Ketogenic Thoughts



  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    What has your doctor recommended?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    AbbyGary wrote: »
    I have PCOS, Hypothyroidism, and Insulin Resistance

    Then you need to see a registered dietitian to assist you.
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    Do I think Keto is effective for fast weight loss? Yea. Do I think restricting your fruit intake along with healthy, nutritious carbs like sweet potatoes, oatmeal, etc. is a smart sustainable move? Not particularly.

    I think people demonize processed sugar and then go from one extreme to another quite often.

    "I'm addicted to sugar and donuts and sweets so I'm gonna just cut all sugar out entirely!"

    Not to mention the thought of eating tons of saturated fat and oils for every meal without much fiber sounds pretty unappetizing and gross to me, but that's just my opinion.
  • kingrat2014
    kingrat2014 Posts: 51 Member
    Try reading "Keto Clarity" by Jimmy Moore & Eric C Westman, MD. It is probably available through a library. Or listen to one of Jimmy Moore's podcasts, such as "Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & The Doc". I am suggesting this since every one is different and has different objectives.

    Why would anyone take diet advice from that fat *kitten*?

    2007: Jimmy gets to 248, goes on Kimkins, loses 35 or so pounds. Generates a lot of publicity, rakes in a lot of money.
    2010: Jimmy gets to 280, goes on an eggfast -- nothing but eggs and coconut oil and butter for a month. He reported a partial cholesterol profile at that time. Not good.
    2011: Jimmy gets to 290, goes on a beef, egg and CO "challenge" that quickly morphs to a BECO + chocolate diet.
    2011: After falling off that diet he fasts for 6 days and reaches his pre-KK weight of 248. This sets him up to regain and he is up to 285 by year's end
    2012: Jimmy tops 300 lbs and goes on "nutritional ketosis" experiment for one year.

    So you discount Dr. Arain, Bryan Barksdale, Dr. D'Agostino, Dr. Davis, Jacqueline Eberstein,RN, Maria Emmerich, Richard Feinmam, PhD, Nora Gedaudas, Ben Greenfield, John Kiefer, William Lagakos, PhD, Charles Mobbs, PhD, Mary Newport, MD, FAAP, David Perlmutter, MD, FACN,ABIHM, Stephanie Person, Ron Rosdale, MD, Dr. Keith Runyan, MD, Thomas Seyfried, PhD, Franziska Spritzler, RN, Terry Wahls, MD, William Wilson, MD, Jay Wortman, MD and Dr. Eric Westman?

  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    edited June 2016
    Keto is just another way to keep your calories low. I did it for awhile and it was great, very easy and effective, and I felt great. But I like beer too much to do it forever.

    Lots of people will say that it's not sustainable, but that depends entirely on what you like. Many people have done it consistently for years.

    Like eating raw foods, I found eating a keto diet very educational. I only did it for a few months, but I learned a lot about what I like and don't like, how to prepare new dishes, and new foods that I enjoy but probably wouldn't have tried otherwise.

    Living a healthy lifestyle isn't a race. There's no reason not to try new things for a month or 3 just to see how you feel about them, and how they make you feel.
  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member

    This is from back in 2013 for me. The ups and downs are using CICO (calories in/calories out) and exercise. The current down is low carb high fat with very little exercise, I am in keto. You can see how rapid the weightloss is in keto for me. Do your research, especially when it comes to the low carb flu. There is also a low carb group you can join that has a helpful community.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Try reading "Keto Clarity" by Jimmy Moore & Eric C Westman, MD. It is probably available through a library. Or listen to one of Jimmy Moore's podcasts, such as "Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & The Doc". I am suggesting this since every one is different and has different objectives.

    Why would anyone take diet advice from that fat *kitten*?

    2007: Jimmy gets to 248, goes on Kimkins, loses 35 or so pounds. Generates a lot of publicity, rakes in a lot of money.
    2010: Jimmy gets to 280, goes on an eggfast -- nothing but eggs and coconut oil and butter for a month. He reported a partial cholesterol profile at that time. Not good.
    2011: Jimmy gets to 290, goes on a beef, egg and CO "challenge" that quickly morphs to a BECO + chocolate diet.
    2011: After falling off that diet he fasts for 6 days and reaches his pre-KK weight of 248. This sets him up to regain and he is up to 285 by year's end
    2012: Jimmy tops 300 lbs and goes on "nutritional ketosis" experiment for one year.

    So you discount Dr. Arain, Bryan Barksdale, Dr. D'Agostino, Dr. Davis, Jacqueline Eberstein,RN, Maria Emmerich, Richard Feinmam, PhD, Nora Gedaudas, Ben Greenfield, John Kiefer, William Lagakos, PhD, Charles Mobbs, PhD, Mary Newport, MD, FAAP, David Perlmutter, MD, FACN,ABIHM, Stephanie Person, Ron Rosdale, MD, Dr. Keith Runyan, MD, Thomas Seyfried, PhD, Franziska Spritzler, RN, Terry Wahls, MD, William Wilson, MD, Jay Wortman, MD and Dr. Eric Westman?

    Yes, yes I do. As does the majority of the scientific community

  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    What has your doctor recommended?

    I have pcos, an insulin resistant and have low vitamin d. I went to a dietician a couple years ago (stopped going once the instance wouldn't pay anymore) and am doing what we discussed then. It is low carb but not Keto low.

    I would recommend you go see a dietician.
  • nikkijune18
    nikkijune18 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah I think getting advice from a doctor would be a good idea here since you are depriving your body of carbs and forcing it to rely on processing proteins and fats for energy. It may work for you, but you'd have to be sure you get all your nutrients I suppose. I don't know if it's an effective way to lose weight itself or if participants lose weight due to less calorie consumption. In the end... We need carbs! So it is short term.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Yeah I think getting advice from a doctor would be a good idea here since you are depriving your body of carbs and forcing it to rely on processing proteins and fats for energy. It may work for you, but you'd have to be sure you get all your nutrients I suppose. I don't know if it's an effective way to lose weight itself or if participants lose weight due to less calorie consumption. In the end... We need carbs! So it is short term.

    Nah, you don't have any minimum requirements for dietary carbs. What little glucose your body needs can easily be created by your liver.

    I've been keto about 13 months. Well, maybe 12 since I've been in and out of it lately... My liver is making too much glucose.

    Anyways, I also have insulin resistance and found that keto can help BG almost immediately, even without weight loss. It gave me energy (although I was low the first couple of weeks), helped with autoimmune issues (sugar can be inflammatory), improved cognition, and helped reduce my appetite making weight loss much easier than it has ever been.

    Come join the Low Carber Daily group liked earlier. There are a number of us with IR and PCOS. They are a supportive and helpful bunch.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited June 2016
    Several posters have mentioned the need to take in additional sodium and potassium to avoid the "carb flu".

    The kidneys are very good (in the absence of disease or trauma) at maintaining potassium and sodium levels as these are critical electrolytes (as low/high levels can cause coma and/or cardiac arrest). With most diets, the body is still able to regulate these to safe levels.

    I think (since you asked) any diet that can put you into a critical level state unless you purposely ingest additional salt or potassium is suspect.

    I can see your misunderstanding of the LCHF way of eating.

    We leave off the processed food options so we do not ingest the level of salt as one who lives on processed foods therefore we have to salt our foods. A fresh uncracked egg does not contain as much sodium as say Egg Beaters.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    AbbyGary wrote: »
    I have PCOS, Hypothyroidism, and Insulin Resistance

    Then you have at least a good reason to go LCHF. It may be much easier (depending on you personality) to start with low carb and then transition to Keto. Depending on the severity of your condition, you might do well at 100g or you might need a lot less.
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    edited June 2016
    Don't just read up on Keto, also read up on your health issues. I also have PCOS and have done a lot to figure out what works best for me. I'm not always able to totally isolate the best factor, but I do know that I lose weight at a consistent pace when low carb/low sugar. I avoid processed foods. I exercise. I'm hesitant to call myself Keto, because I don't like strictly limiting my veggie carbs. But Keto is most closely aligned with what I do. When I reach goal weight, I will be raising my carbs but still keeping them lower than the standard American diet recommendations.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Don't just read up on Keto, also read up on your health issues. I also have PCOS and have done a lot to figure out what works best for me. I'm not always able to totally isolate the best factor, but I do know that I lose weight at a consistent pace when low carb/low sugar. I avoid processed foods. I exercise. I'm hesitant to call myself Keto, because I don't like strictly limiting my veggie carbs. But Keto is most closely aligned with what I do. When I reach goal weight, I will be raising my carbs but still keeping them lower than the standard American diet recommendations.

    So just call it low-carb then. Keto is an intentionally (and some would say excessively low) carbohydrate intake, intended specifically to induce ketosis. Low-carb on the other hand, can mean anything below about 150g/day, when you consider that a lot of people eat over 200-400g of it per day.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AbbyGary wrote: »
    I really need to get my weight back under control. Thoughts on the ketogenic diet?

    it is totally unnecessary for weight loss and you can accomplish the same with a calorie deficit and restricted no whole food group ...
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AbbyGary wrote: »
    I really need to get my weight back under control. Thoughts on the ketogenic diet?

    it is totally unnecessary for weight loss and you can accomplish the same with a calorie deficit and restricted no whole food group ...

    You are right for people without insulin resistance. If you are insulin resistant eating high carbs and trying to losell weight is like peeing in the wind.

    That's not correct. Former prediabetic here 90 something pounds down on a moderate/high carb diet.

    OP some people thrive on keto, you may be one. Try it and see for yourself then you could always go back to good old simple calorie counting if you feel it's not for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AbbyGary wrote: »
    I have PCOS, Hypothyroidism, and Insulin Resistance

    You should have referenced that in your OP..I would suggest talking to a doctor and registered dietician ...
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    So just call it low-carb then. Keto is an intentionally (and some would say excessively low) carbohydrate intake, intended specifically to induce ketosis. Low-carb on the other hand, can mean anything below about 150g/day, when you consider that a lot of people eat over 200-400g of it per day.

    Thanks. I know what Keto is. Does it really matter what I call the way I eat? I'm not in opposition to Keto. I just don't freak out if I have 30g of carbs in a day if I have more veggies. I lean more towards the Keto end of the low carb spectrum. My point is that very low carb works for me.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    So just call it low-carb then. Keto is an intentionally (and some would say excessively low) carbohydrate intake, intended specifically to induce ketosis. Low-carb on the other hand, can mean anything below about 150g/day, when you consider that a lot of people eat over 200-400g of it per day.

    Thanks. I know what Keto is. Does it really matter what I call the way I eat? I'm not in opposition to Keto. I just don't freak out if I have 30g of carbs in a day if I have more veggies. I lean more towards the Keto end of the low carb spectrum. My point is that very low carb works for me.

    No, not at all. My statement was aimed at the part of your post where you said you are hesitant to call yourself keto.
  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    I've lost a 20lbs in 2 months on keto