What was your "That's It!" Moment?



  • sche1amy
    sche1amy Posts: 86 Member
    Going in my closet to put on a pair of shorts cause summer was here...well they didn't fit. I cried and cried and cried! I refused to buy a size 22 and said That is IT! And I am happy to report I am down over 85 pds and almost in single digit size :0) Clothes shopping is so much fun now. I was so tired of not being able to shop in the cute clothing section.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For me it was a really bad health screening for my husband. Before we got married he really had no idea what healthy eating was. He thought it was all salads and raw vegetables. I realized that when I slack off on exercise or give in too often to ordering take out, that he slacks off even more. I kind of like having him around so I said 'That's it. We're getting back on track and staying there.' That was in January. We both had health screens last month and passed with flying colors. Everything was within healthy parameters - lipids, liver and kidney panels, BP, etc. - except for weight. But we are both < 10 lbs from the upper 'healthy' weights. I expect by Labor Day we'll make it. :smile:
  • verlouria
    verlouria Posts: 21
    I was diagnosed diabetic weighing 295 pounds in December 2009, and I lost 55 pounds after that. Then, I came to Sweden to be with my fiance and a year later after Christmas I was eating badly again. I gained 10 pounds back, and I stopped being as active and was also diagnosed with high blood pressure. Then, I went to the physical therapist with back problems and really bad sciatica pain. I started doing small exercises and graduated to the gym. I had been working out in the gym and doing a lot of strength training. However, I was going home and eating like a horse addicted to sugar (remember I am diabetic). I gained 5 more pounds in the process of strength training. I came home one day after my 80 minute cardio and strength training and just threw a fit. I was sick and tired of busting my butt doing all this exercise and just getting fatter (slowly, but still getting fatter.) So, I complained to my best friend who is in nursing school and she made me join MFP. (She was always on me about food journaling.) I am going on my 3rd week now and I feel great. I actually exercise more now too.
  • shawnalemons
    shawnalemons Posts: 34 Member
    My that is it moment was right after I had my son my oxygen levels kept getting to low when I would fall asleep the oxygen machine alarm would go off I had to sleep with the tubes in my nose and told me they think I have sleep apnea. Now I am down 113 lbs!! Happier than ever.
  • Peekadoo
    Peekadoo Posts: 29 Member
    My "That's It!" moment came at the end of May when I found myself in the emergency room. It turned out to be a muscle strain but it felt like chest pains. The doctors wanted to do a CT scan of my lungs to make sure I didn't have a blood clot but I was too heavy for the machine. I couldn't have a medical test that may one day save my life because I was too heavy! That was enough for me. That was the worst experience of my life. I refuse to ever hear those words again!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    2 moments - well - 2 big ones... there have been multiple realizations over the years - but these last two - they just did it.

    First - I had to travel for business. It was the first time I had been on a plane in years. It was close - but I could not fit in the regular seat belts. I had to get an extender. As if that weren't embarassing enough, the man that sat next to me actually rolled his eyes and groaned when he realized I was going to sit next to him. Now - I'm a big girl - but I carry the bulk of the weight in my belly and was not large enough that I needed to buy 2 seats - I was not even encroaching upon his space. He leaned forward the entire time and heaved huge sighs every once in a while. When I spoke to him at one point - (awkwardly apologizing for bumping his arm the one time he sat back) he completely ignored me. :explode: I was mortified. I even got an upgrade to first class on my own dime so I would have more room and would not 'disturb' anyone on the return flight. Still had to use a seat belt extender for that last couple of inches. :angry:

    Second - and much more important than the jackwagon from the first 'that's it' moment - there was a local lady that badly needed a kidney. I have a matching blood type. I felt so drawn to help. I talked to my family, talked to her family, called the people at the hospital, filled out the forms, and then found that they would not perform the surgery on me due to my size. :frown: :brokenheart: I am in the morbidly obese category according to all the height/weight charts.

    That was the last straw. I could not believe that I couldn't help someone who was in need. All because I had been lazy most of my life and liked my food a little too much. It was sad.
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    I also had two. 1/1/11 was my daughters 23rd birthday. When I saw the pics my SIL posted on FB I SAW that I looked fat & unhealthy. There I was, sitting with my 1 yr old granddaughter & thinking I will never be able to keep up with her if I continued on that path. I don't want to be the fat grandma that can't play and run with her.

    The 2nd is my 1st week on MFP. I had no idea how many calories I was putting into my body each day. As I made no changes & just logged my food I thought "WTH are you doing to yourself?" It was during that week I SAW myself in an entirely different light. I went to see my daughter & granddaughter this past weekend & was able to play & keep up with her. When my daughter posted pics on FB I was not embarrassed. Still have a little ways to go but even sitting here now the entire life change is an AH-HA thought.
  • PurpleStarKatz
    PurpleStarKatz Posts: 45 Member
    mine was really about if smthing happed to me my mother always watched like shows like 911 and ed stuff any who i thought to my self how fast could they get me out if i have dying ? they would need 5 or 4 men to get me out and if i died it was not there fault it would of been mine was always on my mind did not want to get so sick bec then il know they carry you out your not aloud to walk so thats why i wanted to change and other thing but that was a big one for me after i lost my 122 pounds i went through a fence onmy horse i was really scared but i was so much in pain i said i could not walk this time not 4 men not 5 men just ONE !!! i was smiling they prob thought it was the drugs but i new then even tho i was not at my goal weight i can easy say if im sick or in a building stuck i know i can get out fast . :)

    These things always occur to me--what if I had to climb out a window? What if I had to trust my arms/hands to support my weight in an emergency? What if I had to fit through a narrow space? When I was in the OR for my c-section (after nearly three days of natural labor--dang!), they nearly dropped me transferring me from one table to the other other, and I know that was because of my weight. It's one of my goals--to be light and small enough that I can fit, climb, or be carried if necessary.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's thought about this!


    Dang, I never really even thought about something like that. I suppose it's a good sign then that even at my heaviest, my guy friends (And even some of my female friends, for that matter) could all pick me up. Even so though, I know what's healthy for me and that wasn't it at all. I feel a lot better now, and will feel even better still. =]
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    I was put on high blood pressure medicine for the first time and realized I had been taking my health for granted way too long. I tried to lose on my own. But, something really clicked when my daughter told me she worried about my health and suggested MFP.
  • I had so many, but I can only remember 3 of them.
    My first one was before college had started. I was dating a really skinny guy at the time, and I looked like I was three times his size, and I hated it. Being with him made me feel self conscience, but I still wanted to be with him, so I just tried to get over it, and ended up eating more. He didn't care what size I was, he liked me for me, which I thought was sweet (we broke up before school had started). So for school, I walked to class, and it was a two mile walk, which felt great. I built up to walking a mile in 8 minutes (I walked fast, and still do). I had fun walking to class because I was never alone. I started losing weight quickly, and eating somewhat healthy (We had kitchens, so I always cooked things). I did not want to gain the freshman 15, so I tried so hard not to.
    I started gaining some weight in the second semester because it was so cold that I didn't want to walk, so I drove to class.
    My second moment was when I was working (Toys R Us/Babies R Us), and a few people had asked me how along I was in my pregnancy. OF course, this was my fault, not only was I overweight, but I wore a tank underneath my work shirt that made my pants look like pregnancy pants (hahaha). But that made me want to lose weight.
    My third moment was when I had weighed myself. I came in around 226. I couldn't believe it. I had always thought that I was about 210 because I definitely didn't look 226, or I had thought. So I decided to start losing weight and become serious about it.
    It's been about 2 months, and I've only lost 4 pounds, but I've definitely lost inches ( like maybe 2, but people notice it). I was so excited when the guy I'm about to get into a relationship with told me that he's noticing.
    It's been hard to lose the weight because I live with a family who shops for a lot of unhealthy things. So when I leave for school, it will be a little bit easier to get on track.
    I wish you guys all luck, and I'm so proud of you guys for keeping on track!
  • cheekyme03
    cheekyme03 Posts: 11
    Wow, reading a lot of these is a little inspiring.

    I have been a "big girl" my entire life and had decided to just deal with it. I like me as a person and felt that if somebody wanted to stop themselves from knowing me just because of my weight, well their loss. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me for me and is happy if I'm happy, but I almost feel like (and probably did at one point) I doubled his weight. A couple of years ago, I went on a roommates trip to Knott's and couldn't fit into some of the rides and most of them that I did squeeze into were uncomfortable. I love roller-coasters and this was dissapointing but not enough to kick me into gear. For the better half of my adult life so far, I had always told myself that I would NEVER NEVER let my weight get to or over 300. I had maintaing 275 for the last 8 years or so. February 2011 I went to the doctor with some concerns that led me to think that I may be diabetic. I got on the scale and it read 301!!! I fortunately squeezed by the type 2 bracket but my doctor said that I am waiving it in the face and need to do something about it. About 2 weeks or so later I found MFP and joined a weightloss group for support. I am now down nearly 40lbs and have 85 to go and I am determined to have it done early next year so when I look at my future wedding photos, I don't have to spend the night crying either.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    My mother in law gave me her size 15 jeans and they fit! Omg I didnt know I was getting bigger!!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I realized that I was contemplating was to avoid having sex with my boyfriend because I didn't want him to see me naked, even though we've lived together and have been intimate for 3 years. It was like I had developed this crushing awareness that I was blobby and jiggly, and I didn't want him to see me like that. I didn't even want to see myself like that. It wasn't a "waaah waaah woe is me" kind of low self-esteem moments. But a moment of serious clarity and self-awareness.

    There have been some good motivators since then, but I think that's what really set this whole thing in motion.
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    I realized that I was contemplating was to avoid having sex with my boyfriend because I didn't want him to see me naked, even though we've lived together and have been intimate for 3 years. It was like I had developed this crushing awareness that I was blobby and jiggly, and I didn't want him to see me like that. I didn't even want to see myself like that. It wasn't a "waaah waaah woe is me" kind of low self-esteem moments. But a moment of serious clarity and self-awareness.

    There have been some good motivators since then, but I think that's what really set this whole thing in motion.

    This is exactly my "that's it" moment! I've gained about 10kg in the 2 and a half years I've been with my Boyfriend and only in the last couple of months I've realised I've been avoiding sex. I know he loves me and would love me no matter what, but I want to be able to give him the best of me!
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    My moment was at Christmas just gone - I ate rubbish the whole time and felt miserable. I had headaches, bending over was difficult because I was getting a headrush every time and my stomach felt huge! I'd already found MFP by that point but was half-heartedly doing it. After Christmas I started taking it far more seriously and lost 10 pounds in a few months.

    I stalled for a month after this and had the realisation that I was using stress, boredom and tiredness as excuses to eat. I guess thatw as my other "that's it" moment :smile: Since then I've realised that I was just feeling sorry for myself and have kicked that in the butt. I still have my off days but it's going much better now!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I have been heavy all my life and whenever I would see my weight go up I would be hurt a little inside, even when I was younger. My cloths weren't fitting right, so I stepped on the scale and WOW from 210 to 226 and I realized it had to stop before I got to 300 and had a harder time doing something about it. I lost 11 pounds and gained 6 back after two months of not being ale to work out. Then I joined MFP and here I am 218 and training for a 5k. With every pound I loose my heart does a little dance.
  • jnnyc
    jnnyc Posts: 25
    My moment was when I went with a friend to try on a wedding dress. She kept urging me to try it on and I searched the rack and noticed they didn't have my size. Like as in, the dress didn't come in "my size".

    I also noticed that day, I didn't know what "my size" ACTUALLY was.
    I have not bought pants in an actual size in 2 years.

    I buy XLS or XXLS in leggings and tights and skirts/dresses. I buy elastic waist shorts etc.
    So I have NO idea what size I would even be if I went to put on pants or a top.

    I also don't want to be a fat bride and I weigh more than my fiance and that's crap- so I started MFP right after that!
  • okrockon
    okrockon Posts: 25
    All the excess weight caused me to slip a disc in my spine and required surgery. After being bedridden for months with complications, I decided enough was enough, I can't be fat anymore or I will lose my mobility! Definitely not worth the agony! 57 pounds down and counting. :)
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