Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.

Hi Everyone,

So this is for my accountability really. I'll let you know a bit about myself first and why I'm doing this. It would be fantastic if I could find others just starting up too or redoing this to help keep me motivated. It would also be great if anyone had success stories they could share to keep me motivated!

I am 28 years old, 5ft7 and starting at 74.6kg. I have done some measurements too which I will update you on. So my background, I have never been sporty or really liked any sports, I'm a smoker and I at all sorts of foods never limiting myself, that said I eat fairly healthy and not a lot of food and I don't have a sweet tooth, I am addicted to coffee and will not stop drinking that and if I had to say I have a down fall it would be crisps (I could eat 5packs in a row) and that I'm pretty much a couch potatoe when I'm not working, although my work is very hands on and physical. I have had cancer twice (Hodgkins Lymphoma Disease) when I was 17 and 21, after that I had blood transfusions and a P.E. In my right lung. Recently I got very poorly again it affected my work and I was in pain constantly I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and an underactive thyroid... No wonder I'm super tired all the time. I live in the U.K and have decided to try and get healthy build some lean muscle as well as lose around 18lbs in fat. So that's my story.

I started Focus T25 on Monday and so far have had quite a few excuses as to why I don't want to work out but I have managed to work out and give it my all even if that means I'm modifying every single day. Now I had no muscle soreness really just a bit in my arms and shoulders but I do drink a lot of water every single day. I've cut out sodas and reduced sugar but that's as far as I'm going to go with diet. I sweat with most the workouts and def. feel them working my body out, but I find it so far very doable!

So today is Friday day 5 and a double up day, I'm slightly dreading this day but I've heard you only need to do this first workout on your calandar the second is optional and you can even chose to do that on a sat. I'll let you know about what I decide to do on that after I've done it.

Weighed myself this morning I'm a bit bad with the scales I tend to weigh myself constantly and it's become a problem for me recently where as usually I'd go by measurements I suppose after I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid I like to know where I am at with scale weight. Well to my shock since I thought it was working before my morning coffees I weighed in at 69.6kg. My stomach looks like it's expanded and I weighed myself two days ago and nearly gave up as I'd actually gained a kg! I'm hoping it was fluid retention but last night I ate a packet of crisps and felt guilty and who knows maybe it's exactly what my body needed?!


  • sarochka85
    sarochka85 Posts: 103 Member
    Hiya. We are the same height and weight (5"7, hover around 70kg), but I'm 31. Glad you beat cancer- so young, my God, poor thing.

    I now do a couple of t25 workouts a week. I love them (especially Alpha Cardio... it isn't the hardest, but enjoyable) but am too flighty to stick with one programme.

    I don't see how you could fail to get fit doing these workouts. I'd be so slim if I
    didn't eat like a sodding pig!

    Good luck!
  • aquablue_1111
    aquablue_1111 Posts: 40 Member
    I've done T25 in the past and I loved/love it! Yes, those double-days look scary. =) I did the 2nd workout on the following day too. I've always had issues with my core being weak and I definitely noticed increased strength there after doing T25. I went with the modified versions many times and even now, I'll have to do the modified on certain moves or go a little slower. What is nice is that as you progress, you'll find certain things easier so you know you're getting stronger/better at it. I wasn't watching my calorie intake while doing T25 nor did I take any before/after pictures...I wish I did!

    I'm doing a weightlifting program now but on my rest days, I'll do a T25 workout. That's how much I like it.

    I think you're off to a good start by cutting out the sodas but if you could log in what you eat, you'll find it helpful. I'm new to counting calories (started this Jan) but one aspect that I like is that I can have that scoop of ice cream, or some potato chips without feeling guilty as long as it fits within my calorie goal. (I used to get all worked up if I had some dessert after dinner.)

    Even on days that I go over, I log it. I've found it useful though because looking back at my progress (lost 9 lbs) and how much I was eating (going over my deficit on many days) I'm now realizing my maintenance is probably higher than I calculated. I'm feeling very "hangry" nowadays so I'm upping my calories from 1347 to about 1400/1410. (Actually today is the first day of the adjusted deficit. I'm very excited!)

    I'll monitor my weight, measurements and energy level on my lift days and go from there.

  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Thanks so much for replying and supporting its great to hear from others.

    Sarochka85 - It's nice that there is someone my height and weight range I wonder if we have similar body types too! I know about the eating I have been there myself and probably half of what got me into this weight mess! I'm hoping to stick with the programme but like you I find I can get distracted or in m case sometimes lazy into after I complete it. The alpha cardio is the hardest for me so far I do love it though because if that I'm doing the next on of that today (I split up yesterday).

    Senennieves - I don't have gamma but may buy it after if I can manage the alpha and beta. 60lbs in 6months that is fantastic you have so incredibly well you must have great discipline. It's great to hear you modified as I did feel bad about modifying as if I may not receive the same results. I will continue to do my best and modify where I need! Great motivation, thank you.

    Aquablue_1111 - so great to hear you loved and still love this workout I'm really enjoying it too considering I've never really enjoyed exercise til now. It's great to know you split the days up and that its okay I am doing this too now. My core is very weak too I find planks nearly impossible my arms shoulder all ache and my back hurts really glad you felt this workout helped I'm hop info similar results. It's a shame you didn't take photos I've heard it's quite motivational and I plan on doing some too. I used to log my calories a lot and I think your right I will start to log again and see how much I'm consuming I'm sure it will help me, sounds like a really good idea to save calories towards a ,treat' food too and if I need to change anything later down the line I'll have a place to start. Good luck to you with you new deficit I hope it workouts with your lifting, your have to let me know!
  • senennieves
    senennieves Posts: 106 Member
    Rachel - nothing wrong with modifying it worked great for me, bad part was I lost my job for the first time in my life at 52 years of age, it caused me to become depressed and stressed out, not knowing who I was going to keep a roof of my family's head and put food on the table, I went back to eating pizza and junk because it was cheap an convenient, I stopped working out and gained all the weight back now I have a job and no stress so I am working my way back, started 7 days ago been doing pretty good with my nutrition plan thanks to MFP will start some form of exercise program come Monday morning
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Rachel - nothing wrong with modifying it worked great for me, bad part was I lost my job for the first time in my life at 52 years of age, it caused me to become depressed and stressed out, not knowing who I was going to keep a roof of my family's head and put food on the table, I went back to eating pizza and junk because it was cheap an convenient, I stopped working out and gained all the weight back now I have a job and no stress so I am working my way back, started 7 days ago been doing pretty good with my nutrition plan thanks to MFP will start some form of exercise program come Monday morning

    Well done Senennieves! It takes courage to pick yourself back up and get your life back on track, people turn to junk food for far less reasons, and yes it is cheaper I think that's a huge problem. I was told to check out local markets as it is organic and cheap as well as supporting small local businesses. It's great you've started to get back on track and even better that you have found a new job and feel comfortable and stress free again, I know all about stress!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Week one of t25 down. My back is aching on the left side even when engaging my core.. The stretching DVD helped (a little) still unsure about the S stretch and if I'm doing it right.. Feels like I'm getting a stretch but I didn't sweat during this DVD or anything.. On a bright note the time flew by.

    I plan on starting up Muay Thai in the next 2weeks again when I get some fitness back as I finally feel like I have the energy to try at least! Today will be the dreaded cardio, I feel this is my hardest DVD and feel so amazing after I complete it and boy do I sweat.. It actually takes my heart and limbs about half an hr after the work out to calm down and I still sweat that half an hr after so I'm stuck in limbo before I can actually shower (gross right)!

    So my weigh in was 70.5kg this morning I must admit I do weigh in in my gym clothes but I drank 2 coffees before my weigh in so have no idea if that will effect anything! I'm writing a food diary on a note pad as I can't seem to log on here on my phone just my iPad ATM and find that easier, like I said I don't plan on changing diet at all really not quite yet but I will be mindful of how much I'm taking in and stick to 1600 or less cals thanks to advice from above. Well I'm about to do cardio in a minute so wish me luck. Will also do measurements later on today as I skipped that on Saturday due to work commitments being super busy!
  • kittehkitteh88
    kittehkitteh88 Posts: 40 Member
    Just about to start Beta round, I love Shaun T, haven't lost a great deal of weight but have lost an inches in only 5 weeks, stick with it it gets easier the more you do!
  • rklmc
    rklmc Posts: 3 Member
    I just started T25 today. Any idea how to log it into MyFittnessPal?
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Just about to start Beta round, I love Shaun T, haven't lost a great deal of weight but have lost an inches in only 5 weeks, stick with it it gets easier the more you do!

    Kittehkitteh88 - Fantastic, well done you! I think it's harder to stick with without the weight loss to back up the great new body shape, how did you manage to stick with it everyday do you have a routine of when you do your workout? Good luck with Beta, I'm nervous for that! I'm hanging in there.. I did inches lost today and lost 2inches so far in my first week!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    rklmc wrote: »
    I just started T25 today. Any idea how to log it into MyFittnessPal?

    Hi Rklmc - I heard its best to set it as hiit or use a heart rate monitor and make your own exercise. The DVDs are mixed so I'm not 100% sure as everyone loses different and I guess it depends on effort put in, however a lot of forums I've read say average burned is between 260-400cals depending on DVD. Hope that helps I've not been logging and I've put updated things into my fitness pal on different days ops!
  • kittehkitteh88
    kittehkitteh88 Posts: 40 Member
    Just about to start Beta round, I love Shaun T, haven't lost a great deal of weight but have lost an inches in only 5 weeks, stick with it it gets easier the more you do!

    Kittehkitteh88 - Fantastic, well done you! I think it's harder to stick with without the weight loss to back up the great new body shape, how did you manage to stick with it everyday do you have a routine of when you do your workout? Good luck with Beta, I'm nervous for that! I'm hanging in there.. I did inches lost today and lost 2inches so far in my first week!

    Thats great!I think the fact that you see a difference after only a week is what pushes you on, if you have lost 2 inches that quickly imagine how you will look in 9 weeks time! I also have biceps for the first time in my life (only small but they are there!) I do it as soon as i get home from work as i usually have half an hour before my partner gets home and I don't like him watching me :-s I also spread the double work out over the Friday and Saturday as I know i'll give it my all for both workouts that way rather than struggling through two in a row
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Congrats to OP and others for sticking to T25. I'm on week 4 of Alpha and I'm loving it, but it is also challenging. I'm doing this in addition to my normal workouts; based on a lot of reviews I've read people don't necessarily lose a ton of weight but supposedly the inches lost are amazing, so I'm hoping I lose a ton of inches!

    I love that it's only 25 minutes, because by the time I reach a point where I'm like ok I can't do this anymore it's usually more than half way done, so I'm able to say to myself you're almost done what's the point in stopping now. Lol I hate Alpha - least favorite workout.

    I made a goal to be in a size 10 for an upcoming vacation...I'm in a 12 now, so I'm hoping adding this in will push me closer to a 10 regardless of what the scale might say at this point!
  • unnichacko
    unnichacko Posts: 47 Member
    I have a question. I did three days of T25 and then shifted to Cize today. Its not like I dreaded doing T25, I know I can do it five times a week but Cize seemsfun also. Do you think I have mistaken or should I shuffle in between the two programs? I am very confused here.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Just about to start Beta round, I love Shaun T, haven't lost a great deal of weight but have lost an inches in only 5 weeks, stick with it it gets easier the more you do!

    Kittehkitteh88 - Fantastic, well done you! I think it's harder to stick with without the weight loss to back up the great new body shape, how did you manage to stick with it everyday do you have a routine of when you do your workout? Good luck with Beta, I'm nervous for that! I'm hanging in there.. I did inches lost today and lost 2inches so far in my first week!

    Thats great!I think the fact that you see a difference after only a week is what pushes you on, if you have lost 2 inches that quickly imagine how you will look in 9 weeks time! I also have biceps for the first time in my life (only small but they are there!) I do it as soon as i get home from work as i usually have half an hour before my partner gets home and I don't like him watching me :-s I also spread the double work out over the Friday and Saturday as I know i'll give it my all for both workouts that way rather than struggling through two in a row

    Haha yes I don't like to be washed either that's why 25mins is perfect! Yep 9weeks of my life totally worth it then I'll look to gamma and others! I'm going to copy you with the Friday/Saturday makes more sense to me too. So far I find it easier to do my workout after my morning coffees and a banana :)! Well done on arm difference it's where I struggle arms and stomach I'm kind of hour glass figure. Keep up the great work and keep checking in
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Congrats to OP and others for sticking to T25. I'm on week 4 of Alpha and I'm loving it, but it is also challenging. I'm doing this in addition to my normal workouts; based on a lot of reviews I've read people don't necessarily lose a ton of weight but supposedly the inches lost are amazing, so I'm hoping I lose a ton of inches!

    I love that it's only 25 minutes, because by the time I reach a point where I'm like ok I can't do this anymore it's usually more than half way done, so I'm able to say to myself you're almost done what's the point in stopping now. Lol I hate Alpha - least favorite workout.

    I made a goal to be in a size 10 for an upcoming vacation...I'm in a 12 now, so I'm hoping adding this in will push me closer to a 10 regardless of what the scale might say at this point!

    Congrats on week 4! I'm the same way when I'm half way through its because I'm half bored and half ready to give up even with modifications
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    unnichacko wrote: »
    I have a question. I did three days of T25 and then shifted to Cize today. Its not like I dreaded doing T25, I know I can do it five times a week but Cize seemsfun also. Do you think I have mistaken or should I shuffle in between the two programs? I am very confused here.

    Hi there, I have no idea what cize is?? I think for best results you should follow t25 to calandar but I guess adding in more can only benefit? If you split it up with another set of DVDs I'm not sure the result your get as only 25mins but it's better than nothing right?! I think it's awesome that your just doing something that makes you happy and you find fun that way your stick to it.. And well that's got to be better than sticking to something you don't want to do 5times a week? I'd love you to jump on and do t25 because you be within a week of me
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Motivatedsister - I write a lot more to you but it didn't post
  • unnichacko
    unnichacko Posts: 47 Member
    I think I will continue T25 day 4 from tomorrow again. I just don't want to do that kind of difficult exercise regularly as I have always kept two rest days in between my workout days. I might do day one, two and three and take a rest day in between and day 4 and 5.
  • rklmc
    rklmc Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks RachelRiley87