Protein Shake question, first time



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Please change your Diary Sharing settings to Public:

    I love my Biochem smoothies. I use tea for the liquid. Cheaper and way less calories than coconut water, plus when I looked at this at Walmart there were ingredients I found undesirable.


  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    This is what was in my protein shake... I think I'm slightly hypoglycemic, should I add something else with my shake so I don't feel faint?


    So that adds up to under 400 calories. If you are on 1500/day but you tend to wake up light-headed and needing to eat right away, your breakfast should probably be closer to 500, and made up of something solid. Liquid food generally digests and leaves the stomach more quickly, leaving you hungry earlier.

    I would consider making the smoothies half sized and use them more for a late evening snack a couple hours before bed.

    Can anyone tell me what the point is of coconut water? I see it has a lot of potassium, but aside from that it just looks like sugar water.

  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Have you been to your doctor lately to rule out any medical issues? If you're waking up light headed and feeling bad all day, that isn't normal, and may not be related to food unless it's a food allergy of some kind....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    As I type at 3:30am, I think I definitely need more sleep :(how on earth do you maintain calories when your protein smoothie has so many calories in it leaving barely enough for the rest of the day?? Ugh

    Easy...stop making them and just eat food or stop putting so much stuff in it. There's nothing magical about the smoothie you're making.
    This is what was in my protein shake... I think I'm slightly hypoglycemic, should I add something else with my shake so I don't feel faint?


    So that adds up to under 400 calories. If you are on 1500/day but you tend to wake up light-headed and needing to eat right away, your breakfast should probably be closer to 500, and made up of something solid. Liquid food generally digests and leaves the stomach more quickly, leaving you hungry earlier.

    I would consider making the smoothies half sized and use them more for a late evening snack a couple hours before bed.

    Can anyone tell me what the point is of coconut water? I see it has a lot of potassium, but aside from that it just looks like sugar water.

    Regular, plain old coconut water has some natural sugars, but it's not a's the coconut waters with added flavorings and whatnot that have all the sugar. I use coconut water in lieu of sports drinks during long rides, etc to replenish electrolytes. I'm also on a diuretic and can easily become potassium deficient so I drink a lot of low sodium V8 and coconut water.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    As I type at 3:30am, I think I definitely need more sleep :(how on earth do you maintain calories when your protein smoothie has so many calories in it leaving barely enough for the rest of the day?? Ugh

    Easy...stop making them and just eat food or stop putting so much stuff in it. There's nothing magical about the smoothie you're making.
    This is what was in my protein shake... I think I'm slightly hypoglycemic, should I add something else with my shake so I don't feel faint?


    So that adds up to under 400 calories. If you are on 1500/day but you tend to wake up light-headed and needing to eat right away, your breakfast should probably be closer to 500, and made up of something solid. Liquid food generally digests and leaves the stomach more quickly, leaving you hungry earlier.

    I would consider making the smoothies half sized and use them more for a late evening snack a couple hours before bed.

    Can anyone tell me what the point is of coconut water? I see it has a lot of potassium, but aside from that it just looks like sugar water.

    Regular, plain old coconut water has some natural sugars, but it's not a's the coconut waters with added flavorings and whatnot that have all the sugar. I use coconut water in lieu of sports drinks during long rides, etc to replenish electrolytes. I'm also on a diuretic and can easily become potassium deficient so I drink a lot of low sodium V8 and coconut water.

    I just want to add that coconut water tastes like a sweaty armpit. :smile:
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    I usually use Soy Milk but it seemed to make them so thick so I switched to Coconut Water, I've been to the doctors, ER, etc.. Had a huge blood panel, EKG's, CT Scan, Echocardiograms, Stress Tests, everything, they said every test was normal, only thing they said was weird was that my blood pressure was low (90/50-60) but the medication they gave me made me feel weird so I stopped taking it... Even when I eat a good breakfast, I still feel icky, not sure what else to do
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    I made my diary public
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    No, I felt that way since I woke up and was hoping the smoothie would help me feel better but it hasn't

    This does not sound protein shake or even food related at all to me unless you have been eating low calories the past several days and little low on nutrition or deficient in something else. I get wanting some food to make you feel better and maybe the first protein shake as a meal replacement not such a good idea,, NO?

    You were already feeling like crap when you did the meal replacement, this on top of that to me is not a very good recipe to cure what ailed me when I woke up.

    My question is lightheadedness accompanied by some dizziness and some imbalance? Sounds like maybe light case of vertigo.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've never been a big fan of smoothies. Probably because I'm such a food addict that I prefer to eat my food instead of drink it.

    I would say that whether you choose a shake or food - make sure you get in a goodly amount of protein.
    Also, make sure you're hitting your macros, and your water goals.

    You should see a doctor about being lightheaded and dizzy. There could be something medical behind it - My mother has inner ear issues that case her to experience vertigo a lot - so it could have nothing to do with your food intake.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    I didn't record everything yesterday, I was so hungry I ate almost a whole pizza at Blaze Puzza last night so I got embarrassed of that lol

    The doctors can't find anything wrong with me, I'll make my smoothie but have something with it today and see how I feel
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I did my first actual protein shake today. I replaced breakfast with it, I felt absolutely terrible. About two hours after I drank it, I felt like death and had to eat something fast. I am usually lightheaded in the morning as it is, and have to eat breakfast right away so this definitely didn't help me. I pretty much felt terrible all day, says my calorie goal is 1500 but maybe I need more??

    You used this protein Fri, Sat and today? Have you tried not using the protein to see if this is what is making you feel the way you do?

    And you stopped taking blood pressure medication because it too made you feel icky? So you have a medical condition with medication you have been taking (not sure when you stopped it), but have you been to the doctor to talk about this and the stopping the medication (I presume cold turkey)..

    I say go back the doctor and maybe even stop the protein until you do..
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    I didn't record everything yesterday, I was so hungry I ate almost a whole pizza at Blaze Puzza last night so I got embarrassed of that lol

    The doctors can't find anything wrong with me, I'll make my smoothie but have something with it today and see how I feel

    But why the protein shake at all today? Why not eat your normal diet for a few days till you feel better or get to your doctor?

    Secondly, so the 1197 calories for Saturday logging doesn't have all the calories you are i.e. a whole pizza (almost)?

    For starters, record it.. Record all the good, bad and ugly days.. even if you do not log it until the next day after you are through "shaming your self" (done this a ton of times my self) so that you have a record of it, especially in times just like this when you need to review your history and look for things that are out of sorts..

    You say the doctors can find anything wrong, but you were put on medication that you stopped? And was this cold turkey? Did you put a call into your doctors office to ask how you should stop the medication? How long has this been because having blood pressure issues will cause all sort of symptoms and side effect especially if removing your medication from the equation?

    All I can say is that I do hope you get to feeling better real soon and if not, put that call into the doc. This is exactly why they are there... to get you back to feeling well! :)
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »

    You used this protein Fri, Sat and today? Have you tried not using the protein to see if this is what is making you feel the way you do?

    And you stopped taking blood pressure medication because it too made you feel icky? So you have a medical condition with medication you have been taking (not sure when you stopped it), but have you been to the doctor to talk about this and the stopping the medication (I presume cold turkey)..

    I say go back the doctor and maybe even stop the protein until you do..

    The medication they gave me was more for trial, he told me to take it if I wanted to. I've been having lightheaded issues for probably 10 years now and no one can figure it out. The only thing that's ever seem to help me was to eat protein in the morning, so I figured the shakes would help.

  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    Like I said, I've had a full blood panel, a fasting panel, EKG, CT scans, echocardiograms, stress tests, walked around with a heart monitor, they said I was in perfect health
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    I even ask them if it was possibly stress or anxiety and they said it wasn't
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »

    You used this protein Fri, Sat and today? Have you tried not using the protein to see if this is what is making you feel the way you do?

    And you stopped taking blood pressure medication because it too made you feel icky? So you have a medical condition with medication you have been taking (not sure when you stopped it), but have you been to the doctor to talk about this and the stopping the medication (I presume cold turkey)..

    I say go back the doctor and maybe even stop the protein until you do..

    The medication they gave me was more for trial, he told me to take it if I wanted to. I've been having lightheaded issues for probably 10 years now and no one can figure it out. The only thing that's ever seem to help me was to eat protein in the morning, so I figured the shakes would help.

    Why not stick to higher protein breakfast that is not in the form of a powder and making it a liquid meal replacement? If protein has made you feel better in the past (pre protein shakes) stick to that.. that obviously worked for you.

    The trial medication was given for you take obviously because the doctor thought your needed to stabilize something that is wrong with you medically. I think you need to go back to that doctor, and or get a second and third opinion because having this for 10 YEARS means something is out of balance in your body. But obviously this is not preventing you from living per se, but it makes you feel unwell and uncomfortable. The doctors can find something, just need to to not give up that there is someone that can give you the right diagnosis..

    Lightheadedness, dizziness or vertigo like symptoms can be a wide range of secondary symptoms to another issue. Because you mentioned blood pressure, I might start there or get a referral from your primary doctor to see a specialist.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I didn't record everything yesterday, I was so hungry I ate almost a whole pizza at Blaze Puzza last night so I got embarrassed of that lol

    The doctors can't find anything wrong with me, I'll make my smoothie but have something with it today and see how I feel

    But why the protein shake at all today? Why not eat your normal diet for a few days till you feel better or get to your doctor?


    I'm a fan of smoothies with protein powder -- normally like vegetable omelets, but in the summer I'm loving smoothies since I always want more fruit in the summer and cold and liquid works well for me when it's hot. But it does nothing that makes it superior nutritionally or for weight loss than any other sensible breakfast (and many prefer eating, even when the calories are equal -- I do when it's not hot).

    Based on the ingredients in the smoothie, it seems a normal sized breakfast to me (people vary a lot in what they prefer, obviously), and I don't see any reason it would affect you differently from any other breakfast unless there's an ingredient you don't normally eat or it's higher in carbs or some such. Is it the whey biochem? I like the vanilla whey Biochem (the no sugar added kind), but if you have an issue with whey it could be an issue. Or more likely you are just a bit under the weather and the timing is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with the smoothie.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    As I type at 3:30am, I think I definitely need more sleep :( how on earth do you maintain calories when your protein smoothie has so many calories in it leaving barely enough for the rest of the day?? Ugh

    stop making a protein shake with so much stuff in it.

    I like to do 1 scoop protein, a half cup of almond milk, and half a frozen banana. Sometimes i add a little water. Done, and only 200-ish calories.

    as far as sleeping, you need to figure that out.

    Agree with this and the protein shake. I used to do the same thing thinking I'm knocking out a green vege, fruit, a healthy fat and protein all at the same time when I made my shake. But I figured out it was much more satisfying to Eat & Chew these foods.
    Since then I've found a protein powder in chocolate that I actually like the taste and I sprinkle it on foods like yogurt, cereal & milk, and popcorn to get in my protein since I don't eat meat.
    Do what you need to do to get your sleep where it should be. It is SUPER important for losing and also maintaining your weight.
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    That's why my doctor sent me to a cardiologist, she said everything was normal... And I was running all sorts of tests, I just started going to the gym about a month ago and I just started changing my diet, it's so hard though, my usual breakfast was a cup of yogurt, two scrambled eggs and a bowl of cereal, sometimes I'd feel better, sometimes not... I've noticed since I had a baby, my lightheaded issues have been a lot worse