What was your "That's It!" Moment?



  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    My brother said I had "cute" pudge. I had never had pudge before....
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    I had several
    When I sat down an touched the side of my leg...surprise...it was my butt that was expanding sideways..hard to visualize
    When I had never bought anything bigger than 9, and suddently found myself that size 11 did not fit, nor did size 12....I have worn size large stretch pants since then!
  • cazo78
    cazo78 Posts: 3
    Going clothes shopping and seeing myself in a full length 3 way mirror! I was like “Where the heck did I get back fat and all of this tummy from?!” No wonder nothing fit!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I had a few AH HA moments that mainly consisted of me being fed up with certain things...

    I was fed up with my dad saying that I was always going to have to work out or I would get fat... (Like I was different from everyone else)
    I was tired of everyone saying that Iw as like my mom and got the unlucky genes

    I was tired of HATING going pants shopping

    I was tired of HATING my thighs

    I was tired of Feeling guilty for eating

    I was tired of being the biggest friend (and I only wore a size 8 at my heaviest)

    so finally I got so sick and tired of hating and feeling Being and getting told that I would always have to fight being fat that I decided to do something about it.... coincidentally enough this all happened the moment that I changed states and met a man who is now my husband. DAMN wedding pictures are good motivation.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    Two. 1)Pictures I was tagged in from my friend's birthday party last september- i literally became nauseated when they showed up... and because I was "tagged" they kept showing up over and over 2) when i fractured my ankle in January the doctor walked in with my chart and my weight was noted in HUGE numbers on the front of the file. And she treated me like I was a big fat slob and didn't believe me when I told her I exercised 3-5 days per week. Which I did. I showed her! Well, not really cause I thought she was really unprofessional and I am not going back to her- according to the weight she had me at in January I have actually lost 31 lbs (not 26 like it shows here on MFP)
  • shasslock
    shasslock Posts: 56
    In July 2009, I attended the funeral of a childhood friend. She was always overweight and although her death was not listed as any obesity related causes, I am more than positive that is was...at the risk of being grotesque, seeing her in the coffin changed my life forever.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    My "I have to do something" moment was when I got too big for my "fat" jeans. Heartbreaking.

    My "I am finally doing something about this" came about 3 weeks after joining MFP. Instead of eating crap and finding a way to fit it into my calorie limit I changed my eating habits, stopped senseless snacking and gave up pop, fast food and chips. I still have them once in ahwile, but its getting further and further between.
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    this last easter when i was with my SIL and taking pictures i saw how far out and round my tummy was... i can't stand to think my tummy was out further than my boobs.

    That is funny that you say that because mine used to do that too and I never noticed it until now they don't and it is so different. I guess I just got used to my stomach sticking out futher :( Time to change!
  • alpepp
    alpepp Posts: 55 Member
    I love doing yoga and pilates so I really enjoy the Body Flow class offered at my gym. I was in the middle of class, sitting on my mat and reaching forward to my toes when it happened. In high school, I would have had my nose on my knees but this time, it was different. My gut was physically preventing me from even getting my chest to my knees - forget about my nose. WTF, mate? I've always been able to bend myself in half and twist like a pretzel. It was a rude awakening to realize I wasn't just a little overweight but 80 lbs obese.

    That afternoon, I joined MFP.
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    My 6 year old said to me that he did not ask me to play something with him because "daddy your to fat to do that". I vowed that I will never again miss anything that he wants me at or needs me at becasue I was to damn fat and to lazy to do it. It really made me feel sick inside and really mad at myself. Found MFP a week later and made the best change of my life. Still have a long way to go but my son is proud to have his daddy around. And I am proud of me too.

    Good job!!!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    i have a recurring "that's it!" moment any time i take pictures with my friends and i notice that there are more chins than boobs in the photos.

    another moment was when i realized that my boyfriend is a foot taller than me and barely ten pounds heavier. granted, he's slender, athletic, and works outside while i'm curvy, short, and sit behind a desk all day ... but i feel so gross whenever i think about it :(

    pretty regular moments are when i remember that i'm 4'11 and i'm supposed to be small, so trying on large and XL clothing always makes me miserable. i saw online that the average american woman wears a size 10-12, and i'm wayy shorter than the average woman, yet i can barely squeeze into those sizes. i don't feel that fat, but things like that make me feel like a slob.

    also when i see a "healthy" weight range for my height, and i realize that i'm still 15 pounds heavier than the highest weight in that range and i feel like it's going to be such a long time before i even get close to a "healthy" weight. before i started on MFP i was borderline obese -- i had no idea, i just thought i was a little chunky! i guess my body image is messed up.

    i guess i have "that's it" moments every day ... that's why i'm still trying.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Mine was more of a whole bunch of things on top of each other.

    It was about 2+ months ago... and I just got done visiting my boyfriend, and he has been on a better lifestyle himself for 6+ months already... and he looks HOTTT... and I just felt that eventually I'm going to be so BIG and he's going to look so good... I want us to look like a cute couple... not one of those couples where people go "Why's he with HER? He can do so much better..." I've always had low self-esteem... but it was getting out of hand. Feeling uncomfortable with everything I was wearing... and I think the tipping was that I had to buy work clothes for GameStop... and well... I bought the biggest size ****ies worker girl pants they had - 13... and it would not go past my thighs... but I felt obligated to buy them because I didn't want to admit to my friend that they didn't fit!!! But now I'm glad to say I fit in those pants!
  • mroger801
    mroger801 Posts: 91
    Mine was when talking to a co-worker who decided to have gastric bypass surgery. Instead of going the surgery route (which I cannot do because my grandfather died from complications from his surgery), I enrolled in a physician-managed program. I've been on it for 10 weeks, lost 28 pounds, and haven't felt better in a long time. In fact, the co-worker who is having surgery just got on MFP after I told her how much it helped me. Maybe with some help and support, she won't need the surgery!
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    Mine was when I really looked at myself in pictures, not just in the mirror. I have this image of myself in my head that I'm hot, and that I look good. But when I saw myself in pictures, I was appalled. Like, seriously. It was awful. I really have been feeling like a huge hippo. So I've joined a gym, and I've seen steady weight loss for two weeks now. Last year, I lost 25 lbs, then gained 15 of that back. So this is more of a restarting than starting from scratch. In total right now, I'm down 15.2 lbs from last year.
  • alain0207
    alain0207 Posts: 73 Member
    same here, I have resigned myself on being behind the lens 'cause in every picture I can see how fat I've gotten. I use to say that it was just because I love photography but the truth is that I don't want to see myself in them.
  • monoxidechick
    Had had been feeling extra fat for a while but in within two days I was having trouble fitting into most of the clothes I had, dreaded clothes shopping so my closet was getting empty, and I did NOT want to shop in the plus sizes. I decided right then that it was either losing the weight or going around naked. Luckily I started losing weight...I went out and bought slim fast and found this site the same day. I am glad this this site worked better than those stupid shakes!!
  • Alaranio
    Alaranio Posts: 75
    My husband weighed himself a couple weeks before his fitness test. I jumped on the scale after him to see where I was at, since I usually never weigh myself. When I saw I was only about 30 pounds less than my husband, I decided I need to loose it!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Last Christmas we had to go to my brother in law's house to visit family for brunch. I had run 5 miles that morning. Matter of fact, I ran a 1/2 marathon in the spring.....and worked out all summer......and ate whatever I wanted - and drank like a fish.

    After my run, I went to put on some pants that had been getting tight - but not *that* tight......the barely buttoned up. I knew that I couldn't wear sweat/yoga pants to the party - so I put those on and a hoodie (that used to be big too, but was clinging to me like a second skin).

    My step-father in law is all about taking pictures, so the camera was snapping - and I caught my mother in law staring at my stomach.....I could feel it. Father in law passed around the camera so we could se something he caught - and there I was standing next to my husband (who by the way is 155lbs and 5'10) looking like a stuffed pig.

    We got home and I cried. I drank, I cried, I cried, I cried. For hell's sake, I had run 5 miles that morning - and I worked out like every single day!!!!!

    Over the New Year, I made a resolution to quit drinking so much - and with in the next couple days I went and bought a whole new wardrobe of sz. 18's. (this was the 2nd time in my life I'd been that size).

    I found the MFP app on Jan 14th - got on the scale at 209 lbs........TIME TO GET REAL.

    Since then, I have lost 32 lbs, sent my clothes to another MFP user who is down from sz 24's - and I COULDN'T FEEL BETTER!!!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Mine was having a doctor say, "You're diabetic." What's so stupid about that is I've always known that I would wind up diabetic if I didn't make changes. Always. My sister, my mother, my uncle and aunt, my grandfather and his siblings--all diabetic. But something about being told, something about being handed a glucose monitor and test strips made it not only real, but also about the numbers--no more subjective self-analysis, but rather purely objective goals--numbers. I have to keep my carbs under a certain level, I have to test my blood sugar at certain times, and suddenly all the guesswork and personal dishonesty was out of the picture. It's not a diet now, it's my life, and I'm learning how to make it wonderful.

    I know, there are diabetics who actually fudge their own numbers. There are diabetics whose first thought isn't "What can I do," but rather "What drugs can you give me so I don't have to do anything?" I'm related to some of them. But that's not my style. This has given me the chance to be absolutely honest with myself without being brutal--it's taken the self-hatred out and replaced it with a clear path.

    So, yeah, diabetes was my turning point. I really do think that, without the diagnosis, I would have just shlumped along refusing to really face the reality of my lifestyle. I'm not GLAD I'm diabetic, but I'm grateful for the changes it's enabled me to make.

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