Ladies losing 100+lbs?



  • 44to44
    44to44 Posts: 896 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm 43, and would like to lose around 80 lbs or so. I've set my first goal for 44 lbs since I'm headed towards my 44th bday and it will take me to the halfway mark. Would love any extra friends for added motivation and mutual support!
  • cooper55
    cooper55 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I'm so amazed at the positivity and encouragement on this page! I've been on and off My Fitness Pal and have some internal motivation this time around to push me in the direction of making this a lifestyle change, not just another diet. I'm starting at 301lbs and plan to gradually make changes as everything I've read has said that leads to lasting changes. Any support or suggestions are welcome! Please add me and let's make this change together :)
  • deannamb41
    deannamb41 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning ladies ... I'm in the same boat as many of you ... I recently joined a Weight Management Program through my local hospital and it brought me to MFP. I've been following the program for about a month now and I'm down around 17 lbs. I feel great but I am always looking for moral support as well!! Please feel free to friend request me!
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I've been on and off MFP for years. I'm trying this again. I would like to lose around 150 pounds total. 30 pounds is my first weight goal. I've lost 3 so far, which I'm sure is water weight. I am on a low carb, high fat, and primal lifestyle. I would love to have new friends.
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    Hi guys! I'm trying to lose more than 100 lbs. I started at 315 and my current is 254. Feel free to add me. Please. Need some support in this journey.
  • wondy75
    wondy75 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all! I'm 41/5'7"/390 and have over 200 to lose. I would love to connect with people who are on a similar journey. Please add me if you like. Good luck to your endeavors!
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    I have at least 100lbs to lose... in kilos, I want to go from 125kg to 60kg. I am currently at 110kg. I have been overweight most of my life, but after getting put on medications for my illness I gave up on my health and decided I might as well eat what I wanted and as much of it as I could because I was always going to be big anyway. Turns out that was a lie.

    If you want to add me, please send a note mentioning this thread. Thanks!
  • 100fitnessplan
    100fitnessplan Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm 5'11" and currently 275 trying to lose 100 lbs. When I was 18, I successfully got down to 175 lbs, but slowly gained all of that weight back while at school the past three years. I'm looking for motivated friends to help me stay accountable and reach my goal once again! I KNOW I can do it!
  • MsFlabULess
    MsFlabULess Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 5'7" and have at least 120 lbs. to lose. Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • Loribh0126
    Loribh0126 Posts: 627 Member
    Hi! I'm 49/5'3"/214 and have about a 100 to lose. Have elevated liver enzymes (fatty liver) and need to get this weight off and be healthy. I'm not getting any younger. Anyone, please feel free to add me!
  • DapperDassie
    DapperDassie Posts: 190 Member
    I have 80lbs to lose so close-ish to 100. I'm also 5'7 feel free to add me!
  • nancy1465
    nancy1465 Posts: 25 Member
    I have read many of the stories here and just want to add everyone. So many of us in the same boat when many times you think you are all alone. I have yo yo dieted ALL my life. This is my first time on this program which I really like so far. I need to lose over 100lbs and have been here a month now and lose 14 lbs. I lost 85 lbs once and even shot a tv commercial 28 yrs ago so I know I can do it. However much harder as you get older. Good luck to us all in reaching our goals. smiley:
  • LosinginJersey
    LosinginJersey Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'7 and need to lose 100#! Add me we can share tips! I'm 2weeks in and I'm down 10.2#
  • Susanna5838
    Susanna5838 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    Scary start, because I do not like to put myself out there. I am 39 years young. 5'5" @ 250 lbs. I have about 125 lbs of muscle on me ( or atleast that is what I was told). I want to start living to my fullest and stop limiting myself ( which is what my weight does for me, I cover myself, do not like pictures, and will not do somethings that I use to enjoy).
    I am active. Constantly moving from the time my feet hit tge ground in the morning til my eyes close at night. But, jusy don't seem to get yhe right amount of everything at once to click lately.
    Not enough sleep, not enough water, not enough small meals, not enough active movement with the right heart rate.
    I would like to weigh a healthy weight whether it be 120 to 140 but, would also like to maintain it.
    I have had several set backs but, always willing to get back up and try something new. This is my first time with MFP.
  • peruvian16
    peruvian16 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just started I'm 15 stones 7 (sorry it's stones here in uk) and I realistically need to loose to 11 stones so about 100 ibs! I have always yoyo in weight but never gone under 14,9 since I was a teenager so I'm praying this time it will work