I hate..



  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I hate nothing and no one. I am full of love, sensitivity, and willing to give a big nourishing hug to anyone who needs it. If anyone needs a hug, let me know. I'll be a bit busy tonight rescuing kittens. I love you all.

  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    -self righteous people who "should" on others
    -impatient drivers who honk their horns if you don't go through the green light fast enough
    --that I actually read all these damn posts
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I hate nothing and no one. I am full of love, sensitivity, and willing to give a big nourishing hug to anyone who needs it. If anyone needs a hug, let me know. I'll be a bit busy tonight rescuing kittens. I love you all.


    Ps. If you wanna know what Jeff hates....just read his blog:D

    Bahhahah Jeff..."ill be a bit busy tonight rescuing kittens"....I almost fall outta my chair....and I was standing:p
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    When people do not use certain words properly: there, their, and they're all have separate meanings; so do your and you're.

    They're going to have their party over there and you're invited so bring your favorite dish... It is really not very difficult!
  • Fatcatsmom
    Fatcatsmom Posts: 21
    I work in a nursing home - I love the parents but sometimes the kids can drive me crazy!!!!!
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    People who tell you that you should be openminded and then are the most closed minded people you know.....how does that even work?!
  • Katie320
    Katie320 Posts: 61 Member
    I hate when people walk 3 or 4 across on a narrow sidewalk, effectively making everyone else walk in the street. They almost always walk SLOOOOOWLY I swear to reach their maximum annoyance potential.

    Rude airline workers. Look, I get that it can be a stressful job, but you signed on willingly. Don't take it out on me just because I'm the 162nd customer today who has to be rescheduled because of weather or mechanical issues. I will be nice to you. Don't assume that I'm an *kitten* because the guy in front of me was an *kitten*.
  • Fatcatsmom
    Fatcatsmom Posts: 21
    I'm really starting to hate the Slimband adds on here and I'm not even sure why.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    --that I actually read all these damn posts

    LOL...Me too!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    When you're trying to get through the aisle at the store and people are just standing in the middle of everything when you're obviously trying to get through...and when they see you they don't even bother to move over.

    And children...I can't say that I HATE them...but I really dislike most of them...but more often than not it's because of bad parenting that the child has become a brat...so...maybe I hate bad parenting... :frown:

    OMG this sounds exactly like me! LOL...I never say I hate kids, but I definitely don't like 95% of them and have no desire to have my own. Actually I have a really strong desire to not have any :blushing: Although I really hate when people say things like "Oh, you'll grow out of it and want kids," or "When you meet the right man..." It's like because I'm a 22 year old woman I have to want kids...grrrrrr :grumble:
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    :grumble: when someone makes a mess and doesn't pick up after themselves:grumble:

    :noway: when people don't discipline their kids and then try to give you advice on raising yours:noway:

    :mad: liars, cheaters, and baby killers:mad:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    When you're trying to get through the aisle at the store and people are just standing in the middle of everything when you're obviously trying to get through...and when they see you they don't even bother to move over.

    And children...I can't say that I HATE them...but I really dislike most of them...but more often than not it's because of bad parenting that the child has become a brat...so...maybe I hate bad parenting... :frown:

    OMG this sounds exactly like me! LOL...I never say I hate kids, but I definitely don't like 95% of them and have no desire to have my own. Actually I have a really strong desire to not have any :blushing: Although I really hate when people say things like "Oh, you'll grow out of it and want kids," or "When you meet the right man..." It's like because I'm a 22 year old woman I have to want kids...grrrrrr :grumble:

    I know the feeling about how everyone's all about "you'll change your mind when you meet the right man." Um, no? I'm with the right man. We're getting married on Sunday. Doesn't mean I all of a sudden want a house full of whiney poopin' brats.

    Maybe after a few years have passed? Maybe? But why do people always assume that females just want to have huge families???
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    BAD PARENTS!! I work for a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility as a therapist and all I see all day are kids who are horribly behaved through no fault of their own . . . what does one expect from a kid who's been abandoned / neglected / molested / raped / prostituted for drugs . . . seriously? You should have to take a test to be a parent.
  • rosahenriquez
    picky eaters...people that look at what i'm eating for lunch or dinner and go "eww, what is that?"
    it's my food!!! SMH....
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    BAD PARENTS!! I work for a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility as a therapist and all I see all day are kids who are horribly behaved through no fault of their own . . . what does one expect from a kid who's been abandoned / neglected / molested / raped / prostituted for drugs . . . seriously? You should have to take a test to be a parent.

    EXACTLY. I work for a school district. The kids who have behavioral issues are supposed to get "fixed" during school hours and then we send them back to the same crappy environment that messed them up in the first place. HOW does that work?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I hate duct tape....i mean seriously you tape someone up they are not supposed to be able to escape :grumble:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I hate duct tape....i mean seriously you tape someone up they are not supposed to be able to escape :grumble:

    My friend's son has a "Marley & Me" type of dog that ate duct tape. It required 2 surgeries to remove it all from his intestines. This happened 4 days before his owner's wedding. I'm pretty sure the vet got all the wedding gift money. :laugh:
  • spaztastic13
    spaztastic13 Posts: 229
    When you're trying to get through the aisle at the store and people are just standing in the middle of everything when you're obviously trying to get through...and when they see you they don't even bother to move over.

    And children...I can't say that I HATE them...but I really dislike most of them...but more often than not it's because of bad parenting that the child has become a brat...so...maybe I hate bad parenting... :frown:

    DITTO !!!!!! I hate that too
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I hate HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I hate when people change lanes without signaling...and worse when they get into the same lane they see YOU entering when YOU have YOUR blinker on and then they get huffy when you almost hit them. SORRY! I wouldn't have changed lanes if I saw your blinker and knew you were going there too. And then the guy has the nerve to accelerate SUPER slowly at the next light. Hello! I'm in an Accord and you're in a CHARGER, GO FASTER, DAMMIT!!!!