Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member

    Great job with staying in your limits while being away from the house!! It is really hard to stay with your calorie limit and eat out!!

    I'm not sure I've ever managed it.

    It helps because my installer is a fit guy, and it's so embarrassing to be this fat chick trailing after him in the store all day long. The first 3 days, we ate together, and whenever I was tempted to stray off the path, I felt shamed into ordering differently. Not by him, mind you, he is very kind. He changed his life after some very bad food allergies developed, and dropped 50 pounds. He can't have anything with yeast, or too much sugar. Yeast gives him debilitating migraines, and sugar makes him narcoleptic.

    Today, even though we were going to be eating separately, I picked up a salad from a deli and ate in my car. It was all nasty underneath the top layers of lettuce, so I tossed it and had a protein granola bar and went back for some strawberry cheesecake fluff stuff, but only a few bites worth! I walked enough to earn some indulgent sweet stuff.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Well I've been gone a long time, upper respiratory problems for both me and my disabled husband. Gained 11 lbs back from my lowest, hit 200 again and pretty pissed about it. Have been stress eating because DH drives me crazy and is super clingy right now, can't blame him but still it's stressful for me and hard to stop snacking all day. Will check back in when I can. Welcome everybody new.
    Tracy (Central TX/Bastrop)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @moodybear-- I know what you mean. One of my English teacher colleagues is super fit. She does ironmans and crossfit competitions, and though she would never be judgmental, it always helps me stay in control when she's in the office. :)

    @nouriapolis-- I am torn between The Plague by Albert Camus and The Good Girl by Mary Kubica. The Camus book has been sitting on my shelf for years-- it is on my AP Lit independent reading list, so it would be more work related. The Kubica book is a commercial work and would be purely for pleasure. She attended our Writers Day at the HS this past winter, so I purchased a signed copy. I will read both this summer-- just not sure which one to read first.

    AFM-- I got nothing new completed on my list today, but I managed a run outside, some school work at starbucks, and shopping. I needed to buy some gifts for events (housewarming, graduation, father's day, and birthday--all coming up this weekend). I also needed a couple of ingredients so my DH can make potato salad for the housewarming on Saturday.

    A also contacted someone about the shed, but he only does tear downs and replacements. DH and I need to decide if we are going to bite the bullet and completely replace it. Right now I'm going to work on item #3. :)

    General Goals:
    1. Clean fishtank DONE
    2. Deep clean bathroom DONE
    3. Finish swapping out/organizing summer and winter clothes
    4. Finish going through clothes and adding to donation bag
    5. Take donations to GW
    6. Do something about weeds
    7. Get car detailed
    8. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    9. Clean files of 2015 paperwork
    10. File 2016 paperwork
    11. Take winter coat to cleaners
    12. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 4/10
    Run at least 8/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    174 k done/ 826 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (mowed lawn instead)
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner

  • virginislander2
    virginislander2 Posts: 28 Member
    My Thursday truth.....sometimes I go to the gym and sit in the parking lot reading these posts. I waste so much time that i rnd up going back home and have my husband believe I worked out. I never lie, I simply said "I went to the gym". Which I did. As of this week I started actually going in and reading the posts on the treadmill after a new friend suggested I do so.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    My truth today is that this month I have spent an utterly ridiculous amount of money on fitness-related crap this month. $65 for gym membership, $70 for sessions with a personal trainer, $60 on kayak rental, $140 on running shoes, $150 on sports bras and gym shorts, $20 in pool admission, and probably another $50 on miscellaneous accessories.
    Fortunately, I pay for this stuff on my own credit card, because if my less-than-100%-supportive partner knew how much I'd spent, he'd go absolutely apey.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    badnoodle wrote: »
    My truth today is that this month I have spent an utterly ridiculous amount of money on fitness-related crap this month. $65 for gym membership, $70 for sessions with a personal trainer, $60 on kayak rental, $140 on running shoes, $150 on sports bras and gym shorts, $20 in pool admission, and probably another $50 on miscellaneous accessories.
    Fortunately, I pay for this stuff on my own credit card, because if my less-than-100%-supportive partner knew how much I'd spent, he'd go absolutely apey.

    Dang. Well, I suppose as long as it gets used and helps you reach goals...
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Well, like @wadwrich revealed, I also do not exercise. Used to love it when I was a young woman but find all sorts of reasons not to now. Of course, even during the years I did exercise, I never really lost an significant amount of weight but I had strong muscles and a lower body fat percentage, even at the weight I am today. I was also smaller in measurements becaue muscle weighs less and takes up less space than fat does. So folks ... that is the reason to exercise and to keep on exercising ... you want to keep your muscle mass! As far as weight loss goes, that really is the infamous calories in=calories out formula.

    Went to see my doctor yesterday and he told me to joing the gym and get more exercise ... so that I can build up the muscles that support my back, knees, and shoulders. Otherwise, I'm stable and don't need to see him again for 4 months.
  • vxCricketxv
    vxCricketxv Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello, new poster here. I've been following the thread for a little bit and love the support here. I'm a bit shy about posting and I'm trying to conquer that. I've been on MFP since February and have lost 60 lbs so far. I'm feeling so much better everyday, but I still have a ways to go. I've signed up for my first Marathon in November with a team from work and need to up my exercise and conditioning. I have time restrictions everyday that are driving me crazy, as I don't make enough time for myself. I'm sure I'm not alone in that!

    I found this quote today and thought I'd share:

    "Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course? Each of us has such a bank, its name is time. Every morning, it credits you 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off at a lost, whatever of this you failed to invest to a good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against 'tomorrow.' You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and health. The clock is running. Make the most of today." (author unknown)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    For everyone who's new, old, restarted, going strong, needing a jolt ... Just finished watching this 2009 British video (it did take a while to watch) that I want to share with you ... this provides informatin on the research done on
    10 things you need to know about losing weight.

    I made notes, so until you can watch the video and the the information first hand, here is my take-away ...
    The documentary is Britsh and talks about the latests scientic breakthroughs in slimming, the come-on talked about 'Soup could be the key to easier weight loss, how to burn off fat while alsleep, what foods make you feel fuller longer"

    1 - Do not skip meals
    2 - Eat from small utensils
    3 - Count your calories
    4 - Don't blame your metabolism
    5 - 10% more protein keeps you fuller longer
    6 - Soups keep you feeling fuller longer
    7 - The more choices, the more you eat
    8 - Eat dairy products
    9 - Exercise

    don't know why I don't have a #10 ... I must have missed something ... The thing I liked about the video is it told you why the suggestions worked and more detail about them in an enertaining, informative way. You 'll need to tune to for the 'meat' cause it would take too long to type it out. It's worth looking at.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    For everyone who's new, old, restarted, going strong, needing a jolt ... Just finished watching this 2009 British video (it did take a while to watch) that I want to share with you ... this provides informatin on the research done on
    10 things you need to know about losing weight.

    I made notes, so until you can watch the video and the the information first hand, here is my take-away ...
    The documentary is Britsh and talks about the latests scientic breakthroughs in slimming, the come-on talked about 'Soup could be the key to easier weight loss, how to burn off fat while alsleep, what foods make you feel fuller longer"

    1 - Do not skip meals
    2 - Eat from small utensils
    3 - Count your calories
    4 - Don't blame your metabolism
    5 - 10% more protein keeps you fuller longer
    6 - Soups keep you feeling fuller longer
    7 - The more choices, the more you eat
    8 - Eat dairy products
    9 - Exercise

    don't know why I don't have a #10 ... I must have missed something ... The thing I liked about the video is it told you why the suggestions worked and more detail about them in an enertaining, informative way. You 'll need to tune to for the 'meat' cause it would take too long to type it out. It's worth looking at.

    #7 is my problem. That's why I have severely restricted what I allow myself to eat. Until I make some serious progress, that's just how it has to be for me.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Today, one of my Chinese sons asked me about sumo wrestlers and I said they went out of their way to be as fat as possible. He said, "Like you?" Gee, thanks kid. :/
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I have 130 lbs to lose (or half my body weight) and I'm so happy to have found this thread/community - I hope we can all motivate one another to stay on track for our goals!

    I have never been a big fan of exercise because I have been heavy most of my life, and it usually lead to uncomfortable and embarrassing times. I would become hot and sweaty very quickly during gym class, which embarrassed me, etc. As an adult, for years I haven't been getting any regular exercise. In the past couple weeks I've tried to slowly incorporate a little bit of light exercise and going very slow, since I'm quite heavy and out of shape. I bought a used exercise bike and I try to use it a few times per week, and this week I went walking outside for two days as well. Hopefully in time I can work toward one hour of light cardio, five days per week... that's my first goal!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I have 130 lbs to lose (or half my body weight) and I'm so happy to have found this thread/community - I hope we can all motivate one another to stay on track for our goals!

    I have never been a big fan of exercise because I have been heavy most of my life, and it usually lead to uncomfortable and embarrassing times. I would become hot and sweaty very quickly during gym class, which embarrassed me, etc. As an adult, for years I haven't been getting any regular exercise. In the past couple weeks I've tried to slowly incorporate a little bit of light exercise and going very slow, since I'm quite heavy and out of shape. I bought a used exercise bike and I try to use it a few times per week, and this week I went walking outside for two days as well. Hopefully in time I can work toward one hour of light cardio, five days per week... that's my first goal!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

    Based on the video I watched that I posted a link to a couple of posts above this one ... You can start getting more active with very simple little things ... and I bet you have heard some of them ...
    1 .. park farther away than you normally do in the parking lot so you have to walk a bit farther.
    2. squirm around, move you body, feet, etc when you are sitting down instead of sitting quietly while on the phone, computer, TV, desk, etc.
    3. take the stairs instead of the elevator
    4. If you have a desk job, try standing for a couple of minutes while you work instead of sitting the entire time,
    5. clean house .. like stuff that makes you stretch, bend, twist, push and pull.

    There were more but these are the only ones I recall off the top of my head. But, I do remember back when I was slender that one of my favorite ways to vacuum the carpet was to dance to the radio while I did it. The Cha-Cha worked really well for getting those carpets really clean!

    Anyway, welcome and just start small and then work you way up slowly. That goal of one hour 5 days a week is a good goal to strive toward, but do start with even just 10-15 minutes and work your way up.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Today, one of my Chinese sons asked me about sumo wrestlers and I said they went out of their way to be as fat as possible. He said, "Like you?" Gee, thanks kid. :/

    That reminds me of my son telling me he was comforted to know that if we had a famine I would live longer than his friend's mom who was skinnier than me.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    wadwrich wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    For everyone who's new, old, restarted, going strong, needing a jolt ... Just finished watching this 2009 British video (it did take a while to watch) that I want to share with you ... this provides informatin on the research done on
    10 things you need to know about losing weight.

    I made notes, so until you can watch the video and the the information first hand, here is my take-away ...
    The documentary is Britsh and talks about the latests scientic breakthroughs in slimming, the come-on talked about 'Soup could be the key to easier weight loss, how to burn off fat while alsleep, what foods make you feel fuller longer"

    1 - Do not skip meals
    2 - Eat from small utensils
    3 - Count your calories
    4 - Don't blame your metabolism
    5 - 10% more protein keeps you fuller longer
    6 - Soups keep you feeling fuller longer
    7 - The more choices, the more you eat
    8 - Eat dairy products
    9 - Exercise

    don't know why I don't have a #10 ... I must have missed something ... The thing I liked about the video is it told you why the suggestions worked and more detail about them in an enertaining, informative way. You 'll need to tune to for the 'meat' cause it would take too long to type it out. It's worth looking at.

    #7 is my problem. That's why I have severely restricted what I allow myself to eat. Until I make some serious progress, that's just how it has to be for me.

    I know how you feel ... actually, one suggestion for that topic was to limit your available choices by eating basically from a narrower menu that still included lean meats, dairy, fruits and vegetables. Also stay away from buffets!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- thanks for the link and information you shared above. #5 is what I struggle with. I love protein, but still don't manage to eat enough most days. I also love the tips you gave pinkstar. When I was a kid, I used to fidget a lot-- like jiggle my foot, etc.-- and my dad used to always tell me to sit still. Not just when we were someplace that required attention and polite behavior, but at home while watching TV even if my movement was silent. Now as a grown up, I read about how fidgeters burn more calories and I'm (jokingly) angry at my dad for making me stop. Come to think of it, my DH also complains if I do it-- or at least comments on it. I think we live in a society that dissuades that kind of behavior, but I'm a rebel. :naughty:

    @pinkstarberry -- Welcome to the thread! I know exactly what you mean; I used to get so embarrassed about how sweaty I would get even doing light activity. The good news is you will build up stamina quickly and that excessive sweating will decrease. Now, I don't feel like I've gotten a good workout if I'm NOT sweating. Anyway, try not to let the sweating bother you too much. Sweat is your fat crying. :smile:

    @toots-- oh kids!

    @wadwrich -- when I first started on here, I also restricted my calories to only 1200/day for the first few months and prior to that, I did a 3-day cleanse. Not because I believed in the "magical" properties of a cleanse, but just to give my body a chance to experience true hunger. Even now 5 years later, if I'm really struggling with going over my daily allowance, I will use a very low-calorie menu for a day of two to sort of re-set my "hunger signal."

    @lilacnine -- Wow a marathon is a great goal! I'm a runner, but I only do shorter distances like 5ks and an occasional 8k. I do love it though. In fact, I was just browsing online for my next 5k because the one I usually do in June isn't going to work out this year. Welcome and good luck with your training.

    @badnoodle --unless that money was earmarked for something else vital to your life, I don't think you should feel at all bad about it. Notice I said "something ELSE vital" because exercise and activity is not just for fun (though it can be); it is a necessity and you should be proud that you are making a commitment to taking care of yourself.

    @virginislander2 --that was great advice to read the posts while on the treadmill!! Keep following it! :smiley:

    Friday Fitness:
    Well, I'm really happy with my level of activity this week, but my quads are screaming at me for adding lifting back into the mix. My shoulder can really only handle the bar for squats, but I'm hopeful that the range of motion will continue to improve and allow me to eventually add weight. In addition to squats, I added leg press and bench press, along with some tricep and core work. The only part of my body really rebelling is the quads, and I'm sure that will go away as I keep at it.

    General Goals:
    1. Clean fishtank DONE
    2. Deep clean bathroom DONE
    3. Finish swapping out/organizing summer and winter clothes DONE
    4. Finish going through clothes and adding to donation bag DONE
    5. Take donations to GW
    6. Do something about weeds
    7. Get car detailed
    8. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    9. Clean files of 2015 paperwork
    10. File 2016 paperwork
    11. Take winter coat to cleaners
    12. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 5/10
    Run at least 11/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    179 k done/ 821 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (mowed lawn instead)
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @celtikgirl -- I joined the Amazing Race challenge. :smile:
  • brionnabailey23
    brionnabailey23 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I'm 23 and have been over weight all my life but now I feel it's out of hand. I'm 100 lbs over weight and I have no clue where to start!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Today, one of my Chinese sons asked me about sumo wrestlers and I said they went out of their way to be as fat as possible. He said, "Like you?" Gee, thanks kid. :/

    Kids really have no filter. Sometimes it hurts, but then you realize that they also love you no matter how their words make you feel.

    @pinkstarberry welcome! I also have a hard time finding tie to workout. I've found my Fitbit to be very helpful. I also go for a walk at lunch. I've found a friend to go with and now I even go when she is out of town. For me my goal is just to get my 10K steps each day. And with a desk job that is really difficult!

    @lilacnine what a great quote! It's hard to remember that today is important and to live it to the fullest. Especially when you are right in the thick of it.

    AFM Friday fitness: my fried and I just upped our bet payoff. The loser has to pay for the two of us to go to a wine and painting event. Our bet...the person who makes their Fitbit goal more days than the other. Our last bet payoff was a Starbucks coffee for a two week long bet. This bet will probably have to be a couple of months long. It was really surprising how motivating a Starbucks coffee was.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2016
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    After digesting that video I posted a link to the other day, I tried an experiement with my lunch. The video told about an experiement they did with soup. The results showed that the soup eaters were not hungry for a lot longer than the non-soup eaters ... and yet both groups ate exactly the same foods ... the only difference was that they made the soup by blending the meal with a cup of water for the soup-eater group and the other group ate the solid food and drank a cup of water.

    Well, I love my soups and I like them thick with vegetables ... almost a stew/chowder consistency and happened to have some 'stuffed cabbage soup' on hand. So I did my own experiement.

    For one lunch meal, I had 2 cups of soup (my normal volume intake) and a cup of water to drink. For the next lunch meal, I combined my 2 cups of soup with the cup of water and whizzed it in the bullet to make a smoothie, then I heated it up in the microwave to eat it. Surprise ... I couldn't finish the second meal because it was too much food PLUS I was not hungry for longer ... I sailed right past the PM snack time and into dinner without wanting to eat.

    The reason why the resulting thick creamy soup satisfied me for longer is explained in the video ... and I think I will be using my Bullet a lot more in the coming weeks to make thick, creamy, luscious soups of my meals instead of eating the solids.