Work in Progress/Post Bulk Pics

When I was considering bulking I posted a question here asking if any women would share their progress pictures mid-bulk. After running my own, I quickly understood why I got NO REPLY. One woman private messaged me to show me hers and it was really helpful to see what I was getting myself into.

So, I thought I'd post this. It's not pretty and I'm reluctant to post anything from the front or in any less clothes, but I think it's an interesting transformation considering my current picture is with barely any cut at all. I'm also aware that as far as progress pictures go they are not great quality.

I am 5'4" and the top left is 128, not my favorite look but I have fatty thighs and to get lean enough for a bulk my upper body ended up looking pathetic. The top right is at the end of my bulk at 144 lbs. The bottom is current at 140. Basically I brought the waist back in a little, kept the booty, and got some back gains.

After the bulk I cut down to 136 very quickly but had some personal issues and during my logging/"maintenance" break to try to pull myself together, I ended up gaining a few lbs back.

I'm back to cutting again, but slowly. I now see what a difference just a few pounds can make.





  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Great job.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Looks great! What's your goal?
  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    Nice job
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well done :) you are an inspiration.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You look fantastic @arditarose
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Looks great! What's your goal?

    I have my first power lifting meet in Sepetember. I'm cutting because I'm still a little fluffy for my taste but just ever so slightly with a minimal deficit. I wouldn't even make weight anyway so shedding a few pounds would be fine (and needed) :p
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    fantastic. very sexy back! good work.
  • lindsaymbirch
    lindsaymbirch Posts: 13 Member
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.
  • lindsaymbirch
    lindsaymbirch Posts: 13 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    A 150 calorie increase wouldn't be a 1 lb per week gain. So you can be assured it's glycogen/water.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    looking good girl! I am glad you finally decided to bulk after being told to do so a million times! :)
  • lindsaymbirch
    lindsaymbirch Posts: 13 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    A 150 calorie increase wouldn't be a 1 lb per week gain. So you can be assured it's glycogen/water.

    Logic told me the same thing, I'm just getting mental about it. Hold steady on the macros and keep watching the trend then, you think? Ideally I was hoping I would be able to break the 2k calories for a bulk!
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Really well done! I am very jealous! I am about your height and weight (5'5", 143-145 lbs) but carry much more fat and much less muscle than you, and thus look a ton bigger (not in a good way)!

    I am currently trying to cut down to about 130 and not having much luck with any type of muscle gain despite 6 months of lifting, so suspect I may have to bulk once I get leaner.

    How long have you been lifting for? What calories are you on now? Do you do any cardio type exercise or just lifting?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    Coming straight out of a cut that felt pretty aggressive, I gained quickly too. But if you're logging is tight I would trust the process and hike the cals up to 250 surplus. You need that stimulus and surplus for muscle growth. Why spin your wheels?

    When I finished my Bulk I was closer to 2200 calories. I maintain on about 1900. I chose an aggressive deficit. You can probably figure what that would be. I don't really suggest it but it was an experiment. I thought I'd adhere to it well and logic was I was primed for fat loss and the quicker I got some off, the quicker I could go back to building muscle.

    Unfortunately I got a little intense with the dieting all while ending a long term relationship. So the cut didn't go well in the end, hence why I'm sitting at a higher BF% than i planned to be at this pint in the summer.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited June 2016
    AigreDoux wrote: »
    Really well done! I am very jealous! I am about your height and weight (5'5", 143-145 lbs) but carry much more fat and much less muscle than you, and thus look a ton bigger (not in a good way)!

    I am currently trying to cut down to about 130 and not having much luck with any type of muscle gain despite 6 months of lifting, so suspect I may have to bulk once I get leaner.

    How long have you been lifting for? What calories are you on now? Do you do any cardio type exercise or just lifting?

    Have you also been in a deficit all 6 months? I gained most of my muscle in maintenance and surplus. I think I had some newbie gains in the very beginning when I was fat, dieting, and lifting--but those are minimal for almost everyone, including myself. I also have no way to prove this.

    I've been lifting for 2 years. I eat about 1800-1900 to maintain. I do have hopes that I might maintain on a little more at the moment so I'm trying a slow cut at 1680. Zero cardio.

  • lindsaymbirch
    lindsaymbirch Posts: 13 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    Coming straight out of a cut that felt pretty aggressive, I gained quickly too. But if you're logging is tight I would trust the process and hike the cals up to 250 surplus. You need that stimulus and surplus for muscle growth. Why spin your wheels?

    When I finished my Bulk I was closer to 2200 calories. I maintain on about 1900. I chose an aggressive deficit. You can probably figure what that would be. I don't really suggest it but it was an experiment. I thought I'd adhere to it well and logic was I was primed for fat loss and the quicker I got some off, the quicker I could go back to building muscle.

    Unfortunately I got a little intense with the dieting all while ending a long term relationship. So the cut didn't go well in the end, hence why I'm sitting at a higher BF% than i planned to be at this pint in the summer.

    What did you cut to? I was eating at 1350 when I started MFP, I won't ever drop that low again. I'm 5'8", I was 151 lbs, no reason to go that low to start with. I think I lost a decent bit of muscle too in the process. You live and learn though. My logging is tight, I make sure those entries are accurate and I weigh it all- a little too obsessive. I'll try to relax whenever I try maintenance out.
    Very true about the spinning wheels! I'll probably increase cals once my water retention figures itself out and I even out a bit more on the scale. Logically the 120ish calorie increase wouldn't have me gaining a whole pound a week if I was maintaining at 1800 calories. I only gave that two weeks on those macros but I held steady (I have no idea what maintenance is for me honestly, so I'm assuming it's that). I'm thinking a slower cut whenever I can't stand myself and get too fluffy lol. More food and hopefully less metabolic damage - I no doubt did that the first time around.

    Would you do a slow reverse diet next time when coming off of a cut? I may go that route next time. The want/desire for muscle gets strong and you're like MORE FOOD, TRAIN HARDER NOW haha.

    You've made awesome progress though- gotta keep the booty gains!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    Coming straight out of a cut that felt pretty aggressive, I gained quickly too. But if you're logging is tight I would trust the process and hike the cals up to 250 surplus. You need that stimulus and surplus for muscle growth. Why spin your wheels?

    When I finished my Bulk I was closer to 2200 calories. I maintain on about 1900. I chose an aggressive deficit. You can probably figure what that would be. I don't really suggest it but it was an experiment. I thought I'd adhere to it well and logic was I was primed for fat loss and the quicker I got some off, the quicker I could go back to building muscle.

    Unfortunately I got a little intense with the dieting all while ending a long term relationship. So the cut didn't go well in the end, hence why I'm sitting at a higher BF% than i planned to be at this pint in the summer.

    What did you cut to? I was eating at 1350 when I started MFP, I won't ever drop that low again. I'm 5'8", I was 151 lbs, no reason to go that low to start with. I think I lost a decent bit of muscle too in the process. You live and learn though. My logging is tight, I make sure those entries are accurate and I weigh it all- a little too obsessive. I'll try to relax whenever I try maintenance out.
    Very true about the spinning wheels! I'll probably increase cals once my water retention figures itself out and I even out a bit more on the scale. Logically the 120ish calorie increase wouldn't have me gaining a whole pound a week if I was maintaining at 1800 calories. I only gave that two weeks on those macros but I held steady (I have no idea what maintenance is for me honestly, so I'm assuming it's that). I'm thinking a slower cut whenever I can't stand myself and get too fluffy lol. More food and hopefully less metabolic damage - I no doubt did that the first time around.

    Would you do a slow reverse diet next time when coming off of a cut? I may go that route next time. The want/desire for muscle gets strong and you're like MORE FOOD, TRAIN HARDER NOW haha.

    You've made awesome progress though- gotta keep the booty gains! was aggressive. That's all I'll say :) not PSMF aggressive but...yeah. Just add the calories. The water weight will work out even with them in. Your body is also going to make changes throughout the bulk. There were weeks I looked little and lean and weeks I looked like a marshmellow, all while eating about the same amount of cals.

    I didn't really reverse out of the cut. I went to maintenance maybe for a week then it was my 30th birthday. My present to myself was a bulk and slutty brownies so I went for it.

    I can't imagine I'd put myself into such an aggressive cut that is need to reverse diet at this point. It's nice not to see the water weight gain but at this point I understand what that is and looks like and would rather eat and train well rather than horse around with slowly adding cals back.
  • lindsaymbirch
    lindsaymbirch Posts: 13 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    Coming straight out of a cut that felt pretty aggressive, I gained quickly too. But if you're logging is tight I would trust the process and hike the cals up to 250 surplus. You need that stimulus and surplus for muscle growth. Why spin your wheels?

    When I finished my Bulk I was closer to 2200 calories. I maintain on about 1900. I chose an aggressive deficit. You can probably figure what that would be. I don't really suggest it but it was an experiment. I thought I'd adhere to it well and logic was I was primed for fat loss and the quicker I got some off, the quicker I could go back to building muscle.

    Unfortunately I got a little intense with the dieting all while ending a long term relationship. So the cut didn't go well in the end, hence why I'm sitting at a higher BF% than i planned to be at this pint in the summer.

    What did you cut to? I was eating at 1350 when I started MFP, I won't ever drop that low again. I'm 5'8", I was 151 lbs, no reason to go that low to start with. I think I lost a decent bit of muscle too in the process. You live and learn though. My logging is tight, I make sure those entries are accurate and I weigh it all- a little too obsessive. I'll try to relax whenever I try maintenance out.
    Very true about the spinning wheels! I'll probably increase cals once my water retention figures itself out and I even out a bit more on the scale. Logically the 120ish calorie increase wouldn't have me gaining a whole pound a week if I was maintaining at 1800 calories. I only gave that two weeks on those macros but I held steady (I have no idea what maintenance is for me honestly, so I'm assuming it's that). I'm thinking a slower cut whenever I can't stand myself and get too fluffy lol. More food and hopefully less metabolic damage - I no doubt did that the first time around.

    Would you do a slow reverse diet next time when coming off of a cut? I may go that route next time. The want/desire for muscle gets strong and you're like MORE FOOD, TRAIN HARDER NOW haha.

    You've made awesome progress though- gotta keep the booty gains! was aggressive. That's all I'll say :) not PSMF aggressive but...yeah. Just add the calories. The water weight will work out even with them in. Your body is also going to make changes throughout the bulk. There were weeks I looked little and lean and weeks I looked like a marshmellow, all while eating about the same amount of cals.

    I didn't really reverse out of the cut. I went to maintenance maybe for a week then it was my 30th birthday. My present to myself was a bulk and slutty brownies so I went for it.

    I can't imagine I'd put myself into such an aggressive cut that is need to reverse diet at this point. It's nice not to see the water weight gain but at this point I understand what that is and looks like and would rather eat and train well rather than horse around with slowly adding cals back.

    Very good advice! Get all the gains, time to thin out later. It's easier when you're doing it for yourself, no time frame to abide by, no rules. I will surely take some more pancakes.

    How do you really know when you eat into BF though on a cut vs water? Also, what was your workout split for bulking?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    How long did you bulk for? I'm currently bulking myself at the moment. I started at 151lbs, started a cut to 136 lbs but I felt and looked weak. It's been a month and a week since I've been off of my cut and into a bulk and I've gone back up to 141. Granted some may have been initial water retention and weight from increasing carbs. But it's mentally challenging for sure. I'm not quite sure when I'm going to stop bulking- hence why I'm curious!

    I bought some new pants at the end of my cut, because I was holding out and everything was just saggy, and I don't think they're going to fit me in a month LOL.

    I started in November and quit about exactly the middle of March. I wanted to push it all the way to April and felt like a quitter BUT it was just too much..I was a chubster and was starting to get nervous, especially since it was my first bulk. So 4.5 months. I gained fast but I think a good 4-5lbs was initial water weight, plus I had Thanksgiving, xmas, new years, the super bowl...and I was bulking on 2000 calories. That feels like nothing when you're training hard so I think I was over eating as well.

    My pants that I bought at the end of my cut most DEFINITELY did not fit or fit well at the end of the bulk. In fact, I still dread trying them on. Buy stretchy clothes and some sweat pants lol.

    I gained quickly as well! My weight has been going up a pound a week, I can't tell how much is actually water retention. I was maintaining weight on 195C/50F/140P = 1790 calories for two weeks. Then two weeks ago I moved to 220C/55F/135P = 1915 calories and I've gained a pound each week haha. I'm hesitant to cut the difference of the macros and try that for slower weight gain. It's hard going from leaner and cut to the reverse. I do love the food though! Ice cream for days. I mean I ate ice cream before, but now I can have more haha. I'm taking my measurements for the first time since I started bulking this weekend, I'm curious to see where these 5 lbs went to. My back and those love handles hold out the most fat. Can't wait to slim those bad boys down.

    How much did you drop calorie wise from the 2k bulk?

    And yes I will be going for these jeggings! No more normal jeans haha. I think I'm going to end up having "bulk" and "lean" set clothing.

    Coming straight out of a cut that felt pretty aggressive, I gained quickly too. But if you're logging is tight I would trust the process and hike the cals up to 250 surplus. You need that stimulus and surplus for muscle growth. Why spin your wheels?

    When I finished my Bulk I was closer to 2200 calories. I maintain on about 1900. I chose an aggressive deficit. You can probably figure what that would be. I don't really suggest it but it was an experiment. I thought I'd adhere to it well and logic was I was primed for fat loss and the quicker I got some off, the quicker I could go back to building muscle.

    Unfortunately I got a little intense with the dieting all while ending a long term relationship. So the cut didn't go well in the end, hence why I'm sitting at a higher BF% than i planned to be at this pint in the summer.

    What did you cut to? I was eating at 1350 when I started MFP, I won't ever drop that low again. I'm 5'8", I was 151 lbs, no reason to go that low to start with. I think I lost a decent bit of muscle too in the process. You live and learn though. My logging is tight, I make sure those entries are accurate and I weigh it all- a little too obsessive. I'll try to relax whenever I try maintenance out.
    Very true about the spinning wheels! I'll probably increase cals once my water retention figures itself out and I even out a bit more on the scale. Logically the 120ish calorie increase wouldn't have me gaining a whole pound a week if I was maintaining at 1800 calories. I only gave that two weeks on those macros but I held steady (I have no idea what maintenance is for me honestly, so I'm assuming it's that). I'm thinking a slower cut whenever I can't stand myself and get too fluffy lol. More food and hopefully less metabolic damage - I no doubt did that the first time around.

    Would you do a slow reverse diet next time when coming off of a cut? I may go that route next time. The want/desire for muscle gets strong and you're like MORE FOOD, TRAIN HARDER NOW haha.

    You've made awesome progress though- gotta keep the booty gains! was aggressive. That's all I'll say :) not PSMF aggressive but...yeah. Just add the calories. The water weight will work out even with them in. Your body is also going to make changes throughout the bulk. There were weeks I looked little and lean and weeks I looked like a marshmellow, all while eating about the same amount of cals.

    I didn't really reverse out of the cut. I went to maintenance maybe for a week then it was my 30th birthday. My present to myself was a bulk and slutty brownies so I went for it.

    I can't imagine I'd put myself into such an aggressive cut that is need to reverse diet at this point. It's nice not to see the water weight gain but at this point I understand what that is and looks like and would rather eat and train well rather than horse around with slowly adding cals back.

    Very good advice! Get all the gains, time to thin out later. It's easier when you're doing it for yourself, no time frame to abide by, no rules. I will surely take some more pancakes.

    How do you really know when you eat into BF though on a cut vs water? Also, what was your workout split for bulking?

    Eh I just assume that if the poundage drops very quickly it's water. I also use my own data. I know how much water I can retain and I know how much fat I can lose on X amount of calories. Don't think about it too much/hard now.

    I did the program PHUL which is a 4 day upper/lower split and a hybrid of power/strength and body building. So two heavy days and two lighter days