Low Carb and Low Sugar - who wants to join?



  • meendriss
    meendriss Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I've tried a keto diet in the past and it worked wonders for me. I'm trying to get back on track (since have succumbed to carb-ey pizza in the past few days) and I try to log everything I eat, as well as share uptades about my daily successes and struggles. Feel free to add me, everyone! <3
  • Lav1103
    Lav1103 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me as well. Thank you :)
  • hazeleyez26
    hazeleyez26 Posts: 71 Member
    My hubby and I have been low carb, low sugar and no wheat since January. I'd love to join and if anyone would like to add me as a friend, it's always nice to have more low carb friends :)
  • tamhiuwa
    tamhiuwa Posts: 3 Member
    I want to join, I feel so hard to keep below 30g carb. I can only make it below 100g. I have no weight loss for 2-3 weeks already, feel frustrated
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me..I am also starting again with this WOE. :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    tamhiuwa wrote: »
    I want to join, I feel so hard to keep below 30g carb. I can only make it below 100g. I have no weight loss for 2-3 weeks already, feel frustrated

    I went just under 50 grams of carbs daily and did not lose the first pound for the first six weeks but I do eat at more like 2500 calories daily still two years later. I started losing inches long before the scales started to drop after 6 weeks of LCHF.

    @tamhiuwa consider eating a 100 grams for the first 4 weeks then try to decrease it by 10 grams weekly. Remember you do NOT have to be in nutritional ketosis do decrease premature death risks. After age 25-30 I think I started to lose metabolic flexibility. I was 63 and in a fast health decline so getting back to having metabolic flexibility took longer in my case.

    Keep in mind KETO is not my #1 goal but living longer and being walking and talking until the last day of my life is my #1 goal. Getting below 50 grams of carbs daily will happen in time but give it 90 days or more. I use coconut and MTC oil to make ketones that is not dependent on eating <50 grams of carbs daily.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Just in case anyone missed it, apply to join here:
    About 30,000 of us so far.

    In case you are new here. There is lots of really good advice, support and study backed information from the LCD group. Since there are 30,000 +, there are a great many people doing this diet for health reasons, like PCOS and prediabetes and diabetes. Lots of success stories too. No reason why you can join both!

    Good luck to all and as @GaleHawkins says, you can decrease your carbs gradually for those who want to go more slowly. Or jump in with both feet. If you drop your carbs a great deal suddenly, you probably should read about increasing your salt consumption.
  • dragon1949
    dragon1949 Posts: 15 Member
    Please add me
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    amber6110 wrote: »
    My husband and I started a low carb and sugar lifestyle about 3 weeks ago and have lost 10lbs. We are trying new recipes and enjoying all new foods we would have never eaten before. Who wants to take the ride with us and share recipes, daily plans etc?

    Add me

    Boiled eggs
    Milk and yogurt....some may disagree
    Chicken legs
    Non starchy veggies
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Try Miracle Noodles. 0 Carbs.
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    In! Add me please
  • Melemur
    Melemur Posts: 95 Member
    I myself have tried many diets and decided that I needed to try a low carb diet in feel like it is working best for my body I started October 3rd and have lost about 10 pounds so far
  • KombuchaKat
    KombuchaKat Posts: 134 Member
    I see no issue in watching your sugar, namely fructose, but would caution against going too low carb. It depends on the person but especially for women it can lead to hormonal issues and long term weight gain. I have been down this road and am now having to do some serious metabolic repair because of it. To each there own but talk to me in 2-3 years when you are struggling more than ever from trying to keep your carbs low...
  • LipSmackingFun
    LipSmackingFun Posts: 24 Member
    I've been doing LCHF aka Keto diet for awhile now & have now made it a lifestyle way of eating. No longer calling it a diet lol and I love eating this way! Now I'm not perfect, no one is, and I do binge & cheat every now & then, far & few but this lifestyle is so easy I just own it, not get down on myself & get back to eating the LCHF way.

    With LCHF I keep my carbs at 20 macros a day. I don't eat any sugar (low carb/no sugar) on most days but sometimes I go for the salad dressings with sugar <1 gram but no greater than 4 & I use stevia for my sweetener if I want to sweeten things up (1 carb per packet) that i carry wit me. If I do MFP helps me stay & get back on track.

    Also, if you don't have one, I recommend you invest in a food scale & USE IT. It has helped me tremendously! It's a bit much at first weighing everything but once you get used to it, it'll become second nature. I always keep it out on my counter so I won't have to go digging for it. It's great! Good luck!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I see no issue in watching your sugar, namely fructose, but would caution against going too low carb. It depends on the person but especially for women it can lead to hormonal issues and long term weight gain. I have been down this road and am now having to do some serious metabolic repair because of it. To each there own but talk to me in 2-3 years when you are struggling more than ever from trying to keep your carbs low...

    Could you state more details since I have been doing fine for two years of LCHF. It sounds like your fat intake may have been under 60-80% of your total calories perhaps. No carbs are required to prevent hormonal/metabolic issues that I know about but fats and protein are required to prevent hormonal/metabolic health issues. We still have to eat required food groups in balance when we cut out eating heavy on the carb side. Today I work to eat under 50 grams of carbs daily and have done so for over two years.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    I see no issue in watching your sugar, namely fructose, but would caution against going too low carb. It depends on the person but especially for women it can lead to hormonal issues and long term weight gain. I have been down this road and am now having to do some serious metabolic repair because of it. To each there own but talk to me in 2-3 years when you are struggling more than ever from trying to keep your carbs low...

    What's too low for carbs?
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    I see no issue in watching your sugar, namely fructose, but would caution against going too low carb. It depends on the person but especially for women it can lead to hormonal issues and long term weight gain. I have been down this road and am now having to do some serious metabolic repair because of it. To each there own but talk to me in 2-3 years when you are struggling more than ever from trying to keep your carbs low...

    Could you state more details since I have been doing fine for two years of LCHF. It sounds like your fat intake may have been under 60-80% of your total calories perhaps. No carbs are required to prevent hormonal/metabolic issues that I know about but fats and protein are required to prevent hormonal/metabolic health issues. We still have to eat required food groups in balance when we cut out eating heavy on the carb side. Today I work to eat under 50 grams of carbs daily and have done so for over two years.

    Please share some of you 50carb menus. Thanks.
  • JustLikeJordin
    JustLikeJordin Posts: 129 Member
    Low carb/LCHF hybrid and I'm down nearly 80 with 30 more to go. Feel free to add me!
  • jafacct6778
    jafacct6778 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been struggling trying to stay consistent with a low carb diet. My weakness tends to be evening snacking. I'd love for you to add me and we can all keep each other motivated and accountable.