how to find a girl friend when you a fat mess like me :(



  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Find things you like to do and go do them. Learn a language, Play a game, take a walk, travel, draw a picture, write a song, listen to music, read 50 books. All of these things will take your mind off yourself and give you a broader outlook. You will become interesting both to yourself and then to others. And in the meantime you won't have time to wallow. GO. DO. Now.
    MRbigGUYXXL Posts: 119 Member
    ok guys the people who gave honest advise thank you but ever one else just please leave me alone . i did not start this for attention , i just wanted some advise thank you
  • HoldTheDoor13
    HoldTheDoor13 Posts: 172 Member
    Tsartele wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    LiaMatilda wrote: »
    It doesn't matter what you look like if you're a genuinely good guy; a girl will still fall for you☺️ I don't think you've met the right ones because looks really aren't that important (to the good girls I guess haha)
    Will you date him?

    No, because I am already in a relationship. I didn't think people would get so caught up in what I said

    I read your post and I think you are a sweet person for trying to encourage this guy but more times than not nice guys finish last. I have see it so many times that it has become a cliché. Most women say they want a nice guy who will treat them good but what they end up dating is a guy on a motorcycle with tattoos, and a criminal record,who drinks heavy and teats them like crap.

    Rubbish, this is such a baseless stereotype that helps nobody. "Most girls" are just regular old functional human beings with a wide variety of preferences. Just because a girl doesn't like a "nice" guy, doesn't mean she doesn't like all nice guys- it means that particular guy does not meet her personal preferences in a partner. The majority of women are by no means attracted to alcoholic criminals who treat them like crap, because believe it or not we aren't stupid, we are regular people who would, in general, rather be treated decently.

    It seems to me that OPs problem is that he appears to be depressed, and dealing with some personal emotional issues that need to be addressed. He could look like Brad Pitt- it doesn't matter in this case because most people don't want to begin a relationship who is carrying around a whole bunch of unaddressed issues. As sad as it is people like this are extremely difficult to have a partnership with.

    OP- please talk to a therapist. Getting a girlfriend is not going to magically fix your problems right now. Adress your issues first, stay focused on your weight loss and physical health and learn to like yourself- because if you don't, how can anybody else?
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    For reals though, no need to be an *kitten* every time you see this one post. Maybe y'all need to mud wrestle and squash this internet beef you seem to have.

    His comment was genuine and in this thread especially, empathy is needed. People struggle with crap on the daily, things no one else knows about.
    Let's try and not be total cuntbags.
    Very colourful language. But let's be honest that nowhere did the OP say he is considering suicide, it is a big pity party dirge. Nowhere did he mention he wants to lose weight for health reasons. His only worry of beijg big is not being able to locate a girlfriend. As though that is the number 1 priority in life when your entire psyche is severely shrouded in self-pity.

    And then this guy projects suicide on him. Why? Totally unnecessary and it sounds like he is planting a thought. It is irresponsible.

    I'm gonna text him bromantically :smile:

    Please post screen shots of this conversation.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Just because you are heavy doesn't mean you are ugly or a mess.
    Clean yourself up and learn to value you yourself because you are a wonderful person.
    Stop allowing others to dictate your self worth.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    First- Find a fake pic of a really fit dude.
    Second- Find some quality D-pics from online that could possibly be taken for said fit dude.
    Third- Chat up women on MFP and share them d-pics.....or get onto a real online dating site and post pictures of fit dude(minus the d pics), say your rich and great guy. Say your religious, religious people by definition are gullible and believe anything.
    Fourth- Set up a date to meet them in person after you swapped some messages and nudes.
    Fifth- Get some chloroform and hope stockholm syndrome kicks in over time.....
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    I would pray if I were you