotten to the age where the figures we used to look up to are younger than we. Like: pastors, doctors, bosses, presidents of the U.S. Makes me feel so old.

    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia...YES !!! Good job.

    I am having car and computer problems at this time. Not sure which I miss the most.:laugh:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Happy Friday Everybody!

    Check-in....I'm finishing my first month's rotation of Asylum today. It is only a 30 day program, but I'll probably incorporate a couple of workouts from it per week for the next few weeks since I enjoy them. I've really enjoyed this program, and the 30 days has flown by. My eating is getting better and better, which is good. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds right now, though I have no idea how much I weigh. Most of my clothing fits just fine, but I have a couple of smaller items that are a tad snugger than I'd like them to be. Gives me something to work on I suppose!

    It sounds like the weekend isn't going to be quite as hot as they originally thought, which is good. I think we are going to try to watch the Capitol fireworks on Monday from the Pentagon. We had toyed with trying to get down on to the National Mall and doing that, but I'm not huge for crowds and heat, and I thnk we're guaranteed both. The Pentagon is opening part of its grounds for Pentagon employees (and guests) only to view the fireworks, and that sounds like a good option to us right now. We'll see as the weekend progresses though.

    Hope you all have a great holiday weekend!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning and Happy Fourth of July weekened!! Lately I have not been able to respond to everyone post. I am a garden person and my Rain comment on my last post was due to lack of.

    Everyone is doing to well. Even with all of our struggles in life:) So, glad to have your support!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Happy Friday all and welcome to July! Hope everyone had a good week. We have had beautiful weather in my part of PA this week - not humid, right around 80 & sunny. Since it was not so hot, I went up in the attic (no AC there) and went through boxes of clothes that haven't fit in a long time. I forgot what I had up there!! I brought down some things that haven't fit in years, but are fine now! I also was amazed at some of the clothes I had stored up there - one piece shorts/top outfits & really BIG shoulder pads in shirts!!! Focusing on this NSV since the scale has not been my friend this week - it's very frustrating to stay within calories - I even measure/portion everything, step up the water and exercise, and still go up - not by much but enough to frustrate me. So, I am trying to remind myself the scale isn't everything. There is a graduation party for a cousin tomorrow and a 4th of July party Sunday - it will be a busy weekend!

    Lady Persia - congratulations on reaching your June goal - great job!!

    crewellademel - Good luck swimming in the triathalon! Geocaching sounds fun - I have a friend who does it with her family and have thought about trying it with mine, just haven't gotten to it yet.

    sdereski - the Boston Marathon? That's fantastic!

    Alf - I visited the Riverwalk once while my brother was stationed at Ft. Hood - it was about 12 years ago. Had a great time there - we went to a piano bar called Durty Nelly's & it was a blast! Hope the Zumba convention is fun - I love Zumba!

    zebras - how is the new kitty doing?

    Happy 4th!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I love the picture of you holding up your too big pants. You must feel so good.:heart: Glad to find another Zumba lover.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, I think you are in the perfect area to celebrate the 4th of July.

    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia, I see that all your goals have to do with miles not pounds.:smile: Lucky you.:heart: I hope that you reach your goal of 1400 by the end of the year. I believe that you will make it.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Swiss...I have high blood pressure and my Internal Med doctor says I need to loose 10 more pounds. I went from my highest 179 to 143. I am stuck at 143. My goal is 135. I have alot of food allergies so what is good for the masses may kill me so it is a constant balancing act. I bloat by eating the wrong foods. So my water weight can go up over night by two pounds. My cardiologist and I have agreed to maintaining 10,000 steps a day. Thats why I base my goals in miles. I have been on MFP for 340 days and I went from running for 60 seconds to a 45 min run three times a week and weights an ab work the other three my off day is random.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I hope everyone has a fun, healthy, safe 4 of July. Enjoy the fireworks and have some yummy BBQ!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia, from what I remember from my mom having bad health, high blood presure sort of goes along with holding water. Or vise versa. I think it is wonderful what you have accomplished so far. Keep up the good work and we love to see you posting here.

    :flowerforyou: tron, if grilling out hotdogs counts as BBQ then that is just what I did. We didn't do anything for the holiday. We have only one car and it is in the shop. We have a rental that only my husband is permitted to drive. So, when my step-son stopped by and said that he has outgrown all the 4th of July junk, I knew that we would be staying home.
  • YasminR
    YasminR Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Everyone, I hope i can join this group too. Definitely over 40! and trying hard to get healthy. Need all the motivation and support i can get and willing to support you all too if i can.

    Dug out some old DVDs and did Susan Powter workout this morning followed by Kettleworx - i'm not the biggest fan of Ryan Shanahan but my arms really hurt so it must be working - right? Lol!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: A big welcome to you YasminR. My name is Becky and I am definitely over 40 also. (by 20 years:laugh: ). I am sure that you will find the encouragement you need in this thread. I know that it is harder to lose weight, be active and live healthy lives as we get older. Stay in there and if you need anything...we are here.:heart: You are on the right track by knowing that this is a life change not just a temporary thing to do.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    I hope everybody had a good holiday. We enjoyed the day. Played some golf and watched the fireworks over the Capitol/Washington Monument from the Pentagon. That was fun. I even kept my eating well under control this weekend and got in alot of good activity, so I'm happy. No barbecue here unfortunately. But maybe next weekend.

    YasminR, welcome!! Good job dusting off those old DVDs and getting back to exercise. Exercise makes such a big difference as we get older.

    Swissmiss, sorry to hear about the car situation. That couldn't have been fun over a long holiday weekend. But the grilled hotdogs sound good!!