Where is the younger generation? Looking for the younger member conversation (25-35ish years old!)



  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    Ooooh I love this post just to be classed as " the younger generation" when I'm 32 makes me happy
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    I lost weight after having my children ( youngest being 2 1/2 years old) then gained a bit then in May this year decided to loose again - been on Slimfast diet and lost 12 lb and now maintaining and trying to tone - I say trying as I don't have a gym membership and having two young kiddies find it quite hard to have the time and motivation! My partner is rubbish! Lol his slim naturally and eats n eats and in front of me he tries to encourage me to eat like him and tells me I looked better before I lost weight!! So yea - no real support! My biggest body hang up now is my tummy as even after loosing quite a bit it still is not as if like it! But I don't wanna get skinny so I'm a bit stuck x
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    I am 25 - started my diet/exercise routine in February, and have lost 95lbs with 45lbs to go to my goal weight.

    1.) What motivates you to workout? - knowing that I have to tone this body because losing a significant amount of weight isn't enough to give me the body I want.

    2.) Do you go with a partner? - not usually, unless my friends are going the same time I was

    3.) What is your favorite day of the week to workout? - I like to wakeup early on the weekends and go. Sets a nice tone for the day.

    4.) Least favorite? - after work Mon-Fri

    5.) Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. ) - yes, I do arms one day, legs one day, and abs another.

    6.) do you just stick to cardio? - I go to the gym three days a week and do cardio for 30 minutes. Then I do either abs, legs, or arms depending on what day it is. I have a "toning routine" I do five days a week at home and it consists of push ups, crunches, planking, etc.

    7.) Eat clean or IIFYM? - I try to eat high protein/low carb but I break. Calories are most important to me.

    8.) Do you take days off? - I usually have a cheat meal Saturday nights (which includes wine and chocolate usually)

    9.) Do fasting? - not really.

    10.) How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk? - look in the mirror, or an old photo from when I started my journey and remember how far I've come, and how I don't need it.

    11.) Have you gotten to know people from the gym? no I haven't. I just workout and leave
  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 31. I don't weigh myself anymore, but I'm working on a body recomp that definitely involves losing some lbs

    1.) What motivates you to workout? - I'll give the unpopular answer that's true for most people- I want to be skinny and cute. One cannot constantly be surrounded by skinny, cute friends and not want that.

    2.) Do you go with a partner? - No. He lifts heavy and does very little cardio, our styles don't align

    3.) What is your favorite day of the week to workout? - Monday morning, 7:30am orangetheory. It wipes the gunk of the weekend away.

    4.) Least favorite? - I would be a liar if I said I ever worked out on weekends

    5.) Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. ) - No. I do OTF 3 days a week, so those strength sets are guided and always involve rowing. The other two days I take a BodyWorks class at LA Fitness- so full body, lower weight tempo training.

    6.) do you just stick to cardio? - I do at least 30 minutes of Cardio no less than 4 days a week

    7.) Eat clean or IIFYM? - I eat high protein/low carb most days. I cheat on weekends. I also love beer

    8.) Do you take days off? - My whole weekend is a trainwreck. As stated above, I love beer. I also live in a craft beer Mecca.

    9.) Do fasting? - never

    10.) How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk? - I really don't crave junk as much anymore because it makes me feel physically sick. However, when I'm surrounded and trying not to break the Kate Moss quote "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" is usually a good reminder. It's kind of true

    11.) Have you gotten to know people from the gym? I talk to people at OTF, mostly because people tend to go at a specific time. I'm facebook friends with my coach at LA fitness, but no one else.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I'm 31, and probably the most boring person you could ever hope to meet.
    I work.
    I play video games.
    I listen to music.
    I sleep.
    I facepalm at MFP forums a lot.
    That's pretty much it.
  • novio50
    novio50 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm 31, and out Gen knew how to have a good time...some of us are still doing it. Then there are the others who're remembering the good old days and haven't yet accepted that things will never be the same....
  • jjdalbeck17
    jjdalbeck17 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 30. I go to small group personal training 3 times a week at Get in Shape for Women. They keep me motivated and hold me accountable. I do weekly weigh ins that keep me on track. My favorite time to work out is in the morning before work.
  • OrangeYaGlad
    OrangeYaGlad Posts: 1 Member
    28, going on 29 here. I go to the gym around 4 days per week. I have always felt subconscious about my size and general lack of strength. And I became constantly aware of how uncomfortable I was. What really got me back to the gym (only recently) was the NBC show STRONG. I just wanted to feel stronger, leaner, and empowered. So, that's why I lift weights, as well as do cardio. I am nowhere near in shape enough, but everyone was a beginner once.
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi I'm 32! I have a ton of weight to lose but want to be fit also. My husband works out with me most of the time. Our favorite days to workout are weekends when we do it at naptime (we have a 3 and a 2 year old) so we have the night to relax. My least favorite to workout are my shoulders because I push them hard and want to be really strong there. We do Insanity max 30 now and will do a hybrid of that and p90x3 after for a bit. next year we aren't sure yet what we'll do. I eat within calorie ranges really trying to improve protein intake. I try to stick to it everyday but don't beat myself up when I go over but don't give up when it happens either. I just keep thinking where I want to be and it's enough for me to say no.

    What more about you is there?
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Damn, I'm 36. I'm one year too old to be fun :(
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Is this the MFP version of a Xanga survey? I kinda miss Xanga. 27y/o here.

    1.) What motivates you to workout?
    Obviously not much right now, I keep skipping workouts. Stupid injury that won't die. I think I'd be more motivated if deadlifts were the only exercise I ever had to do. ...But yeah, I wanna look hawt and not hate my body. Yay for residual issues from years of eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and general self-loathing.

    2.) Do you go with a partner?
    I used to run with my husband, but I'm too hurt to run right now. We're on totally different lifting plans, so we don't go together for that either. I hate working out with other people, honestly.

    3.) What is your favorite day of the week to workout?
    Friday evening. Everyone else is at a bar, the gym is wonderfully empty.

    4.) Least favorite?
    Monday. Weekend guilt means everyone shows up. Takes 30 minutes to get a squat rack. Eff that.

    5.) Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. )
    I'm on a Push/Pull/Legs split right now. I don't love it. I think I'll be going back to Strong Curves in a month or so.

    6.) do you just stick to cardio?
    Cardio has stopped happening, which sucks because I can't eat as much, but it's better than feeling like I'm one step away from a broken ankle all the time.

    7.) Eat clean or IIFYM?
    Flexible dieting. I usually eat nutrient-dense food and strive to hit my protein and fat goals. After that, I eat whatever I like to hit my calorie goal. And sometimes I just eat a pizza.

    8.) Do you take days off?
    Days off from the gym? Days off from my calorie goal? Yes to both.

    9.) Do fasting?

    10.) How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk?
    I don't call anything junk. I work in the foods I want to eat.

    11.) Have you gotten to know people from the gym?
    I know the trainers, they're all cool but my favorites keep moving on. There's a couple of other people I have friendly sports banter with (happens when you're wearing Astros t-shirts in Rangers territory) but I don't know names and prefer to keep to myself.
  • I'm 30.

    What motivates you to workout? Getting fit and getting to eat more and getting "me" time and knowing that it's a habit I need to keep up for life for permanent weight control.

    Do you go with a partner? My husband will sometimes walk and bike ride with me, and my niece thinks it's fun when I pull out resistance bands or put on a Leslie Sansone video while babysitting, but mostly, I'm on my own.

    What is your favorite day of the week to workout? 6 out of 7 are fine.

    Least favorite? Fridays because I have a physical job on the weekends and am pretty tired and sore by the time I get home. Saturdays are the same deal, but they're easier because I'm off on Sundays.

    Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. ) or do you just stick to cardio? I run 2-3 days per week, walk or bike ride or use Leslie Sansone on the other days, and use Pilates + resistance bands + body weight + dumbbells (heavier ones). I am not as consistent with the resistance work as I would like to be. I'd rather go for a run.

    Eat clean or IIFYM? Both and neither! Depends on the day. I try to keep carbs in the green and protein in the red and however many fats I want. Not afraid of saturated fat, but I eat more unsaturated than saturated fat. I eat a lot of produce. I average 40-45% carbs, 20% protein, and the rest fat.

    Do you take days off? Don't really need to. I basically aim for 30 minutes of some sort of activity every day. It doesn't have to be super structured. I just don't typically run 2 days in a row. According to Fitbit, I end up with 300-600 active minutes each week.

    Do fasting? I am a breakfast skipper. I still typically eat 3 meals, but they start in the afternoon, so that's why if you snoop in my food diary, I have a chicken sandwich listed for breakfast today.

    How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk? Depends on your definition of junk. I eat fast food pretty often (though the things and amounts I order have changed), but I keep sugary treats out of the house. I bought a candy bar yesterday. That's fine, but no boxes of cookies in my pantry, please. It also helps that I know how much more food I get when I eat fruits and veggies and some lean protein for a meal vs. other stuff......makes me want the other stuff less.

  • yung_spectre
    yung_spectre Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 30, in the best shape of my life, and I'm always looking to get better.

    What motivates you to workout?
    - Pushing myself, becoming better, training with my crew, training my troops, Obstacle Course Racing. Basically I want to be able to do cool stuff.

    Do you go with a partner?
    -I'm a Crossfitter, so I train with a pretty tight crew

    What is your favorite day of the week to workout?
    -Saturday, usually do partner workouts

    Least favorite?
    -Any day that involves Snatches, especially Squat Snatches

    Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. ) or do you just stick to cardio?
    -Crossfit and Army PT usually alot of endurance and strength training no real splits

    Eat clean or IIFYM?
    -Cleanish, alot of fast food, but I know which restuarants yeild the better choices. I always keep protein bars/cookies in my room (keeps me from eating candy).

    Do you take days off?
    -Sundays for working out, whole weekends as far as dieting

    Do fasting?
    -Only for medical reasons, other than that absolutly not.

    How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk?
    -Most of my diet is calorie tracking so I can eat junk in moderation, other than that I find better options to deal with the craving.

    Have you gotten to know people from the gym?
    -The crew I train with is pretty tight, a few of us are hitting the Asheville Super and Carolina Beast this year. Trifecta in the first year of racing.
  • OliSharp6559
    OliSharp6559 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2016

    No results for Hmm 18 years old might be a little too young
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Almost 30. I'm a father first. I'm also a nerd, a dork, a perv, and a gentleman. I'm predictably chaotic. Andy out!
  • Lazz5k
    Lazz5k Posts: 251 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm 28 !!! From Pennsylvania! <3 Getting married in a little over a year so the #SWEATINGFORTHEWEDDING game is REAL and that's what motivates me. I usually workout alone, & any day i get a workout in is my favorite! I'm a runner, & a beer drinker! So i love Cardio <3 I try to stick to low carb eating. & totally have a cheat day here and there.. (try to stick to 1 time per week) & I don't fast. I stay motivated by keeping friends around me that workout, i call them my FIT FRIENDS <3

    Feel free to add me, i love to help motivate.
  • Frenchgrad
    Frenchgrad Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 33, from Saint Paul, Minnesota. I've been on the MFP journey for a couple years now, since 2014, kinda off and on. But ever since this past winter, I've been logging and more committed to being active every day. I just started strength training in late June, so about a month ago. I'd been doing strictly cardio up to that point and lost most of my weight just walking and watching what I eat.

    What motivates me is seeing how much easier exercises become as I continue to do them, the progress I've made.

    I work out alone, except on days when I'm with my personal trainer. I'd say Wednesdays are my favorite; these are the days I'm with my trainer. His support and positivity are just what I need, and every other week, he gives me a new set of exercises to do. I'm always curious to see what he' ll throw at me. My least favorite is Monday, but I hate Mondays in general. My trainer's routines are total body (arms, legs, core & chest) with a cardio warm up. I do cardio on my own too; I usually walk a few miles per day, even at work. Thank God for the downtown Minneapolis skyway system!

    I don't do a specific diet, just make sure I come in at a deficit. No days off at the gym; I go 3 days/week and an additional class once in a while. Eating? Sometimes. If it's a ball game or a special occasion, then yes. But I don't like to take days off from watching what I eat. I don't fast, except on Good Friday & Ash Wednesday.

    Since I do so much walking, I do have some calories left over if I feel like eating junk. In fact, when I get home from work, that's kinda what I do; no dinner, just snacking.

    I've gotten to know a few people by sight; always the same group at the same time I go. And I've of course gotten to know my trainer. But we're all so focused getting out sets/reps done that people don't really talk much.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    Hello! My name is Randi. I'm 28-years-old and from Oklahoma. I joined MFP in February and began logging in April.

    1.) What motivates you to workout?
    It really does make me feel good. I go for jogs in the morning. Like 5:30 in the morning. It's quiet. I'm alone. It's peaceful.

    2.) Do you go with a partner?
    Nope, nope, nope.

    3.) What is your favorite day of the week to workout?
    Monday is my favorite. I kick the week off right.

    4.) Least favorite?
    Sunday. I just want to laze around.

    5.) Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. )
    I'm going to start going to the gym to begin strength training soon, so this is a TBA.

    6.) Do you just stick to cardio?
    Is jogging cardio?

    7.) Eat clean or IIFYM?
    Calories in, calories out is the most important thing for me right now. I do watch my sodium. I'm more aware of protein and fiber, and try to make sure I have plenty of both at each meal.

    8.) Do you take days off?
    Sunday is my lazy day. I also go out to eat after church with an elderly lady I work with.

    9.) Do fasting?

    10.) How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk?
    I find a less calorie dense option. Or have just a little bit of the junk...

    11.) Have you gotten to know people from the gym?
    I've gone to 2 yoga classes and really enjoy the instructor. I hope to get more involved soon.
  • Littleowl101
    Littleowl101 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey im 26, i started working out after a wedding i attended last year with my 3 friends, in which one of these 'friends' kept mentioning that her and myself were the 'fat friends' compared to the other two. I was over weight but not by much. At my heaviest and at the time of the wedding i was 11stone 7lbs. I wanted to get down to 10 stone and prove to that bi*ch i could do it.... (we are no longer friends). I got rid of her and a stone and a half since then. She wasnt the only reason. I work with the public and MEN.. yes MEN always felt the need to mention i was putting on weight and i also had zero confidence compared to the old me. First step i did was buy a fitbit, aimed for 10,000 steps a day, logged my meals and taught myself how to eat right. The process was very slow and i think it took a year to lose it all but i was in no rush and loved slowly getting my confidence back.
  • kristysaurus
    kristysaurus Posts: 91 Member
    25 here.
    What motivates you to workout? Getting fitter, feeling my body change, continuing to beat my fitness goals

    Do you go with a partner? Yup, I have my "gym crew" which consists of myself, my boyfriend, my sister, my brother and my step mom. Additionally, there are other friends I have made who go to the same classes as I do (I go to a gym with HIIT and wieghtlifting classes). A bunch of my coworkers also attend the same gym but at different times than I do but they keep my motivated by talking about the workouts and checking in with eachother

    What is your favorite day of the week to workout? Friday. It feels like such an awesome start to my weekend

    Least favorite? Sunday. I have class on Sunday and I feel like it breaks up my weekend

    Do you break down your workouts to body parts (IE Legs, Arms Back etc. ) or do you just stick to cardio? Yes, it is programmed so we lift and do different targeted muscle groups followed by cardio/HIIT that is usually a little more general but still focused

    Eat clean or IIFYM? IIFYM definitely.

    Do you take days off? Not really. I sometimes will splurge a little for special events but I still count calories. I try to not eat above maintenance.

    Do fasting? Sort of. I eat from 12PM - 10PM usually but it's just because I prefer to save my calories for the meals I really enjoy instead of breakfast. On the weekends I tend to each at 10AM because I can make breakfast stuff I really like

    How do you stay motivated when you really just want junk? I preplan for treats almost every day so I just remind myself that I have something coming up later that day or that I just had something earlier that was a treat
    Have you gotten to know people from the gym? Yup! I have met a ton of awesome people at my gym.