Come on, mfp. 1200?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Some one HELP me!! What's the username of the big red ball pushing woman, it's going to drive me nuts until i know. And yes, she was always very helpful.

    @lifting4lis or similar username, was the other poster i was thinking of. She says "SNORT" a lot :lol:
  • WayTooHonest
    WayTooHonest Posts: 144 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Google Scooby Calculator. Go to that website. Read about TBEE and BMR. Calculate yours and use THAT number.

    Most people should NOT be eating a mere 1200 calories unless they are 4'11" or 88 years old. That's less than they would feed you intravenously if you were in a coma for heaven's sake.

    Scientific research can be very eye opening. The amount of nonsense perpetuated on these message boards is astonishing and quite frankly, with the ease of Google, inexcusable.

    not yet...TDEE is for someone who is consistent with is best to just use the number here when the stats are entered in correctly and find out how many exercise calories to eat back and calculate your own TDEE using your numbers not some guesstimate from a website.

    That is simply untrue.

    TDEE is short for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is the amount calories your body burns in a 24 hour period, sleeping, working, exercising, playing and even digesting food! The IIFYM TDEE Calculator is designed to give you your exact TDEE based on a few key factors:

    BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate (The number of calories your body burns at rest, with zero activity)
    TEF – Thermic Effect of Food (The number of calories burned in the process of digesting food you eat)
    NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (The number of calories burned in all activity outside of exercise)
    TEA – Thermic Effect of Activity (The number of calories you burn exercising (or higher than usually energy output)

    Add these all up and we arrive at your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    adoette wrote: »

    That's what I used to set my deficit (you can set a custom calorie count). I want to lose around 1.5 a week (1 pound would be more comfortable, but I'm on a deadline) but it was spitting me out 1200 calories at 5'6" and 170 lbs.

    I get hangry sometimes at 1380! I'd straight murder someone at 1200!

    I like the calculator because there's a section towards the bottom where you can say you want to burn an average of X calories a day in exercise. Plug that in with your guesstimate of a weeks exercise ÷7 and you get one with exercise calories built in.

    It works better for me, and might give you a more reasonable deficit, whatever your goals are. Even if you don't use it like that, you can still see how your exercise calories affect your weight loss in a clear(er) way than with MFP. Helps to make a more sensible goal all around.

    It's telling me to eat 271 calories to lose 2lbs/week at 250lbs... uhhhhmmmmmmm hahaha.

    I usually eat 1200 and lose 2lbs a week since mid-May... I don't think I trust those calculators. MFP tells me to eat 1400
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited June 2016
    Are we talking about eating 1200 or netting 1200? As a 5'2 woman I have to say netting 1200 seems entirely filling, satisfying, and reasonable.

    Yesterday I ate an English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast, a green dragon roll for lunch and a chicken fajita salad WITH SOUR CREAM (sorry, that's just my favourite things in the world)...with a one hour walk and netted almost exactly 1200 calories.

    I feel healthier and stronger and happier than I have in ages...just because it doesn't work for everyone doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone.

    ETA: I also had a skinny cow chocolate truffle bar after dinner :)
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Google Scooby Calculator. Go to that website. Read about TBEE and BMR. Calculate yours and use THAT number.

    Most people should NOT be eating a mere 1200 calories unless they are 4'11" or 88 years old. That's less than they would feed you intravenously if you were in a coma for heaven's sake.

    Scientific research can be very eye opening. The amount of nonsense perpetuated on these message boards is astonishing and quite frankly, with the ease of Google, inexcusable.

    not yet...TDEE is for someone who is consistent with is best to just use the number here when the stats are entered in correctly and find out how many exercise calories to eat back and calculate your own TDEE using your numbers not some guesstimate from a website.

    That is simply untrue.

    TDEE is short for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is the amount calories your body burns in a 24 hour period, sleeping, working, exercising, playing and even digesting food! The IIFYM TDEE Calculator is designed to give you your exact TDEE based on a few key factors:

    BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate (The number of calories your body burns at rest, with zero activity)
    TEF – Thermic Effect of Food (The number of calories burned in the process of digesting food you eat)
    NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (The number of calories burned in all activity outside of exercise)
    TEA – Thermic Effect of Activity (The number of calories you burn exercising (or higher than usually energy output)

    Add these all up and we arrive at your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    TDEE factors your weekly exercise into the number. If some weeks you go to the gym every day or take long hikes, and other weeks you don't exercise at all, or maybe you are super active in the summer and never move in the winter, TDEE will cause you to overeat on some weeks/months, and underfuel your exercise on others.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member

    What am I doing wrong? I spend most of my days in a chair and laying down at home. I do go to the gym 1-3 days a week for cardio but it isn't constant.. and adding exercise adds 100 calories lol
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited June 2016
    Height (hard to read). Gender button must default?

    5'2" = 62 inches.

    Exercise will be averaged out over 7 days. Kind of nice not to have the up/down of exercise vs. rest days
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Google Scooby Calculator. Go to that website. Read about TBEE and BMR. Calculate yours and use THAT number.

    Most people should NOT be eating a mere 1200 calories unless they are 4'11" or 88 years old. That's less than they would feed you intravenously if you were in a coma for heaven's sake.

    Scientific research can be very eye opening. The amount of nonsense perpetuated on these message boards is astonishing and quite frankly, with the ease of Google, inexcusable.

    not yet...TDEE is for someone who is consistent with is best to just use the number here when the stats are entered in correctly and find out how many exercise calories to eat back and calculate your own TDEE using your numbers not some guesstimate from a website.

    That is simply untrue.

    TDEE is short for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is the amount calories your body burns in a 24 hour period, sleeping, working, exercising, playing and even digesting food! The IIFYM TDEE Calculator is designed to give you your exact TDEE based on a few key factors:

    BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate (The number of calories your body burns at rest, with zero activity)
    TEF – Thermic Effect of Food (The number of calories burned in the process of digesting food you eat)
    NEAT – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (The number of calories burned in all activity outside of exercise)
    TEA – Thermic Effect of Activity (The number of calories you burn exercising (or higher than usually energy output)

    Add these all up and we arrive at your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    She knows that. She's talking about TDEE method, which is eating a consistent amount that includes exercise calories. If your TDEE varies a huge amount, you can't do that, you'd have to recalculate it constantly. But if you have a consistent weekly exercise schedule, you can average the TDEE across the week and eat a consistent amount.

    MFP used properly is also based on TDEE, just daily, but how it's done is to calculate a goal based on NEAT and add back exercise calories to get the TDEE (minus whatever the deficit is) for the day.

    In common MFP parlance, TDEE method is used for eating a consistent amount based on average TDEE for the week, and MFP method is used to refer to NEAT + exercise calories (or some portion thereof), which, yes, ends up being based on daily TDEE if done right, but is not obtained through the TDEE calculators.

    Most who do TDEE method will, of course, move away from the estimates to actual TDEE based on results, which is not possible to do if your exercise isn't consistent.
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    as I said if you really are eating 1200 chances are you are losing more muscle than you think.

    ETA: muscle definition comes from losing the fat on the muscle not from building extra muscle.

    Does it really. I had no idea =/ I am not losing muscle, and I am very strong. Not everyone is built the same, burns calories the same, has the same body. This is how I have always been.

    I agree with pretty much everything you said!

    I think people are terrified of being even mildly hungry. Willpower is a powerful tool. It's sad seeing people acting petty and trying to discredit you for having a strong mind and dedication. It's probably jealousy, IMHO. If your protein is on point, along with the strength training you mentioned, you are most certainly not losing much muscle, if any at all. Have a great day everyone!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    It isn't for everyone. I have a fairly active job, so 1200 would not work for me. Generally those who are smaller and older are ideal for that amount.

    Well. I'm not small, nor am I old, and it is working just fine. I workout 6x/week for an hour each time. Personally, I just think one needs to get used to feeling mildly hungry most of the time. *shrugs*
    You lost a bunch of weight, then gained it back, now losing again....Sounds like a great plan, especially if you don't mind being hungry all the time.....
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    LisaKay91 wrote: »

    What am I doing wrong? I spend most of my days in a chair and laying down at home. I do go to the gym 1-3 days a week for cardio but it isn't constant.. and adding exercise adds 100 calories lol

    You are 5 inches tall that's what's wrong. No wonder you can't lose weight at 1200 calories!

    Edit: you are lucky you are a male though, otherwise you would have gotten an even lower allowance.

    Well that explains that! :D

  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member

    Makes a lot more sense now and it's still around 1200 to lose the 2lbs a week. It's not so hard when you're very sedentary... boredom is what kills me at work when I want to eat not real hunger.
    mfp2.jpg 421.2K
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    coleg04 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    as I said if you really are eating 1200 chances are you are losing more muscle than you think.

    ETA: muscle definition comes from losing the fat on the muscle not from building extra muscle.

    Does it really. I had no idea =/ I am not losing muscle, and I am very strong. Not everyone is built the same, burns calories the same, has the same body. This is how I have always been.

    anybody trying to lose weight is losing included...but with low calorie intake unless you are prefect on your protein macro etc you are losing more than you think...but won't take this any believe what you want and eat how you want as it is of no consequence to me...I just truly was trying to help.

    It is unfortunate that you refuse to get it.

    Do you think you are the grandmaster of weight loss or something? Talk about an ego, wow. How DARE someone refuse to agree with your point! LOL.

    The pot calling the kettle black?? or just double standards....As you said: It's sad seeing people acting petty and trying to discredit you for having a strong mind and dedication".....

  • MichaelStenberg
    MichaelStenberg Posts: 3 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Huh? I've been eating a 1200 calorie goal for 5 months now (down 32 lbs). I think it's pretty reasonable.

    Agreed. It's effective and it absolutely motivates you to choose good food/sources of energy vs. things you really don't need to eat, like junk.