Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't know what to tell you. Seems to me that in your picture you are holding a very good reason to try to figure out what is going on instead of giving up because you don't understand what is going on.
    I looked through your diary and can't see your exercise but am curious on how you are calculating your exercise calories, over 3,000 calories burned in one day is impressive and I'm very curious how those numbers so regularly come to show up in your diary. If you're not using a hrm, how do you know that is accurate?
    You made the statement that you eat at least half your calories, that's not much. Also looking through your diary your calorie sources are kind of crap. I see lots of mayo and bread and processed foods. Yeah, you're falling within your calorie goals, but your sources also play a huge roll in how your body processes the food.
    Seems to me that you may want to continue logging, save up a few bucks and take your self to a nutritionist (one that's also a trainer would be your best bet) to evaluate your diet and exercise routine.
    Edit: the first 30 days were the most difficult for me. I didn't have the challenge that you have set in front of you, but the first 30 days were the most difficult for me.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Kinda confusing why this guy wants to quit. Lost 10 lbs in a week and his pants are getting so loose that they were falling down?!? Sounds like its working to me.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hope you dont quit either...........its been hell for 14 months for me, but Ill take that hell over the feeling that I used to have for the last 14 months being morbidly obese

    I will say, although it was tuff, it gets easier to make choices about what you do eat and the commitment that it takes to work out and eat healthier.................

    it does get better, youll feel so much better as you lose the will lose, just dont quit.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    So I say this "GOOD-BYE MyFitnessPal" thanks for helping me lose ten pounds of the one-hundred I wanted I am now completely done with dieting it is no use anymore to me I am just going to stay fat
    Ten pounds is 10 percent of the way to your goal. That's awesome! Keep it up, and you'll lose 10 more, and so on, and so on. If you quit now, how well do you think that is going to work for you?
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    I've read bits and pieces of this incredibly long thread, and I have to admit something to the OP. Thank you. Thank you for being brave enough to say what I assume some of us have at least thought. I've had my fair share of bad days, especially WI days when you expected things to go better than they did. But, you can't quit. If that encouragemnt comes from other people (here or elsewhere) or from within, as long as you stay on track, that's what's important. You have quite a journey ahead of you, as do a good deal of us, and we've all got eachother's backs for the good, bad and in-between.

    Here's to you and all of us struggling :drinker: We've got this!
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    This diet/liftestyle thing is pretty simple if you remember these two things;

    1. You can try
    2. You can give up

    Attention paid to you by members of this board (positive OR negative) won't change that.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Quitting isn't going to get you anywhere.

    If what you're doing isn't working - don't be afraid to tweak things until you hit on what works. MFP should be a starting point in this journey - somewhere to help get you off the couch and moving forward. You can't expect everything it recommends to work for every single person. Instead of throwing in the towel, grab ahold of your life and figure out what you need to do to be successful (and quittin' .. it isn't it!).

    MFP has my calories for the day set WAY too low. I wasn't losing any weight, so I started doing research (google.. it's a beautiful thing!). I read articles, message boards, etc until I figured out that I may not be eating enough. That between my job and my workouts, I was basically pushing my body into starvation mode. I upped my calories and lost weight again.

    Failure isn't the answer.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Dude i've reached a stage where I've lost about 10 pounds in 6-7 months. Boo ****ing hoo. You just keep going because if you don't you'll just end up 100lb MORE than you started with! What's the point in quitting?! I'm still losing weight but slowly. And to be honest, i'm thankful for anything I lose. But despite the extremely slow losses, I just keep on going and using this tool because it DOES help and I REFUSE to be the fat girl anymore.
    Quitting after a week is just pathetic.
    ABARNHART Posts: 25
    STOP!!!! Don't give up. I have struggled up and down with my weight for over 40 years. I gain, lose, gain, lose...and sometimes I give up. When I give up, though I gain. may have gained because of muscle mass. You stated that your pants were falling off so something is happening! You don't talk about your eating habits, and although I wish it wasn't true, eating is important to weight loss. Please..hold on and keep trying. I'm back after a year. I've gained, but ready to try again. I haven't gained it all back but I did gain some. Contact is important.
  • jennchenprice
    jennchenprice Posts: 4 Member
    Don't give up!! You need to do this for you. I never calculate on eating my additional calories from exercise. You should look at what you are eating. This is the hardest thing changing how u eat and not dieting.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    "If quitting is an option, you never intended to succeed."

    ^ I like this.

    But honestly, you can't blame a fitness website for you gaining weight. When I gain weight (I usually stop tracking the things I eat) previously I tracked what I ate on paper before moving to the MFP food diary. Sometimes your weight fluctuates...I know in February I had gained 10 pounds nearly over night...I didn't blame MFP. I had a "cheat day" and to boot my sodium intake was in the negative every other day. Actually MFP is a good way to track not only calories but (fat, sodium, carbs, etc.) That's not a bad thing. This website isn't here to do all the work for've got to do that. And this is coming from a person who has been overweight for the majority of their life.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Quit, personally, I don't care. But don't fill up the boards with this "woe is me" BS, Either do it or don't, but don't come whining here.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    No offense... But I looked at your diary and you are eating like s*it. Everything you eat is processed, fried, take out...

    Just because you stay under your calories for the day doesn't give you license to keep eating whatever the heck you want! For instance... Not sure what day it was but you ate two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Who the heck can eat that and expect to loose weight? You are mis using this site and completely looking at this the wrong way.

    Do whatever you want. I guarantee that people on this site will not miss you one bit.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    For what it's worth, I'm glad that you decided to stick around. Don't worry so much about what the scale says day-to-day. I've only been doing this since April, but from what I've seen so far my weight-loss chart isn't a nice, even, constant downward progression. It goes up, it goes down. I'll do everything right a week and gain, I'll screw up horribly the next week and lose.

    As long as I see it trending the right way month to month, I'm happy. I'd love to weigh in every day knowing that the scale would show me a loss, but I'll deal with slow and steady :drinker:
  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    wow some of you are really harsh. i thought this website was to enable and encourage .
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    Bump.. gonna read every single one of the post. This is good stuff.
    This OP comments just reminded me of a guy on a COPS episode that crashed his bike right in front of a police car, of course he's drunk and stoned. then he said something like "thank you (about 50 times) I need to be saved, I need to clean my act."
    Some people just feel like getting attention when they let themselves go pretty bad, maybe some wrist slapping can get them back on track.
    No need to insult the OP but if you're gonna quit you might as well do it quietly.
    My guess he's saying "I need to be saved" and he does not really want to quit.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I'm not going to go through this entire thread and remove all of the inappropriate comments (it would take forever to find them all), nor will I lock it, as there has been a lot of good, informative posts and some great support (both kind and tough).

    But I will put in a reminder about forum rules:

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    Tough love is one thing, being rude and insulting is another. Name calling and insults are NOT allowed, for any reason. Please keep it respectful.

    Thank you for your cooperation.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Look at your picture! There's no better reason to not quit than that little girl in your arms. Open up your diary so people can see them and give some pointers. Get some more MFP friends because they are an amazing source of love and support. There are answers and reasons to all of this stuff. Don't just walk away. I was 408 and after a week was ready to quit and continue my unhealthy life, as short as it was gonna be. I'm down to 280 now with the thanks of mfp!!!!!

    Absolutely 100% dead on!!! We all got big over time and we need to take it off over time.
    We care enough to try to make you understand (however we have too!) that YOU CAN DO IT!!!
    Oh, I started at 414! now 331 and still trying :) There are tons of people on here that DO NOT WANT YOU TO GIVE UP!

    Friend me :) Joey
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    kariank, I didnt read all the posts, too many, but I did look at Rebels diary and it looked a lot like mine, when I use to weigh 359 lbs..........

    I didnt know his diary was public when I posted my reply to him, but now I have and I will say that his diet is LOADED WITH SODIUM, and then he ate today , and that has tons of sodium, yet he has ZERO for the sodium content of his sausage egg biscuit breakfast entry............hmm, I avoid sausage like the plague, its LOADED WITH SODIUM, and that is his problem

    also, there are NO vegetables and fruits in his plan...............just PROCESSED, SODIUM ladened store bought, processed stuff............
    again, I know the hell of having to lose weight its not fun........we all know that, but again, if youre just going to quit from gaining weight from moving blocks, then maybe you really dont want to lose weight.........maybe he was doing it just so he could not have people harping on him to lose weight

    I dont know what his situation is, but I gotta say, if he keeps eating what hes been eating, he will never , ever lose weight.........

    Id say he may need to go to Over Eaters, or maybe talk to a counsellor..............He was drinking beer yesterday, and its hard to lose pounds when you consume alcohol...............again, he needs to make the choice ,

    Im not an expert here, but if he wants to message me, Ill talk to him, Im older and it was harder, but I did it, and would really want to help him, but hes got to make the first move ,and that is to change his diet......................Best wishes to everyone.........Lloyd
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    So you quit after a week? You're just looking for an excuse to stay fat. Period. We've all had ups and downs here, but stuck with it. In all likelihood, you are dehydrated and your body is storing water to make up for it. Working like that CAN cause weight gain, and to run away so quickly is just cowardly....


    it's not cowardly, it's hard, people get scared, and are afraid of failure and when you are trying and see results that you think are wrong it sucks and instead of being mean you should encourage following through, and it's not ok to call names. being 200, 300, 400 lbs or what ever it's hard to move every day when you have been sitting for years. it's hard to eat healthy when all you eat is junk for years. this person that you decide to call a cowardly may not be ready to do this now. and you know what that is ok. we are and should be here for support and advice not ridicule and belittling. and the people who think that this is the way to motivate people shouldn't be on this site. it is sad to see so many post to this original comment that are rude and disrespectful. and it should hurt more then just my feelings that people are writing this way to this person. now here's my advice do it when you feel ready, yes finding motivation is hard, yes it sucks watching what you eat and working out everyday, but you are worth it and need to to know that there will be set backs. i starting working out and i didn't lose any weight at first because i jumped in head first quit smoking, working out, eating healthy , my body was in shock mode for about 2 weeks and then boom lost weight. your body has been so unhealthy that maybe it needed to hang on to those pounds, but just remeber that nothing starts out being easy when it comes to weight lose patience is important and acceptance of yourself no matter what. good luck with your journey and MFP will be here when or if you try to lose again. sorry if i am harsh but i have been fat all my life and people who call names and are mean get under my skin. have a great day

    No its not cowardly, It's an excuse not to try.
This discussion has been closed.