

  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning ladies...hope the finds you all well. Perhaps I need to set some specific goals for August. My birthday is Sunday, I will be 55 :# Where has the time gone. So here's the deal, weighed in yesterday, 214. Up since I weighed in last week, but down overall. I'd like to get down to about 180. STILL not able to notice (feel) any loss in my clothes. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? HELP PLEASE!!! Anyway here's my goals for August
    *Log EVERYRTHING (including anytime I use oil for like the hashbrowns in the morning) haven't been doing that.
    *Learn how to enter recipes in the database-this hopefully will help when it comes to logging multiple ingredient stuff like spaghetti-is it logged as a whole or each ingredient?
    *explore strength training....have NO upper body ...would love to go waterskiing-can't get up :'(
    *join the Orange Theory fitness center and go at least once a week.

    Anyway have a great day ladies..I'm off to work

    ~Melanie-Baton Rouge~

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    ;) Laid awake from 3 am to 5 am with a moving loop playing in my head. Drinking my cup of coffee, which is black - blech - cause I ran out of flavored creamer and didn't want to buy another bottle at this point. Then on to packing all the "last to pack" things.

    Thanks Barbie for moving us forward into August!

    Hugs to all!

  • jbatinker
    jbatinker Posts: 313 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Janeanne and I am hitting that magical 5 0 next month.

    In August we are going to spend 4 days in Disney World, and then take a 7 day cruise. My goal is to walk as much as I can and make smart choices while on vacation. I do not intend on depriving myself and know that I may gain a few pounds but am committed to walking daily and really reading the menu to understand what is in the dishes I am eating. I will also try and record as much as I can.

    The first two weeks of August (before vacation)

    1. Logging Daily
    2. Trying to get 12K steps a day
    3. Eating clean
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Thanks Barbie.

    Goal work portions. Paying attention to what my mind and body is telling me about my health.

    :heart: Margaret
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Thanks, Barbie! Clicking like crazy on that star but it does not want to bookmark yet, will try again later.
    LOVE the quilts!

    My goals for August are to get back on track with bicycling once my company is gone and to not tank emotionally once she leaves, That is about all I think I can handle besides work and weeding and laundry this month. Maybe spend some time on a lounge chair and finish a couple of McCall Smith books. Maybe have a margarita sometime?

    Hugs to all you ladies!

  • carriels7
    carriels7 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks Barbie for this thread.

    All you guys are incredible!! Learning to quilt is my next project - so admire Charlene. Might have some questions later
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I woke up in my own bed this morning! It is good to be here. :heart: I have a couple of errands to do today, and have already checked one of them off of my list. I contacted the people we rented our mobility scooter from and asked them to contact DDIL to let her know when they'll be there to pick it up. They were supposed to get it yesterday but didn't make it due to the volume of scooters to be picked up and traffic. I need to run an errand at the bank for my daughter as soon as they open and after that it will be "me time" and yoga at the gym. :bigsmile: I've missed it! It is 7 am right this minute, so I can't get to the banking errand for at least an hour.

    Have a great day & don't forget to move more, monitor your portion sizes and log your food.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    "Barbie Thank you, this thread is a lifeline. Thanks for the reminder about gratitude." (stated by Karen in Virginia).
    A never truer comment! Awesome, awesome people you all are!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK

    Can't believe it's August already, thank you Barbie for the thread. Started day off with 45 minute cardio workout updated FitBit and MFP read all your posts.
    Goals - Keep doing what I've been doing
    Drink more water
    Try a kettlebell
    I know some of you great ladies use a kettlebell
    I need some advice I use hand weights at the moment got up to 5lbs in each hand I don't go to a gym so what size kettlebell should I start with
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- Congratulations on your achievements! Such a worthy cause. Thanks for all you do!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    thanks fanncypants !
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    Happy August!
    I didn't really have goals for July...just getting started was an accomplishment.

    Goals for August
    - Vacation happens in August - so the biggest goal is to not go backwards so soon out of the gate
    - Log every day - even during vacation time
    - Make reasonable choices while eating out, bring health snacks and grocery shop/eat in while traveling when possible
    - Continue kettlebell program, bring kettlebell with me during road trip to Colorado
    - Continue to post and remain accountable for my choices - progress, not perfection
    - 10,000 daily steps 5 of 7 days
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    August has barely begun and we are on Page 2 already. So glad I dropped by. If I read now I might stay caught up in Aug.

    Mia in MI
  • carriels7
    carriels7 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow. Wrote a whole message but it didn't record. Wanted to put down my Aug Goals so I can remember them
    1 - Cardio fit class 3x week - just started this and its fun
    2 - strength training at least 2x week
    3 - 8k steps 6/7 days 8.5 yesterday and 5.5 already this am
    4 - situps and planks most days
    5 - log everything and - listening to Heather - focus on vegetables first. actually, just read that when you plate, put on veggies first, then other stuff. That way, vegetables are the focus
    6 - drink at least 64 oz water daily
    7 - walk on beach at least 1x week - silly to live near beach and forget to go!
    8 - gratitude - here I am at 69.5 and pretty healthy, moving a lot and trying my best to drop pounds and have more energy. I see lots of people complaining about weight, but don't adjust eating habits nor move. Several friends are like that. then also have friends that are very sick. So sad. So tons of gratitude and positive thinking.
    9 - would love to say I'd like to lose at least 8 pounds this week - but was UP this morning and have been pretty diligent, so cannot focus on the stupid number on the scale, am down a whole size in pants and tops and have more energy. Really want to feel excellent by a cruise in early December.

    With your guys help and motivation - I'll get there!!!

    Carrie in SC
  • carriels7
    carriels7 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow Pip - amazing!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Week four, day one, increasing reps from 7 to 10 using the 35 pound kettle bell.
    GobletSquat- 3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing- 19 X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    3 miles

    I am going to be extremely busy today as we are expecting company. Lots of housework to catch up on!


    Mary from Minnesota