Back on the Wagon!



  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Well, I just ate a whole loaf of bread, with butter and bacon. Urgh. It's been a while since I have felt the feeling of needing to binge creeping up, to the point I have given into it. Yes I have over eaten a few times recently, but they have been planned (like last weekend!) but tonight was a return of the binge monster. Urgh. Ok, well never mind. It's done now. I didn't go baxk to the shop to buy chips which I was definitely considering!!!

    On another note, it is so warm where I am. It's 29 degrees indoors (84F for all you Americans!) in my apartment currently. And nearly 90 outside, which is good, I just don't know how I will sleep if it doesn't cool down! Haha.

    I know how you feel. I just ate a pastry and a half I wasn't planning on having from French bakery stall at our local market. (Where, ironically, I only went for fresh, healthy vegetables...) I haven't even counted tonight's dinner in my log yet and I'm already over my calories for the day.

    On the bright side, your bacon sandwiches were probably amazing. So enjoy that, log it, move on, and don't do it again tomorrow! The nice part of the projection where it says, "if you ate like this every day, you'd weigh... in five weeks" is that you won't eat like that every day. You'll do great now!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Have a great Saturday! B)
  • asjt678
    asjt678 Posts: 60 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Have a great Saturday! B)

    Moving day. Grrrr...Ive been eating tons of takeout this week. I didnt want to cook or go grow shopping. I actually managed to lose 2 pounds. Shocking!
  • katandwaves
    katandwaves Posts: 67 Member

    This was the tea that we got and had champagne as well. Far too good not to eat!!

    Oh my goodness, that looks delicious! Do you live in the UK? I had treats like that when I visited family in London a couple years ago. I live in Charleston, SC. We just don't have that type of yumminess here.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member

    This was the tea that we got and had champagne as well. Far too good not to eat!!

    Oh my goodness, that looks delicious! Do you live in the UK? I had treats like that when I visited family in London a couple years ago. I live in Charleston, SC. We just don't have that type of yumminess here.
    I'm from the U.K., but I live in Switzerland and this was in a 5 star hotel in Geneva. :)
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    And yes my bacon sandwiches were amazing!! Haha. Back on the wagon today though. Had another bad ish day yesterday from too much alcohol!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    We all have off days... But as long as we log them and move forward... We're good!
    This is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. :smile:
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Ridiculous weekend - events both days and loads of calories. I sympathize with where you guys are coming from!

    The good news: I'd saved up a deficit over the week so that I could try to balance out the weekend. The bad news: it wasn't enough, so I've got to make up the remainder over the next couple of days.

    Mini-goals for this week:
    - Bring my overall calories back into the green by the end of Tuesday.
    - Achieve a daily deficit every day except for Saturday (major "event" day).
    - Achieve an overall deficit for the week.
    - At least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

    Mini-goal for tomorrow:
    - Resist the temptation to partake of all of the crazy treats I have baked for a co-worker's birthday (salted caramel cookie dough brownies topped with chocolate and almonds; individual berry cobblers with whipped cream). The worst will be cutting the brownies and heating up the cobblers so that I have to see them and smell them while knowing I can't have them... MUST STAY STRONG.

    I don't expect the numbers on the scale to have gone down this Friday, but as long as they haven't gone up, I'll consider it a win.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    Ridiculous weekend - events both days and loads of calories. I sympathize with where you guys are coming from!

    The good news: I'd saved up a deficit over the week so that I could try to balance out the weekend. The bad news: it wasn't enough, so I've got to make up the remainder over the next couple of days.

    Mini-goals for this week:
    - Bring my overall calories back into the green by the end of Tuesday.
    - Achieve a daily deficit every day except for Saturday (major "event" day).
    - Achieve an overall deficit for the week.
    - At least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

    Mini-goal for tomorrow:
    - Resist the temptation to partake of all of the crazy treats I have baked for a co-worker's birthday (salted caramel cookie dough brownies topped with chocolate and almonds; individual berry cobblers with whipped cream). The worst will be cutting the brownies and heating up the cobblers so that I have to see them and smell them while knowing I can't have them... MUST STAY STRONG.

    I don't expect the numbers on the scale to have gone down this Friday, but as long as they haven't gone up, I'll consider it a win.

    Weekends can definitely be rediculous! I am also glad I maintained. There is something to say about getting back to healthy routine eating.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Nighttime snacking is my nemesis. When I'm making lunches for the next day, or cleaning up the kitchen, I find myself hitting the potato chips!!

    I think my plan now is to work in the kitchen earlier, and drink a mason jar full of water, so I'm not so snacky!!

    Self-sabotage sucks, but I will not let it beat me!!

    Jill :#
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    edited June 2016
    jm216 wrote: »
    Nighttime snacking is my nemesis. When I'm making lunches for the next day, or cleaning up the kitchen, I find myself hitting the potato chips!!

    I think my plan now is to work in the kitchen earlier, and drink a mason jar full of water, so I'm not so snacky!!

    Self-sabotage sucks, but I will not let it beat me!!

    You can do it! And if the water isn't quite hitting the mental "snack spot," you can try adding something like a vitamin C tablet or no-sugar-added squash (juice concentrate) to it, so you get the taste/treat aspect of it without the calories.

    In a general sense, do you have any "willpower tips?" There are a lot of birthdays coming up in my office - today, for instance, the table directly behind my desk is loaded with three flavours of crisps, sausage rolls, cheese'n'onion rolls, quiche lorraine, vegetarian quiche, individual fruit cobblers with whipped cream, and almond-chocolate-covered salted-caramel cookie-dough brownies. I can't get up to do anything without being faced with this lovely spread - and I know the same thing will happen every birthday this summer. (It's compounded by the fact that I spent six years in graduate school, have never had much money, and still don't, so the idea of refusing free food only to have to eat food I pay for instead is a difficult one to comprehend.)

    How do you guys manage to convince yourselves not to eat delicious, free, available food?

    (Edit: I know I could just save up in my calorie budget for these kinds of treats, but the problem is, I already have to save that budget for stuff that's beyond my control - like weekend events and business trips. I need to learn willpower and self-control when I do have a choice.)
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    jm216 wrote: »
    Nighttime snacking is my nemesis. When I'm making lunches for the next day, or cleaning up the kitchen, I find myself hitting the potato chips!!

    I think my plan now is to work in the kitchen earlier, and drink a mason jar full of water, so I'm not so snacky!!

    Self-sabotage sucks, but I will not let it beat me!!

    You can do it! And if the water isn't quite hitting the mental "snack spot," you can try adding something like a vitamin C tablet or no-sugar-added squash (juice concentrate) to it, so you get the taste/treat aspect of it without the calories.

    In a general sense, do you have any "willpower tips?" There are a lot of birthdays coming up in my office - today, for instance, the table directly behind my desk is loaded with three flavours of crisps, sausage rolls, cheese'n'onion rolls, quiche lorraine, vegetarian quiche, individual fruit cobblers with whipped cream, and almond-chocolate-covered salted-caramel cookie-dough brownies. I can't get up to do anything without being faced with this lovely spread - and I know the same thing will happen every birthday this summer. (It's compounded by the fact that I spent six years in graduate school, have never had much money, and still don't, so the idea of refusing free food only to have to eat food I pay for instead is a difficult one to comprehend.)

    How do you guys manage to convince yourselves not to eat delicious, free, available food?

    (Edit: I know I could just save up in my calorie budget for these kinds of treats, but the problem is, I already have to save that budget for stuff that's beyond my control - like weekend events and business trips. I need to learn willpower and self-control when I do have a choice.)

    Wow Jey! You are in a tight spot...literally!!!
    Is there another space they can move this calorie fest spread? I think the hardest part is to be seeing it.... And having it so close....and smelling it.

  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Is there another space they can move this calorie fest spread? I think the hardest part is to be seeing it.... And having it so close....and smelling it.


    Not in our office, unfortunately! But you're right; the hardest part is that it's all right there, especially when they all talk about how good it is and how many they're having. (I shoot myself in the foot there; I do the baking...)

    Next time there's a birthday, I'll do the setting up and I'll take your advice and try to put everything at the farthest end of the table from my desk. I think I'll also try to make room in the calorie budget for some kind of treat that isn't horribly indulgent, but also isn't a celery stick - maybe having some kind of indulgent snack of my own will keep me from being tempted by theirs...
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    It's Friday morning and weigh-in time!

    The good: I met my mini-goals for this week, bringing myself into overall deficit and exercising every day.

    The bad: Apparently, I'm still on this depressing plateau, because my weight has gone up by 1.2 lbs, putting me right back where I was two weeks ago... and where I have been every weigh-in for two months.

    The ugly: I have a calorific weekend coming up. I'm trying to balance it out and make room for it in my calorie budget, but I'm just not feeling motivated at the moment. It seems like, no matter what I do, I can't make a dent in my numbers - so I almost feel like, why try? If I can't lose weight on a limit of 1000 (net) calories per day (doctor-approved), is eating well even worth it?
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Jey, don't get discouraged...we're here for you. Because this is a life change, progress is pretty slow sometimes, but you'll get through your plateau. Enjoy the good foods... Track them...and don't over stress. Just dance off some calories... Because dancing also relieves stress. ;)

  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Jey, don't get discouraged...we're here for you. Because this is a life change, progress is pretty slow sometimes, but you'll get through your plateau. Enjoy the good foods... Track them...and don't over stress. Just dance off some calories... Because dancing also relieves stress. ;)


    Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'll do my best and see what happens... I've got patience (in general), but the idea of being stuck at 1000 calories for life is pretty scary.

    (Also... dancing might relieve my stress, but if you'd ever seen me dance, you'd believe me when I say it might increase everyone else's.)

    Mini-goals for this week:
    - Eat at a deficit every day except tomorrow (big "event" day).
    - Come in at an overall deficit for the week and save a bit of deficit for next week*.
    - Identify trouble spots in my eating and call myself out on them publicly so I can fix them.

    *International business trip; I won't have much control over what I eat for six whole days! ARGH.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    *International business trip; I won't have much control over what I eat for six whole days! ARGH.

    I will be travelling to the USA (I live in Europe) leaving on Monday and will be gone for a month. 2 weeks working, and have little control over what I eat, and 2 weeks vacation. Vacation time will be even harder as I'm in hotels and whatever. Plus I (probably like everyone here) love food, and half of the fun of visiting new places is trying all the local food!! It's gonna be hard!!! My aim
    For the next month is to gain no more than 7lbs.

    Previously I have gained 10lbs in 2 weeks away so 7lbs in a month is ok with me. But oh..... I'm looking forward to it, but also know it will be hard.
    I also have a BBQ tomorrow and there will obviously be alcohol
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    We can get through the challenges of a holiday weekend, business trips, and vacations. We are smart, fabulous, and we can keep our portions under control B)
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    We can get through the challenges of a holiday weekend, business trips, and vacations. We are smart, fabulous, and we can keep our portions under control B)

    I hope you're right!!! I can keep my portion sizes under control. Whenever I travel to the USA, and eat out, I cannot. Seriously USA.....I know everything is bigger there but there are some things that do not need to be as big as they are! I remember my shock the first USA trip of my friend ordering a small pizza for 3 of us. The small pizza was bigger than the biggest pizza I had ever had. A standard bottle of coke or soda is bigger, in restaurants I made the mistake (many times) of ordering a starter with my Just no the starter is a meal in itself haha.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,779 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    We can get through the challenges of a holiday weekend, business trips, and vacations. We are smart, fabulous, and we can keep our portions under control B)

    I hope you're right!!! I can keep my portion sizes under control. Whenever I travel to the USA, and eat out, I cannot. Seriously USA.....I know everything is bigger there but there are some things that do not need to be as big as they are! I remember my shock the first USA trip of my friend ordering a small pizza for 3 of us. The small pizza was bigger than the biggest pizza I had ever had. A standard bottle of coke or soda is bigger, in restaurants I made the mistake (many times) of ordering a starter with my Just no the starter is a meal in itself haha.

    You are so right! We go overboard on food...
    Remember to order the smallest sizes, and get large salads. :#
    Which state are you going to?
