One Food/Drink you gave up



  • I gave up massive bagels with large amounts of cream cheese..

    that is not one of my favorite foods, but whenever my company hosts a client, they have a huge spread of bagels in our common area. as soon as the meeting is over, all us worker bees are allowed to plunder it. I used to make it my mission to save as much money as possible by loading up on free stuff like that. my favorite was always the veggie cheese (with garlic and little chucks of carrots). Sometimes it is REALLY hard to avoid swag like that (like on days when we have a lunch spread with pasta salad and mini sammiches), but I have been really good only picking at fruit or taking the turkey off a few sammiches and tossing the bread.
    LBROZ Posts: 8
    Mashed Potatoes:(
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I have given up MAYO and basically all condiments besides salad dressings. They are useless calories.
    I have also officially given up all soda.
  • I have food sensitivities to wheat and lactose (both I love) so I am giving them up (insert sad face here)
  • boymomthree
    boymomthree Posts: 28 Member
    I'm working on giving up artificial sweeteners. So far I've stopped using it in my tea and coffee. After my last 3 diet sodas are gone from the fridge, I'm not buying any more soda (regular or diet) except for special occasions/treats. And I've been trying to pay attention to my yogurt to make sure it doesn't have artificial sweetener in it.

    There's a lot of controversy about artificial sweeteners...I don't know if they're bad for you or not but I've decided to just be more natural in general so I'm moving away from them.

    They actually make you gain weight and are toxic. Great choice. I am doing the same. I have also given up all pop (soda) regular and diet. Step away from the Splenda people! Aspartame is in gum so I have given that up as well. 6 years ago I quit cereal as well. Decided I didn't need the empty carbs and it was too tempting when there was nothing else in the house.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    strawberry poptarts, and any non diet soda.
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    I haven't given up anything...I think I will melt down if I don't have all the junk I like, lol.
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    I refuse to completely give up anything. All things in for LIFE.

    BUT there are things I choose not to consume simply because of the consequences that follow.

    Otherwise, I pretty much allow myself anything in moderation. :)

  • grahamf3
    grahamf3 Posts: 3
    Gave up potatoes and bread, drink lots of carbonated water instead of soft drinks...a least 10 cups a day
  • No more sodas for me either. This is the longest that I've been without (2 months now) and I must say, I don't really miss it one bit. I tried to drink a Sierra Mist last night, put it down after 3 sips and went to get a glass of water.

    I will, however, make an exception to drinking Coca-cola when eating certain food (bad habit I can't seem to break). But it's usually only once in a while and it's a fountain Coke with half of the cup being ice. By the time I get around to drinking it, it's completely watered down (not that that's any better lol)

    Props to you guys who have given up potatoes! I canNOT live without potatoes! I eat it in moderation of course, but giving it up would absolutely kill me.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I have given up MAYO and basically all condiments besides salad dressings. They are useless calories.
    I have also officially given up all soda.

    Wow! I could never give up Mayo. I use the lowfat and make sure I only use half a serving with my wraps. SOO GOOD!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Gave up REAL buffalo wings until I reach my goal!
  • Dr Pepper! I miss it so much but i only have it on special occasions. I gave up most sweets too. Again I only eat them on special occasions.
  • Food I've given up: White Bread
    Drink: All Soda ...I use to drink 2 sodas a day, definately wasn't good for me!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Things I've been forced to give up because of allergies: Gluten and milk
    Things I've given up by choice: Soy, HFCS

    Things that are left? Delicious fresh, unprocessed foods.

    I do miss Ben&Jerry's though.
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    I gave up the soda, sweetened iced tea, white bread, and white rice. Everything else I am working on "can have in moderation" :)
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    I completely cut out regular and diet soda as of January 1st as my new year's resolution. I hate coffee, so it pretty much eliminated my caffeine consumption too.
  • MsNiss
    MsNiss Posts: 57
    PIZZA! I had to cut it out completely, because when there's a pizza in front of me I lose all self control. There is NO way I could just have one slice, and at over 200 cals per slice, I just have to say no.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    When people ask me am I eating "diet food" or on a "diet" then I just say no. I don't explain to them that what I'm doing now will be what I'm doing 10, 15, 30 years from now to get/stay healthy for the rest of my life. IDK if they would understand, lol
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