Maybe I like food more than I like being thin

I'm seriously wondering if this is the case. 8 years ago I lost weight and was a perfect size 6. I felt amazing, beautiful and loved buying clothes. It felt so good. But over the years I've gained the pounds back and am struggling to fit into size 12's. I have the same pattern- I get disgusted and unhappy, go back on MFP, have some success for a few days, then get bored or lazy or just decide I really want Thai food and a bottle of wine and I stop tracking and trying. I also hate working out- hate gyms. I walk a lot because I have a dog, but I don't get much true cardio. So maybe I just like eating and drinking more than I like being fit and looking good. Is that possible? Am I depressed?


  • troutlilly
    troutlilly Posts: 44 Member
    I like rainbowbows post. There's a lot of helpful advice in there.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have the same issue and trying to find a balance in life has proven difficult for me. It seems like a never ending battle. I am good with working out on a regular basis, that habit took and I have been regular with it for 7 years, my eating habits, they are not so good. I like to go out to eat with my friends, have cocktails with my friends, etc. I have been trying to find things to do with them that include activity for regularly. One friend and I go walking with our dogs a lot, another will sign up for 5Ks with it does help
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    troutlilly wrote: »
    I like rainbowbows post. There's a lot of helpful advice in there.

    Yep. That first sentence described me too. Rainbowbows nailed it. You'll get there. I was the same way. Five sisters, all skinny as we grew up. I was the "big boned one." Nice. I spent 45 years thinking I was fat (I was really only fat for about the last 15 of those years.) Now I'm down 20 pounds, probably need to drop another 10-15, but not really interested yet. I'm happy that the 20 have stayed off for 3 years. In the meantime, I have found activities I love, some new recipes for foods that weren't doing much for me, and I've learned what my triggers are.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I could relate to much of your post. Until you asked if you are depressed. I have no inclination to be as thin as I was for most of my adult life, but it's not from depression. Quite the opposite actually.

    But, if you have to ask if you are depressed that might be something you need to think seriously about.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    You can like food and still be lean. Over consumption is the issue for most.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I am a food addict. I just went out for a curry with my hubby! And I ate a crunchie earlier because I was hangry. I will always be a food addict, its the first thing I think of when I wake up! I trainee myself to love other types of food, and to use my addiction to fuel my body and allow myself indulgence when I want it. It's self diciplin, not an love of food that keeps me thin!
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    then get bored or lazy or just decide I really want Thai food and a bottle of wine and I stop tracking and trying. I also hate working out- hate gyms. I walk a lot because I have a dog, but I don't get much true cardio.

    Believe me I have consumed more then my fair share of wine & years ago I would have said 1 bottle is a portion size. I still struggle with drinking my calories more then eating them but I'm trying to improve. I know tomorrow & this weekend will be "bad" days & I'm trying to be OK with that but I'm also adding in extra exercise to counteract it. That is the 1st time I have done that. Usually I just gave up.

    What do you hate about gyms? I hate a lot about them. You have to find one that speaks to you. Years ago I went to one where all the machines talked to you, like a personal coach. That helped but the chain went out of business. I love to swim & when I worked across the street from a community college & could use the pool after work I got up to 1 mile 3x per week. Alas there are no convenient pools around here. I wasted several hundred dollars on the Y because it was in an inconvenient location & I didn't go as often as I should have to justify the expense but I miss the swimming. They also had all these cool water based classes which made things more fun. Their gym was incredibly intimidating & their cardio room was too small, too hot & just uncomfortable for me. I did strength training once per month. All this led me to Planet Fitness, which a lot of people on here don't like but I feel like I fit in there so it makes it easier to go.

    Can you take the dog on a longer walk? Would you consider getting a bike & riding while the dog runs along side you? My dog loved doing that. We have a lot of what are called rails to trails around here . . . the state ripped out old unused rail lines so now people have a flat cool place to run, walk, ride bikes & horses without cars. It was one of my dog's favorite things (except for the horses which he hated).

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    If you are getting "bored" eating healthy, you are over-restricting yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wine or Thai food. The only hang-up with the foods that got you overweight in the first place, are your portions of them. Have wine, but put it in a small glass that only holds 5oz. Limit your portions to just one. When you go out to eat, ask them to box up half, so you only see half the portion on your plate. Take the other half home and have it for lunch the next day.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    When you give up, what triggers it? Is it missing specific foods, missing quantity, or missing the setting you enjoy food in? Other people can probably help you more on the first couple of points, but here's my perspective on the third:

    I've managed to maintain a size 4 for a few years now, but I still go through phases where I feel like I'm choosing between the healthy, fit goals I've set for myself and enjoying myself by indulging in food. A lot of my struggle is because my social life is set up around food and drink - my best friend is a food critic so I tag along for dinners often, my husband and I love going out to nice dinners, all of our friends drink quite a bit so happy hour is a frequent thing, my girl friends and I met at a cooking class and do those together from time to time. Giving up going out with them to shed a few pounds wasn't working for me, so I find a way to work it in. Logging, even loosly, helps me be mindful of how much I'm eating. I cook at home most of the time and go out once or twice I week. I bank calories for weekend meals. When in a deficit, I choose a very small weight loss goal. I work out more if I need to. I try to recognize when being "healthy" is stressing me out and making me feel like I'm not having fun, and I take steps to fix that before I completely fall off the wagon out of frustration.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Stories like yours frighten me. But I'll be ok. I figure if something was going to tempt me to quit it would have acted by now.
  • AriesGal329
    AriesGal329 Posts: 236 Member
    Stories like yours frighten me. But I'll be ok. I figure if something was going to tempt me to quit it would have acted by now.

    Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I should mention I got divorced last year and dating is about the last thing on my mind, so that may be part of my lack of motivation.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    OP I hear you. It's tough! I've been maintaining for 2 years but I'm not as thin as I'd like because I just like food too much...
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Sometimes I feel this way too, like it will ALWAYS be a battle to not have that 2nd brownie and NOT order a pizza & side & dessert when I'm too tired to cook and there's nothing I fancy in the fridge anyway.

    The only thing that helps me is STAYING on MFP, not ditching it every time I fall off the wagon. Log that Thai food and wine and be over by 1300 calories that day - then move on from it and tomorrow, try to stay on track. I've had days where I'm over by 300-600 EVERY DAY for a week, and I still come back because I'm determined to face this hard bit and stick with it because I KNOW it works. I haven't ever gotten to a size 6 but I've lost the same 25lbs a couple of times using MFP.

    And walking IS true cardio, it's great for your heart and joints, and it burns calories. I hate gyms too so I walk and run around in my neighbourhood. Give yourself credit for it! We can do this!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    So pick a weight/clothing size that makes you feel great, but is easy to maintain while enjoying food. Maybe it's not a size 6 or 18% body fat. I'm a bit chubby now but it's easy to maintain and I like how I look. If I really wanted to I could just hang out here for life (I won't though because I do want to get ripped eventually).
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    I relate to this so much! I've tried to diet so many times just to have a complete change of heart and give up. This is the longest I've stuck to a diet so far, but I still sometimes get moments when I'm like "you know what I just want to eat whatever I want I don't really care anymore". I think everyone gets those moments. What works for me is usually just thinking about all the terrible ways I feel when I'm at a higher weight and all the great ways I feel when I'm at a lower weight. I remind myself that I give up everytime and that's why this is yet another summer than I'm not happy with myself when I could have been. I like to look at pictures of other people's weight loss too (on here, or Instagram, or other social media), which usually helps me snap out of it :smile: If you feel like you'd rather eat, try eating at maintenance for a couple days. That won't ruin your progress and you might decide to go back to losing after a few days of eating more. Or just give yourself a cheat day but force yourself to get back on track the next day. Sometimes you just need it, and there's nothing wrong with that. Good luck!