Where do you make time in your day for exercise?



  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    You could be doing it and watching tv at same time just saying
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    5:00am: Wake Up
    5:30am: Drive to Gym
    6a - 6:50a: Workout
    6:50a - 7:20a: Shower
    7:20a - 7:30am: Commute to Work (very close to gym! Yay!)
    7:30am - 1:00pm: Work
    1:00pm - 1:30pm: First meal of the day (Lunch)
    1:30pm - 4:00pm: Work
    4:00pm - 4:20ish: Commute Home
    4:20p - 6p: Unpack gym bag, repack for the next day and stick in the car along with work clothes for the next day. Sit down and relax/read/rest until it's time to make dinner.
    6:00pm - whenever dinner is ready (6:30-7): Make dinner
    6:30ish - 7ish: Eat dinner
    7:00pm - 8:30pm: Relax, watch TV w/family, or sit outside and talk when it's warm/summer. This is when I'll have a cocktail or a glass of wine, and a small bowl of Smart Delight (white cheddar) Popcorn.
    8:30p - 8:45p: Get ready for bed
    9:00pm: SLEEPING :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    OP cook your meals on the weekends and have them ready for the week, there's an hour right there
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited August 2016
    Right now I only have to work 8 hours a day (8am-4pm), so I am exercising before work (usually 6:30am-ish til 7 or 7:15am) Then again after dinner when it's nice out (7pm-ish for 30-45 minutes)

    During the school/work year, I have trouble... I get up at 4:45am, leave for work by 5:30am, work until 5 or 5:30pm, often without even a lunch break - I am home generally by 6pm or a little after (and it's often dark already) I make dinner, sit with and talk with my husband while we eat dinner, play with the dogs, shower and am usually in bed by 8:30-9pm.

    I have only recently jumped back on the wagon to exercise and lose weight (May) so I have no clue how to fit it in once September rolls around again and every waking daylight hour is spent working.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    5 - wake up and get ready for work
    6 - drive to work
    6:30 - 5 work
    5:30 - pick up kids and do dinner and stuff for the kids and work around the house
    8 - kids bedtime and I usually work out then
    9 or 10 - bedtime
  • Anabug81
    Anabug81 Posts: 161 Member
    In the morning I have my alarm set for 730 Am everyday except for Sundays.
  • koslowkj
    koslowkj Posts: 188 Member
    Grad student here. Honestly my workout schedule revolves around when I get hungry and when I have practicals/exams (and how much I have to study for them). In general, though...

    I get up anytime between 7 and 9, depending on when I have class. I start between 8:30am and 1pm depending on the day.

    I'm usually on campus by 10am, and I get done with class at 4:30.

    I usually start dinner as soon as I get home and ear around 5:30 or 6.

    I study for a few hours while my food digests and work out around 9 or 10 at night. I usually just work out in my living room, although both my apartment complex and school have free gyms if I want to use them. I try to go to sleep around midnight but realistically it's usually closer to 1 or 2 am.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    You could be doing it and watching tv at same time just saying

    I got a stationary stepper to do extra cardio during TV time
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    OP cook your meals on the weekends and have them ready for the week, there's an hour right there

    Thanks, but I'm fine with my schedule, and I prefer fresh meals to leftovers. This is just to see how people have their days structured so people not sure when to fit exercise in can see how we all manage. Personally, I'm enjoying learning how other people do things :)
  • nikkxjohnson
    nikkxjohnson Posts: 70 Member
    5am-wake up
    5-6am- stretch/core exercises/strength training
    6-7am-walk my dog and drink coffee(3 miles)
    7am- go to work/eat breakfast
    11-11:45am- cardio at the gym
    11:45-12 lunch (I tend to eat at my desk)
    6pm-7pm- gym
    7-8 dinner, meal prep for next day, shower, etc
    8-8:30 pm walk dog
    8:30-9:30 relax and get ready for bed.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    I just posted something like this in another thread, but it kind of applies here ...

    - dash off to work (walk + bus), no breakfast.
    - two snacks during the morning that take all the time it takes to peel a banana

    - walk for about an hour ... sometimes fast, sometimes slow
    - assemble lunch using the microwave and boiling water tap taking a total of about 5 minutes

    - two snacks that take all the time it takes to peel a mandarin
    - bus + walk home
    - after work snack of cottage cheese and raw veggies which takes may 5 minutes to prepare
    - workout for an hour or two ... could be at the gym, or in our home gym, or on my bicycle on the trainer, or cycling outside or walking outside or some combination ... whatever happens to fit in our schedule or appeal the most.

    - my husband prepares that, but I clean the kitchen and do the dishes after
    - other housework
    - homework for the course I'm taking in addition to working full-time

    - two snacks that take all the time it takes to toast a slice of bread

    I was climbing 30-40 flights of stairs a day throughout the day at work, but I've sprained a ligament in my right knee and was told to lay off the stairs for a few weeks.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    06:30 awake
    06:30-07:00 get up, ablutions as required, weigh myself
    by 07:30, pull together lunch, eat energy bar, pack panniers, general dithering around and failing to get out of the door
    07:30-08:30 cycle to work
    08:30-08:45 shower & change
    08:45-09:00 breakfast at desk, work underway
    12:15-12:30 grab lunch remainder of lunch, eat at desk
    15:00 - 16:00 - if I'm going to the gym that day, go to on-site gym
    18:00 - leaving time, assuming I went to the gym, earlier if not
    18:00-19:30 cycle home - maybe shorter if tired
    19:30-20:00 - shower, eat if dinner prepared otherwise catch up on emails
    20:00-21:15 - cook if it's my turn to cook - doesn't actually take that long, but there's the whole "get my butt in gear" issue. If I finish early enough, I may eat in this slot
    21:15 - 22:00 - collect partner from work if she's on late shift
    22:00-22:30 eat & clear up
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    eileensofianmushinfine Posts: 303 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have two different workout regimens. As a teacher, I work from September-June and then am off all summer. During the school year, I try to hit the gym for a workout class from 5:30-6:30 once or twice per week. I make my training session for 4:30-5:30. In the summer, I go to 4-5 classes per week (in addition to my training session), but do them in the mornings -- then I have the rest of the day to myself.

    I should add that I have my special needs daughter at home but she is cared for in the afternoon by her nanny. Beyond that, i have no other children at home and my husband doesn't get home till 5:30. It gives me the flexibility to take care of me.
  • MudRunChica
    MudRunChica Posts: 24 Member
    edited August 2016
    4:30 - Wake up, get ready for gym
    4:50 - Drive to Gym
    5:00 - Work Out
    5:45 - Drive Home
    6:00 - Shower, breakfast, make lunches, get kiddo ready
    7:15 - Commute
    8:00 - Work
    12:00 - Walk at lunch
    12:30 - Work
    4:30 - Commute
    6:00 - Dinner/chores/dinner/family time
    9:00 - bed
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    srecupid wrote: »
    You could be doing it and watching tv at same time just saying

    I got a stationary stepper to do extra cardio during TV time

    I have a stationary bike in my basement. I'ts tucked into a corner next to my computer desk with my ps4 and xbox one. I push the chair to the left and pull it right in front of my monitor. I can play a game of fifa where I park the bus and try not to get scored on or just do netflix or something.
  • idabest777
    idabest777 Posts: 97 Member
    Mornings are way too much of a struggle for me to actually convince myself to get up and work out.

    I usually get up at 7:45 and am at work by 8:30.

    I finish work at 4:30 and then I do whatever errands I have and usually have supper by 6:30.

    Between 6-7:45 (or 8:45 depending on the day) I do chores/relax/whatever

    I normally go to the gym to watch tv I like, so depending on when it's on I'll head to the gym for 8 or 9 and I always stay til 10.

    10pm - midnight: get home/shower/relax/read/bed
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think you just have to get up early to do the working out. My day looks a lot like the majority here. We have LOTS of kids but none under 8 years, kids do the bulk of the supper cooking now. Waking early and working out might actually help your sleep on the other end of the day, too.

    Summer now so kids are out of school:

    5:30 Wake, get ready, run (I run outside)
    6:45 Shower, morning sex :) get ready for work
    8:30 or 9 get to work
    work till 6 most days, sometimes later or earlier
    home, get ready for yoga, if it's a yoga day or help make supper if not
    7pm yoga class
    home by 8:30, eat supper
    Unwind, shower, it does take me awhile to wind down but the yoga helps.
    Bed by 9:30
    Sleep hopefully by 10, sometimes that's 11 either sex, or just having trouble getting to sleep.

    In school year similar but I must rise at 5 to run or cut the morning runs shorter - on the other side of the day though I am more likely to make the yoga class since kids get picked up on the way home, forcing work day to end earlier.

  • FLBeachluvr
    FLBeachluvr Posts: 110 Member
    5:45 am Get up
    5:45-6:00 am Catch up on emails, social media (family in another time zone)
    6:00-7:00 am Shower, dress, get ready for work
    7:00-7:15 am Make and eat breakfast
    7:15-7:50 am Commute
    7:50-12:30 Work
    12:30-1:30 pm Lunch (usually go to a park and read or if it's not too hot [I'm in Florida] sometimes walk
    1:30-4:00 pm Work
    4:00-4:30 pm Commute
    4:30-5:00 pm Misc. around the house stuff
    5:00-6:00 pm Gym
    6:00-6:30 pm Make dinner (my husband chooses to make his own, different foods)
    6:30-7:00 pm Eat, clean up, do dishes
    7:00-7:30 pm Some days I walk or take a bike ride
    7:30-9:45 pm Watch TV, catch up on social media, surf the 'net, misc. stuff around the house
    9:45-??? Hope to fall asleep quickly but end up pondering the world's problems and think about all my own cr*p

    I would prefer to hit the gym before work but I really just can't get up any earlier as I get my best sleep after midnight.

    Weekends are more flexible but I do like to go to the gym in the mornings.
  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    Weekends are a bit ad hoc, but through the week I currently:

    Wake at 0530 for a 7K run
    Catch an 0700 train (with a bit of walking at the other end to/from the office)
    Make a point of using the loos in the basement through the day (I'm on floor 2)
    Do a 4-6K walk in my lunch hour
    In the evenings, either take a 5-8K walk with my dog OR walk to/from gym and do 1/2hr of fairly intensive weights

    All told, it enables me to put in an average of between 17.5k and 25k steps each day.

    The only sad bit about this routine is it will soon have to change as the early starts turn dark (though I can still do the run as it's all pavements, but parts have no lighting)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm another that figures out pretty early on in this "journey" (sarcasm) that with my busy work and family schedule I needed to get up early to get in the workout, otherwise it is too easy to prioritize other things during the day and evening and then the workout gets nixed. So my schedule during the week looks something like:

    5:30 alarm
    5:45 roll out of bed
    5:45-6:15 bathroom, weigh, get dressed and check work emails on phone from overnight to make sure there are no crises to attend to with colleagues in other parts of the world (project manager for global company)
    6:15-7:15 workout. This is usually either an hour walk around the neighborhood or 20-30 min walk and a circuit training DVD
    7:15-7:30 get kids up, argue with kids about getting dressed, get kids breakfast, make coffee and lunches.
    7:30-8:00 get ready for work
    8:00-8:30 take kids to school/camp and 10 min commute to work.
    8:30 - 5:30 work with 30 min walk at lunch and ideally short walks in morning and afternoon between meetings and just to get up from desk.
    5:30-6:00 commute home and pick up kids
    6-7:00 kid activities and/or errands
    7-7:30 make dinner
    7:30-8:00 eat dinner
    8:00-8:15 walk with kids and dog
    8:15-8:45 kids bedtime routine: baths, reading, brush teeth, stalling
    8:45-9:00 clean up kitchen and get organized for next day
    9:00-9:15 check work emails on projects in Asia
    9:15-10:15 watch tv with husband
    10:15-10:45 bedtime routine and read
    11:00 lights out (hopefully)

    This summer has been crazy so everything has been pushed up against each other, bed times later for everyone. When school starts hopefully we will be back in more of a routine but every year it seems like I say that and the routine is just chaos...

  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I'm up at 5am everyday. I used to get up at 4 to workout but I don't anymore. I go after work at 4pm, there for an hour and then home. On lifting days sometimes I'll get to work at 6:30 and leave at 3 so I can beat the 4pm crowd of buff dudes.
  • owen1826
    owen1826 Posts: 53 Member
    I think I'm with the original poster. I enjoy working out in the evening.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,157 Member
    In my case with a short or reasonable commute I somehow got in the habit of biking to work which made it easier to "find time" for exercise. I combine it with what I "have to do".
    I have also taken my "lunch hour" to do a short workout or walk followed by a simple sandwich. I always had difficulty driving to the gym. Sure packing clothes and having them in the car helped because I had to go straight there from work or all bets were off.

    Impressed by your schedule.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    11:00-???: Stare at the ceiling in the dark and contemplate what a magical feeling it must be to fall asleep easily
    ???-7:15: Sleep, with any luck at all

    That's so me!! My husband falls asleep in two minutes, and I'm left wishing I could sleep while I listen to him snore away....

    8: wakeup
    8-8:40: eat and get ready
    8:40 - 9: walk to work
    9 - 5: work with walks and lunch in between
    5 - 5:20: walk home
    5:20 - 6:30: hang out at home
    6:30 - 7:15: drive to yoga and get set up
    7:15 - 9:30: two yoga classes - I do two in a row so I don't have to go everyday and can cut down on drive time
    9:30 - 10: drive home
    10: eat something that is generally pre-made during my weekly meal prep
    11: try to sleep
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    I wake up at the last possible moment. I tried to force myself to start getting up at 6, and while it was great and all.. I just can't live like that haha
  • angerelle
    angerelle Posts: 175 Member
    I hate that the alarm goes off at 7:20 now that my kids are at senior school, I'd much rather be getting up at 8! I start work somewhere between 9 and 9:30, and we only live a mile away, so I get some steps in on the walk to work and back. In the past I have done lunchtime exercise classes in the gym at work, but now I run three times during the working week at lunchtime, plus a long run on Saturdays. I try to stop work at 6pm on my long days (husband doing the after school bit), I leave at 3pm on my short days. If I don't run I tend to do a lunchtime walk with friends/colleagues. Tea is around 7-8, kids in bed by 9 with any luck. Sat down by 9-9:30, aim to be in bed with lights out by midnight...
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    Everyday is different for me so I look at my week and plan ahead when I will be able to workout. Luckily my workout of choice is only a 20 minute class/session so I can easily fit it in (Powerwave-if anyone's interested) For example I know I'm always free Monday nights so I always book myself on a class and hubbys home on a Sunday so I always go to the gym once the kids are in bed. If I'm honest my ah day nights are more because I enjoy the peace and relaxing in the steam room and jacuzzi after rather than needing to fit in another workout ;) So this week I know I've planned workouts for mon, tue and Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday are my rest days. I knew I'd be walking a lot today (Friday-clocked over 16,000 steps). And I'll be in the gym Sunday night. Next week will be different as we're on holiday/vacation from Friday so I've planned a workout every day before we go and will be taking my Powerwave bag with me to workout most evenings or mornings while we're away :)
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I can't believe how many people in this thread get up between 4 and 6!!! That's prime REM sleep time for me! I started working for myself a few years ago and for the first time ever I get to have a natural sleep cycle. I've always been a night owl and struggled mightily with school/work schedules. It was fine working in a lab, because I could roll in whenever, but when I had to teach a class at 8 AM I was in serious pain. For those of you who are morning people, imagine having to do your best work at 2AM.

    For years I would only work out in the late afternoon/early evening, because that's when I felt the strongest. Now I'm working out in the morning with a trainer but it's after I have a very slow start and some powerful coffee.

    So now, my schedule looks like this:

    8-9 AM Wake up naturally
    9-10 Drink Bulletproof coffee and do low-mental-intensity tasks (answering email, checking on overnight work from partners in other time zones around the world). Wait for coffee to kick in so I have enough energy to work out.
    10-12 Get ready to go to the gym/drive to gym/ Work out / drive home/ clean up
    12-1 Have lunch
    1-4 Serious work
    4-4:30 Teatime
    4:30-8 Serious work
    8 Have dinner
    9-12 Goof off (watch movies, read books, visit with friends)
    12-1 Read in bed until I fall asleep

  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    I wake up at the last possible moment. I tried to force myself to start getting up at 6, and while it was great and all.. I just can't live like that haha

    As soon as you have that Sunday lie you in realise what you were missing !