August 2016 Biking Cycling Bicycling Challenge



  • BeckyCMcClinton
    BeckyCMcClinton Posts: 29 Member
    8/1 - 5.35
    8/2 - 5.02
    8/5 - 5.22
    8/6 - 6.04
    8/8 - 6.75
    8/9 - 6.64
    8/11- 13.48
    8/12 - 7.26
    8/13 - 6.28

    Total 62.03/120 mile goal
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited August 2016
    Took yesterday off from biking, as I was commuting back to the south, and just had time for my long run. Ended up doing a middle distance ride this afternoon on the flats with an ugly headwind, that luckily persisted for my return trip as a tailwind to quickly whisk me home. With the power meter, I was able to keep my effort pretty consistent both ways which was reassuring, as seeing a slow outbound speed can get a bit discouraging otherwise.

    Planning to get in a longer ride tomorrow, and maybe a full 100 Wednesday if I can convince a friend to join me for it.

    8/1 - 15 miles (w. 10 mile solo time trial @ 23mph - out & back)
    8/3 - 33 miles (tri team ride)
    8/4 - 83 miles (solo long ride - 18.3mph / 143 watt avg)
    8/5 - 11 miles
    8/6 - 20 miles
    8/7 - 11 miles
    8/8 - 5 miles
    8/9 - 23 miles
    8/10 - 24 miles
    8/11 - 11 miles
    8/13 - 34 miles

    Total: 270 miles
    Goal: 621 miles
    Remaining: 351 miles

    2016 Races:
    Granfondo FL century - 23.4mph TT segments
    Ironman Florida 70.3 - 5:07 / 2:39 bike split (21mph)
    Ironman Augusta 70.3 - 9/25
    Ironman Florida - 11/5

    @_nikkiwolf_ - Sorry to hear the screw for adjusting cleat tension was stripped. Sometimes a slightly larger allen/hex wrench (moving from metric to imperial if you have both types of sets) can get a grip, and usually spin counter-clockwise to loosen. Just make sure your cleats are also tightly installed on your shoe. If you need new pedals, usually wiggle/chainreaction has deals for roughly $25-$35 USD for basic shimano systems including double-sided pedals (I love my A530s), which just require a basic 15mm narrow wrench.

    @jbliss1108 - Calorie calculations for biking can get a bit tricky, as I'm relatively fit, light, and when using a power meter + heart rate monitor, I'm anywhere from 20-35/mile. Most online calculators grossly overestimate burn which hurt me early on in my weight loss journey as I noticed I was losing about 1-2lb/week less than expected when religiously logging everything. Still, at your weight I'd guess you are closer to the 35-50/mile range, depending on your bike's efficiency and terrain (i.e. 35/mile on flat roads on an efficient road bike, 50/mile on a mountain bike trail on hilly loose gravel/dirt). Sometimes you can find deals for $10 ANT+ heart rate monitors if your phone has that type of antenna and you snag mapmyride/wahoo/etc.. (i.e. iphone, galaxy s5, see - 1 left @ $10 - ).
  • ciclamino1
    ciclamino1 Posts: 59 Member
    08/01 - 25 miles
    08/02 - 13 miles
    08/03 - 20 miles
    08/04 - 16 miles
    08/05 - 31 miles
    08/06 - 31 miles
    08/07 - 10 miles
    08/08 - 16 miles
    08/12 - 21 miles
    08/13 - 35 miles

    Goal: 621 miles
    MTD: 217 miles
    Goal to Go: 404 miles
    YTD: 1,934 miles

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Last long ride done yesterday. 58 miles done in very hot, humid conditions. Wasn't too bad until I flatted at mile 40. Nothing like standing in the hot sun changing a tire to warm you up, lol!

    Weekly total this week was 78 miles. Will have an easy week w/low mileage as I taper for a HIM race next Sunday.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    My goal will be 100 miles this month.

    08/01 - 14.00 miles
    08/04 - 15.00 miles
    08/06 - 13.50 miles
    08/13 - 13.75 miles
    08/14 - 14.25 miles...70.50 miles so far.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    No particular goal this month apart from getting my old Roubaix back on the road - it was crunched by a myopic car driver last year. New forks and wheels on order to make it my "fast bike". Felt I hadn't spent enough money on my hobby this year!
    My wife may not agree with my assessment..... :wink:

    Also doing a little experiment by incorporating leg work back into my strength training, I don't tend to do any weights for my legs during the cycling season but would like to add some size and strength to my legs. Doing it at the start of the week so I get recovery time before my weekend rides.
    Weights Monday and Wednesday and straight back to maxing out the leg press and leg curl machines despite not using them for 4 (?) months.

    Tuesday - 21.1 virtual miles on eSpinning bike
    Thursday - 24.2 virtual miles on eSpinning bike - time trial mode.
    Saturday - 45.9 miles fairly fast.
    Sunday - 43.4 miles, really hot, humid and windy.

    Week 1 total = 134.6 miles.

    Monday - "legs" in the gym. Jumped the weights up significantly.

    Tuesday - squeezed in a short evening ride, 28.1 miles. Got a 5th place on a Strava segment, fast but "bumpy" ride.

    Wednesday - more "legs" in the gym. Five days on the trot working my legs - feels like more than enough! Who put my quads through a mangle?

    Thursday - gentle recovery ride (6.5 virtual miles) on a trainer in the gym to flush some blood through tired muscles.

    Friday - Planned to do my first "permanent route" Audax today (solo ride not an organised event) - 204km / 126 mile circular route across the South Downs and Salisbury Plain. Day got off to a bad start - short / poor sleep and a splitting headache. Then loads of things to sort out at home meant a late start driving down to Winchester. Two horrendous traffic jams on the way and instead of a morning start I didn't get on the bike until 2pm. No chance to complete the course in the time before sunset and didn't fancy unlit, unfamiliar country roads after dark. So just had a taster - drop dead gorgeous scenery but not a fast route, constant changes of elevation rather than really big climbs, very hard to get a rhythm. 69 miles at a "touring speed" of 14.4mph, 3,960' of elevation. I will have to go back and do it properly.

    Saturday - legs got a rest!

    Sunday - local roads, 50 miler. Strength training seems to be having an impact - legs feeling very tired but I'm setting good times on uphill stretches and climbs without feeling like I'm really pushing hard. Got a big PR improvement (+2mph) on one long (8 minute) gentle rise.

    Week 2 total = 153.6
    Monthly total = 288.2
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    UmmSqueaky wrote: »
    8/1: 8/14: 21 miles: Triathlon today. My new motto: why suck at one sport when you can suck at 3?!?? Overall, it actually didn't suck - I really enjoyed it (even the running, which I was expecting to loathe) and will definitely be doing it again. 500 yard swim, 15.5 mile bike and 5k run. I crushed it on the bike (18.2 mph when I was expecting to do 17) without having done anything training wise other than my usual bike commuting, so I'm hoping to crush it even better if I actual do speed work and hills and whatnot. 18/145 in my age group on the bike, 132nd overall. Now, didn't fair as well in the swim or the run, was about 100/145 in my age group for those. BUT, that just means if I actual work on the swimming and the running I've got tremendous room for improvement come next year. The hope was to do it in under 2 hours, the super secret hope was 1:55-ish. Crushed it at 1:46. Ended up 355/855 overall :D

    Nice work in your first tri! Great result. Congrats, and fair warning: triathlon can be very addicting!

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Ended up going out mid-day for a hot brick workout, and made it a longer ride than expected as I found a good route to a big state park, and with the temperatures in the low 90s wanted to postpone my run as long as possible. Got through the 71 miles at about 19mph with a 158 watt average power/174NP (12mph headwind which I lost most of by the time I turned around to return home). Post-ride run was OK, but kept it to an hour as I started cramping up.

    It is interesting seeing similar sized pros achieve 27mph in the wind tunnel at 175 watts, as I'm curious how much of that sort of gap could be made up with position (more aggressive stem drop, closer bars), shaved legs/arms, equipment (full disc), and clothing (more aero helmet, skinsuit, etc..), as I'd kill to pick up 6mph from those sorts of changes. For my race, I'm planning to shave the legs/arms, run aero wheels, race tires/latex tubes, and race in a more aero outfit & helmet, but I suspect it'll probably only get me up to 21-22mph.

    With the ride at a bit under the 4 hour mark, and my ironman 11 weeks away, I may still go out for a century on Wednesday (with a fast 35 miler in the middle with my tri-team), but I'll see how my legs will have recovered by that point and just drive to the team ride if I'm not feeling good.

    8/1 - 15 miles (w. 10 mile solo time trial @ 23mph - out & back)
    8/3 - 33 miles (tri team ride)
    8/4 - 83 miles (solo long ride - 18.3mph / 143 watt avg)
    8/5 - 11 miles
    8/6 - 20 miles
    8/7 - 11 miles
    8/8 - 5 miles
    8/9 - 23 miles
    8/10 - 24 miles
    8/11 - 11 miles
    8/13 - 34 miles (18.9mph / 152 watts / 171NP)
    8/14 - 71 miles (18.7mph / 158 watts / 174NP)

    Total: 341 miles
    Goal: 621 miles
    Remaining: 280 miles

    2016 Races:
    Granfondo FL century - 23.4mph TT segments
    Ironman Florida 70.3 - 5:07 / 2:39 bike split (21mph)
    Ironman Augusta 70.3 - 9/25
    Ironman Florida - 11/5

    @ummsqueaky - Huge congrads on your triathlon! Definitely can become an addictive sport, and I'm glad you survived your first. As you get into longer distance races, the bike portion becomes much more important and does a good job of hiding a mediocre swim & run, but it is good to start easy and race faster over time!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    @Ohhim @Djproulx If I weren't going on vacation shortly, I'd probably sign up for another one in September! But for now, fixing a goal to work on running and swimming with an eye towards 2017. Might also venture outside my comfort zone and see about joining a group ride. I'm a solitary cyclist and groups intimidate me, but my dad seems to think that if I could draft I could do it. Also sitting on my hands and trying not to go out and buy ALL THE GEAR!!! I'd like to get a tri watch for swim/bike/run tracking, but I'm making myself do research first and not impulse buy something.

    Alas, now back to work and the real world :(
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    @UmmSqueaky - group riding can be a lot of fun, but so different from solo. Sounds elementary but practice riding in as straight line as possible. You need a good mirror, you can no longer turn your head to look for traffic at intersections on green. Where your head turns most of the time your bike veers that direction. All good pace line experiences has communication. Learn to communicate so if in the lead help others that can't see for other bikes. Car up, car back, shaking hand on right or left saying loose gravel, slowing, then stopping etc....
    Try it and have fun with it.

    A lady on our bike trip a couple weeks ago never rode pace line. She was looking all over swerving here and there and getting yelled at to drop to back and ride solo. You can sight see as we all did but the never look more than a 90 degree angle. The nose being the center point and no more than 45 degrees either direction. This lets you look but never loose the bike in front out of your peripheral vision.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Mon 01 - 29.24 miles
    Tue 02 - 31.63 miles
    Wed 03 - rest
    Thu 04 - 32.81 miles.
    Fri 05 - 25.68.
    Sat 06 - 15.45
    Mon 08 - 29.22
    Tue 09 - 28.84 miles
    Wed 10 - rest
    Thu 11 - 28.62 miles
    Fri 12 - 25.29 miles
    Sat 13 - 15.45 miles
    Mon 15 - 27.58 miles

    MTD 278.98 / 500, YTD 1417.93

    Zoomed into work this morning at, if not exactly dawn, then decidedly earlier than I'm used to being around - quite enjoyed it - cold but hardly any traffic. Coming home wasn't wildly quick, but probably least afer-effect I've had after gym session. All in all, a good day
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @UmmSqueaky Great job on your Triathlon! Sounds like you did amazing, congratulations on the awesome time.

    @sijomial Sorry your Friday ride didn't turn out as planned. Congratulations on the PR on your Sunday ride!


    @35dollars and @Ohhim Thanks for the advice on the cleats & pedals! I don't have any imperial allen keys; I tried wrapping my #3 key with tape, to make it a bit thicker, but still couldn't turn the screw. I don't think buying a slightly larger wrench would help, the screws are rounded pretty badly. After some googling, it seems I'm not the only one with these pedals to have that problem; and there aren't really any solutions apart from getting a rotary tool and trying to cut a new slit in the screw head... I tried unclipping with the current settings a few more times; until my ankles really hurt, but it never got any easier :|
    Next thing I did was look for cleat covers; but it seems covers for Look Delta cleats aren't sold anywhere around here anymore. I would have to either order them from the US or Japan, or pay insane amounts of money!

    After looking at those prices, I decided to give up on my current pedals and ordered a pair of Time RXS pedals, after lots of research yesterday. I read that the release tension for them is 2-4Nm (compared to 12-18Nm for the pedals I have now); and apparently the cleats are non-slippery and last much longer, you don't need any covers for those. Hope they will arrive before the weekend; for now, I did my "Monday crosstraining ride" in running shoes, like the past couple of weeks before.

    1.8.2016: 4.3km + 16.9km to work, long detour home
    4.8.2016: 4.3km + 8.9km to work, short detour home
    8.8.2016: 6.0km + 21.0km to work, long detour home
    9.8.2016 4.3km + 5.6 km to work & back home
    11.8.2016 5.1km + 5.7km to work & back home
    15.8.2016: 5.2km + 20.4km to work, long detour home
    108.2km of 200km August goal done
  • BeckyCMcClinton
    BeckyCMcClinton Posts: 29 Member
    8/1 - 5.35
    8/2 - 5.02
    8/5 - 5.22
    8/6 - 6.04
    8/8 - 6.75
    8/9 - 6.64
    8/11- 13.48
    8/12 - 7.26
    8/13 - 6.28
    8/15- 7.02

    Total 69.05/120 miles goal
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    My goal will be 100 miles this month.

    08/01 - 14.00 miles
    08/04 - 15.00 miles
    08/06 - 13.50 miles
    08/13 - 13.75 miles
    08/14 - 14.25 miles...70.50 miles so far.
    08/15 - 14.25

  • BeckyCMcClinton
    BeckyCMcClinton Posts: 29 Member
    Went back to gym again tonight so adding another 7.02 for today.
    8/1 - 5.35
    8/2 - 5.02
    8/5 - 5.22
    8/6 - 6.04
    8/8 - 6.75
    8/9 - 6.64
    8/11- 13.48
    8/12 - 7.26
    8/13 - 6.28
    8/15- 14.04

    Total 76.07/120 miles goal
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    edited August 2016
    Next thing I did was look for cleat covers; but it seems covers for Look Delta cleats aren't sold anywhere around here anymore. I would have to either order them from the US or Japan, or pay insane amounts of money!

    After looking at those prices, I decided to give up on my current pedals and ordered a pair of Time RXS pedals, after lots of research yesterday. I read that the release tension for them is 2-4Nm (compared to 12-18Nm for the pedals I have now); and apparently the cleats are non-slippery and last much longer, you don't need any covers for those. Hope they will arrive before the weekend; for now, I did my "Monday crosstraining ride" in running shoes, like the past couple of weeks before.

    As it sounds like your pedals were pretty knackered, that's probably for the best. FWIW, if anyone else is looking for look covers, they are available a lot cheaper than those ones you found eg from Wiggle for £4.99

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    35dollars wrote: »
    Next thing I did was look for cleat covers; but it seems covers for Look Delta cleats aren't sold anywhere around here anymore. I would have to either order them from the US or Japan, or pay insane amounts of money!

    After looking at those prices, I decided to give up on my current pedals and ordered a pair of Time RXS pedals, after lots of research yesterday. I read that the release tension for them is 2-4Nm (compared to 12-18Nm for the pedals I have now); and apparently the cleats are non-slippery and last much longer, you don't need any covers for those. Hope they will arrive before the weekend; for now, I did my "Monday crosstraining ride" in running shoes, like the past couple of weeks before.

    As it sounds like your pedals were pretty knackered, that's probably for the best. FWIW, if anyone else is looking for look covers, they are available a lot cheaper than those ones you found eg from Wiggle for £4.99
    Thanks for looking into it. I saw those covers, but they are for the Look Keo cleats. I need Look Delta for my current pedals (yes, the bike/parts are 10+ years old - they apparently stopped making pedals for Delta almost 10 years ago...). Since I bought Keo cleats before I figured that out, I know that the shape is different. Similar, so with enough pushing and poking, the Keo covers might work for my Delta cleats, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    ah, that would explain the extortionate price then... they're antiques :)
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Got a break in the constant rain. Rain quit, roads dried off for the most part, and I took advantage of that small window.

    08/07 - 42.47
    08/08 - 14.71
    08/11 - 11.02
    08/15 - 14.68

    August total: 97.57
    Goal for month: 200
    Year to date: 2,207.12

    Jan - 175.9
    Feb - 343.3
    Mar - 353.8
    Apr - 363.4
    May - 319.1
    June - 316.2
    July - 166.1