Tell us one thing we don't know about you...



  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I have a dog snd a cat. Plus a tranchula, a scorpion, and a dart frog. Oh and a retic Python.
  • Phoenix_2015
    Phoenix_2015 Posts: 499 Member
    I had a golf scholarship
  • TypingToaster
    TypingToaster Posts: 4,110 Member
    My hair does not curl. It used to curl with a curling iron or curling rods but it would only stay curled or wavy for, literally, an hour and a half at most and now I can barely get it to ripple. If I want more than one hour, or more than one day, then I would have to get a perm.
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    I have a canvas on my wall of my daughter. I talk to it like she's still with me in this existence, and I brush the hair from her eyes and kiss her goodnight, like it was really her. I have almost every night for over 2 years.

    This completely choked me up. So sad and yet so beautiful, so much love. Hugs to you :heart:
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    I was married for 10 years, divorced and have been remarried for almost 20 years. I still have nightmares about my ex.
  • ashleyx41987
    ashleyx41987 Posts: 26 Member
    I am always on the search for new and interesting things to learn about.
  • linddd
    linddd Posts: 6,591 Member
    I have what I call "entertain-a-phobia"...
  • aimjolie
    aimjolie Posts: 60 Member
    I love speaking French
  • SavannahJJ93
    SavannahJJ93 Posts: 547 Member
    I used to be a big pot head, but having kids changes priorities :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I am not a robot
  • Former_chubby_momma
    Former_chubby_momma Posts: 686 Member
    My days consist of chasing around and cleaning up after a miniature human.
  • Tempest07
    Tempest07 Posts: 256 Member
    I have an identical twin brother. And my sister is my Irish twin (born less than one year apart from me). So it's like I have two sets of twins. :p
  • jaymattic86
    jaymattic86 Posts: 12 Member
    I've had Tourettes Syndrome since I was 3. I struggled tremendously with the symptoms growing up, and some time in my early 20s I decided to embrace it as part of what makes me unique. Since then, the tics have become barely noticeable :) Also, I enjoy making bread from scratch and giving it to friends and family.
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Everything ;-)
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    A cancer diagnosis (which turned out to be wrong) motivates me to push harder everyday!
  • Wife2MrPerfect
    Wife2MrPerfect Posts: 16 Member
    In my past/younger days I would have rolled a doobie with SavannahJJ93 and enjoyed every minute of it.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    I came to the realization that I'm a functioning alcoholic.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Habitual drinker, here
  • Oxytocin_Panda
    Oxytocin_Panda Posts: 464 Member
    I have been stabbed on two different occasions
  • Former_chubby_momma
    Former_chubby_momma Posts: 686 Member
    I haven't had alcohol in three years, and I honestly want it. I miss feeling buzzed.