Why am I gaining.



  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    edited July 2016
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »


    Even that link doesn't say anything about starvation mode.

    It talks about cortisol (stress hormone) making you retain water which masks weight loss.
    talks about Muscle loss which causes a lower BMR
    but no where does it say "you will gain weight if you eat too little"

    that is scientifically impossible.

    Look I don't care WHO is right here. I just want the OP to have success with her fitness goals.
    I suggest you actually READ the article before commenting on it.

    Not Eating Enough Slows Metabolism
    "Eating too few calories sends your body into starvation mode, causing your body to preserve energy by slowing the amount of calories you burn. Researchers confirmed this in a study published in PloS One in 2009. Participants who cut their caloric intake by 25 percent experienced a reduction in metabolism, while volunteers who reduced calories by 12 percent did not"

    Calorie Deficit Increases Cortisol and May Stall Weight Loss

    "Hormonal checks and balances are thrown off when the body is put under stress, which promotes fat storage. Cortisol triggers the release of insulin, which plays a role in storing calories for future fuel use. The psychological stress caused by calorie deprivation increases cortisol as well, according to the authors. These results suggest that the physiological and psychological effects of calorie restriction work against weight loss."

    I did read the article...but that doesn't mean it's the truth.

    If our bodies held onto fat because we were eating too little there wouldn't be people dying of starvation.

    I addressed the slowing metabolism...our BMR slows through normal weight loss, muscle loss and age...which is typically from muscle loss.

    Eating too little will not...weight loss will...but again that is called Adaptive Thermogensis

    If you want the OP to have success then don't spew out false information like starvation mode.

    Chances are the OP is either retaining water due to high sodium, stress, TOM or new exercise or eating more than they think.

    I suspect Stress due to the implant issue...but regardless it's one week.

    Weight loss is not linear.

    BTW I do care about who is right because everytime someone comes in here and spews "AMG STARVATION MODE" another kitten dies.

    Please, it's obvious you didn't take the time to actually read it.
    But yes, you have a point, the article was on livestrong.com, which is notorious for misinformation ;)
    So how about womenshealthmag.com?

    Or everydayhealth.com?
    (This one was medically reviewed by one Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH)

    PS People die of starvation because once any stored body fat is consumed, next up is muscle, bones and organs, and once those are gone... RIP

    really you use magazine and blogs for sources....try these


    and if you don't like peer reviewed studies


    and what @queenliz99 posted...

    PS I know why people die of starvation...that's why saying a body holds onto fat if you eat too little is stupid.


    Sorry, @willburton174, but the National Center for Biotechnology Information and peer-reviewed studies trump articles from Women's Health Magazine. We've seen this myth thrown around and around and around. We have read the articles, over and over. And we've read the official government sponsored peer-reviewed research as much as the "let's fill in the bottom corner of page 24 next month." Eating more does not cause weight loss. We've been down this road on this site a million times and it does not change. I'd suggest you take a little of your own advice and read these five links @SezxyStef supplied for you.
  • WillpowerBurton
    WillpowerBurton Posts: 65 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »


    Even that link doesn't say anything about starvation mode.

    It talks about cortisol (stress hormone) making you retain water which masks weight loss.
    talks about Muscle loss which causes a lower BMR
    but no where does it say "you will gain weight if you eat too little"

    that is scientifically impossible.

    Look I don't care WHO is right here. I just want the OP to have success with her fitness goals.
    I suggest you actually READ the article before commenting on it.

    Not Eating Enough Slows Metabolism
    "Eating too few calories sends your body into starvation mode, causing your body to preserve energy by slowing the amount of calories you burn. Researchers confirmed this in a study published in PloS One in 2009. Participants who cut their caloric intake by 25 percent experienced a reduction in metabolism, while volunteers who reduced calories by 12 percent did not"

    Calorie Deficit Increases Cortisol and May Stall Weight Loss

    "Hormonal checks and balances are thrown off when the body is put under stress, which promotes fat storage. Cortisol triggers the release of insulin, which plays a role in storing calories for future fuel use. The psychological stress caused by calorie deprivation increases cortisol as well, according to the authors. These results suggest that the physiological and psychological effects of calorie restriction work against weight loss."

    I did read the article...but that doesn't mean it's the truth.

    If our bodies held onto fat because we were eating too little there wouldn't be people dying of starvation.

    I addressed the slowing metabolism...our BMR slows through normal weight loss, muscle loss and age...which is typically from muscle loss.

    Eating too little will not...weight loss will...but again that is called Adaptive Thermogensis

    If you want the OP to have success then don't spew out false information like starvation mode.

    Chances are the OP is either retaining water due to high sodium, stress, TOM or new exercise or eating more than they think.

    I suspect Stress due to the implant issue...but regardless it's one week.

    Weight loss is not linear.

    BTW I do care about who is right because everytime someone comes in here and spews "AMG STARVATION MODE" another kitten dies.

    Please, it's obvious you didn't take the time to actually read it.
    But yes, you have a point, the article was on livestrong.com, which is notorious for misinformation ;)
    So how about womenshealthmag.com?

    Or everydayhealth.com?
    (This one was medically reviewed by one Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH)

    PS People die of starvation because once any stored body fat is consumed, next up is muscle, bones and organs, and once those are gone... RIP

    really you use magazine and blogs for sources....try these


    and if you don't like peer reviewed studies


    and what @queenliz99 posted...

    PS I know why people die of starvation...that's why saying a body holds onto fat if you eat too little is stupid.


    Sorry, @willburton174, but the National Center for Biotechnology Information and peer-reviewed studies trump articles from Women's Health Magazine. We've seen this myth thrown around and around and around. We have read the articles, over and over. And we've read the official government sponsored peer-reviewed research as much as the "let's fill in the bottom corner of page 24 next month." Eating more does not cause weight loss. We've been down this road on this site a million times and it does not change. I'd suggest you take a little of your own advice and read these five links @SezxyStef supplied for you.

    Please see my most recent post :)
  • BodyzLanguage
    BodyzLanguage Posts: 200 Member
    You're probably eating more than you think, also like the above have stated: Water retention, poor sleep, timing of weigh in, whether or not you still had food digesting. There's a host possible reasons. Firstly the initial weight you did lose was mostly water weight, this comes off at the start of any diet. Secondly, because of this you're highly unlikely to see the same drop in weight on week 3+ as you did during the first couple weeks. And tbh, you're panicking far too early. You've barely started, give it time. *Note, 1200 cals seems a tad too little. Cross reference a few calorie calculators to know exactly how much you should be eating.
  • KassiesJourney
    KassiesJourney Posts: 306 Member
    Can people please stop with the starvation mode debate? That's not what the OP was asking. Her post isn't where you should be debating that. Leave room for people to give her opinions and options.

    You may be eating more than you realize and over estimating you exercise calories. I never eat my exercise calories back but many people suggest eating back up to 50%
  • nicole123100
    nicole123100 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys sorry just managed to sit and read through all of this after a busy day yesterday.
    I don't think I am inadvertently eating more. I weigh everything I eat. I log literally everything. To the precise measurement. Almost a little ocd with it but I am with anything.
    Exercise wise I have a Fitbit flex. As stated I physically can't do anything that much due to issues with my implants and pain but I do walk a lot every day. I'm a full time mum and housewife during the day and a cleaner in the evenings so I'm moving from the moment I get up pretty much to the moment I go to bed. I'm doing at least 10k steps a day. Although it's normally more like 12-16k. 10k is just my bare minimum.
    I don't know if my implants can make me hold onto weight. There's a lot of arguments for and against this online but nothing is medically proven I suppose I'll know when they are out what the case is.

    I am ex anorexic. My last recovery was around 18 months ago. After a 12 year on of battle of recover and relapse. I don't know if my metabolism is buggered because of that.

    I just don't really have anybody else to ask as if I even mention anything food related to people who know me they just assume I'm getting sick again. Which isn't the case but I can understand it.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited July 2016
    Ignore I'm always late to the conversation.
  • nicole123100
    nicole123100 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you WB. It's so difficult because the want to establish at least a partially healthy relationship with food is there. But my want for my happy weight is there too. More so than anything else. I have a weight that if I can hover in it I am less triggered. It's just so difficult when trying to get down to it healthily isn't working because it tempts me to crash diet it off. But obviously I know deep down I shouldn't because then my chances of relapse are pretty strong. I thought
    I was ready to gain beyond my happy weight and not care but I was dreadfully wrong. Now I'm so scared of relapse but I know that with this extra on me the chances are high. It's refreshing to hear words of encouragement I think until you e either loved it yourself or watched someone you love live it it's a difficult concept to grasp and for you to write to me I do really appreciate it ♥️
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    mypi wrote: »
    Not to be judgmental but you eat to little. I highly recommend you calculate you TDEE, from there you deduct 20%. Just be honest when you do. You'd be surprised how much more you can eat and lost. I eat anywhere between 1.9k cals to 2.6k a day. Usually keeping above 2k threshold.

    Do you exercise? How does your lifestyle looks like? What do you do for living? Is it highly active job, standing all day? A sitting job? Physical job? How many times a week you work and exercise? All kind of factors are dependent when you're trying yo figure our how much to eat.

    100% wrong. Weight loss comes down to eating less calories than you burn, anything outside of that is preference.
    I ate 1200 and stopped losing, upped my calories to what it is now and am losing.

    This is not how weight loss works. Chances are, what you describe is natural fluctuations.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2016
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2016
    Too late in conversation. :open_mouth:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi guys sorry just managed to sit and read through all of this after a busy day yesterday.
    I don't think I am inadvertently eating more. I weigh everything I eat. I log literally everything. To the precise measurement. Almost a little ocd with it but I am with anything.
    Exercise wise I have a Fitbit flex. As stated I physically can't do anything that much due to issues with my implants and pain but I do walk a lot every day. I'm a full time mum and housewife during the day and a cleaner in the evenings so I'm moving from the moment I get up pretty much to the moment I go to bed. I'm doing at least 10k steps a day. Although it's normally more like 12-16k. 10k is just my bare minimum.
    I don't know if my implants can make me hold onto weight. There's a lot of arguments for and against this online but nothing is medically proven I suppose I'll know when they are out what the case is.

    I am ex anorexic. My last recovery was around 18 months ago. After a 12 year on of battle of recover and relapse. I don't know if my metabolism is buggered because of that.

    I just don't really have anybody else to ask as if I even mention anything food related to people who know me they just assume I'm getting sick again. Which isn't the case but I can understand it.

    You do medical professionals you can take your situation to.. Since you are a recovering anorexic, and because you have implants you are worried about, you need to go to the doctor.

    Also, isolation is part of an eating disorder, especially feeling different and along (I have an eating disordered past as well). It seems to me you may not yet be fully recovered.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    Ok. Thank you to all the people that have engaged me in this "Starvation Mode" debate. I was going on the material that I have read up to this point, and am thankful for all the articles/sources that have been shared :)
    I had no idea it was such a hot topic!

    After reading them all, it seems that weight-gain while dieting can be due to a lot of different potential causes, that everyone's physiological responses are different based on a lot of different factors and that "it all depends". While the starvation response is real, it seems it only occurs in extended periods of VLCD. From what I can gather, most of the time people just aren't being honest/accurate with their caloric consumption, and are eating more than they think lol :p

    From http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/starvation-mode/ :
    "The starvation response will basically make weight loss harder and possibly slower at some point, and some adjustments may need to be made to compensate. But actually stop weight loss from happening or reverse it? Nope. That just doesn’t happen."

    Shout outs to @queenliz99 , @yycsean and @diannethegeek and especially @SezxyStef for taking the time to expand my knowledge!

    Late to the party but it's so refreshing to see someone take the time to read information given to them and consider opposing view points. This honestly made my day :smile: