Fat intake



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    10% is crazy, we need fats for a lot of our bodily functions.

    I thought the same but I hear it everywhere!!! (In the Vegan community at least) meh!!!!

    The vegan diaries I've read on here suggest other wise. Lots of nuts, seeds, salad dressings, avocados etc.

    Ah that's good to hear. I mean on YouTube I feel like so many vegans are anti-fat. I'm just like ?????????!

    Maybe its time to listen to non vegans sources? Unsaturated fats have been shown to reduce cholesterol.
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    10% is crazy, we need fats for a lot of our bodily functions.

    I thought the same but I hear it everywhere!!! (In the Vegan community at least) meh!!!!

    The vegan diaries I've read on here suggest other wise. Lots of nuts, seeds, salad dressings, avocados etc.

    Ah that's good to hear. I mean on YouTube I feel like so many vegans are anti-fat. I'm just like ?????????!

    Maybe its time to listen to non vegans sources? Unsaturated fats have been shown to reduce cholesterol.

    I wasn't listening to the anti-fat vegan sources necessarily, kinda feel a little out of place though haha becuase I refuse to eat less than 20% fat. but I was like wth I thought a good amount of fat is healthy? That's why I posted a nice discussion. I'm glad to see that having a higher fat intake percentage is completely normal amongst people here. I don't necessarily feel wrong for it now haha.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    35% fat here. 10%, No way!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I have to shoot for .35g per pound of body weight or higher, otherwise my body gets out of whack. I have literally lost my libido when eating only 20g of fat per day. Not fun times.
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I have to shoot for .35g per pound of body weight or higher, otherwise my body gets out of whack. I have literally lost my libido when eating only 20g of fat per day. Not fun times.

    Oh yeah definitely don't want that side effect haha!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    For me its based on my phase. While cutting i back fats down to around .35g per lb of lbm and increase when transitioning to maintenance. I do it because fats satiate me the least. But yea, 10% is a bit nuts imo.
  • socalrunner59
    socalrunner59 Posts: 149 Member
    I don't think it should be less than 15%. Fat is required to metabolize fat soluble vitamins (A, D,E& K). Fats also provide essential fatty acids that the body cannot synthesize. The brain is made up of 60% fatty acids composition ( DHA), so brain function requires fats.

  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    i always go over on my fat calories. i just love high fat foods like avocados and olive oil ect. i eat anywhere from 40-70 grams of fat a day.
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    I don't think it should be less than 15%. Fat is required to metabolize fat soluble vitamins (A, D,E& K). Fats also provide essential fatty acids that the body cannot synthesize. The brain is made up of 60% fatty acids composition ( DHA), so brain function requires fats.

    Awesome to know! I average between 25%-40% fat mostly :)
  • suze_91
    suze_91 Posts: 1 Member
    The breakdown of your daily calories should be 40% carb, 30% Protein & 30% fat according to Mayo CLinic, The American Heart Association and various other reliable sources.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Had to look at my nutrition history but on average I eat around 30% of my cals in fat. 10% would make me miserable I don't know how anyone could eat that little and enjoy their food.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Duchy82 wrote: »
    Had to look at my nutrition history but on average I eat around 30% of my cals in fat. 10% would make me miserable I don't know how anyone could eat that little and enjoy their food.

    I *think there are quite a few people who follow the 80/10/10 woe, C/P/F. I don't know how they manage either.
  • jdwils14
    jdwils14 Posts: 154 Member
    edited July 2016
    10% is crazy, we need fats for a lot of our bodily functions.

    I thought the same but I hear it everywhere!!! (In the Vegan community at least) meh!!!!

    Taking fat advice from the vegan community is a lot like asking Coca Cola how sugar affects the body. Answers will be on the extreme end of things.

    If you asked the ketogenic crowd about fat, you would get a polar opposite answer.

    Do what you feel is necessary to function throughout the day and become the best you possible.
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    Duchy82 wrote: »
    Had to look at my nutrition history but on average I eat around 30% of my cals in fat. 10% would make me miserable I don't know how anyone could eat that little and enjoy their food.

    I *think there are quite a few people who follow the 80/10/10 woe, C/P/F. I don't know how they manage either.

    Yes I tried the 80/10/10 before and I just can't do it lol
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    jdwils14 wrote: »
    10% is crazy, we need fats for a lot of our bodily functions.

    I thought the same but I hear it everywhere!!! (In the Vegan community at least) meh!!!!

    Taking fat advice from the vegan community is a lot like asking Coca Cola how sugar affects the body. Answers will be on the extreme end of things.

    If you asked the ketogenic crowd about fat, you would get a polar opposite answer.

    Do what you feel is necessary to function throughout the day and become the best you possible.

    I understand what you mean. I suppose it's hard to find my place, because I am vegan (for ethical reason) but don't wanna follow most "vegan diets" that are set up or preached about all around YouTube with success stories for fitness and what not. Because I have tried them and they don't work for me. And I don't know much about other diets necessarily, kind of posted to learn where other mindsets are and maybe I can apply omnivorous advice to my own lifestyle even though I don't consume animals products. Thank you though :)
  • jdwils14
    jdwils14 Posts: 154 Member
    In my experience, it doesn't really matter what you eat, if you move a lot throughout the day. Your body needs to move to use nutrients and expel them. I generally eat what I feel. Some days I eat 70% fat, some days I eat 30% fat. When tracking, protein is the only staple (30-60g per meal). Everything else is personal preference, but our bodies are built to move, and the more we sit, the less nutrients our bodies are taking care of.

    I ran a 5.5 hour Spartan Super in the hills of San Jose a few weeks ago, and my breakfast was HWC eggs and protein shake. I had some sugar gels about mile 5, but that was it.

    I eat fat to sustain for longer periods, such as during a Spartan Race, or a full day of classes, and I use carbs to reduce sodium intake to keep balance (yogurt and granola is tasty!). All in all, food is just fuel, and different foods can be used for different purposes.

    There is no one way to eat, so eat in the way that gives you the best experience in reaching your goals. You can only do that by trial and error.
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    jdwils14 wrote: »
    In my experience, it doesn't really matter what you eat, if you move a lot throughout the day. Your body needs to move to use nutrients and expel them. I generally eat what I feel. Some days I eat 70% fat, some days I eat 30% fat. When tracking, protein is the only staple (30-60g per meal). Everything else is personal preference, but our bodies are built to move, and the more we sit, the less nutrients our bodies are taking care of.

    I ran a 5.5 hour Spartan Super in the hills of San Jose a few weeks ago, and my breakfast was HWC eggs and protein shake. I had some sugar gels about mile 5, but that was it.

    I eat fat to sustain for longer periods, such as during a Spartan Race, or a full day of classes, and I use carbs to reduce sodium intake to keep balance (yogurt and granola is tasty!). All in all, food is just fuel, and different foods can be used for different purposes.

    There is no one way to eat, so eat in the way that gives you the best experience in reaching your goals. You can only do that by trial and error.

    Great advice thank you :) I find that I don't need as much protein as other people to feel satisfied and satiated and that I have more energy with 30% or more fat. I am learning how to listen to my body better and not go extreme by the book diet crap anymore lol.
  • jdwils14
    jdwils14 Posts: 154 Member
    the amount of protein intake you need is often measured by strength training gains/losses/stagnicity. Your body uses proteins in particular ways (which has been researched quite a bit, probably the most of any nutritional topic). If your strength training is showing you can move more weight, then protein is working for you. If you are losing strength, it is a sign you need to focus on protein more.

    Being vegan, your natural enemy is protein sources. There aren't many non-animal sources to choose from. Nuts, avocados, and granola, maybe. I don't know. But i can tell you I have never seen a fat or muscular vegan. :-) take that for what it is worth.
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    jdwils14 wrote: »
    the amount of protein intake you need is often measured by strength training gains/losses/stagnicity. Your body uses proteins in particular ways (which has been researched quite a bit, probably the most of any nutritional topic). If your strength training is showing you can move more weight, then protein is working for you. If you are losing strength, it is a sign you need to focus on protein more.

    Being vegan, your natural enemy is protein sources. There aren't many non-animal sources to choose from. Nuts, avocados, and granola, maybe. I don't know. But i can tell you I have never seen a fat or muscular vegan. :-) take that for what it is worth.

    Haha they are many many more protein plant based sources actually haha. And There are vegan body builders and MMA fighters :) and I'm a fat vegan so there's that hahahaha.
  • jdwils14
    jdwils14 Posts: 154 Member
    edited July 2016
    jdwils14 wrote: »
    the amount of protein intake you need is often measured by strength training gains/losses/stagnicity. Your body uses proteins in particular ways (which has been researched quite a bit, probably the most of any nutritional topic). If your strength training is showing you can move more weight, then protein is working for you. If you are losing strength, it is a sign you need to focus on protein more.

    Being vegan, your natural enemy is protein sources. There aren't many non-animal sources to choose from. Nuts, avocados, and granola, maybe. I don't know. But i can tell you I have never seen a fat or muscular vegan. :-) take that for what it is worth.

    Haha they are many many more protein plant based sources actually haha. And There are vegan body builders and MMA fighters :) and I'm a fat vegan so there's that hahahaha.

    Then I guess I should get out more lol! I do wonder, however, if vegans naturally eat less calories. For us normal folk, who eat everything, calories are always a challenge. Is it a challenge for you at all, since you have been eating vegan?