Back on the Wagon!



  • DPHender
    DPHender Posts: 8 Member
    Just seen this post. I'm in the same boat kinda.
    Two years ago I used MFP to lose 60 pounds. I basically use the phone app and never use the website though. So when I had some phone issues and had to delete the app I kinda quit.

    After two years have passed, and now the stress has died down a bit and also, new phone. So now I've slowly gained about 40 of it back.

    Started up at the beginning of July, now I've lost 25 back again. Still have another fifty-ish to go. It's definitely easier with the daily logging.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    DPHender wrote: »
    Just seen this post. I'm in the same boat kinda.
    Two years ago I used MFP to lose 60 pounds. I basically use the phone app and never use the website though. So when I had some phone issues and had to delete the app I kinda quit.

    After two years have passed, and now the stress has died down a bit and also, new phone. So now I've slowly gained about 40 of it back.

    Started up at the beginning of July, now I've lost 25 back again. Still have another fifty-ish to go. It's definitely easier with the daily logging.

    Welcome! We're happy you're back... So hop on our wagon!

  • wenkell22
    wenkell22 Posts: 25 Member
    We can do this, fellow wagon riders! Every moment is a new chance to make a different choice. Even though we've gone astray, we can totally get back to it. We've got the tools. Stay strong...we aren't alone!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    wenkell22 wrote: »
    We can do this, fellow wagon riders! Every moment is a new chance to make a different choice. Even though we've gone astray, we can totally get back to it. We've got the tools. Stay strong...we aren't alone!

    Well said!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    Ok, I've had the coffee, and I'm seriously trying to be awesome. Having a garage sale on Wednesday....
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    :D Happy Tuesday! :D
  • lisakelsch7
    lisakelsch7 Posts: 13 Member
    My question is this: Has anyone had luck with work out videos? We have a Roku here and some fitness videos on was wondering if they work.....?
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    @lisakelsch7 I'm saying this with no snark at all but it's pretty much like anything else you would do to lose weight. As long as you stick to it and are eating in a caloric deficit, you will see results. I've used Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD in the past and really liked it in that it got my heart rate up and I would be sore the next day or two, but I never did it as often as I should and I never even progressed past the first section. I'd do it for a few days a week and then get bored and move onto something else. At home DVDs aren't personally my favorite. But I'm sure that if I stuck to it and ate right, I'd have seen results. :)
  • wenkell22
    wenkell22 Posts: 25 Member
    A friend of mine lost like, 40 pounds just doing Tai Bo in the living room. Lol. Just choose something you enjoy so you'll stick with it! :-)
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    That's exactly it...finding something that's fun and you can stick to.

    I walk my dog a half mile every morning and a half mile every evening. We both love it...and she never cancels...even when it's 90 degrees, or below 30 degrees.

    I need to add more dancing around the house while I do laundry, dishes and tornado tidy. It makes clean up so much more it's embarrassing for the kids. :D

  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone! And welcome to all the newcomers - this is such a great thread for encouragement and motivation!

    I have to admit that I might have fallen slightly off the wagon one or two days this week. And then the wagon might have come around and hit me in the head while I was lying on the ground... but on the bright side, I didn't fall far off the wagon. And I'm back!

    Not losing any weight despite an overall deficit and fairly minimal calorie intake, which is frustrating and a bit worrying. Still, nothing I can do but keep going.

    Mini-goals for this week:
    - Save at least 500 calories a day* to continue making up for the sins of my earlier business trip.
    - At least 30 minutes of exercise a day, including attending all three aikido sessions this week.
    - Talk to someone who knows more than I do about diet and nutrition about how things are going.
    *Except for tomorrow, when my goal is just to stay under my limit.

    How are you guys doing?
  • thamesworkboats
    thamesworkboats Posts: 17 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    I'm Jill.... At one point I lost 40 pounds, but I've gained 35 back. Enough is enough! I'm taking back my life.

    Well done you can do it remember how much better you felt when you lost those pounds.x
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    Happy Friday, everyone! And welcome to all the newcomers - this is such a great thread for encouragement and motivation!

    I have to admit that I might have fallen slightly off the wagon one or two days this week. And then the wagon might have come around and hit me in the head while I was lying on the ground... but on the bright side, I didn't fall far off the wagon. And I'm back!

    Not losing any weight despite an overall deficit and fairly minimal calorie intake, which is frustrating and a bit worrying. Still, nothing I can do but keep going.

    Mini-goals for this week:
    - Save at least 500 calories a day* to continue making up for the sins of my earlier business trip.
    - At least 30 minutes of exercise a day, including attending all three aikido sessions this week.
    - Talk to someone who knows more than I do about diet and nutrition about how things are going.
    *Except for tomorrow, when my goal is just to stay under my limit.

    How are you guys doing?

    We're all here for you Jeyradan!
    I've been hanging onto the wagon by my fingertips...and need to pull myself up...or take a friend's hand.

    We can do this together!
  • wenkell22
    wenkell22 Posts: 25 Member
    Hanging on by my teeth! I could use a drop in weight to keep me motivated. I'm gonna just keep on keepin on, though, because I know that if I just stick to the plan it *will* work. Eventually.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    Also hanging on by my teeth!

    I just had a "crying in the dressing room" experience while unsuccessfully trying to find workout pants. Rather than sensably resolve myself to even greater efforts to lose weight, I drowned my sorrows with an ice cream bar. What was I thinking?

    I'm falling off!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    My question is this: Has anyone had luck with work out videos? We have a Roku here and some fitness videos on was wondering if they work.....?

    Any movement works versus sitting on the couch. I've used Roku videos, YouTube videos & Pinterest charts. You can also try dancing through your favorite show (or at least the commercials).

    Good luck!
  • wenkell22
    wenkell22 Posts: 25 Member

    Also hanging on by my teeth!

    I just had a "crying in the dressing room" experience while unsuccessfully trying to find workout pants. Rather than sensably resolve myself to even greater efforts to lose weight, I drowned my sorrows with an ice cream bar. What was I thinking?

    I'm falling off!

    It happens to all of us! Just brush it off and move forward. You'll make a healthier choice next time, I'll bet! :-)
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    We're all here for you Jeyradan!
    I've been hanging onto the wagon by my fingertips...and need to pull myself up...or take a friend's hand.

    We can do this together!

    Congratulations for hanging on! It's so great that you're doing that, even if it is by your fingertips. You're doing it - and we can help!