Are there any foods that are banned in your head?



  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    I don't ban foods per se, but I do ban packages or portions. I buy small bags of snack items only. Even if they are more expensive I know I have a tendency to just eat the whole thing, so no bigger buckets of ice cream, big bags of chips, I only buy cookies when I can buy individual. I will indulge in a treat when I am out to eat so I don't have to have large amounts at home.
    I hope someday I can keep some stock at home, but I am not quite there yet.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    kermax39 wrote: »
    Cintirich wrote: »
    Turkey as a replacement for beef (ground, hamburgers, hotdogs, bacon etc.), brown rice, whole wheat whatever, quinoa, flax seeds, low fat, low sugar... the list goes on. Any "healthy" food or food products like that I shy away from. I fell for all of that healthy-this-healthy-that nonsense hook, line and sinker and feel foolish now eating any of that stuff.

    Can someone explain the above? I started 9 days ago on my journey to losing 50+ lbs and I've been actively excercising and have completely changed my diet. I have been eating "healthy" since then, including brown rice (small portions to avoid too many carbs) instead of white, Brownberry Oatnut bread instead of the white bread that the rest of my family loves. Low fat mayo instead of my beloved Hellman's, ect... No fast food at all and no unhealthy snacks like cookies, ice cream, cheese and crackers ect.

    I'm down 6 or so lbs and almost an inch and a half, so it's working so far, but I'm still curious about the comment above, Thanks!

    I think the poster is saying he doesnt buy into food marketed as diet food. I agree to an extent. Your doing nothing wrong though, your reducing your fat but as u go along you might find real mayo is fine and worth the extra calories. I eat white bread but prefer reduced fat mayo. Its all about choice and as long as your macros are ok and not over your calories then u dont need to choose lower fat, lower sugar etc. Well done on your loss thats a great start.

    A lot of the substitutions we make are not really that advantageous in the long run. Personally, I like turkey as a substitute for ground beef in a lot of dishes because it isn't always as greasy and clumpy, but for a hamburger on a bun, I buy good ground beef. I don't eat as many, but the ones I do eat are full flavor. Hot dogs I avoid, but only because I go to the local meat market and buy fresh made brats that are ridiculously good. One is usually enough.
    White rice is really that much worse than brown rice, most white bread isn't really that much worse than wheat bread. I actually haven't eaten white bread in ages though, to me it tastes horrible. I much prefer the taste of wheat bread and brown rice, but taste is the only reason I eat them.

    Keep on making your substitions, but look at them carefully, sometimes the calorie savings really isn't that great and if you aren't liking the flavors, then definitely think twice. I think it is great to try new things, I have found a lot of things I like by doing that. If it happens to be a little healthier as well that is a bonus
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Even though I know I can have what I want in moderation, I have just banned some foods in my head all together. It's so weird because I seriously don't deprive myself of anything. However there are some foods that I heard along the way that were really bad so I don't touch them. For instance - pasta. I love love love pasta. With dieting though, I feel like i have committed a sin eating it. Even when I am not dieting I avoid Alfredo sauce because somewhere I've heard it's one of the worst things in life you can eat. I also no longer eat bagels for breakfast because I heard they are just empty calories for breakfast. The weird thing is that I eat all other kinds of crap foods just fine. Does anyone else do this or am I just crazy? Well I know I'm crazy but does anyone else do this???? :D

    The "worst things you can eat" are poisonous or give you an allergic reaction. Beyond that, food is food. Foods aren't good or bad. Diets can be healthy or unhealthy, but even a healthy diet can contain "junk food" so long as you don't eat so much of it that it makes it impossible to meet your nutritional needs.

    Pasta isn't bad for a diet - I have it on average of twice or three times a week, and I'm down by 130 lb. Some people don't find it very filling, making it easier to overeat, but I always find it quite filling and very enjoyable as a meal.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    edited August 2016
    Soda. Not worth the empty calories. Also I've grown to really appreciate sparkling water.

    Pizza (restaurant). I can eat 3 slices easily. If I have room in my calories I will go for it but I haven't had much desire for it. Safeway ultra thin crust has been a life savor. It's about 300 calories for one third of the pizza.

    Pastries. It's been years since I've enjoyed a chocolate chip cookie or donut from Whole Foods. I used to eat them religiously. But just one would be a meal worth of calories for me.

    Once I get to my goal I'll treat myself more often. But I can't justify 1/3 of my daily calories coming from junkfood that won't keep me full.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I'm in the middle of a bad tmj flare up. Anything overly crunchy or hard will just hurt
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    87sid wrote: »
    I don't know that I would particularly say banned, but I don't know if I trust my self to have a pint of Talenti in my freezer. I haven't checked the nutrition facts but I assume they arent great and it isn't worth it to me. I also somewhat avoid going out to eat at restaurants because figuring out all the info to make it fit into my allowance is too much of a headache.

    I have been really good with eating Talenti in moderation which is why I haven't put it on the banned list. I can easily make a pint last a week and just enjoy a couple spoonfuls and it will kill the craving. When I wasn't watching what I ate it would be nothing to eat the entire thing in a sitting.

  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    "Are there any foods that are banned in your head?"

    No. The worse I eat, the more I'll just have to workout to burn off the calories.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    My only banned foods are foods I don't like.
    Portion control is the key to losing.

    Aside from the few foods that I don't eat because the calories are just too high, I agree with this. I am super conscious of my portions and I know how much to eat just to kill a craving.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    I wouldn't say that I have any "banned" foods, but I usually choose to choice healthier foods because they keep me fuller longer. Sure I could eat pizza with the family, but I would only be able to have 1 slice vs. a plate full of baked fish, brown rice, and veggies.
  • battyfitch
    battyfitch Posts: 117 Member
    No banned foods. Plenty of "not today" foods, but no banned ones.

    Precisely this.
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    edited August 2016
    I also stink at moderation, so I just try to avoid carby processed snacks, like donuts, cookies, brownies, chips. I can't eat just one, and once I've stayed away from them I stop craving them.
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    I don't have any banned foods either - except I'm trying not to eat wheat so much as I have noted that I don't have any intestinal woes when I don't eat it. I'm currently being tested for Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac - which I think it will be. My sister was just diagnosed at 63 as a Celiac! Im trying not to drink during the week so far so good. I do have a couple of glasses of wine on the weekend. Just trying to eat cleanly. Jillian Michaels in one of her recent posts - said go ahead and eat pasta - just don't have the amounts that they serve in the restaurants. I concur with this. Both American and Canadian restaurants over do it in the servings department!
  • sijaeabc
    sijaeabc Posts: 43 Member
    I have a flat out ban on soda and have for 3 years. While I don't have a "ban" on other foods, I haven't had a candy bar in years (including halloween!) and I rarely eat chips or other empty calories foods. This is mostly because these foods are not only high calorie, but more importantly they make me want to eat a lot of them and also increase my cravings for munching on all kinds of crap food. I never thought in the past I could give up these foods, but it's been a gradual process where I just make the choice everyday and then realize I haven't had them in a long time and don't really need them.
  • sijaeabc
    sijaeabc Posts: 43 Member
    kermax39 wrote: »
    I find just having a bite or a tiny portion is harder than banning it

    This. having a lot of bans is counter-productive for me because then I start to feel hemmed in, but I also just need to not even start with some things because it's harder to stop after one bite than after none - hence the slogan "Bet you can't eat just one" Lay's potato chip :wink:

  • navychickpensfan
    navychickpensfan Posts: 25 Member
    I have to ban some foods because I can't eat them in moderation. Thick crust pizza is my favorite and I can never fit how much I want to eat in my calorie allowance. I also ban brownies, cookies and peanut butter pretzels. I also ban going out to eat to once every 1 to 3 months because I always want the dish with the highest calories. Certain foods are slippery slope for me so I have to ban!
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    edited August 2016
    No not really. I do try to stay away from donuts and chips, though. Unless something has nutrition to it, I try to stay away. Sometimes I just need bad for me foods, though. (IN MODERATION)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    The only foods that I ban are foods that I don't like. Other than that, everything is fair game, I just have to make sure I stay in my calorie goal.

    I do have foods that I don't buy regularly b/c I find that I might overeat them, like a certain brand of chips or sour startbursts. But I got around that by training myself to eat one or two servings and then telling myself that I'm done for the day with that food, and I can have more of it tomorrow b/c it will still be in my cabinet. Now I can keep them in my house without worry.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    Donuts. I can't eat donuts, not even in moderation, because once I've had one I remember how much I love them and moderation goes out the window. I literally go full Cookie Monster if I have even a taste of a donut.
  • hannah1011z
    hannah1011z Posts: 113 Member
    Yes! So there are a lot for me that I avoid and refuse to buy.
    1.ribs. I read an article a long time ago that it's the absolute worst fattening meat out there and ever since my brain told me never again.
    2. Chips! I love chips too much so I will not buy them expecially Doritos because I know I'll eat em all maybe not at once but within a day or two.
    3. Balonga/hot dogs something about how bad they are I guess told my head I cannot have one bite of them forever ever again.