The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 2 (DITR)



  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    QOTD: Wednesday, June 29th

    Do you ladies have any favorite workouts? A favorite routine, a favorite strength exercise, a favorite trail to walk? Is it based on how many calories you burn, how much fun it is, or how relaxing it is? Tell us about it!

    Lately my favorite workout has been running. For a long time it was Jillian Michaels 30DS because she helped whip me into a semblance of physical shape. Now that I consider myself moderately fit I enjoy zoning out with a good run in the morning. I am especially lucky to have moved a block away from a wonderful trail along the river. I live in Philly, so trails along the river aren't exactly in abundance! I enjoy the scenic view and starting my day feeling so empowered.

    I run each morning with the best workout partner ever... my yorkie :-) Meet Choo Choo!


    Cho cute
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD: Wednesday, June 29th

    Do you ladies have any favorite workouts? A favorite routine, a favorite strength exercise, a favorite trail to walk? Is it based on how many calories you burn, how much fun it is, or how relaxing it is? Tell us about it!

    Lately my favorite workout has been running. For a long time it was Jillian Michaels 30DS because she helped whip me into a semblance of physical shape. Now that I consider myself moderately fit I enjoy zoning out with a good run in the morning. I am especially lucky to have moved a block away from a wonderful trail along the river. I live in Philly, so trails along the river aren't exactly in abundance! I enjoy the scenic view and starting my day feeling so empowered.

    I run each morning with the best workout partner ever... my yorkie :-) Meet Choo Choo!


    OMG...he is so cute. I love Yorkies:)
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Which PB is your fav and what is your favorite way to eat it?

    I pretty much like any creamy peanut butter (Jif, Peter Pan, etc). Just don't like the texture of crunchy. Favorite way to eat it has to be either on crackers by itself or in oatmeal with just a dab of honey, 1T PB and a banana.

    I love creamy peanut butter. I tried to do the Nutella, the Almond butter, the cashew butter but I always come back to my good ole creamy peanut butter. I love it on toast with bananas and honey. I also like it in my chocolate protein shakes. And to prove that I'm really a recovering big girl, I use to just scoop it out the jar right on to a big almond Hershey bar. Yummo!!!!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Do we have a question for Thursday (June 30th) yet?
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    OK, in my busy-ness and partying I fell WAY behind on the questions!! I have kept up with emailing my partner, just fell behind here! So here are all of my answers!

    I think there were two questions? I loved reading everyone's jokes, but I don't know too many myself and the ones I do know are not very appropriate, so I will stick with answering the second question!
    1) Axel F - Crazy Frog
    2) Swing - Soulja Boy
    3) Crazy ***** - Buck Cherry
    4) London Bridge - Fergie
    5) Fergalicious - Fergie

    These were just the last 5 songs that came up on my list while running. I have about 50 different songs put into the C25K program on my iPod, so i listen to a lot of different songs, and sometimes not always fast paced songs, but kind of inspriring songs to keep me going.

    If I could go to any store and wear anything at all no matter the cost, I have to admit the naughty, dirrty girl would come out and I would by a slutty little outfit to wear while with a partner!! LOL

    My favorite workout I have to say is doing the C25K program! I used to hate running, and the only time I ran was when I was being chased by a bee/wasp/etc. Now I love love love to get outside and jog around my small town. Before I started this program I loved to do kickboxing and sometimes will throw in a good kickboxing workout as well!

    I didn't see a question for today? Unless I'm totally blind and completely missed it, so I'll check back later!
  • journey2size10
    No question for the day it looks like?
    I have a question, I just sent a similar message to my partner and would like everyones opinion on it.
    Net calories....does everyone eat back their exercise calories or not? I looked through the forum and this question has been asked over and over with various answers, I would like to know from people who have been exercising and eating healthy and lost over 30 lbs to help me out on this!! please

    My goal is set to 1200 calories per day, sometimes when I exercise I burn up almost 1000 calories, but by the end of the day my intake is around 1200-1600 of food...I'm wondering if I should eat back all of my exercise calories or some or none? My reason for asking is that the people on biggest loser eat around 1200 calories and burn up a buttload of calories and I don't think they eat them back and they lose hella weight! I've lost a little over 40 lbs and I seem to ALWAYS slow down and get stuck right around 195-200 lbs, it sucks cuz I have started measuring my food and I work out like crazy, no b.s. guys, I work out anywhere from 45-90 mins at least 5 days a week! the weight just slowly trickles and then stops and then I get frustrated and eat whatever for a week or two, get disgusted with myself and start over losing those 5-10 lbs I've gained back...vicious cycle.
    I'm not on the verge of going off plan anytime soon, I'm highly motivated now, just want to maximize my loss over the summer before I return back to school (teacher)...thanks for listening guys and hope to hear some good feedback!

    ALSO - my diary is open for viewing (if you have the time), any thoughts or suggestions appreciated. Plus my workouts consist of full body strength training plus steady state cardio 2-3 times week, along with interval cardio 2-3 times week. Sometimes I also play around on the WII or do some walking but I don't log that. I switch up workouts by increasing weight or increasing levels on cardio machines, my goal is to always beat mileage or calories burn on each session.
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    My trainer says never eat your excersize calories if you want to lose weight. Give your body the calories it needs then burn the rest.
  • TwinMom12409
    I do sometimes eat back my exercise calories but rarely do I eat them all. I want to lose weight and I feel like eating those calories I have burned is like taking steps backward. =)
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Re: Eating back exercise calories

    I was just at a similar plateau when this round of DITR began. After a few weeks of hovering I broke through last week. It was tough for me; just hang there, keep doing your thing, and the scale will eventually catch-up. I did not eat back my exercise calories in the beginning but do now. When I first began this new lifestyle in January I was exercising a lot to jump start the weight loss, and the calorie burns listed in the MFP database seemed very high. I was afraid that if I ate back my calories I would not lose because I would be eating more calories than I burned. I read a couple posts from other members finding them to vary both ways, and they suggested getting a HRM. I did some research and decided to invest in a Polar F4 (about $90 heart rate monitor which gives calorie burn data). Sure enough the burn rate is a lot different for me. I checked the difference the first few nights and MFP was estimating 50% more calories burned than my HRM. Now that I feel more comfortable with the number accuracy I eat most, if not all, of my calories back. Of course my daily calorie goal is lower than it was in the beginning so I am normally hungry for those calories.

    I haven’t watched the Biggest Loser in a few seasons, but I remember them exercising like crazy like you said. But those contestants went through intensive medical testing before beginning the show and were monitored daily by doctors and physical therapists. I wouldn’t take the show as a model for healthy weight loss, but more of inspiration and awe striking. Speaking of inspirational weight loss I saw a little of a show that followed a guy for one year- checking in every couple months. I didn’t see much of it, but I would like to catch it again. Does anyone know the name with my vague description?
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    No question for the day it looks like?
    I have a question, I just sent a similar message to my partner and would like everyones opinion on it.
    Net calories....does everyone eat back their exercise calories or not? I looked through the forum and this question has been asked over and over with various answers, I would like to know from people who have been exercising and eating healthy and lost over 30 lbs to help me out on this!! please

    My goal is set to 1200 calories per day, sometimes when I exercise I burn up almost 1000 calories, but by the end of the day my intake is around 1200-1600 of food...I'm wondering if I should eat back all of my exercise calories or some or none? My reason for asking is that the people on biggest loser eat around 1200 calories and burn up a buttload of calories and I don't think they eat them back and they lose hella weight! I've lost a little over 40 lbs and I seem to ALWAYS slow down and get stuck right around 195-200 lbs, it sucks cuz I have started measuring my food and I work out like crazy, no b.s. guys, I work out anywhere from 45-90 mins at least 5 days a week! the weight just slowly trickles and then stops and then I get frustrated and eat whatever for a week or two, get disgusted with myself and start over losing those 5-10 lbs I've gained back...vicious cycle.
    I'm not on the verge of going off plan anytime soon, I'm highly motivated now, just want to maximize my loss over the summer before I return back to school (teacher)...thanks for listening guys and hope to hear some good feedback!

    ALSO - my diary is open for viewing (if you have the time), any thoughts or suggestions appreciated. Plus my workouts consist of full body strength training plus steady state cardio 2-3 times week, along with interval cardio 2-3 times week. Sometimes I also play around on the WII or do some walking but I don't log that. I switch up workouts by increasing weight or increasing levels on cardio machines, my goal is to always beat mileage or calories burn on each session.

    Miss Trina, I am here with you and I used to exercise 5 days a week and burnt about 1000 calories each session. While doing that, I found myself stuck at the same weight. However, when I started doing strength training and cardio 30 min a day (30 day shred), the weight starting falling off finally. I started eating almost all my calories back if not all of them. I feel that everyone is different but I have been at a plateau all year after losing 20 pounds over a year ago. I tried not eating the calories back and exercising more which caused a larger deficit but also put my body in starvation mode. Good luck Trina... Take a rest day and then limit your cardio to about 30 minutes per session and do strength training for the rest.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I've been averaging a little over a pound loss per week, and sometimes I eat all my exercise calories, sometimes just some of them. And once every couple of weeks I go over my net goal by about 500 calories. It sounds counterproductive, but those are the weeks I have a bigger loss. I think of it as confusing my body. The "high" day is usually my workout rest day, so I'm actually eating about the same # of cals, just not burning them off.

    I've read numerous posts about how people were plateaued, then started eating more calories and the pounds just started coming off. I think if what you're doing is working, then keep doing it. If it's not working, try something else!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I've been averaging a little over a pound loss per week, and sometimes I eat all my exercise calories, sometimes just some of them. And once every couple of weeks I go over my net goal by about 500 calories. It sounds counterproductive, but those are the weeks I have a bigger loss. I think of it as confusing my body. The "high" day is usually my workout rest day, so I'm actually eating about the same # of cals, just not burning them off.

    I've read numerous posts about how people were plateaued, then started eating more calories and the pounds just started coming off. I think if what you're doing is working, then keep doing it. If it's not working, try something else!

    I second what Kristin said. I think it matters also how you set your activity level. Mine is for inactive, so any activity I do is just a bonus that I can eat and still lose at the expected rate. I do that deliberately, feels like I get a gift. On the other hand, if you're set for moderately active you shouldn't count the moderate activity you lose towards food points. Did that make any sense? LOL. Don't mind me, my allergies have given me a crazy headache that makes it hard to think straight.
  • journey2size10
    Thanks guys for helping me out!

    @Hungry Mom, the show is called Extreme Makeover and I love it better than the biggest loser. I am investing in a HRM also whenever I finally reach my next goal of 195#, lol. I used to use a bodymedia and the calorie burn was similar to what the machines said, so for now I'm using that.

    my partner suggested I do one week of eating them back and see what happens and I'm gonna try that after my pigfest on monday :)
    I'm also gonna take the suggestion and focus on strength training with 30 mins of cardio and stop doing so much each day when I go to the gym...its gonna be hard, cuz my mind says the more you burn, the more weight you will lose, but that definately is not working for me for some reason.

    I also have my activity set to sedentary as I just tucker around the house most of the day being off for the summer. we shall see what happens when I do the experiment next week. yeaaa more calories and less working out, hope it works!
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    I've been averaging a little over a pound loss per week, and sometimes I eat all my exercise calories, sometimes just some of them. And once every couple of weeks I go over my net goal by about 500 calories. It sounds counterproductive, but those are the weeks I have a bigger loss. I think of it as confusing my body. The "high" day is usually my workout rest day, so I'm actually eating about the same # of cals, just not burning them off.

    I've read numerous posts about how people were plateaued, then started eating more calories and the pounds just started coming off. I think if what you're doing is working, then keep doing it. If it's not working, try something else!

    I second what Kristin said. I think it matters also how you set your activity level. Mine is for inactive, so any activity I do is just a bonus that I can eat and still lose at the expected rate. I do that deliberately, feels like I get a gift. On the other hand, if you're set for moderately active you shouldn't count the moderate activity you lose towards food points. Did that make any sense? LOL. Don't mind me, my allergies have given me a crazy headache that makes it hard to think straight.

    didn't quite understand about the setting inactive or moderate can you explain again please:bigsmile:
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    can anyone suggest the best HRM for a reasonable price?
  • journey2size10
    can anyone suggest the best HRM for a reasonable price?

    It depends on what you want a HRM for...for calorie burn polar is one of the best products I've seen...the polar ft4 will run you about a hundred bucks, try looking on ebay, you may be able to snag it cheaper.

    as far as inactive vs moderate... she was talking about your goals...from your home page, click on goals and your fitness goals..the page where you enter in your weight and your goal weight, it asks about your activity level.hope this helps.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    No question for the day it looks like?
    I have a question, I just sent a similar message to my partner and would like everyones opinion on it.
    Net calories....does everyone eat back their exercise calories or not? I looked through the forum and this question has been asked over and over with various answers, I would like to know from people who have been exercising and eating healthy and lost over 30 lbs to help me out on this!! please

    My goal is set to 1200 calories per day, sometimes when I exercise I burn up almost 1000 calories, but by the end of the day my intake is around 1200-1600 of food...I'm wondering if I should eat back all of my exercise calories or some or none? My reason for asking is that the people on biggest loser eat around 1200 calories and burn up a buttload of calories and I don't think they eat them back and they lose hella weight! I've lost a little over 40 lbs and I seem to ALWAYS slow down and get stuck right around 195-200 lbs, it sucks cuz I have started measuring my food and I work out like crazy, no b.s. guys, I work out anywhere from 45-90 mins at least 5 days a week! the weight just slowly trickles and then stops and then I get frustrated and eat whatever for a week or two, get disgusted with myself and start over losing those 5-10 lbs I've gained back...vicious cycle.
    I'm not on the verge of going off plan anytime soon, I'm highly motivated now, just want to maximize my loss over the summer before I return back to school (teacher)...thanks for listening guys and hope to hear some good feedback!

    ALSO - my diary is open for viewing (if you have the time), any thoughts or suggestions appreciated. Plus my workouts consist of full body strength training plus steady state cardio 2-3 times week, along with interval cardio 2-3 times week. Sometimes I also play around on the WII or do some walking but I don't log that. I switch up workouts by increasing weight or increasing levels on cardio machines, my goal is to always beat mileage or calories burn on each session.

    For me, I don't eat back my calories, just because i already feel like i am eating alot. I think everyone is different and they would react differently what i am doing works for me (walking 4 miles a day)
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Sorry everyone, it seems I had two dates for QOTD - I just posted one on Sunday and didn't notice with the new recruits that I had today as well.

    So if anyone is still up out there in cyber-world:

    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    I take:
    Vitamin C - for skin and antioxidant properties,
    Ca - can't seem to get sufficient by diet alone,
    Flax oil - omega 3's
    Chromium picolinate - to help maintain healthy blood glucose levels

  • sazvampire
    sazvampire Posts: 53
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    I take evening primrose oil to help with PMS and I can get very moody and then I want a lot of chocolate
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    HAPPY FRIDAY Diamonds :drinker:


    What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Mine has to be COLESLAW, and unfortunately for me the low fat ones just won't do either. I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with coleslaw and could eat it with breakfast, lunch and dinner. At times my other half will ask what I want for dinner and my answer will be 'something that I can have coleslaw with' :laugh: It's so high in calories and fat but it's just oh so good!!

    Lisa :flowerforyou: