Starting today - I need to lose 50lbs - will you join me?



  • CCSchouder
    CCSchouder Posts: 6 Member
    Heck yeah!! I keep sabotaging myself once I get to a certain point in my weight loss. So tired of feeling so defeated. I don't really have anyone close to work with and help keep up motivation. But I'm determined!!
  • suz829
    suz829 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi... Please add me too!!! I have tried alone and realize I NEED a support system in this! Looking forward to new friends! :) Suzanne
  • yasef13
    yasef13 Posts: 63 Member
    Me toooooo!!! I was so good for six months and list 55 lbs but fell off the wagon recently. Trying to catch up and hop back on that darn wagon. I need at least 60 more lbs, but need accountability buddies. (It really doesn't help that I just started a cookie business venture with a friend!!!! :s )
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Lost 3.5#s this month so far...41.5 since February on plan for my short term goals. My next big one was 20#s by September first which I should more make if I don't plateau between now and then...6.5 to go. I'm changing out my exercise routine (yoga, ab & core gym) to include water aerobics & pool weights. I'm averaging now about 6#s/month but I'm concerned as I get closer to goal weight it's going to be harder to keep that up. I'm half way to final goal...41.5 to go. I just love MFP and my easy to keep track. I log everything and plan ahead so I make healthy choices have some friends joining in now too.

    How's everyone else doing...I know one step at a time :)

    GLo on the North Shore of Ma.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm just starting back and hopefully have my head screwed on right this time.

    See you all lighter.
  • Willow2528
    Willow2528 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm in, I also have 50Ibs to lose so I'm willing to support or be a shoulder to cry on any time. Good luck to everyone xx
  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    Feel free to add me. The more friends to help motivate the better I think!
  • Cin456
    Cin456 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in also! We can do this!
  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    Feel free to add me. I lost 80, had two babies in 11.5 months, gained 40 back, and now have 60 to lose to be at my goal weight!
  • carolynensanchez
    carolynensanchez Posts: 9 Member
    Add me I'm in! I have to lose 70 pounds on my own as recommended by my doctor so I need any motivation I can get too :)