Low Carb and Low Sugar - who wants to join?



  • missi732
    missi732 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. Can I join please? Day 2 for me.
  • Colin_CJG
    Colin_CJG Posts: 1 Member
    Day 1 for me...again...
  • LizSmith55
    LizSmith55 Posts: 77 Member
    I too was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the end of 2015 and lost over 40 lbs and pushed it back to PRE-DIABETES but need to dump about 30 more lbs now to really get into healthy range. I have been eating quasi low carb (still eat yogurt etc) high protein since my start in 10-2015. But would love to be added. I took somewhat of a break since about March of my stringent dieting but now need to get back on it and finish up to reach my goal.
  • Billybea
    Billybea Posts: 23 Member
    Hey can you pls add me
  • MrsPal14
    MrsPal14 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been doing low carb low sugar for about 6 months and have lost 42 pounds so far. Please add me to your group!
  • KristinaE314
    KristinaE314 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me. I just stared my low carb diet. :)
  • JiniBelle88
    JiniBelle88 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    Add me as well :) I have been trying different ways of eating without taking my pcos into consideration. Found out I am also insulin resistant so low carb and high fat is the way to go for me. This will be day 1 for me, I went grocery shopping planned some meals and snacks (if needed) and i purchased Ketone test strips to keep track of my ketones. I have 130 lbs to lose and its hard because I have no one here in the same boat as me.
  • MichelleRodr
    MichelleRodr Posts: 5 Member
    please add me, I've been eating low carb/low sugar since June 19th and have lost 15 pounds. My best friend has been doing it since February and have lost about 65 pounds. She's restricting her calories to 1,200 per day, I am not watching my calorie intake.
  • MichelleRodr
    MichelleRodr Posts: 5 Member
    please add me
  • waeldri8388
    waeldri8388 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me. I'm starting low carb and need help
  • gmichelm
    gmichelm Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me; I'm on day #1, and I'm trying to lose 10" pounds over the next year
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited August 2016
    Just in case anyone missed it, apply to join here:
    About 30,000 of us so far.
  • all4thehealthofit
    all4thehealthofit Posts: 15 Member
    I'd like to join! Also if anyone would like to be friends on here and support one another, please add me!
  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Yes please add me
  • dawnaja
    dawnaja Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not sure if this board is still active, but I just started LC this week - still working through what I can eat - surprises me how many carbs are in some things! Please add me if still active - would love some ideas!
  • MisFitRN
    MisFitRN Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love to join! Anyone feel free to add me. I'm just starting back up again after deleting MFP.
  • KittyVida
    KittyVida Posts: 29 Member
    Sounds great! You'll have to give me all your tips and tricks. I like to think that I don't eat a lot of bread but if I really stop to think about it I have bread everyday, usually twice a day. It'll be rough to knock that out of my diet.
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    I would love to join. Please add me. I'm currently doing Atkins needs support
  • fitandfocused69
    fitandfocused69 Posts: 41 Member
    Add me
  • meendriss
    meendriss Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I've tried a keto diet in the past and it worked wonders for me. I'm trying to get back on track (since have succumbed to carb-ey pizza in the past few days) and I try to log everything I eat, as well as share uptades about my daily successes and struggles. Feel free to add me, everyone! <3