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Anyone disabled & trying to loose weight?



  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    I am on day 12 of my journey. I have about 140lbs to lose. I post my struggles on my profile. Add me.

    I'm a single mom and veteran who is socially isolated much of the time. I could really use as many friends as I can get.

    Hi Jenn! Welcome to the group! I hope we can all give you the positive inspiration you are needing! I'm sorry I've been having to use the tablet and not able to really comment as I usually do! But keep up the good work, keep your chin up and WE Can Do This!! YaY!!!! So glad you are here! Hugs to you and your little one! CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Hi, I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease. My weight has ballooned in the past 2 years, which was when I had my last surgery on my spine. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year, but I am again going through lots of tests following 3 bouts of pneumonia since January! My strength is at an all time low and I'm feeling pretty down, so I'm trying to take back a bit of control with my diet and weight. Yesterday was my first weigh in and I'd lost 5lb! Which I'm pleased about.

    If anyone would like to add me then please do. I need lots of motivation and support from people who understand x

    Hi Kerry! Welcome to the group!! Congratulations on your 5lb drop!! YaY! You go!!! I started using the stretching ideas on Fit2Mecoach.com they are great to use for your stretching and they have light things to do for strengthening too. It is a diabetes site, but that is no big deal, lots of my friends who don't have it, use it for recipes and exercise ideas. There are a few others on here iwht fibromyalgia and I also have degenerative disc disease and 4 bulged discs and arthritis, to name a few. LOL We are all in the same boat though, hurting physically and pushing to be better for our selves and our families! Hugs and glad you are here!! CJ
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Ok so here is the deal, I've been disabled for over 20 yrs and part of my disability, due to rods & screws (hardware) is balance. We live with hubby's Mom and she loves the Christmas Tree. That being said, I put it up and take it all down. I am an anal organizer and I am ok with that!!!!! LOL So, getting to the point. I have difficulty raising my arms for any length of time AND have no balance to speak of, when doing so. Mom finally said she would like me to take the tree down. I know it is June, but she has dementia and we kinda do things differently for her. Like keeping the house decorated, not making lots of changes so she knows where she is, where her chair is, etc. So I tackled the tree. It took a bit, but it is DOWN! And I did not fall into it this year!! YAY! Goal attained!! hahahaha So, I broke it down into days. Day 1 all the plastic balls and ornaments off. Next day all the flowers (yes flowers) & ribbonsi3rmzr09orbh.jpg
    off. Next day, glass ornaments off. Next day, glass balls off. And then the Angel off. Oh it was a pretty tree!
    And finally, that naked tree was done!! Yes, it is down and now today, I'll box it up and hubby will help me get the boxes out to the garage! YAY!! My point in telling all of you this? Disabled or differently-abled people can do challenging things too. We just do them differently. We may have to take more time, maybe change things up a bit, but it can be done. And we can ask for help and not feel ashamed of our inabilities!! After all, that person helping may just need to be needed, right?
    Anyhow, Thanks for listening to my rambling...But the TREE is DOWN!!!! YaY and that is such a great feeling to look into the room and it is gone!! Now, how to explain to Mom that, Yes, you do live here and no, the tree really doesn't have to be up all year long!! LOL Wish me luck. Maybe I'll put a note on her chair, "Mom sit here" and when she has the hang of it, I'll move out the sign. Any other suggestions? Hugs, CJ
  • yasef13
    yasef13 Posts: 63 Member
    Big hearty congrats on taking the tree down, CJ!
    I, too have to do things in increments as I more often than not tend to overdo it. I HAVE to work everyday to make end's meet, so I try to put out of my head that I'm differently-abled and just work through my shift. Most days I come home feeling as though I was hit by a bus, even though I only work 4-5 hours, but I still have my 2-year-old to take care of. So I just keep pushing. You best believe that as soon as he's down for a nap I'm right there with him! ;)
    But recently I've been trying to identify with my body differently. I can't change my work situation, so I try to take it easy on myself in other aspects. So doing big projects slowly over a few days is one of the tricks I've learned.
    Another one, I actually learned from you, CJ, is to try and give my body a break every 15-20 minutes of work.
    Sometimes, my situation gets me down, but when I feel it coming I just try to occupy myself with other things so I don't think about it, until my self pity party is over!
    Lots of love and as usual gentle hugs to ALL.
  • ftwmc
    ftwmc Posts: 47 Member
    Hey, we all have our cross to bear and its our choice how that effects our life. 12 months ago I was told I had 3 months to live with terminal cancer. 12 months on still going strong and getting better every day. I have no bowel, little left of my bladder and stomach my liver has 100+ cancer tumors but hey still living. It's all in attitude and to stupid to know Im dying. Feel free to add me or talk. Life is what you make it and if you live to the best of your ability your nor disabled
  • yasef13
    yasef13 Posts: 63 Member
    ftwmc wrote: »
    Hey, we all have our cross to bear and its our choice how that effects our life. 12 months ago I was told I had 3 months to live with terminal cancer. 12 months on still going strong and getting better every day. I have no bowel, little left of my bladder and stomach my liver has 100+ cancer tumors but hey still living. It's all in attitude and to stupid to know Im dying. Feel free to add me or talk. Life is what you make it and if you live to the best of your ability your nor disabled
    God bless you!
    Well I for one am very happy that you're around and very proud of your attitude!
    It's not being stupid, it's being brave and strong and fighting the good fight till the end, may it be far far faaaar away!

  • lilthings1
    lilthings1 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello all, So glad I found this group.

    I am 100% disabled according to the Dr. 3 arthritic disks in lower back. Some days are worst the others. I am on 5 meds to keep pain under control. But like they say "You Can't Keep A Good Women Down" when my Dr. sees me he just shacks his head. He knows not to tell what I can't do, because I will try just to see if he is right. I am semi active, but will do stuff I am not suppose to do, with lots of sit down break. like cut grass. I did my self in over the winter, I sat reading a 26 book series, and snacked on candy and Pepsi. ( my big addictions). So gained 45 lbs, so now have spare tire around my waist, that I hate.
    Oh by the way, I don't like food, my addiction fills me up. My Grand Daughter told me the reason I gained weight was because I was in starvation mode. So now trying to eat more.
    Hope to make some friends here. Hope to see u all soon
  • lilthings1
    lilthings1 Posts: 46 Member
    Not a happy camper tonight. I did my therapy and the exercises "Keeping fit in my 50" DVD, I have been doing it all week. But most of today I have been hurting, Had lots of running around to do today. Now tomorrow have a graduation, hope the seats are comfortable.
    Going to try to take it easy, but still have things to do. I am raising a 14 year old Grandson. I am getting him ready for camp. Few more things to go. Wish me luck.
  • yasef13
    yasef13 Posts: 63 Member
    lilthings1 wrote: »
    Not a happy camper tonight. I did my therapy and the exercises "Keeping fit in my 50" DVD, I have been doing it all week. But most of today I have been hurting, Had lots of running around to do today. Now tomorrow have a graduation, hope the seats are comfortable.
    Going to try to take it easy, but still have things to do. I am raising a 14 year old Grandson. I am getting him ready for camp. Few more things to go. Wish me luck.
    I'm sorry you're hurting, but take something with you to graduation to help make you comfy. I was at my son's graduation yesterday, the seat wasn't too bad, but it was ice cold in there, and we all stood up while the graduates walked in. With a class of 900 kids that was looong, then came the alma mater and national anthem. By the end my back was shot. I should have sat down, but I didn't want to look disrespectful especially that I 'don't look disabled'.
    Just wanted to let you know what to expect, since I'm really suffering today for it.
    Best of luck to you.

  • lilthings1
    lilthings1 Posts: 46 Member

    Thank you but if it is a long time to stand, I will sit down. I also always take a light weight jacket, AC and I do not get along.
  • lilthings1
    lilthings1 Posts: 46 Member
    I am glad I brought that jacket, it was freezeing at the graduation. The standing wasn't to bad. But thanks for the advice.
  • yasef13
    yasef13 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm happy it went well for you and hope you're feeling better in general. :)
    lilthings1 wrote: »
    I am glad I brought that jacket, it was freezeing at the graduation. The standing wasn't to bad. But thanks for the advice.

  • lilthings1
    lilthings1 Posts: 46 Member
    Was hoping to exercise today. I try to exercise 3 times a week, but hurt myself Tues. and spot in back keeps flaring up. Will try to just do therpy, today and pray I don't do more damage. Felt it pull putting on my socks.
    Hope u have a great day.
  • stacyhunter2
    stacyhunter2 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join your group. I've been disabled for about 16 years and in pain all the time. It's hard for me to get motivated and I think this is just what I need. I am 59 years old. I do swimming and water aerobics. Add me
  • lilthings1
    lilthings1 Posts: 46 Member
    I am 67, disable since 2001, someday are better then others.
    I did not start this group, but u can add me as a friend.
    I love water therpy, but insurance will only pay for 10 visits. Then I am on my own, but with Husband working we make to much money for sliding scale. So can afford to continue.
  • LadyClaire86
    LadyClaire86 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi i have myotonic dystrophy it's a muscle wasting condition and I'm trying to lose weight as it affects my muscles
  • LadyClaire86
    LadyClaire86 Posts: 37 Member
    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    I have a muscle disease that leaves me bed-bound or home-bound at times, and the more I use a muscle the weaker it gets if the disease is flaring.

    I've set up MFP so my daily calorie goal is at about my minimal metabolic rate and for sedentary activity, so I should lose weight even if I'm bed bound. I also enabled the "negative" exercise calories, so days where I'm inactive it subtracts calories from the goals.

    My weight loss certainly hasn't been linear, though. Meds like steroids and IgG infusions, and treatments like plasma exchange affect my fluid balance and I'll have huge shifts in water weight. At times the disease affects my ability to chew and swallow well, so I'll lose weight quickly but re-gain once I'm able to re-hydrate.

    I've found that a low-carb diet has been best for helping curb any cravings, especially while on steroids. I try to walk as much as I'm able, and a step counter has been really motivating and helpful to see patterns (for instance, a full grocery shopping trip is as many steps as a day at work for me, so that explained why I struggled so much doing both on the same day!). During bad spells I just walk around in my house more, taking breaks as I need. During good spells my dog gets some exercise too :)

    Hi I have a inherited muscle wasting condition called myotonic dystrophy type 1. What muscle condition do you have?
  • yasef13
    yasef13 Posts: 63 Member
    Guys, you will find our group in the groups section. It's called 'disabled and overweight'.
    Join us there, we have a few interesting topics.
  • Lisas4313TeamRH
    Lisas4313TeamRH Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Ive got MS 13 years, Hypothyroid 4 years, severely Vitamin D deficient 1 week and started treatment Vit D today.
    I struggle with exercise due to extreme fatigue and pain, but do try to swim twice weekly. (Its the only relief I get!)
    I packed up smoking 6 years ago.
    Over the last 4 years I've put on 5st. But I've lost just over 1stone on my own and nearly 1st at my Slimming club.
    Please feel free to add me
  • cjdsign
    cjdsign Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Sorry I've been off here for a bit. PC was down and I had to use tablet. Tablet is hard to type on LOL but I am back and hope you all are doing good. One day at a time, one step at a time, One moment at a time. We can do this!!

    @yasef13 Thank you for your kind words!! I am glad the 15/20 is working for you!! I know it is working for me and I now look forward to the "doing" 15/20 mins, rather than looking forward to the rest time. LOL And after the rest, I am so invigorated that I think of things to do with a brighter attitude!! How about you? Running after a 2 yr old is exhausting, well, at my age, any little one is exhausting. LOL I sleep a whole day after playing with my grandchildren!!