Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Thursday Truth ... one of the goals I had set for myself was to stop relying on take-out and restaurant meals, and to cook all my own meals. Looking over my budget, I can see that I have not had any such meals since June 5th ...

    There have been times where I really wanted to but made myself go into the kitchen and fix something instead. Like yesterday, a local hot dog stand that is very popular in my part of the world had throw-back prices where you get get a dog for only $1.25 each ... and I so wanted to go and buy a couple for a meal but I told myself that if I wanted a hot dog so much, then they should end up on my shopping list instead.

    I love this idea!! Keep it up. It's hard to know what the calories are at a place like that. But if you buy your hot dogs you know exactly what the calorie count is
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I'm home from MI and feeling very bloated and yucky from too many cookies and treats. Plus, I walked in the door late last night and my husband had ordered my favorite deep dish pizza. Had it for dinner and again for breakfast this morning.

    I've learned over the years that it's pointless to pretend I'm not going to eat certain foods ever. However, I need to start holding myself more accountable when I do so. Today, I will go to the gym and work off the calories from my indulgences. I was most successful at this when I viewed my calorie allowance as a sort of "bank account." Then I could decide if an "expenditure" was worth the cost. For me deep dish pizza is worth the gym time; potato chips are not. I need to get back to that mindset.

    I'm also planning a very healthy, lower-carb dinner to balance my nutrition for the day.

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 4/12
    Run at least 6/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    211 k done/ 789 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- at lake house
    Mon-- mowed lawn
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Wed-- at lake house
    Thurs-- at lake house
    Fri-- walk gunner + work out
    Sat-- walk gunner + work out
  • runto107
    runto107 Posts: 45 Member
    Friday fitness:

    Stull can't workout but I plan to have a very clean weekend eating wise. Aiming for 200 Oz of water a day

    Mostly fruits and veggies, I'd like to try looking up two new salad recipes and trying one each day
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Oh, and my article got published in Huff Po, so here's a little shameless self-promotion:

    Excellent article, Karen!
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Friday fitness: I've been slowly working my way up to 10000 steps per day and for the past couple days I finally made it to over 8000 so I'm getting close! Once I reach 10000 I'll begin working on a faster pace. I'm not too worried about going slow for now because it's been so hot lately, and even at 8 am when I go walking it's already pretty warm and sunny. I'm hoping that by the time cool weather comes in autumn I'll be zooming those 10000 steps!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Had a high calorie day today it's only supper time and I'm at the end of my maintenance intake (forget deficit) becaude I loaded up on whole wheat pasta and walnuts today. It will be interesting to see what the carb load does to my weight over the next few days. It's been my experience that a big calorie day takes a couple of days to show up on the scale. But I feel in it my waist-band right this minute!

    I'm not really focused properly on the weekend food prep yet because I still have groceries to use up before I can shop. However, I do need to get gas tomorrow for the car and will stop at the grocer to pick up the incidentals I'm out of ... milk, a chicken, celery, tomato, broccoli, cucumber ... that's about all I need until later next week when it will be a stock-up event.
  • taburbey
    taburbey Posts: 21 Member
    Friday fitness- I made a shopping list of some healthy meals I'd like to try this weekend and some foods I need to restock before I go back to work on Monday to make packing breakfast and lunch alittle easier. My plan is to start using my elliptical in the morning before work. Have a great weekend everyone B)
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound - excellent, well thought out article.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy and kelley-- Thanks!!

    @taburbey-- Great plan to prep healthy meals on the weekend. I try to do that during the school year, though I'm not always successful. Elliptical was my exercise of choice, but I started having hip issues so I took up running. I still do elliptical occasionally (did 30 minutes today), but not too often or my hip starts to hurt.

    @niki-- Some pasta can be really high in sodium, so that's something to consider as well.

    @pinkstarberry -- Great job with the steps!! I got a pivotal living fitness tracker recently (it's similar to fitbit), and I've only hit 10000 steps a few times in about a month. I'm pretty sure it's not tracking accurately though, because there are days when I've walked a mile and then run 3 more at the gym, and I still don't come close. I'll have something like 6000 miles after the 4 miles, but each mile should be about 2000 steps, so something isn't adding up. Oh well. It was free, so hard to complain. :neutral:

    @runto107 -- If you find any good salad recipes, please share!! :smile:

    @mzfrizz15 -- Yes, it sucks when injuries hold us back, but you made a smart decision to reign it in.

    @MeLanceUppercut -- I have the opposite problem. I love working out, but then I don't watch my eating as well as I should. So I'm constantly trying to outrun my fork.

    AFM-- So I posted earlier that I was going to make a healthy low-carb dinner, but my boneless, skinless chicken breasts didn't thaw in time for dinner, so it was leftover pizza instead. On the plus side, I'm still quite a bit under calories for the day, and my cottage cheese and greek yogurt for lunch pushed my protein up to a respectable level.

    My gym visit was good. I did some strength training alternating with the stairmaster. Not my favorite machine, but my Amazing Race group had a step challenge for this week, so I needed to finish that. I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical, so a good calorie burn overall.

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 5/12
    Run at least 9/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    216 k done/ 784 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- at lake house
    Mon-- mowed lawn
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Wed-- at lake house
    Thurs-- at lake house
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner + work out
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2016
    @niki-- Some pasta can be really high in sodium, so that's something to consider as well.

    Thanks for the tip Karen. The pasta I use has zero sodium, and I didn't use a spaghetti sauce on this pasta dish, so there was very little sodium in my dish. I did use some salt in the water to boil the pasta, but only 1/3 of what is normally recommended.

    Hey ... that was an interesting article you wrote for the Huff Post. It's another perspective to look at in these troubled times.

    AFM .. Insomnia has taken a deep route this week in me. I go through these bouts of it once in a while and always experience unstalbe weight loss when it happens. Probably because of the missed sleep as well as the fact that I end up having a meal when I normally would be sleeping. Try as I may, if I am awake, I will eat within 4-6 hours of my last meal.
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    I would love support. I lost 30 last time i was on this but i would love to loose 100 pds or close to it. I just need help! please add me as a friend.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I'm not sure how accurate my steps are either, since Im using my Nintendo 3DS to track it haha... I go roughly the same route every day and the step count is sometimes off by 100-200 from day to day so I'm not really sure! I've been thinking about getting a Fitbit but they're pretty expensive..maybe for Christmas :)

    @kristinwoods919 We're all in this together and you can do it! Feel free to add me!

    Saturday success: Today I reached 30 lbs lost since the end of May! I'm finally starting to notice a difference in the way my clothing fits, and I'm able to wear a few things that were too tight a month ago. Although I STILL have over 100 lbs to lose, I'm hoping I'll feel confident enough to look into joining a gym at the start of August. I've been enjoying going for walks or using my stationery bike at home for exercise, but I'd really like to add some weightlifting and I don't own any of that equipment at home so a gym seems like the best option. There's one right down the street from me so it's very convenient, I've just been holding off because I felt so out of shape and embarrassed about my size. At least now I've built up a bit more stamina so I feel a bit better about exercising around other people :)
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Has anyone here done an amazing race challenge? I've joined in from their wait list and it is so much fun. You record time doing exercise and they have mini challenges like watch a Bollywood dance video for extra credit. It's also really cool to learn about all of these different places through out the world.

    If anyone want to join the wait list...they migh have some openings soon here is the link.

    So this week has been really good. I've been loosing weight with the extra encouragement to go out an exercise. It doesn't hurt that the weather here in the Bay Area has been so wonderful. I went out to a baseball game. We tailgated instead of buying food inside. I know I over ate but it allowed me to over eat on healthier and cheaper foods! We even brought in white cheddar skinny pop...not too bad with the calories and it felt like a treat. I guess it's time to get on that scale and see how much salt I had yesterday. I'm expecting at least half a pound gain.

    My goal for this weekend: Friday morning I achieved a goal weight of getting to 215 by .1 lbs. So I want to make sure I'm below 214.9 on Monday! I can't let this goal go to waste! So here is to a healthy weekend. I had my fun night and now I need to stay on track and healthy.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I seem to be temporarily stalled once again, this time at 271, for the last two weeks. I have been having some trouble with arthritis in my right hip and knee, which is making it difficult to get any real exercise or even do stretches. In fact, I haven't been able to tell if exercise is good for it or making it worse. BUT, I finally went to the doctor and got a referral to a neurologist, and made the appointment for this Tuesday. Once I know what is really going on I will make a plan to remedy this issue and get back to the gym. I am pretty sure that it's the lack of activity that is stalling me. I am pretty diligent with my food logging and I am usually within 100 calories up or down of my daily goal (which is set a little low anyway).

    So anyway...another thought I have been pondering is whether there are any meet-up groups in the NYC area focused on MFP. I know there are meet-ups for everything from hiking to drinking to books to music to underwater basket weaving. I am going to start a thread on MFP to see if I can get one started...
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Has anyone here done an amazing race challenge? I've joined in from their wait list and it is so much fun. You record time doing exercise and they have mini challenges like watch a Bollywood dance video for extra credit. It's also really cool to learn about all of these different places through out the world.

    Tes, I did their Spring Amazing Race Challenge but in the last 2 weeks my team got cut because too many people had dropped out.

    Just a heads up ... you have to DO those videos, not just watch them! Have fun!!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    So anyway...another thought I have been pondering is whether there are any meet-up groups in the NYC area focused on MFP. I know there are meet-ups for everything from hiking to drinking to books to music to underwater basket weaving. I am going to start a thread on MFP to see if I can get one started...[/quote]

    Did you know you can do a member search for people in a particular location? ... IF you do that, then you might be able to send some messages to those you find are still active.

    Good luck on your hip/knee pain issue. They could very well be related to one another.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Saturday success: Today I reached 30 lbs lost since the end of May!

    Feels good, doesn't it! ... Today I am only 10 pounds away from a goal that I have been working on since May23.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good article about sweat, weight, water ...
  • taburbey
    taburbey Posts: 21 Member
    Saturday success- I've done well with my food choices and portions, stayed under my calories each day, logged in to MFP for the past 7 days. I hope to keep going like this!