Back on the Wagon!



  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Also hanging on by my teeth!

    I just had a "crying in the dressing room" experience while unsuccessfully trying to find workout pants. Rather than sensably resolve myself to even greater efforts to lose weight, I drowned my sorrows with an ice cream bar. What was I thinking?

    I'm falling off!

    You're not falling off! You had an ice cream bar. One ice cream bar! And you know what? You had a stressful experience (while trying to get fit, because I'm pretty sure that's what workout pants are for) and you needed the comfort. You deserved it.

    And now you've told us about it and you're moving forward. That one ice cream bar isn't going to hurt you in the long run, and I bet it couldn't possibly have put you that far over!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Remember, we're all in this celebrate successes, and to help us get through the rough spots. Thanks to everyone, we have a sounding board. I'm so proud of you all. Let's do this!

    <3 jill
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    edited July 2016
    Mini-victories this weekend!

    I managed to maintain my 500-calorie "making up for past sins" deficit, even on Saturday when I was just trying to stay under my limit. Hurrah!

    I made some delicious, healthy summer food I've never tried before! In case you guys want to have a go, here are a couple that turned out well:

    Watermelon Gazpacho

    - 6 cups watermelon
    - 1 cucumber, diced
    - 1 green bell pepper, finely diced
    - 1 red bell pepper, finely diced (I had an older yellow one, so used that instead)
    - 1 pint cherry tomatoes, chopped (I don't love tomatoes, so I halved the amount)
    - salt and pepper to taste

    Just puree the watermelon, then add everything else and mix well. Note: the more salt and pepper you add, the more rich and tomato-y this will taste. The less salt and pepper you add, the sweeter and more summery it is.

    Makes 4 large servings or 6 smaller ones (I did small, and they came out to 74 calories each)!

    Peach Sorbet

    - 5 peaches, sliced or chopped
    - 2 tablespoons honey
    - 1/4 cup milk or milk replacement*
    - 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice

    Freeze the peaches for at least several hours, ideally overnight. Then add them to a blender or food processor along with the honey, milk and lemon juice (or zest of two lemons). Puree and freeze for at least four hours. Note that you might need to let this thaw a little when you serve it.

    Makes 2 generous servings or 4 snack servings (I did generous ones, and they were 140 calories each)!

    *I used unsweetened almond milk, but this recipe would be even better with any of the following: sweetened almond milk, hazelnut milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, or sweetened or vanilla soy or regular milk.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    Mini-victories this weekend!

    I managed to maintain my 500-calorie "making up for past sins" deficit, even on Saturday when I was just trying to stay under my limit. Hurrah!

    I made some delicious, healthy summer food I've never tried before! In case you guys want to have a go, here are a couple that turned out well:

    Watermelon Gazpacho

    - 6 cups watermelon
    - 1 cucumber, diced
    - 1 green bell pepper, finely diced
    - 1 red bell pepper, finely diced (I had an older yellow one, so used that instead)
    - 1 pint cherry tomatoes, chopped (I don't love tomatoes, so I halved the amount)
    - salt and pepper to taste

    Just puree the watermelon, then add everything else and mix well. Note: the more salt and pepper you add, the more rich and tomato-y this will taste. The less salt and pepper you add, the sweeter and more summery it is.

    Makes 4 large servings or 6 smaller ones (I did small, and they came out to 74 calories each)!

    Peach Sorbet

    - 5 peaches, sliced or chopped
    - 2 tablespoons honey
    - 1/4 cup milk or milk replacement*
    - 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice

    Freeze the peaches for at least several hours, ideally overnight. Then add them to a blender or food processor along with the honey, milk and lemon juice (or zest of two lemons). Puree and freeze for at least four hours. Note that you might need to let this thaw a little when you serve it.

    Makes 2 generous servings or 4 snack servings (I did generous ones, and they were 140 calories each)!

    *I used unsweetened almond milk, but this recipe would be even better with any of the following: sweetened almond milk, hazelnut milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, or sweetened or vanilla soy or regular milk.

    Sounds amazing!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Happy Monday!
    I'm getting back into my routine starting today. Time to log every morsel, consistently walk my dog for a mile each day, and dance as I clean up around the house. Have a super, fantastic day!

    <3 Jill
  • 71lmf
    71lmf Posts: 51 Member
    Been off the wagon too long... jumping back on today - need to make this work
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    71lmf wrote: »
    Been off the wagon too long... jumping back on today - need to make this work

    Welcome! You'll love it here. :)

  • Michie112g
    Michie112g Posts: 49 Member
    I used Oral surgery as an excuse all week long !! I was being hard on myself and at the same time eating everything and anything !! Today is a new day
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    I used Oral surgery as an excuse all week long !! I was being hard on myself and at the same time eating everything and anything !! Today is a new day

    Each day is a fresh start!
  • morcadioa
    morcadioa Posts: 24 Member
    It's never too late to get back on track. Go for it, there's lots of support here.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    I'm finding all the dog posts really weird, but I came here for this =>
    morcadioa wrote: »
    It's never too late to get back on track. Go for it, there's lots of support here.

    Had a lazy 2 months, but refusing to feel bad about it because I had a blast! Birthdays, day and weekend trips, and 2 longer holidays. Brilliant.

    Was petrified of going back on the scales, but I guess having been on here for a committed few months must have had an impact on how I behaved when I went all out. My net gain has been 2lbs, which is quite a relief!

    I have 3 trips in August, but all for weekends (a birthday weekend and 2 weddings, so little food control, plus house move) so I'm focusing my efforts on 4 weeks Mond-Friday of tight control to minimise the overall weekly averages.

    At this stage, I'm happy to hold steady for August, and then new location, new gym/pool, back in full control of the 7-day regime.

    Just keep reminding yourself and everyone else that it never is too late, and if you have a set-back for whatever reason just remind yourself what you did before falling off the wagon! Re-start and repeat!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    I'm finding all the dog posts really weird, but I came here for this =>
    morcadioa wrote: »
    It's never too late to get back on track. Go for it, there's lots of support here.

    Had a lazy 2 months, but refusing to feel bad about it because I had a blast! Birthdays, day and weekend trips, and 2 longer holidays. Brilliant.

    Was petrified of going back on the scales, but I guess having been on here for a committed few months must have had an impact on how I behaved when I went all out. My net gain has been 2lbs, which is quite a relief!

    I have 3 trips in August, but all for weekends (a birthday weekend and 2 weddings, so little food control, plus house move) so I'm focusing my efforts on 4 weeks Mond-Friday of tight control to minimise the overall weekly averages.

    At this stage, I'm happy to hold steady for August, and then new location, new gym/pool, back in full control of the 7-day regime.

    Just keep reminding yourself and everyone else that it never is too late, and if you have a set-back for whatever reason just remind yourself what you did before falling off the wagon! Re-start and repeat!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Have a wonderful Wednesday! <3
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member

    <3 Thank you Pinterest! <3
    So yummy!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Down 2 pounds this morning from eating Zucchini for dinner and mowing the grass. Feeling amazing this morning!

  • Zavatsky83
    Zavatsky83 Posts: 1 Member
    New here, but loving this thread! You all are so supportive of one another! I don't have any support outside of this app so I'd love to have some here.

    About me: lost 30 lbs after high school, gained it back and more, lost 50 lbs at 21, then moved out for the first time and gained a ton. Stayed heavy through college b/c of working 2 jobs and full-time classes. Finally got a good job with a regular schedule and just through the lifestyle change lost 50 lbs over the course of 3 years. Wasn't really exercising or eating super healthy but I did cut out soda, Starbucks trips and late night snacking. Now I'm settled enough in my career that I feel ready to really get fit. I have another 30 lbs I'd like to lose, but more importantly I want to get stronger and have more energy.

    Most of my friends are naturally thin and the 2 that talk about wanting to get fit don't really follow through. One wants to go out to eat and drink all the time and the other keeps saying she wants to start working out together but it's always "maybe" and then it never happens. It's hard to stay on the wagon when I don't have anyone in my life keeping me motivated.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Zavatsky83 wrote: »
    New here, but loving this thread! You all are so supportive of one another! I don't have any support outside of this app so I'd love to have some here.

    About me: lost 30 lbs after high school, gained it back and more, lost 50 lbs at 21, then moved out for the first time and gained a ton. Stayed heavy through college b/c of working 2 jobs and full-time classes. Finally got a good job with a regular schedule and just through the lifestyle change lost 50 lbs over the course of 3 years. Wasn't really exercising or eating super healthy but I did cut out soda, Starbucks trips and late night snacking. Now I'm settled enough in my career that I feel ready to really get fit. I have another 30 lbs I'd like to lose, but more importantly I want to get stronger and have more energy.

    Most of my friends are naturally thin and the 2 that talk about wanting to get fit don't really follow through. One wants to go out to eat and drink all the time and the other keeps saying she wants to start working out together but it's always "maybe" and then it never happens. It's hard to stay on the wagon when I don't have anyone in my life keeping me motivated.

    Welcome! You've found the right place. We're here to help each other through the tough times and celebrate our successes!
