"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Just like you, it keeps me on my toes. I get lazy like anyone else, but having to come in here everyday puts me in the thinking of "okay, keep up the good habits".

    Yes, it really pays off having some accountability. Between the exercise and logging my food I feel as though I'm in pretty good shape to maintain the lifestyle and habits I've developed.

    Speaking of lazy though...........I'm taking two days off of exercise to go down to the beach....LOL

    We're starting our weekend a little early. I'll get some walking in but probably eat a little too much!

    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    @luluinca and @MJFSH............................you gals are killin' it with your physiques! How many would kill for them?

    Thank you @ninerbuff , compliment, means a lot coming from you! :)
    and @luluinca thank you! you are super kind, but we both know we are all killing it! :)

    Good Morning and Happy Thursday Gang,

    missed leg day on Tuesday, so got it done yesterday

    this morning,
    Cardio: Combat 45 got done

    Strength: Perfect Summer Shred: Back and Biceps to get done, after work
    still loading on protein and anxiously watching the scale, haha but more than that, flexing any possible way in the mirror, to see some definition in my legs! :smiley:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy LCW and TGIF! 4 clients this morning only. After work this morning, go pick up my MIL, then pick up my DW to go to South Lake Tahoe to stay the night. Can't wait to see my DD tomorrow!

    Cardio: biking 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: legs- squats, leg press, lunges, lying leg curls, seated leg curls 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Pho last night. Big water retention this morning.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Friday Gang!

    Cardio: HIIT 20

    Strength: Glute Workout by Bret Contreras, Phase two

    Friday is pizza day at my house, yeay! LOL
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! In South Lake Tahoe to see my DD play in concert and pick her up from band camp.

    Cardio: biking- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Jack in the Box salad last night.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Cardio: Got a 10 min treadmill walk in this morning and will swim laps later.

    Strength: 30 min warmup of calisthenics, shoulder rehab and stairmaster followed by:

    5X5 squats @ 105 lbs
    3X5 dead lifts 8@115, 5@135 and 5@145lbs

    #1 3X8 standing dumbbell curls w/12.5 & 3X10 prone dumbbell extensions w/12.5/12.5
    #2 3X8 incline dumbbell curls w/15/15 & 3X8 of overhead cable tricep extensions w/30
    #3 of 3X8 preacher curls w/12.5/12.5 & 3X10 of seated dips w/70

    2X15 yds lunges w/10 lb ball shoulder press
    3X10 outer thigh w/70

    Assessment: Ate pretty crappy the last two days but back on track today!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Felt great this morning and got another good workout in. As you can probably see I didn't want to stop!

    Cardio: Swimming later and I swam yesterday. Tomorrow is a practice 5K run.

    Strength: 30 min warmup of calisthenics, shoulder rehab and stairmaster followed by:

    5X5 squats w/105 lbs
    5X5 bent over rows w/75
    5X5 floor press w/65 lbs
    1X12 leg press w/310 lbs, 2X10 w/400 lbs and 2X10 w/490 lbs
    3X10 single leg curl w/50
    3X10 leg extensions w/50
    2X30 yd sled push w/60 lbs added
    3X8 assisted chinups
    3X8 assisted dips
    3X10 single arm cross lat pulldown w/20
    3X10 wood chop w/30
    3X10 cross flye w/10/10

    Assessment: Steak for dinner tonight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 4 clients this morning then 5 later tonight. New month, so new aspirations again! Looking to keep lowering my weight down.

    Cardio: stairmaster- 30 minutes (250 calories)

    Strength: back- high pulldowns, one arm rows, seated cable rows, straight arm pushdowns. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Party on the weekend didn't help, but at least I didn't eat that much.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Hello beautiful people!
    Cardio: turbofire fire 45 ex
    Strength: chest, triceps abs 65 minutes
    Yoga: 20 minutes
    And that's all
    Dinner was extremely low carb all un-intotionally too. Would have loved a peice of cake but not as much to head to the bakery for it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 4 clients this morning then 2 tonight. DD just has an orthodontist appointment today and that's it.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 (150 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, dumbell flat bench, machine flyes, dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and salad last night.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Good Morning!

    Cardio: HIIT 20

    Strength: it's Leg day baby!

    and usual yoga/Pilate thingy at night

    and that's my day! hope yours is great too!
    dinner: not sure what to make yet, usually i let wish fairy grant my boys wish, not sure what they will be wishing for yet!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Hi guys, caught myself a summer cold so the gym and running are on hold for a few days. It's not too bad but I also may be called for jury this week so it could be a nothing week as far as workouts go...........just wanted you to know I haven't disappeared. ;)

    Stay strong!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Hot yesterday. Same today.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: shoulder- military presses, side laterals, bent over rear laterals, front laterals. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Taco Tuesday!
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Hump Day Gang!

    @luluinca oh no about the cold! I hope it goes away fast!

    Cardio: none, working until very late tonight, had to get my lifting in, in Cardio's time slot!
    Strength: Perfect Summer Shred: Shoulders, Traps, Abs and Calves

    Yoga/Pilate later tonight

    me? A whole lot of ouch!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday!!! 4 clients this morning and then 3 this evening. Little house cleaning today.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (250 calories)

    Strength: arms- barbell curl, preacher curl, close grip bench, lying tricep extensions. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Pork adobo!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Soooooo, I got really lucky with the cold and it literally lasted only 48 hours...........that's a first for me. Anyway I got out and walked the dog this morning and ended up running the back end of it, about a mile. Felt great after two days of laying around. If I don't end up having jury duty tomorrow I'll make it to the gym but otherwise I'll be back at it on Sat.

    Hope you're all doing great.

    Cardio: 2.5 miles, 1 mile running and 1.5 walking

    Strength: Not today

    Assessment: I kept my calories up even though I didn't have much of an appetite for a couple of days so no strength or stamina lost. Ready to roll!
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    worked until pass midnight last night,
    Tonight will be the same, so decided sleep was a higher priority
    Back and Biceps and Cardio sessions postponed to tomorrow or the weekend.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy LCW and TGIF! 4 clients this morning only. After work this morning, watching SUICIDE SQUAD! Reviews haven't been great, but I still want to see it. My SIL is coming to stay with us over the weekend, so we'll hang out.

    Cardio: biking 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: legs- squats, leg press, lunges, lying leg curls, seated leg curls 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Roasted chicken and vegetables!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    MJFSH wrote: »
    worked until pass midnight last night,
    Tonight will be the same, so decided sleep was a higher priority
    Back and Biceps and Cardio sessions postponed to tomorrow or the weekend.
    Yes better to be well rested than try to workout too exhausted.

    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Friday gang!

    Thank you @ninerbuff!! :)

    felt ready to get back in the rink again, so
    Cardio: Les Mills Combat, Combat 30 was done this morning
    Strength: Back and Biceps will be done late evening, yeay to going home on time today!

    Again, it's Friday night and that means pizza night, that's always a good thing! haha