Attacked for an opinion

So...can someone please help me understand....
So I was in a discussion board where I saw the OP asked for opinions +/- on a certain product. There were approx. 8 posters all being negative. I was the first positive post about the product. The next thing you know I am being attacked for how I felt about something. The OP was asking for opinions...
For the most part, I really enjoy MFP and all the support most give; the last place I expected to be attacked for expressing my feelings.

I'm not sure I will post my opinion again due to this it was brutal. I have always been told I am a very kind person and I guess I do not understand why I was being attacked. Anyone have the same experience?


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    I can only safely say...its not about you.
  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    I hate MLM scams with a passion, especially the ItWorks people. Anyone that is involved with them get removed from my Facebook immediately.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    MLM? For the most part, it's overpriced garbage, or at least overpriced, regardless of anyone's feelings, and in the case of supplements such as Herbalife has been linked to liver failure and death. Evidence based information may be hard to swallow, but it is what it is.
  • melloneill16
    melloneill16 Posts: 38 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Most of the attack was about the product. You're a distributor and you do stand to make a financial gain from people thinking the product is fantastic. It's great that you like it, but it's also a sub par product (low quality protein and vitamins) that is absolutely unnecessary. People are going to point out that you have a vested interest in the reputation of the product.

    MLM products do not receive a warm welcome on this site. We don't like to see people desperate to lose weight preyed upon by people making money. Supplements are expensive and absolutely unnecessary for weight loss. This environment is full of people who are looking for a miracle. Many members are quick to jump on others who they feel may only have their personal financial interests in mind.

    No financial gain here or on any of my posts, a lot of people do not have the recipe to get or stay motivated. I like what I use, helps me and I am so happy for anyone who gets healthy and does what works for them!
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    When I first joined MFP, I was absolutely shocked at the way posters were attacked for saying they liked certain products, ideas, etc,

    After a while, though, I realized most people were criticizing the idea. Even if they said things like "easy way out" or "take responsibility", it was often about their past experiences with the product, or those of others we've seen fail using them on MFP.

    Yes, there will always be jerks, here like everywhere, but don't let them colour your perception of the other comments, which can seem aggressive or condescending, but aren't once you take them at their word and don't assume they are referring to the OP or to you.

    I'm not sure which thread you are referring to, but I'm assuming it's a typical one here. They seem harsh at first (and I do think we could tone it down; so many already suffering people leave with their feelings hurt and more discouraged than ever) , but they are coming from a place of experience and concern.

    Thank you, I do appreciate your comments. I am finding more and more, even though most people on here do not feel that I was attacked, that is how I felt. I think a lot of people hide behind their computers and phones and would not be so harsh in person. I think we all have a battle within ourselves and not everyone has it figured out or has the will power to eat good and healthy everyday. I understand the MLM $$ side, which I do not like either, which is why buy some products, but it is not my income business. I would rather take a few things that I feel help me stay on track because I suck at will power, than to eat a packaged Lean Cuisine, or a juicy cheeseburger or a diet soda.
    I just wish the support, motivation and guidance could more positive and so much less judgy and condescending.

    It's all a matter of perspective though. For example, I would find it easy to read the bold part as "judgy and condescending", if I was that way inclined. It seemed to me that the other thread was attacking the product, and your role as a distributor, not you personally. Maybe you're not used to being around people that express opposing views but that's not what MFP is about and you might find it beneficial to read what is written objectively rather than personalising it.

    Or better yet, when reading replies back to yourself use a mickey mouse voice. This is fun to do!

    I am so going to try that!
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