Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.



  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Okay I need some help!!

    I think I have actually measured 3 spots on my body that are actually not accurate body parts haha!! Either just below or above areas I should have measured?! I'm very confused and found about 10 different pictures of different sites on the body saying they are the areas I should be measuring.. none of them are in the same place in these diagrams.. so which do I use?! If any one knows or has a picture of correct measuring areas I would be really grateful as now I feel I've messed it all up!! Something easy for me to copy?

    Well all that a side the 3 areas of no consequence I've been measuring I've lost 4inches.. I'm planning on adding in arm and thigh also possibly the bum.. I already had an old measurement of that I can use. Luckily for me I had been measured for a friend learning a body treatment awhile back so I may use some of those measurements for accuracy if I can get hold of those. I'm also down to 70.3kg now after many fluctuations.

    Hoping you guys can help me with this the horror on my face when I discovered my waist as I think of it may actually be a nothing zone is probably one for the photo album I just sat here staring at these diagrams with my mouth gaping open.. whatttt?!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Heartlight441 - Thanks for the link but it's telling me request is not found?
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Heartlight441 - thank you so much ^-^ it's working I'll measure In morning before work tomorrow and start from there or tonight haha!! Xx
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    Happy to help! I measure once a month and weigh every day logging it into an app called Happy Scale. I log in mfp just my losses. :)
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Officially finished week 1 of T25. I didn't do a workout yesterday because I was spring cleaning my backyard all day yesterday... that in itself was a workout haha. Tomorrow starts week 2! Good luck to everyone on a new week of fitness tomorrow!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @cgibs87 - Well done on completing your first week!! How was your first week? Hope your hanging in there! Goodluck on your second week too. Your lucky you could get out in the garden I've had hail and rain all day.. At least you got some fresh air with your workout. X
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    Got the notice my T25 shipped! Being in Canada however, it can take anywhere betwen a week to two to arrive. Can't wait!
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    @RachelRiley87 Other than my legs and butt killing me I feel great! Hoping this upcoming week is just as good.

    @Heartlight441 I hope it comes soon for you!!

  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Today I was actually really looking forward to my workout.. that's a new one for me! I couldn't keep up today for some reason and modified probably 30% when last week I nearly had it nailed. Not many cliemts in today for massage so thats a relief.

    I was so good over the bank holiday weekend and didn't go out drinking with everyone, really want to get a grip on working out everyday first before pursuing the mohitos.

    Today I'm looking into whey proteins (yes 3weeks in and I'm finally thinking about changing something in my nutrition.. well maybe), in fact I think I might go and buy some tomorrow when bank holiday is over from my local gym.. they tell you which one to get depending on what you need and how much your individual body can digest?! I'm really looking forward to it it's all free except the protein ofcourse.. but that ranges from 21pounds to 40 depending on what you need, how much you want (I guess how much muscle you want to build too in some cases) it's got loads of added things in it too which I assume can only be good for my bad habits, I'm thinking about having it as a brekki and post workout or just one of these to up protein and multi vitamins, amino acids etc. I'm just feeling great today and wondering if it will further help my goals. Weigh in this morning and down again on the scales finally some weight movement but I woke up looking very different.. move curvy but a good curvy hoorahhh!!

    @Heartlight441 - Excited for you!! Hope it arrives earlier than expected!

    @cgibs87 - I love that good kind of pain when you know you've been working out right. I havnt had it really at all with this programme yet. Maybe in Beta I'll regret saying that!

  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Oh and here's a link about different whey proteins etc. For anyone who wants to know how and why it burns fat. I found some really interesting reads and can't wait to see what the gym suggests.
  • Hallie82
    Hallie82 Posts: 38 Member
    Happy Monday! Today's day one of week 3 for me. Good luck to all the rest of you T25'ers!!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Had some unexpected houseguests so I wasn't able to stick to my planned schedule...ugh! I did my Lower Focus upstairs in my bedroom, but ended up modifying some of the jumping due to the fact I was upstairs. I didn't do Total Body Circuit because I felt like with me being upstairs I would have to modify the bulk of the workout, and I'd rather do it full out.

    So I'm done with Alpha....sans one Total Body Circuit workout. I'm hoping the houseguests aren't still there when I get home, so hopefully I can knock out the workout I missed and move on to Beta. I did take measurements yesterday, but I posted on another T25 thread I post on. I will try and paste it over here at some point.

    Off the top of my head I lost 4 lbs, and several inches....1" off thigh and hips, and I think chest; less than an inch in every other spot I measure. Lol I'm like you @RachelRiley87 I'm terrible at measuring! I'm never sure if I'm measuring at the right spot or even at the same place I did the week before. But it'll have to do!

    If I want better results, I've got to do better on diet. I don't know if I'll make it down to a 10 in less than a month, but hopefully my size 12 stuff that is still a little snug will fit perfect by then.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @motivatedsister - Yayy finally into Beta!! Congratulations at sticking through the programme, don't try and do too much the total body circuit is a killer on its own let alone with a beta workout :open_mouth:!!!

    Can't wait to hear all about your first Beta workout. I'm two weeks off and nervous as hell even considering repeating alpha at this moment with better nutrition.

    I workout upstairs and feel exactly the same way if I'm doing the workout later in the day or early morning.. although no complaints so far.

    Those pesky measurements a real bugger I did try my best today but think I'll do it at a gym with muscle mass body fat % reports etc. only costs 5pounds!

    Your doing brilliantly and have me super excited, I'm sure your at least have a loose size 12 by the end of the month if not more. How will you tighten up your nutrition? I'm in exactly the same frame of mind right now!!
  • khelm80
    khelm80 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! I actually did T25 about 22 months ago and had stellar results!! I lost about 30 pounds. I also have done 21 Day Fix and Hammer and Chisel. and shaved off another 10 pounds or so. I'm actually a Team Beachbody Coach now and could definitely help anyone needing motivation, etc... I am actually starting a private Facebook challenge group today if anyone wanted to join, I could invite you. I would definitely recommend using Shakeology in conjunction with t25 if you are not already doing so. I can give you more information if you would like.
  • AnniePenny
    AnniePenny Posts: 62 Member
    Oh this thread is great!! Thanks so much OP! I am only on my 3rd day (I couldn't wait till monday to start :P ) .. I've been doing pilates about twice a week but I no longer have like an hour+ to workout between working 8 hours a day and going to university + studying so I figured this workout plan would fit me better.. I'm so out of shape when it comes to cardio, the amount of sweat, redness in the face and heart rate speeding is insane.. but I love how short it is and that I feel like I got a good workout in after it.

    As per diet I really I'm trying to eat better without worrying too much about it. I used to count calories with myfitnesspal all the time and it did help me lose weight before but I realized it could stress me a bit sometimes to keep everything logged in. So for now all i'm doing is eating more veggies. Replacing pasta with salads and sweet desserts with fruits. I usually have a night off where I eat whatever I want and have a glass of beer or red wine(that's girls night) but hopefully I'll still lose inches/weight without sacrifying that

  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi @khelm80 - I can't afford shakeology right now being in the UK it's really expensive too, that's why the guys at the gym are sorting me out with the right whey protein (most these guys compete in competitions the owner of the gym has won national and global awards) there all really lovely and full of information there. Congratulations on your amazing results so far. Is hammer and chisel a mens workout or for both? (Sounds rather manly and quite frankly scary) but I will probably want a new programme after 2 rounds of t25 I bought insanity a few years ago and will maybe go onto that next as I think I'll be ready for it for the winter.

    @AnniePenny - Welcome to the thread! Glad your enjoying it so far, I havnt changed anything except soda and I've lost weight and alot of inches. I am dialing in on nutrition for the next two weeks and hoping to take that into Beta.. although for me it looks as though I'm doing just fine without it. I think your ideas are fab ans i dont do desserts i do fruit anyway so you probably will get more results then me as i still eat alot of carbs like potatoes and pasta (although i eat vrown rice and pasta as i prefer it). It is so true that it's way more manageable to do in the time what ever time in day you do it it's over so fast. I think your get alot out of these dvds after doing pilates alot of core strength is needed to manage alot of the ab intervals and I just don't have it... yet! I also go red in the face mainly my nose ... and the sweat damn it's even on my ears and scalp how gross I know but I figure it's my fat crying! Do you have much to lose or doing it for fitness? Don't forget to take measurements everywhere I swear down its my biggest regret especially near knees and shoulder blades which I thought where skinny enough apparently not now there all boney haha.

    Sorry for another essay guys I just got back from work and I'm buzzing.. feel like I could work out again now but before work I showered and sorted myself out once already... and im struggling to eat back the calories I worked off earlier.. I think my biggest problem is trying to eat enough.. let's see what I get out of this whey stuff tomorrow onwards!
  • khelm80
    khelm80 Posts: 8 Member
    @rachelriley87 --Hammer and Chisel is for both men and women for sure. The hammer portion is done by Sagi (male bodybuilder with Beach Body) and the Chisel is led by Autumn Calabrese (21DF female fitness guru). So, it is basically some muscle building mixed with muscle toning and cardio. It's a great program!!
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    @RachelRiley87 I want to start having a shake as a breakfast meal replacement but I can't afford Shakeology right now.

    Welcome @AnniePenny !!!