Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.



  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Heartlight441 - if you end up getting the programme feel free to join in here and keep us all updated on your progress. I may end up doing the whole t25 again after gamma if I buy that so i will def. still be doing something :)
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    Will do!!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Okay so another mid week update. I'm week 3 (not sure how I got so far into this programme so fast)! It will be cardio today, I did manage lower focus yesterday evening and it was a bit of a struggle and the other times I completed it I was fine (fine meaning I completed all moves at my own pace with no modifications), oh boy did I feel it last night the pulses burned so bad I had to stop half way during the lunges on both sides my legs were on fire and shaking, I sweat through every cardio move from the word go. Today I'm worried about the cardio purely from how tough I found my so called easiest workout yesterday!

    I am wondering if my thyroid medications need to be changed I was in hospital a couple of weeks ago for my 4monthly check ups and they did full blood count and a thyroid test etc. I didn't get the thyroid results back so I may give my doctor a call today and see if everything is Ok... I'm just so tired again today luckily no work til this weekend so I slept in. I feel so tired I've not felt like cooking and there are loads of things I need to do today but I feel run down. It's strange as I felt perfectly fine up into this week. Maybe I will change the time of my workout the early the better for me I think. I don't know if anyone has certain times of the day this workout seems to feel better for them?

    My scale weight dropped this morning again, and I woke up ravenous, I'm happy I'm back to the lower end of the lbs I've been going up and down 5lbs for the last week and a half. I will probably wait to stat day to confirm this and take measurements again. For some reason I think I've lost a lot of weight on my knees not that they needed it I have pure muscle no fat on my calf and just fatty thighs and hips yet under my knees I now can see pure bone form and the same goes for the top of each shoulder I am seeing bone in certain areas and it looks shapely with some muscles now showing but then the fat on my arms are still there even if I'm seeing my tri and biceps, and the fat on my legs.. I wish my body would get rid of the major fat first before slimming down already slimmer bits first if that makes sense to anyone.. I look even more out of proportion than normal.. That is my problem I always look fairly slim in clothing it's just my flabby arms my thighs and my stomach everything else inc my face is slim?! Oh well.. Just putting the thoughts in my head down here so anyone else struggling can have a read, I heard you can't spot reduce fat on your body although that would be lovely and just what I need.. Onwards and upwards. Xxx
  • Hallie82
    Hallie82 Posts: 38 Member
    Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here. Today I will be on week 2 day 4. I haven't missed a day yet so kinda on a roll. Will be nice to have accountability here. I did complete the program a little over a year ago had great results then went back to bad habits again. Hoping I have even better results this time around. And maybe even get a round two in! Or maybe Gamma??? Good luck to everyone!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Hallie82 wrote: »
    Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here. Today I will be on week 2 day 4. I haven't missed a day yet so kinda on a roll. Will be nice to have accountability here. I did complete the program a little over a year ago had great results then went back to bad habits again. Hoping I have even better results this time around. And maybe even get a round two in! Or maybe Gamma??? Good luck to everyone!

    Wtg Hallie, good to hear your powering through it. Would love you to jump I here and keep updating! I just finished cardio now and I'm sweating buckets feeling fantastic though, I'm one week ahead of you but this is my first ever time. Atleast you know your get great results again, what's your diet like and how were your results the first time? The reason I'm not changing some of my habits is I know I'm black and white I'll do nutrition while I do exercise then stop nutrition after results.. The way I'm doing it now is giving up little things I know I can go without and using the, eg. Sodas as a treat at the weekend or on a night out. I. Excited if your thinking of doing a round 2 I could wait for you.. Or the gamma and start together.. I really M looking forward to changing up.. I seem to get used to come moves and just do the motions on some things and get scared I'm not pushing myself as much as I should.. When it changes up a bit I'm hoping my attitude will too.. Good luck with the programme I'm looking forward to hearing more.. What are your results so far in week 2? Are you doing scales and measurements. I'm interested to see when people started seeing scale and measurement results and which was more promising to track by to keep myself motivated. I'm def feeling my fitness increase which is exactly where I want to be right now.. Of course 20lbs weight loss would be nice too. Xx
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @RachelRiley87 did you ever go ahead and take your rest day early? Sounds like you need it! Hopefully your doc will be able to provide some answers for the extreme fatigue you've been having.

    It was a user long didn't even make it home until nearly midnight, so no workout today will be another double duty. I know yesterday was supposed to be Total Body Circuit, and I'm not sure what today's is I think maybe cardio my least favorite! Lol hopefully it's something else...anything else!

    On top of no workout yesterday I ate terribly....but will do better today.
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I just started T25 on Monday. I have been back and forth with it for the past year- I would go a week or two and miss a day and stop. I am beyond motivated to stick it out this time! I am 19 months postpartum with my 2nd child and what a difference in my body from 1 child to the next. I am looking to tone up and shed a few lbs (If my 4 year old tells me how squishy my stomach is one more time LOL). I have started waking up a bit earlier and doing a few miles on the elliptical to get the day started and doing T25 at night after my kids go to bed. I am staying away from the scale because I do not want to be discouraged if I am not losing weight. I am trying to stick to a 1,200-1,400 calorie a day diet. To fuel my motivation I hung up an old swimsuit from before I was pregnant with my son near my bed, it is the 1st thing I see when I wake up in the am and last thing before I go to bed. My husband and I are going on an adult only beach vacation in August and my goal is to be able to wear that bathing suit :)
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @motivatedsister - no I ended up going through it although I wish I'd just doubled up today, I knew I was busy today though and didn't know if I'd get time. I feel I wasn't giving 100% and would have done better today! Ouch those workouts are the worst two, I'd hate to double up on those! Goodluck and let us know how it goes I think you made the right choice though. S or the eating I ended up treating myself to a McDonald's caramel sundae yesterday as my other half bought me one back after his gig... So your not alone were only human after all. Keep up the great work we all have room to improve and are entitled to occasionally slip or take a rest, it's the fact we don't stop and keep pushing through afterwards that determines we will reach our goals.

    @cgibs87 - Welcome to our thread, congrats on starting back up, what a fantastic idea either the swimsuit.. Although I'd check out what beach he's taking you too sounds like you might not need the suit :,). Even if you do it no diet or modified by August your bound to have your body back in shape. Really good not to use scale but you should measure, I wish I could stop with the scales. Today I had to get my other half to tighten up my bra straps about 1-2inch on both sides ... Not where I wanted to lose the weight but gave me a massive smile on my face all the same. I'm sticking under 1,200 cals as mfp suggests, sometimes I eat a little over of the workout cals. I always log as 25mins circuit and use as a rough cal estimate. I only started logging food and drink with exercise last 2days because an earlier posted suggested I do so, it's really making me more conscious of what I'm eating already!
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2016
    @rachelriley87 usually the boobs and the butt are the first places to lose weight which in some cases stink haha Right after I had my son I bought an UP band and started using MFP. I counted my calories and did a lot of walking and it was amazing to see exactly how many calories i put in my body. Some of the foods i thought were healthy were still high in calories, I was shocked. I just started back using MFP this week and so far so good.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @cgibs87 haha yes it really is rubbish I don't have much boob as it is haha! What is a UP band? Yeah I really understand the calories thing, who knew how many calories where in walnuts?! I was fairly shocked as I like them in salads. As for the butt mine never goes (ever) but it is getting perkier which is fine by me! Really looking forward to stat days I'm going to add in more measurement zones even if it's 3weeks late but at this rate I. Sure I'll still be noticing results on these areas in a month from now. Well I for one am happy your back on here so we can be workout buddy's!!
  • Hallie82
    Hallie82 Posts: 38 Member
    edited April 2016
    @RachelRiley87 my diet is definitely not going the best so far. I love food so my struggle will be with the eating right. I did not take measurements and my weight has not gone down. Good luck everyone!
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    @RachelRiley87 I am small chested too so I don't have much to spare haha

    The UP band is a fitness tracker, it's along the lines of a Fitbit but not as expensive, it counts your steps for the day and tracks your sleep.

    I took your advice and did my measurements last night! On the T25 schedule sheet it has a spot to take your measurements every Saturday.. I don't know if I want to do that, I am nervous it will discourage me if I don't see much movement.
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    @Hallie82 have you tried to modify some of your favorite recipes? For instance last night one of my favorite recipes calls for white rice but I used brown instead.. not much of a change but it was something! I also use pinterest like crazy for healthy food ideas. Good luck!
  • Kayla103
    Kayla103 Posts: 13 Member
    Double day on week 3 today.

    Good luck to all on your double day today. I am ready to have it over with so I know I did it and won't feel like dying when I do it.

    Yesterday, was the first day I did cardio without modifying the entire time. It felt great! I also was going to skip yesterday and do one on Saturday. But I felt so blah and was so proud of myself for getting up and doing it. Even after eating. I try to work out before dinner so then I eat less at dinner, and less likely to work to the point of throwing up (sorry, gross I know).

    But I'm already noticing this has become a habit of mine, and I feel (for lack of a better term) gross if I don't do it.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Hallie82 - The struggle is real, my down fall if there is to be one will be either diet or the fact I can get distracted then bored and not work out! Like today I haven't worked out yet been sat in my gym clothes.. But I'm sat looking at my big belly and I feel I will work out.. Then I will have some dinner.

    @cgibs87 - Ah yes I'm ordering a hrm off wish for 9pounds total.. Heard it had great reviews and I don't have much cash right now.. I just spent out on a new car for work.. Disaster of a week so far! My calandar says stats sat. But I feel disappointed too if it's not a lot of weight, maybe to do it monthly will have a greater effect to uplift us?! I shall do some measurements tomorrow as I missed so many spots that could boost my motivation if I don't see the loss as I really just end up staring at my tummy in the mirror to the front to the side and back again.. Everyday haha

    @Kayla103 - Yes this double day madness, well done you for taking the bull by the horns and just cracking on with it.. I feel like I just followed he white rabbit down the hole with this programme ATM, right now I think I will only do one.. It's nearly 10pm I've been avoiding it all day so I'm sure I'll split them up, I've been distracted but every time I look down at my belly while I'm sat down the motivation starts to kick in again! Sometimes I feel like I'll puke too I know that's awful it's usually if I drink water before I work out, after the work out I just lie there on the floor or sofa if I can make it in a nasty gross sweaty mess before I can even move to shower .. Yes it's bad.. Then I usually go for the water less likely to be sick... So happy you did it, the best feeling ever once it's done!

    Good luck everyone with stat day tomorrow! Xxx
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    Last night I didn't do.double workout, I only did one so I will do the 2nd one today. I caved and weighed myself this morning. I am down 1.5lbs which isn't much but I'm happy! Waiting until next weekend to do my measurements since I just took them for the 1st time on Thursday.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @cgibs87 congrats, that is a lot especially if you think your body is probably retaining water as it builds up muscle. Well done! I'm doing the same as you with the workout I'm doing total body today I felt like a failure yesterday and just did abs (I waited into really late at night from being too lazy and being on a second floor I thought abs would be less noise for those sleeping below). I haven't done measurements today or weight I had early work a lot of massages in and think I'd prefer to keep it to first thing in the am. So probably update tomorrow if I can wait that long to do them! Xxx
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, I JUST ordered this program after sitting on the fence for a few months! I was trying to weigh a few programs to decide (Jillian Michaels, etc) and finally took the leap! I'll be starting soon as it arrives. :) I love the 'time saving' this workout will bring because I work full time and operate my own part time business. I'm also doing a C25K that I hope to still fit in around this (a few 5K's I've signed up for this summer). Hoping this program will further speed up my metabolism/fat loss but also help tone up. I still have at least 35 lbs to lose.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Heartlight441 - Aw yayyy I'm glad you decided to get it the more the merrier I say! When will it arrive? End of week 3 for me ill let you know my inches and weight tomorrow sometime when I measure and weigh myself (although I'll be adding new measurement spots). Yes time saving is brilliant I have my own business too and this really does fit in sure this programme will get you the results your after and it's pretty awesome that your signing up for all these 5ks.. I really have never run or jog I don't even like walking so I'm always impressed when people do these types of things!

    A little update: My work trousers are super skinny cigarette trousers, always hug my legs. For some reason there super tight and constricted now at my waist as if I'm bursting out after fitting me well.. but on my legs they are now super baggy around the calf knee and lower inner thighs.. very bizarre wish I'd taken measurements sooner on these areas..
  • Hallie82
    Hallie82 Posts: 38 Member
    cgibs87 wrote: »
    @Hallie82 have you tried to modify some of your favorite recipes? For instance last night one of my favorite recipes calls for white rice but I used brown instead.. not much of a change but it was something! I also use pinterest like crazy for healthy food ideas. Good luck!

    I actually just did a menu for next week to start getting better meals planned ahead of time. I'm tying the "Trim Heatlhy Momma" way my sister has had good luck losing with that. We are opposites. I work out and she eats right we need to mesh ourselves together