Moms/Support & Motivation/Weight Loss Group



  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    Here is a picture of today's dinner. It is honey balsamic chicken breast with roasted veggies (potatoes, cherry tomatoes and broccoli). Now I just need the courage to work out in this heat. I just keep telling myself that if I do it, I get to drink a protein shake.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Ha, my diet was CRAPTASTIC today!

    In fairness, I was traveling all day, day trip to Yellowstone. Life will settle back down, it always does. :p

    My favorite healthy meal, is to take broccoli slaw, saute in half a teaspoon coconut oil until crisp tender, put a tilapia filet in the pan, cook until done, without turning, lovely crust on the outside of the filet, that's on the pan. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sesame ginger salad dressing over fish and veggies, and then top both over a little rice.

    THAT would have been my choice today. But half the day in the car, eating out of coolers..... I'm focusing on the fact that it could have easily been worse.
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    Ha, my diet was CRAPTASTIC today!

    In fairness, I was traveling all day, day trip to Yellowstone. Life will settle back down, it always does. :p

    My favorite healthy meal, is to take broccoli slaw, saute in half a teaspoon coconut oil until crisp tender, put a tilapia filet in the pan, cook until done, without turning, lovely crust on the outside of the filet, that's on the pan. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sesame ginger salad dressing over fish and veggies, and then top both over a little rice.

    THAT would have been my choice today. But half the day in the car, eating out of coolers..... I'm focusing on the fact that it could have easily been worse.

    That sounds fantastic! I need to remember to try that!

  • jenniebean310
    jenniebean310 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello, my name is Jennifer. I'm mid 30's with 3 beautiful girls ages 17, 5 & 1 (yes I know HUGE age gap). My biggest weight hike was before I ever joined MyFitnessPal at 189lbs (I'm only 5'2" on a good day). I'm currently all the way down to 136.2 lbs. which I'm proud to say is the smallest I've been since our 2nd child. I would like to make it down to around 115 but then still want a toned rockin' body like I've never had! My biggest struggle has always been lack of accountability & motivation from friends which has made me repeatedly fall off the wagon. Once my husband referred to me as "comfy", I found some serious determination! Bless his heart, foot in mouth he is a perfectly chisled 120# man and yes with some muscle mass soaking wet so the spare cushion I'm rocking has got to go! Looking for the right circle to slap my hand but also lift me up when I fall.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    edited August 2016
    @quiltlovinlisa that sounds delicious! What is broccoli slaw? Do you make it from scratch?
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @bbgraine your dinner looks yummy! Did you get to workout after all?
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @fit_healthy @jenniebean310 welcome to the group!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    TUESDAY CHALLENGE: Post a motivational quote. 80rjzeyqf0oy.jpeg
  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
  • jenniebean310
    jenniebean310 Posts: 60 Member
  • blueeyes25s
    blueeyes25s Posts: 78 Member
    Is it too late to join? If not, I would love to join. I am finally hoping to get back on the horse and looking for a great support group. Ever since I had my son I have been struggling to get my motivation back. I used to run about 5 miles every other day and really watched what I ate. Now, it seems I just want to eat everything and cannot get back into running and just working out.

    - How many kids do you have? 1
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it? I gained 55lbs and I am down 35lbs
    - What is your goal? Lose 30lbs
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal? Not finding time in a day between taking care of my son and working full-time. He's now 3 and just starting sleeping through the night!

    I also, need just over 14 glasses of water a day.
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    @bbgraine your dinner looks yummy! Did you get to workout after all?

    I did workout and it felt great. It was hard in the moment but after I felt pretty great!

    Here is my quote.


    It speaks to me because I am not a naturally gifted athlete but I am not letting that stop me from trying my best.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @bbgraine That's awesome that you have that drive. And I love your quote. Sometimes it just takes dressing up and showing up to give you that push.
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @blueeyes25s Welcome to the group! :)
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    Im just joining today. I have a three no b old. I gained 35lbs during my pregnancy. I lost all of my pregnancy weight. However, I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant. I'm currently 255 and would be happy anywhere under 200. I'm hoping to reach that goal by next summer. I'll be staying home for the year so I'm hoping cooking dinner and not running out for lunch are going to help me
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @jmacaroni Welcome to the group! :)
  • Skyygraphx
    Skyygraphx Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I just found this group and would love to join. I'm a single mom of 1 and I have been struggling over the past coupe of years to loose 30 lbs. I finally got 10 off in the last 6 months and I have another 20 to go. It's been really hard because I'm a terrible stress eater and I always fall back into old habits even though I know how and what I SHOULD be eating. More than anything I think I'm lacking a support group that will help hold me accountable and encourage me when I feel like I'm not making any progress.
  • Skyygraphx
    Skyygraphx Posts: 11 Member
  • mrslambert824
    mrslambert824 Posts: 22 Member
    Okay, am I just missing something? I thought I joined this group but it doesn't show up in my groups? What am I doing wrong ladies??
  • jenniebean310
    jenniebean310 Posts: 60 Member
    I had the same question but didn't ask. I tried to figure out how to join but then just added it to my favorites