Come on, mfp. 1200?



  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    "I just truly was trying to help. It is unfortunate that you refuse to get it."

    Funny, I don't remember her asking for help. I must be wrong, though. You must need to have made over 1,000 posts to MFP to give unsolicited advice. Anyway, have a great day everyone!
  • MichaelStenberg
    MichaelStenberg Posts: 3 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Huh? I've been eating a 1200 calorie goal for 5 months now (down 32 lbs). I think it's pretty reasonable.

    Agreed. It's effective and it absolutely motivates you to choose good food/sources of energy vs. things you really don't need to eat, like junk.

    You are a 27 year old male eating 1200 calories? Why?

    Because I was a 27 year old, 5'10" at 217 at one point. I look at my family members and decided that's not the path I'd like to choose. Motivation, and I'm getting close to my goal weight.
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I looked again and it was set at 1.5 pounds loss/week for 1,200. When I changed it to 1 pound/week it suggests 1,450. I know I have the ability to select my own calorie goal as well as eat back some of the calories through exercise. I just know that I struggle with sustaining on the low end. I think 1,500 is reasonable so I'll see how that goes.

    I tried the clean eating thing and lasted 3 weeks then I lost it and went on a major binge and am now the heaviest I've ever been. I was 140 consistently up until a few years ago.
    Thanks, ladies for all of your responses and support!
    - Katrina

    I'm 5'2 and 41 and started here with a goal to lose 25 lbs. Because of my height, even a selection of 1 lb/week with a sedentary activity level gave me a goal of 1200 cals. I quickly realized that wasn't enough for me, I was always over my cals (even with eating back exercise cals) but was still losing. I started reading on these forums about how 1200 really isn't appropriate for that many people, really only extremely petite, older, and very sedentary.

    I raised my goal first to 1400, then to 1500, still eating back exercise cals and still losing. I lost about the weight I set out to lose eating between 1600-1800 cals. I'm now maintaining a 30 lb loss with a TDEE of 2200 cals.

    If I were you I would try the 1450 cals but make sure you eat back some exercise cals. Also focus on logging accuracy using a food scale ideally. Give it 6-8 weeks and track your progress, then adjust from there.

    I am 5'1" and 36. I started at 140 and wanting to lose 20# with a somewhat active lifestyle. I was at the 1200 and I thought that was ok until I lost fast because I was starving myself LITERALLY!!!! I didn't really realize how active I really was until I got a fitness tracker. Now things have been adjusted I went to about 1450 but then I began a fitness routine with running and bodyweight training so I am around 15-1600 a day. If I don't eat like that I get that hangry mood and feel like I've been ran over with no energy. Good luck to you! I am no fitness guru but friend me if you'd like and I'll support you like madness all the way ;)
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    coleg04 wrote: »
    "I just truly was trying to help. It is unfortunate that you refuse to get it."

    Funny, I don't remember her asking for help. I must be wrong, though. You must need to have made over 1,000 posts to MFP to give unsolicited advice. Anyway, have a great day everyone!

    What's really funny is that you've offered no advice at all and only posted to criticize another member.

    I simply stepped in because she was rude to another member. Her messages to that young lady were rude with a tone of superiority and a holier-than-thou attitude. On the first page she was called small and old! Did you not read that?? Anyway, I'm done here. Good luck!
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    It isn't for everyone. I have a fairly active job, so 1200 would not work for me. Generally those who are smaller and older are ideal for that amount.

    Well. I'm not small, nor am I old, and it is working just fine. I workout 6x/week for an hour each time. Personally, I just think one needs to get used to feeling mildly hungry most of the time. *shrugs*

    If you are really eating 1200 you are losing muscle and thanks.

    I prefer to keep my muscle and lose at a slower rate. *shrugs*

    and there is no reason to feel even "mildly hungry" most of the's like you are punishing yourself for gaining weight. SMH

    OP your goal should be to eat as much food as possible and still lose a reasonable amount of weight....that way you know you aren't losing as much muscle as fat....which in the long run is not a good thing.

    When I start here I was at the same weight...I chose 1lb a the same calorie goal as you and it was great...I ate back exercise calories, was never hungry, and I have lost 50+ lbs and have kept most of my muscle.

    I was going to respond to her ridiculousness but seeing this I will just quote you again cause your answer is perfect.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited June 2016
    coleg04 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    coleg04 wrote: »
    "I just truly was trying to help. It is unfortunate that you refuse to get it."

    Funny, I don't remember her asking for help. I must be wrong, though. You must need to have made over 1,000 posts to MFP to give unsolicited advice. Anyway, have a great day everyone!

    What's really funny is that you've offered no advice at all and only posted to criticize another member.

    I simply stepped in because she was rude to another member. Her messages to that young lady were rude with a tone of superiority and a holier-than-thou attitude. On the first page she was called small and old! Did you not read that?? Anyway, I'm done here. Good luck!
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Huh? I've been eating a 1200 calorie goal for 5 months now (down 32 lbs). I think it's pretty reasonable.

    It isn't for everyone. I have a fairly active job, so 1200 would not work for me. Generally those who are smaller and older are ideal for that amount.

    Um.....I think you misinterpreted. There is nothing here calling the OP small or old. Saying that 1200 is generally ideal for 2 groups of not criticizing or name calling.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Huh? I've been eating a 1200 calorie goal for 5 months now (down 32 lbs). I think it's pretty reasonable.

    Agreed. It's effective and it absolutely motivates you to choose good food/sources of energy vs. things you really don't need to eat, like junk.

    You are a 27 year old male eating 1200 calories? Why?

    Because I was a 27 year old, 5'10" at 217 at one point. I look at my family members and decided that's not the path I'd like to choose. Motivation, and I'm getting close to my goal weight.

    But even the link you gave says 1200 is not suitable for everyone - and it certainly is not suitable for 27 year old males who are almost 6 ft tall.

    In addition, the header for that subreddit even says "Food for SMALL bodies"...LOL. He is the antithesis of that.
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    I’m 5’6” and currently weigh 175 lbs. I had MFP set to lose 2 lbs per week and have it set to Sedentary so that my FItBit can do its thing. That gives me the 1,200 calorie allotment too.

    In truth, I also usually log somewhere around 15,000 steps/day, so I regularly get a bunch of extra calories. And I usually eat around 1,600.

    Using this system, I have lost 40lbs over the last 170 days. That works out to about 1.7 lbs per week and I’m a happy girl cause I'm never hungry!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Huh? I've been eating a 1200 calorie goal for 5 months now (down 32 lbs). I think it's pretty reasonable.

    Agreed. It's effective and it absolutely motivates you to choose good food/sources of energy vs. things you really don't need to eat, like junk.

    You are a 27 year old male eating 1200 calories? Why?

    Because I was a 27 year old, 5'10" at 217 at one point. I look at my family members and decided that's not the path I'd like to choose. Motivation, and I'm getting close to my goal weight.

    Wanting a healthier life for yourself is admirable, but it's not a race. For the benefit of other readers, 1500 calories is considered the lowest that is safe for a man.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    Well. I'm not small, nor am I old, and it is working just fine. I workout 6x/week for an hour each time. Personally, I just think one needs to get used to feeling mildly hungry most of the time. *shrugs*


    you do what works for you. I am not going to live my life feeling "mildly hungry MOST of the time". MY life I will listen to my body signals and if I am hungry, I will eat until I am satisfied. being "mildly hungry" isn't IMHO a good lifestyle. that shouldn't be a regular occurrence.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited June 2016
    I wish I could dig out the study where various caloric restrictions were tested and the higher the deficit the less weight people lost per calorie restricted. Of course those with lower intake lost faster, but there was a greater slowdown in BMR resulting in them losing less than their level of restriction predicted.
  • kaylasaurus
    kaylasaurus Posts: 45 Member
    edited June 2016
    TarahByte wrote: »
    I'm 4'11" and 96lbs, so I'm pretty midgety, and it had me at 1200 for a 1/2lb loss. Then last week I changed the settings to maintenance & it put me at whopping 1300. That was kind of sad. I do earn back probably 300-500 a day though, so with that it isn't so bad. I just have to make sure to move a lot in order to eat good stuff. Sigh...

    I feel your pain - I am 5ft and 98lb - I get 1500 to maintain and that is with 4-5 1 hour long bootcamps a week.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited June 2016
    Keep in mind the link given is about a disease that is very....very rare.
    what are the chances that OP has this or any other rare disease?

    Because 99.99% of the forum posters here that have the problem of " i tried everything and can not lose weight" is often because of too much calories IN. No deficit for whatever the reason is ( overestimated exercise calories, or thinking of eating low calorie etc etc)

    Everybody can lose weight as long as there is a deficit ( body get less calories than it burns) However a disease and other circumstances can influence how fast or slow you lose.
    But you CAN lose!

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited June 2016
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    as I said if you really are eating 1200 chances are you are losing more muscle than you think.

    ETA: muscle definition comes from losing the fat on the muscle not from building extra muscle.

    Does it really. I had no idea =/ I am not losing muscle, and I am very strong. Not everyone is built the same, burns calories the same, has the same body. This is how I have always been.

    anybody trying to lose weight is losing included...but with low calorie intake unless you are prefect on your protein macro etc you are losing more than you think...but won't take this any believe what you want and eat how you want as it is of no consequence to me...I just truly was trying to help.

    It is unfortunate that you refuse to get it.

    Not actually true that everybody loses muscle when dieting.
    If someone loses a large amount of weight then they will inevitably lose LBM just because they are smaller - but muscle is just one component of LBM.

    I know you are trying to help and I agree with the methods you are promoting but you are exaggerating to say anybody losing weight is losing muscle.