Protein Shake question, first time



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    That's why my doctor sent me to a cardiologist, she said everything was normal... And I was running all sorts of tests, I just started going to the gym about a month ago and I just started changing my diet, it's so hard though, my usual breakfast was a cup of yogurt, two scrambled eggs and a bowl of cereal, sometimes I'd feel better, sometimes not... I've noticed since I had a baby, my lightheaded issues have been a lot worse

    This could be related to a neuro issue and not cardiac at all.. Your doctor needs to reevaluate your situation and get you to the right specialist, either work with that doctor or get you a new one...

    I am still a bit slumped on the idea that protein makes you feel better if you have such a serious case of this.. You could try to make sure your nutrition is better balanced with carbs/protein and fats, and you could also get another metabolic blood panel done, and extensive hormonal blood work done (yes again) now that you are now reporting it is worse..

    I am not able to help any further other than say, either you feel this is nutritional in nature, or a physical/medical condition. You decide the next course of action as to it can either be corrected nutritionally or with the assistance of a doctor/medication.
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    Yea I'll have to see my doctor again
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Yea I'll have to see my doctor again

    This is a good call! :) I truly do hope that you feel better and find out what in the world this bugger is!! :):)
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you, I hope so too
  • realt92
    realt92 Posts: 21 Member
    When you're light headed does the room seem to spin around? Does this only occur in the mornings, or does it occur at other times of the day if you're laying down and then get up?
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    To me this sounds like either low blood pressure or low blood sugar in the mornings, but with the blood panel it's most likely the former. There is a condition called postural hypotension where your blood pressure drops while you change position, then slowly returns to normal [this would explain the dizziness only in the morning , as your blood pressure would drop right after getting out of bed]. But you'll need a doctor's insight to be entirely sure.
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    When you're light headed does the room seem to spin around? Does this only occur in the mornings, or does it occur at other times of the day if you're laying down and then get up?

    No spinning, usually mornings but also if I wait too long to eat
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    To me this sounds like either low blood pressure or low blood sugar in the mornings, but with the blood panel it's most likely the former. There is a condition called postural hypotension where your blood pressure drops while you change position, then slowly returns to normal [this would explain the dizziness only in the morning , as your blood pressure would drop right after getting out of bed]. But you'll need a doctor's insight to be entirely sure.

    I'll ask about that
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    To me this sounds like either low blood pressure or low blood sugar in the mornings, but with the blood panel it's most likely the former. There is a condition called postural hypotension where your blood pressure drops while you change position, then slowly returns to normal [this would explain the dizziness only in the morning , as your blood pressure would drop right after getting out of bed]. But you'll need a doctor's insight to be entirely sure.

    I used to have this when I was younger and presumably eating much less salt than I do now. My blood pressure tends to run towards low.
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    My doctor told me to increase my salt intake which I've been doing
  • dereklsilva
    dereklsilva Posts: 11 Member
    Honestly you can go quite a while without the need of food. Your biggest enemies will be dehydration and anxiety.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    This is what was in my protein shake... I think I'm slightly hypoglycemic, should I add something else with my shake so I don't feel faint?


    I just want to point out that you said you put in half an avocado, but you only logged 0.2 of an avocado. Your calories are even higher than you thought for that smoothie.
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    This is what was in my protein shake... I think I'm slightly hypoglycemic, should I add something else with my shake so I don't feel faint?


    I just want to point out that you said you put in half an avocado, but you only logged 0.2 of an avocado. Your calories are even higher than you thought for that smoothie.

    I think that day I only did a 1/4th of an avocado
  • littlemiss1933
    littlemiss1933 Posts: 30 Member
    I felt better today, maybe I just had to get used to a change of diet