30 day shred starts tomorrow - anyone wanna join me?



  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    Hi everyone may I join in? I am on day 2 -

    Here are my stats -

    weight -> 130
    waist around belly button-> 35
    hips-> 40
    Right thigh-> 23
    left thigh-> 23.5

    I also have before pictures but will post them at the 30 day mark. I am thigh sore, back sore, arms are VERY sore - but oddly my abs are fine and that is the area I want toned the most!
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone may I join in? I am on day 2 -
    I also have before pictures but will post them at the 30 day mark. I am thigh sore, back sore, arms are VERY sore - but oddly my abs are fine and that is the area I want toned the most!

    Of course you can join in! The more people to support us all the better!
    I am actually looking forward to doing day 5 tonight and might even add a Zumba workout at the end. Must be mad! LOL :bigsmile:
  • cdenham001
    cdenham001 Posts: 83
    Hello everyone. I just finished level 1 Day 5. I really think this is working, I can feel all my muscles getting stronger. And even though it hurts I know that when I'm done I will be sooooo happy.

    Hope u don't mind me just coming in and posting!! :blushing:

    Hope everyone has a great day and keep pushing through it! :bigsmile:
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    getting ready to do day 3 ! Wish me luck lol I am SORE!
  • garrettnicole92
    Just finished Day 5. I'm bored! This program is SO repetitive.
    I think I'm going to have to go buy heavier weights, because the squat-presses and static lunge/bicep curls and chest flies are just feeling too easy. I guess that means its working though!?

    I never did post my starting measurements, so I guess I'll do that now:

    Waist: 31"
    Hips: 36"
    Arms: 11"
    Thighs: 21"

    I don't have a proper tape measure, but I think that'll do for now (:
  • Red_Minx
    Red_Minx Posts: 26 Member
    I have to say, seeing your alls measurements is a little nauseating lmao I'm a bit larger but hopefully that just means I will have some seriously awesome results! At this point I would say there is no way I could do some of the things that are in Level 2 and 3 but I figure as long as I keep pushing myself and doing the best I can then I will see results :) I also have some friends to do it with including my 12 year old daughter and even she was breathing hard and sore and she only weighs 120 lol So that goes to show how intensive this work out is! I told her since she isn't even over weight she will be ripped at the end of 30 days lmao
  • jemclean
    jemclean Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in! I just bought it last week, and I really like it so far. I only have 2 lb weights at home though, and they are too light for some of the exercises, so I'll have to buy some 5s and 10s, I think. I went to the gym and did the strength training exercises with some heavier dumbbells and it felt really good.

  • jemclean
    jemclean Posts: 10 Member
    Hey lotus,

    It's a 30-day workout DVD by Jillian Michaels, one of the trainers from The Biggest Loser. It has three levels, and you do each one for 10 days. It's great because it's really short (only 20 minutes long) and you do interval training (switch exercises every 1-3 minutes). I got mine at Target. You need a yoga mat (if you don't have carpet in front of your TV) and a set of dumbbells.
  • jemclean
    jemclean Posts: 10 Member
    Just finished Day 5. I'm bored! This program is SO repetitive.
    I think I'm going to have to go buy heavier weights, because the squat-presses and static lunge/bicep curls and chest flies are just feeling too easy. I guess that means its working though!?

    Hey Nicole,

    I was starting to get bored too, so I modified the exercises. If I know what she's going to say I start the next exercise before she does, and I modified some of the moves to make them more challenging (like the ab moves). I'll also be buying heavier weights because the rows and the chest flies are too easy.
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Wow its great to read that some of you are already fit enough to be bored & finding level 1 too easy. I'm nowhere near that stage but its getting easier as each day goes by.

    I also tagged on 20mins on my Elliptical trainer after completing Day 5 level 1. Yay me! :happy:

    How did you guys get on today?
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 done also ran and did my own routine
  • SuzyQ373
    SuzyQ373 Posts: 16 Member
    Day 4 for me, and this is the first day it seems to be getting easier. I'm also not too sore the next day anymore.
  • garrettnicole92
    I'm fixing to do Level 1 Day 6, but I'm having a really hard time getting motivated to get up off my butt. Oh well, you have to do what you have to do!
  • garrettnicole92
    Just finished Day 5. I'm bored! This program is SO repetitive.
    I think I'm going to have to go buy heavier weights, because the squat-presses and static lunge/bicep curls and chest flies are just feeling too easy. I guess that means its working though!?

    Hey Nicole,

    I was starting to get bored too, so I modified the exercises. If I know what she's going to say I start the next exercise before she does, and I modified some of the moves to make them more challenging (like the ab moves). I'll also be buying heavier weights because the rows and the chest flies are too easy.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one! I'm definitely going to try some modifications today.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    L1D7 done...
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Day 6 level 1 in the bag last night. Bring on day 7 level 1 tonight.
    Hope I start to see some changes soon as only lost 0.5lbs over the last week & no inches. It's hard to stay highly motivated or positive. I AM gonna stick at it though cos don't want to throw in the towel too easily!:huh:

    How is everyone else doing?
  • garrettnicole92
    Level 1 Day 7 done, and I was about THIS close to "phoning it in." I don't know if its just me, but the repetitiveness is really starting to get to me! I tried switching it up, but bleh. I feel pretty good about myself though, because I pushed it out anyway. (:
  • LindaSusieQ
    I'm up for it, but where did you get the DVD? I have (Beach Body) Insanity will that work? I have lost 15 pounds in the last 3 months, but I want to lose 40 more by the end of the year...OUCH. I need all the moral support I can get. LindaSusieQ
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Day 7, level 1 in the bag. I definitely don't ache the next day so I'm hopefully doing it right & it's just my muscles getting used to it!
    It feels great that I've done 7 days straight of a fitness DVD as I've never had the time to do an hour or more everynight. But as this is only 20mins I am finding the time without issue! Yay!
    How are you guys doing?
  • SuzyQ373
    SuzyQ373 Posts: 16 Member
    Day 6 of level 1 for me. I ate way too much to day at a fourth of July party and really didn't feel like exercising, but figure I did enough damage as it was. It's much easier now than it was. It doens't hurt anymore, even when I forgot to crate the dog first and he ended up sitting on my chest for ab exercises. I guess that's jsut extra resisitence and intensity. :laugh: