LCRF & Ketosis help.



  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    bametels wrote: »
    Have you had your thyroid function tested? Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain and depression.

    Also true.
  • rhjsgal354
    rhjsgal354 Posts: 21 Member
    Thyroid has always been good, although my mother and my two children have thyroid issues. My mother had hashimotos disease, my son over active and my daughter has under active. Just this last week I asked a different dr about my previous test and he said it did show a slight problem and should be followed up on. I don't understand how it would skip me. I also have markers for Lupus, another of my mothers 8 connective tissue diseases I thank you all so very much.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    LauraCoth wrote: »
    LauraCoth wrote: »
    OP, you mentioned that you're now taking estrogen. Estrogen HRT can make you gain weight. You might want to check your progesterone levels as well, as progesterone can shut off the estrogen receptors.

    If she's menopausal, she's likely quite deficient in progesterone.

    Yes. And progesterone can make being post-menopausal so much healthier and happier.

    Dear God yes!
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    rhjsgal354 wrote: »
    Thyroid has always been good, although my mother and my two children have thyroid issues. My mother had hashimotos disease, my son over active and my daughter has under active. Just this last week I asked a different dr about my previous test and he said it did show a slight problem and should be followed up on. I don't understand how it would skip me. I also have markers for Lupus, another of my mothers 8 connective tissue diseases I thank you all so very much.

    Be careful with doctors telling you that your thyroid (usually from a near-useless TSH-only test) is "fine or "normal. Accepted lab ranges for what is "normal" vary, but even worse, the ranges go up to TSH levels that are unacceptably high. For example, a TSH of 5.0 falls into the "normal" range, but most hypothyroid patients fel their best when TSH is between 0.5 and 1.5. Most doctors have no clue about this and simply rely on the lab test for guidance, ignoring the patient's symptoms -- some of which can be life-destroying.

    The more important tests are Free T4 and Free T3, and anti-TPO.

    If you do go in to discuss your lab results, get a copy. Always get a copy. And if you have concerns about what any doctor tells you (the all-in-your-head/anxiety/hysterical female diagnosis is common) find a reputable forum where thyroid issues are discussed.
  • papas_new_bag
    papas_new_bag Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah it's a lot of fat but necessary. Butter ,olive oil ,avocados it'll get you there fast
  • rhjsgal354 wrote: »
    Thank you so much for your help I appreciate all your answers. Realistically I would love to lose 40 to 50 pounds. I weighed 135 pounds in my picture I now weigh 192. In the last two years I have been struggling with peri-Menopause, menopause, all the mood swings, the stress and now I am on a patch it seems to be helping that, but the pound just keep adding on no matter what I do. I am 50 years old so time is not on my side. My husband and I adopted a infant son two years ago. I need to do this for him and myself.

    Congratulations on the adoption of your little boy :smile: My brother was adopted and he was such a bright spot in our family. I'm Jennifer Panicacci, age 52, weigh 169. Also confused about keto questions.

    Babies are a blessing!
  • Yeah it's a lot of fat but necessary. Butter ,olive oil ,avocados it'll get you there fast

    I'm nervous!! :/ We've all been taught that some fats
    are "bad" for us. My family has a history of heart disease,
    high blood pressure, and breast cancer. :( I am worried that if
    I eat butter, cream, cheese, etc., it will increase my risk, etc. :o

    Any thoughts?
  • rhjsgal354
    rhjsgal354 Posts: 21 Member
    I have read a lot about this lifestyle change and believe that whatever ails you, you will no long have to worry about. And thank you, we love our baby boy so very much. It is life changing, but in a great way. My husband never had children of his own. He is 6 yrs younger than me, so we adopted. We also have 3 grandchildren. 2 boys, 5 & 6 and a girl 2.5 yrs old. They love their uncle. Lol. His name is Matoe, but they call him baby Tatoe. Bahahaha.
  • rhjsgal354
    rhjsgal354 Posts: 21 Member
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    rhjsgal354 wrote: »
    Thank you so much for your help I appreciate all your answers. Realistically I would love to lose 40 to 50 pounds. I weighed 135 pounds in my picture I now weigh 192. In the last two years I have been struggling with peri-Menopause, menopause, all the mood swings, the stress and now I am on a patch it seems to be helping that, but the pound just keep adding on no matter what I do. I am 50 years old so time is not on my side. My husband and I adopted a infant son two years ago. I need to do this for him and myself.

    You can do this. Friend me. My friends are very supportive.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    rhjsgal354 wrote: »

    He's a cutie. Be happy and blessed.