Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey everyone! I have an "etiquette" question for you. Any opinions/thoughts are welcome.

    I received a facebook request from one of the department chairs at the HS where I work. He is the science department chair who I've really only ever said "hello" to in the several years hes been at our school. I don't really know him at all which is reason #1 to not accept his request. Reason #2 is that he's an administrator, and I'm not even FB friends with the administrators who I DO know well and like. I post a lot of pro-union and pro-teacher articles on my page to share with my teacher friends. Although they aren't all necessarily anti-administration, they are sometimes at odds with what I know our administrators are being forced to push on us by the BOE and politics in general. Ultimately, I feel it's not appropriate to be friends with my bosses on FB. He's not my direct boss, but it would still be awkward.

    I've already decided I won't accept his friend request, but my dilemma is, do I just ignore the request, or do I send him some sort of message? Since I don't even really know him, I'm not sure how he would take a message saying I'm not friends with administrators on FB.

    This leads to a 2nd part of my dilemma. One of my friends, who was a science teacher (and is FB friends with the above guy), has just taken an opening at our school as a Dean. It's not a true administrator position in that she doesn't evaluate teachers, but she's also no longer a teacher and is kind of lumped in with admin. Do I delete her? I feel like if I tell her department chair I'm not friends with admin, but he can see I'm friends with her, he'll think I'm just making excuses and take it personally. I also actually have an actual relationship with her, and I'm still FB friends with her husband (another teacher at the school), so it's not like deleting her would keep her from seeing anything I post through her husband's page. I would feel silly deleting her on that account.

    Ugh--talk about your 21st Century problems. :grumble: I'm honestly tempted to just ignore his request and hope he forgets he sent it. If he pushes the issue, I can explain why I'm not accepting the request.

    Just wondering what others thik.

    Honestly, I am little more free at home so I am not friends with any co-workers on Facebook. Now, I do have friends that I hang out with from work outside the office but we are still not friends on Facebook.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~That’s a tough one, but I think you’re right not to accept his friend request. I think it’s okay to just ignore and not send a message in response. Regarding the friend that is now a Dean, I think it’s okay to continue your relationship with her since you were friends before she moved into the higher position; however, if in the future it compromises your position at the school or acitvity with your union, I would remove her. I’m friends with one manager where I work, wasn’t though until he was no longer my manager—we’re friends now that I don’t work under him but beside him.

    Welcome to all of the newlings that have stopped by in recent days. You’ll find lots of support and encouragement here so stop by often and just join in the conversation when you’re ready.

    AFM~Thursday Truth is I’m honestly feeling a little defeated by the scale this week. I had three amazing weeks of losses and now it’s turned on me—I’m not doing anything different but have slowly gained since last weekend. My trainer usually sits in the sauna with me, so maybe that will be a good place for us to talk about this before I panic--I need to make some changes I think, just not sure what they are right now. :frown: Also, I haven’t been sleeping well this week, insomnia is in high gear (score one for peri-menopause, this happens every once in a while even with my rx sleep meds :grumble: ). As a result I was too tired for the gym yesterday, but did go sit in the sauna at my trainer’s studio for an hour—so a passive calorie burn yesterday. I have a session with him this afternoon, hope my energy will be up.

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 6/30
    Macros (within 2%): 4/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Run DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk or Run DONE! (Sauna instead)
    Saturday~Rest Day
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Thursday Truth- My truth for today, is not so much of an admittance because anyone who knows me know that I work best when I have a million things to juggle. I thrive on having to manager my time in order to get things accomplished. Even though I do well with this, I am also a procrastinator with something. But with this I also have a great fear that I am going to drop the ball on something and really mess up someone life.

    @Kandialex- Welcome to the group. It has been wonderful getting all the feedback and advice from everyone. You can participate by clicking on the "reply" button.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    MNwalkingqueen – Robin’s idea should work to post the graphs from reports. If you do not have a scanner you can bring up the report you want to post and use the (windows 7 accessories) snipping tool to copy it. Then you hit file and save as. Then upload to photobucket and copy the direct url and put it between img and /img (both in brackets ( [ ] ) in the thread and that should work. You will probably have to edit it in photobucket to be 500 in width.


    Each year in the United States, August 7th celebrates Purple Heart Day.
    A decoration consisting of a purple, heart shaped piece of silk having a narrow edge of silver stitched with the word Merit across the face, was created by General George Washington on August 7, 1782. Considered to be the first official military combat badge of the United States Armed Forces, this is called the “Badge for Military Merit”. The official successor decoration of the Badge of Military Merit is the Purple Heart.
    Washington said the following regarding the Badge of Military Merit:
    ” The General ever desirous to cherish virtuous ambition in his soldiers, as well as to foster and encourage every species of Military merit, directs that whenever any singularly meritorious action is performed, the author of it shall be permitted to wear on his facings over the left breast, the figure of a heart in purple cloth, or silk, edged with narrow lace or binding. Not only instances of unusual gallantry, but also of extraordinary fidelity and essential service in any way shall meet with a due reward. Before this favour can be conferred on any man, the particular fact, or facts, on which it is to be grounded must be set forth to the Commander in chief accompanied with certificates from the Commanding officers of the regiment and brigade to which the Candadate for reward belonged, or other incontestable proofs, and upon granting it, the name and regiment of the person with the action so certified are to be enrolled in the book of merit which will be kept at the orderly office. Men who have merited this last distinction to be suffered to pass all guards and sentinals which officers are permitted to do. The road to glory in a patriot army and a free country is thus open to all. This order is also to have retrospect to the earliest stages of war, and to be considered as a permanent one.”

    “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” ~Dennis P. Kimbro

  • lynnmariedwyer
    lynnmariedwyer Posts: 3 Member
    I can use support and motivation!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Lamb report here: 9 days under calories goal (just barely)!

    Question: I use a fitbit One and have tried to friend two members of this thread. I can't make it happen. I copy and paste the e-mail address into the appropriate field, then it requires a message in the comment field, but that "greys out" and won't let me write anything or send my request. Do any of you know how to make this work?

    Headed to the ENT for hearing test today. Getting hearing aids, yeah! I figure between my hubby and self, one of us should be able to hear conversations clearly. (His loss is fairly bad, but he's in denial.) You can't imagine the hilarious/maddening conversations we've had lately. :huh:

    Karen: Succinctly, I'm all for IGNORING that FB request.

    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. It means a lot to me. :flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - I don't work for a bank, I work indirectly for MANY banks that use my company's products to run their institutions. I don't even deal directly with the banks very much. My customers are all internal and my role (as I currently understand it) will be to head a 3 year project to convert 1000s of ATM for 100s of banks from one driver software to another. I'll be working with multiple teams of people who will be on the ground at the banks for this effort and my role will be to keep all the parts moving and juggle all the pieces. My other role (in my vast amounts of spare time) will be to figure out the install parameters for a new product. Fortunately for me, the guy who volunteered me for these projects is the head of the whole division and was my direct report for a number of years. When he interviewed me for the unusual role I fill (special projects) I was very upfront with him and told him if he was looking for someone who would agree with whatever he thought was the best way to do something, I was not the right person for the job, but if he wanted an out of the box thinker to come up with solutions, then I would be a good fit. That conversation has pretty much defined our working relationship. He proposes and I either agree or disagree and we thrash it out until we are in accord. If I see holes in the project, I can go straight to him to get them filled. My stress is more about not knowing much about anything I'll be expected to handle for these projects. I'm not used to being so uninformed, but I guess I'll just work through it one day at a time!

    @skinnyjeanz - As a rule, I don't have FB friends who I work with. I like keeping my work and personal life pretty seperate. If you don't want to accept the friend request, don't do anything but let it sit there. If you decline, the person can send you another request. If you just ignore it, they will assume you're slack about checking FB. I have a few requests that have been sitting out there for months. One is a neighbor I do not care for and do not want to have access to anything about me.

    @susan - So glad to see you back! We will conquer our work struggles. It's just one more hurdle amoung many.

    AFM - Since my life isn't stressful enough, I'm also starting on a laundry room renovation and acting as the general contractor. It's not a great time to do it, but when DH agrees to spend money on a project he doesn't even see a need for, I'm not about to say "not now". I just need to find a carpenter, electrician, plumber, painter, tile guy and buy countertop, tile, lighting and paint. Hmmm... that list is longer than I thought. Gotta get busy!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal

    Good Days: 4
    Not so Good Days: 1
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I wish I knew what I really look like. I feel small compared to what I was, but I find myself looking at other women and wondering what a size 12 looks like. I guess its a body image thing.
    On a happy note, my washer is fixed. Laundry will keep me busy today.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am still here lurking in the background. I just havent been taking much time on the computer in the last week. I continue to bounce around with my five pounds. I just wanted to pop on and let you know I am thinking of you all and continue to know that you will all do great things. Have a great day.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    Thursday truth: I am really scared that I will not be able to make it past the sticking point where I have always backslid before. My weight keeps bouncing right around that spot and not moving any lower.

    @grandmakaye : I completely understand what you mean. I apparently have a very messed up image of what I look like and my husband is getting upset with my asking him how I compare to others.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Thursday truth: I wish I knew what I really look like. I feel small compared to what I was, but I find myself looking at other women and wondering what a size 12 looks like. I guess its a body image thing.
    On a happy note, my washer is fixed. Laundry will keep me busy today.
    Onward and downward. Kaye

    I can totally relate to the issue of not knowing what you look like. I find myself, when in a situation where I can people watch, looking at others and thinking to myself "Smaller than me or bigger?". Unless the person is an extreme in either direction, I simply have no clue. Sad how years of obesity has messed up our ability to be aware of our own body images.

    Glad your washer is finally fixed. Enjoy!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Swinging by to say hi!

    Susan - I love that for a theme. I am torn between two directions at the moment. One is Dr. Seuss Oh, the places you'll go. Or just a simple classic style.

    To add on Fitbit if they give you a link just open it up in a browser and it should take you to their page. From there you just click add. (I think that is what it says. It's been a while since I added)
    Here is my link so you can see what I am talking about.

    Skinny (Karen) - It would be nice to meet up!
    I would just ignore the request and hope he never confronts you about it. As for your friend who was promoted, if you are still friends with her I would leave her. You had a friendship with her prior to her becoming dean.

    I am going through a FB issue myself with a friend request. My cousin deleted me last summer when my dad was in rehab for his MS. She also had her son delete me. I don't think she liked some things I posted regarding my father. (Her parents said some unkind things to me about him and I vented. I was very careful not to mention her parent's names or the exact situation but made a broad statement regarding naysayers. After news spread about my pregnancy she sent me a FB request and has texted me a few times congratulating me. So far I have not accepted her request. I am not sure what I will do. I am not particularly fond of her and stopped hanging out with her years ago due to some stuff she and her husband were into that I did not want to be a part of or associated with. Just to keep the peace within the family for the sake of my dad I will probably eventually accept her request but I am in no hurry.

    Tanya - That quiche recipe sounds good!

    Kaye - Glad to hear Nicole received her assignment!

    Grammy - I am not quite sure on the Fitbit site. Are you trying to add from your computer or mobile device? See above, my message to Susan. Is this what you are doing and mean?
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just sharing a success today, that I have lost one pound. It was nice to see a lower number on the scale.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @skinny/Karen... I would ignore the request and say nothing also. I don't find that very professional on his part, actually. My BF works at a casino and was friends with many co-workers ( he was a supervisor, then call associate/dual supervisor) when the casino suddenly made it policy that no employees could have other employees as FB friends. He was very close with onr particular co- worker and her husband, spending lots of time together outside work, but he did delete her too. If you are that close of friends you don't really need FB to keep in touch, you'd be calling and seeing each other, which is better time spent anyway.

    I use a fitbit to monitor calories burned, and log all exercise other than walking. ( I don't include cleaning or stuff like that, but mowing the lawn I do). I find it to be quite accurate for me. I've used it to calculate my TDEE and was losing steadily so the numbers seemed right. I have a HR monitor but have only used it a handful of times, pretty much to compare it to MFP and Map My Run calories burned etc. my monitor counts higher, so I use MFP numbers. And it is only accurate for steady state cardio exercise (not weight lifting/circuits where your HR jumps and dips). Otherwise I just use it during a cardio workout to make my HR stays in the target zone.

    @Laurie... A big congrats!!! Nice to see that ticker move! :drinker:

    @Kaye... I know the feeling. I have no concept some days of what I look like. Some days I envision myself thinner than I actually am, some days the opposite. At least I can say that most days I am more confident in just knowing I am smaller than I used to be and I'm not dragging a big fat butt behind me anymore. :laugh: (that is becoming my favourite body part now, :blushing: whodathunk??)

    AFM... I have a few NSV's to share. 1. My Capri jeans are more roomy in the thighs, and even more so around the upper calves where they started out a bit tight. 2. I can do 18 real push-ups in a row. ( maybe more, that was the number my challenge was increased to today). 3. My feet are feeling a bit better today!

    Today's numbers... 2176 calories in, so just under my goal ( though I was craving anything and everything this afternoon.). Had to talk myself out of stopping for fast food. The brain won today, yay! And 130 g of protein.


    Sunday: 17k steps(20,858), 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit ALL DONE
    Monday: 17k steps(14,177) 55s plank, DONE 25 min run NOT DONE
    Tuesday: 12k steps,((12,788) 1min 10s plank and arm challenge DONE, 3X circuit (NOT DONE but did 1 min wall sit)
    Wednesday: 12k steps, (13,484) 1m 10s plank and arm challenge DONE
    Thursday: 12k steps, 3X circuit, arm challenge BOTH DONE
    Friday: 12k steps, 1m 10s plank
    Saturday: 15k steps, 1m 25s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    First, thanks to all of you who commented on my FB dilemma. I think I will follow the consensus (and my first instinct) to just ignore the request. As tanya mentioned, I also find it kind of unprofessional of him to send the request--especially since he barely knows me. However, I looked to see who his friends were (I assumed he must have seen me comment or "like" a post on a mutual friend's page), and he's friends with many of his employees. I guess he's "that" kind of boss. My boss probably doesn't even have FB, but if she did, there's no way she would be FB friends with any of her department members, which I think is the way it should be. I also don't think teachers should be friends with their students, but I see plenty of that going on as well.

    @tanya--awesome NSVs!! :drinker: which kind of fitbit do you have? I'm leaning in that direction. I really needed the HRM when I first started running b/c my legs were stronger than my cardiovascular system and I really needed to monitor so as not to overdo it. Now, however, I don't think it's an issue. Still deciding, but if I have any summer pay leftover mid-September (that's the next time I'll see a paycheck), I'm ging to get something.

    @laurie--YAY for losing a pound!! :drinker: Mine still isn't at my ticker weight (183), but at least it's coming down from the high end of my "normal" range. I don't know if you remember, but a couple of weeks ago, my scale actually read 190 again for the first time in a year. Yikes! It only stuck for a day, but since then, I've been floating at 187-188 everyday. Yesterday was 186 and today is 185, so heading in the right direction. :smile:

    @nettie--that's a tough situation with your cousin. I think I would probably accept, but I can understand why you're hesitant especially if you don't want to be associated with some of her interests. I've had a few "friends" I've had to delete b/c of things they post. One woman I grew up with friended me and then started posting all of these "What kind of pot smoker are you?" quizzes and such. I'm no angel, but I have family and colleagues as friends and didn't want them to see her posts and think I'm like that, so I just deleted her. I had another guy I went to HS with friend me, and then he started posting all of this really racist stuff--I was like "really!?!?" Immediately deleted him.

    @tammy (jt)--hope your ankle is healing nicely! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--I can totally relate to the body image issue. Like tanya, I have misperceptions in both directions, but I do look at other women and think--do I look like that? I remember after I had lost about the first 50 lbs., I was walking past a window one day, and it took a few minutes for me to realize it was my reflection b/c I imagined myself being much bigger. That doesn't happen so often to me now that I've been at this weight for almost 2 years, but I'm still often pleasantly surprised by how I look in pictures.

    @L2T--sorry you are so stressed, but yay to getting to renovate the laundry room!

    @marsha (GW)--my husband also has some hearing loss. He has the most difficulty with background noise--like out at a restaurant. He's not in denial, but still has no intention of getting a hearing aid. He's an introvert, so I think he secretly enjoys having it as an excuse not to engage in conversation. :wink:

    @brenda--I'm similar. I get more done when I'm under pressure which is why I think I procrastinate. In the summer when I'm off of work, I always have a bunch of goals I want to accomplish regarding the house and for work. However, I'm not good at getting them done until the next school year draws near. Case in point, all school year, I had been looking forward to de-cluttering the closets and the extra bedroom in our house. You would think I would have jumped into the project the day after school let out, but no. I started today. :blushing:

    @kelley (kah)--sorry your scale is being mean to you. I'm sure you and your trainer will come up with a plan to make it nicer. :flowerforyou: I can commiserate with your lack of sleep. My insomnia has been terrible the past few nights. I'm sure, in part, it's due to the stress of returning to work soon. I always have trouble falling asleep the last few weeks of break--which really stinks b/c that's precisely when I need to get back to a "more normanl" sleep schedule. I actually recently read an article that said to reset your circadium clock, you should do 16-hour fast. I guess there's a strong connection between eating and sleeping, so it tricks you body into to sleeping when you normally wouldn't be able to do so. Not sure if I'll try it.

    @robin--regarding the sleep paralysis, it's not really something I think about or anticipate happening. I do, however, try to avoid anything that might trigger an episode, such as sleep aids. ANd now, if it does happen, I'm aware of what it is, and it doesn't really bother me too much, and I know to roll over once I can, so I don't have recurrances throughout the night.

    Welcome to the newlings!

    Thursday Truth:
    I really should have started de-cluttering my house weeks ago, but as I mentioned to brenda above, I don't do well with projests that have no deadline. Anyways, I started today and have actually gotten a fair amount done. Cleaned out 2 closets, and in the process, found a bag with 5 pair of size 12 slacks. I had no idea they were even in there! My sister must have given them to me a long time ago, and I squirrelled them away when I was still in larger sizes. I'm so happy to have found them. I was shopping for shortslast week and thought "I really should get some new pants for work" but the idea of going back to work was too distasteful to me, so I didn't bother. Now I don't have to worry about that "back to school" task. :bigsmile:

    I made it to 89g of protein yesterday. I could have made my goal by eating more (had some calories to spare) but I honestly wasn't hungry.

    Today I should make the goal of 100g.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym YARD WORK INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym CLEANING INSTEAD
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 113
    100g of protein = 3/31 days
  • KrisN30
    KrisN30 Posts: 19
    I need to lose 100 pounds (really more but I'm shooting for the last 40 pounds of my first 100.) I gained 30 pounds after losing 95 and i'm pretty much stuck. That;s my "truth": I'm basicly giving up on myself. I hate myself for gaining the weight. Although I've talked to my doctor and tried hard, I can't seem to lose weight any time soon. I am so mad at myself. i'm looking for friends if you want to add me (I want female friends only by the way. sorry guys.) I just need support. Any tips on calorie counting? that would help me.
    Thank you guys for listening. :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Karen/skinny... I wear the fitbit force, which is not available any more. But its similar to the flex. I like the idea of wearing it on my wrist and just forget about it. I wear it 24/7 except for when I shower. I've heard of the other ones you clip on falling off or being forgotten and thrown in the wash etc. This is the more foolproof option for me. There are rumours that another one is coming out soon, I suspect it will be a band as well.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: While it does feel good to get back on track, I’m really scared I’ll fall back once again. I truly hate this battle. I don’t care what anyone says about just eating less and moving more. If they haven’t been in your shoes, they don’t know. I know some people can kick it sooner and I’m one of those it’s going to take me awhile. I’m learning to accept that and I just have to keep pushing forward. Sure I would LOVE to wake up tomorrow 100 lbs gone, but I’ll still be the same person mentally and that’s what I need to work on just as much as the food and exercise. I’m still learning.

    August Goals:

    Calories (at or below): 7/30
    Exercise: 3 out of 7, but plan Friday and Saturday so I’ll hit my 5 days
    Water: Not enough, but working on it
    Logging: 7/30

    @ Skinny/Karen – I’m right there with you. I actually take my work laptop home because I’m often doing work at home, but I will use it for personal too. While I really have nothing to hide, but it would probably be better to get a personal one again. On the peanut butter, I know you eat your apple too, but I also know you’ve been known to just jar it too. LOL!!

    You got some great advice on the FB friends and I’m right there with many. I really keep work and personal separate. When I was with Arby’s, I had maybe 3 who were very close friends. When I left, I added quite a few more. I’ve added no one from my current job where I’ve been 16 months. I just want to keep them separate and to be honest I’ve flat out told people that. I have no qualms about it. While I’m still cautious what I share (because if someone wants to find it they can), but I still keep them separate. Where I get frustrated is when I’m friends with people who happen to be friends with Cyrus’ father. I now am somewhat cautious about posting about Cyrus because he doesn’t need to know our business. Seeing your son once a year isn’t getting you any details. Hate to be a you know what, but I’ve been truly a single parent since Cyrus was 2 years. 10 years is a long time. Boy, where did that rant come from??!!!

    BTW, I think you look great just as you are!!! You get talking about your TDEE’s and numbers, which just starts confusing the poo out me and I just keep thinking “Karen looks great why get all those numbers going.”

    @ Tlh0407- Woo Hoo boxes are gone!! It must feel great. Kitchens are really the places families seem to live I’m afraid. We don’t have walk-in pantry, but a closet too. It’s OK for the most part, but luckily I have a ton of counters and counter space so I made the adjustment. Sorry about the eyes, which I can totally relate. My eyes are -7.0 so I’m practically blind. I get major headaches right on my eyelids that just throb. Cyrus had his appointment yesterday. His dad had perfect vision yet I was about blind. His weren’t too bad, but I’m noticing them getting a little worse with each appointment. I was hoping he would get one good thing from his dad. LOL!!

    @ Kah68/Kelly – I concur with your Wednesday Wish.

    @Lives2Travel – Love your goals!!! They made me smile. Of course, your work description to Ellen had me exhausted. I'm sorry, but your job doesn't sound fun at all. Wow!!!! I'm going to quit complaining now. LOL!!

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – I’ll take your blabbermouth anyday. You’re an awesome unappointed leader and for this thread to be going on 33 or whatever it is you did something right and groomed some great people along the way. THANK YOU again!!!

    @ Tanya – Thanks for the recipes! I’m definitely going to make the quiche this weekend. I may have to pass on the asparagus. I like it, but can’t handle the smell if I eat too much and go potty. Eeeewwww!!! LOL!!!

    @ GrandmaKaye – I’m so glad for Nicole. Good for her!! She’s going to do great!
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    I need to lose 100 pounds (really more but I'm shooting for the last 40 pounds of my first 100.) I gained 30 pounds after losing 95 and i'm pretty much stuck. That;s my "truth": I'm basicly giving up on myself. I hate myself for gaining the weight. Although I've talked to my doctor and tried hard, I can't seem to lose weight any time soon. I am so mad at myself. i'm looking for friends if you want to add me (I want female friends only by the way. sorry guys.) I just need support. Any tips on calorie counting? that would help me.
    Thank you guys for listening. :)

    aww. I will be your friend. I am stuck too and need to lose 90. :flowerforyou:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth- I am scared to death that I will told that I can't exercise at the level I have doing for my workout at for the past year and that I may have to give up my favorite activities. As much as I don't like running, the thought of now having to stop building speed is making me sad. My doctor discovered a heart murmur yesterday and now I have an echocardiogram tomorrow. I really hope it is nothing serious. I am also afraid that if I have to give up my activities I will revert back to the old me and I don't want that to happen.

    Wish-That the test show it is not a major problem and I can continue to do all my activities to my heart contentment.

    I am off to bed, very early day tomorrow and I did not sleep well last night.

    Thanks Kaye.