Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.



  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hello ladies ☺ Could I join? I have just started T25 today after buying it a couple of months ago (and then sticking it on a shelf). I have about 30lbs to lose overall and could do with knowing that I have somewhere to be accountable to.

    Bit about me: I am a 43 yr old female, used to run 30 odd miles a week abut couple of years ago but stopped when I changed jobs. Breakdown of long term relationship at the end of last year has left me in a crappy place but I'm fed up of not owning my weight gain and am determined to sort it out!

    I am planning to do some sort of T25 / Chalean Extreme hybrid, as I want to lift as well, I just haven't worked out exactly how it will work yet...!

  • Maggieba
    Maggieba Posts: 47 Member
    edited July 2016

    I'm starting tomorrow! I'm 7 weeks postpartum and have been following this group for months, knowing I'd start once I got the all clear.

    For hybrid workouts, I've used this website

    It's awesome for scheduling multiple programs.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome guys!! It's nice to see people starting this programme. After the hybrid I intend on doing Beta again and maybe after Gamma again. I've just got such a crazy schedule I've not had time to reply on here as much but I am reading all your threads and comments. I want to lose 4kg more and would be really happy with 7kg or a little more although I'm told that maybe too low for my body shape and measurements so we shall see!
  • cdelgado623
    cdelgado623 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all! I'm finally tired of waiting for friends in real life to become good accountability/workout partners. Hoping this thread will keep me on track. I'm 30, female, live in Oregon. Two kids. Former military. I LOVE lifting, but haven't been able to since kids. We're in a tiny place with no room for weights, no chance to go to a gym. I've got bad knees, so I'll have to modify a bit. Can't guarantee I'll change the way I eat too much, I'm not terrible but I'm a very picky eater. Excited to do the entire program!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been a little MIA on the thread lately, but I've still been doing T25 workouts. I haven't been as consistent as I had been, but still trying to get it in when I can. Since I finished T25 for now I'm just picking a workout from the program at random to do when I can. Despite not working out consistently and eating like crap lately I'm at least proud that I'm still maintaining at my lowest weight during this weight loss that's a plus that I haven't gained.

    I've gotta say for those of you with kids I tip my hat to you, lol with my BF's daughter here this summer it's just completely taken me off my workout game and diet. I can't even remember the last time I went to the gym and did something other than an at home workout. I'm not tracking calories as accurate as I should. Gotta admit makes me a little scared what will happen when we have kids of our own one day.

    Only a few more weeks until she returns back at home to start school so for now I'm just gonna try to keep maintaining and do what I can, and then hopefully I'll be able to get back into my normal routine and start losing again then.
  • supersimonesquirrel
    supersimonesquirrel Posts: 74 Member
    On to week 3 of beta round now, I like adding an extra insanity workout on Saturdays - may try some other workouts on Sat to see what I like best. Is Chalene extreme any good?
  • cdelgado623
    cdelgado623 Posts: 19 Member
    Day two complete. I had nearly finished alpha on my last attempt at T25, so it's hard mentally to start over.
  • kerrimeng4
    kerrimeng4 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all! I'm finally tired of waiting for friends in real life to become good accountability/workout partners. Hoping this thread will keep me on track. I'm 30, female, live in Oregon. Two kids. Former military. I LOVE lifting, but haven't been able to since kids. We're in a tiny place with no room for weights, no chance to go to a gym. I've got bad knees, so I'll have to modify a bit. Can't guarantee I'll change the way I eat too much, I'm not terrible but I'm a very picky eater. Excited to do the entire program!

    31 year old female here and 2 kids. Keep up the good work! I'm in my first week of gamma this week and I'm amazed at how much extra energy I have to play with the kids since starting the program.
  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    Did chalean burn circuit 2 tonight followed by the t25 ab intervals session - shaun t has officially killed me.....!!!!
  • cdelgado623
    cdelgado623 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I finished day 4 today. Maybe because my shoulders aren't strong enough for all the planks, but I didn't feel like ab intervals was that great of a workout. I'll keep working at it and hopefully get better.

    Kerri, how old are your kids? Mine are 2 & 4. The four year old has started running with dad and loves it. Hoping to raise active kids, which is sort of a sad thing to say. Growing up, I didn't know any kids who weren't active.
  • kerrimeng4
    kerrimeng4 Posts: 22 Member
    Mine are 3 and almost 2. They are both so active and full of energy. I'm hoping they stay that way even though I'm drained by the end of the day. I would rather have them full of energy vs being a couch potato!

    Keep up the good work!!
  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    Just finished the last workouts of Week 1 (lower focus and cardio). I'm now a limp and sweaty heap on the sofa...... !!
  • cdelgado623
    cdelgado623 Posts: 19 Member
    Great job Sapphire! We're on the same day. :-) I only had time for one of those so I chose lower focus. I'll do cardio tomorrow.

    Kerri, our kids are the same distance in ages. I just now feel like I have a handle on them all day long, and for the most part I enjoy them. A year ago...not so much.
  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    How do you feel after your first week? :)
  • cdelgado623
    cdelgado623 Posts: 19 Member
    Cardio done. I'm feeling alright! Not too sore. Knees are holding up well. How about you? Have you done any other at home programs, beachbody or otherwise?
  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    edited July 2016
    Lol what haven't I tried.... my ex fiance and I did 2 months of insanity last year but didnt manage to finish it. got results even in those 2 months - it was odd, i didnt lose any weight or even seem to lose measurable inches but everything got smaller and tighter/leaner - but an hour of jumping about every day just gets tough!

    I have previously done chalean extreme and am actually doing that now with T25, but I started that a little earlier so will be on week 3 of Chalean but week 2 of T25 next week.

    I have also had the turbo fire set for years but never managed to get into it. Oh, and a friend also leant me Hip Hip Abs at one point as well.

    Can you tell I love infomercials lol. :D
  • cdelgado623
    cdelgado623 Posts: 19 Member
    Did cardio today. Between kids interrupting sleep last night and my exercise this morning, I totally half assed it. I am also terrible about the last 2-3 minutes. Instead of pushing, I think about how much I've already done, and that's a good enough effort. I definitely need to work on my mental effort more!
  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    Lol know that feeling - I can never quite push enough to finish the last few seconds of each set but am hopeful it will all improve ,)
  • Sapphire_Elf
    Sapphire_Elf Posts: 76 Member
    Woooo week 2 total body circuit done. Knackered - lol who knew 25 minutes could last a day!!!!! :p
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I just re-started T25 yesterday -- I'd love to just keep checking in here for some accountability.

    I've done it before, but didn't finish it (or even move on to Beta). I love Shaun T, though, and I've done Insanity, Cize, Max30 (again, I've never finished any of them - but just do workouts here and there, depending on which one I felt like at the time). This time I'm going to give it all I have to actually finish it. So, okay. Day 2, and my favorite one, Speed 1.0.