Losing weight and not needing to weigh food



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    My food scale helped my get good at portion sizing or eyeballing. And if my weight starts creeping back up I will get back to weighing my food. Apparently my eyeballs grew. LOL No one has to do this but it easier when at first trying to lose than when down to the last bits of weight loss.


    I also play the game Christine mentioned, trying to guess weight before I weigh. I'll aim for exactly 140 grams of brussels or something and see if I'm right (if not, I don't care) or I'll try to judge exactly what a perfect serving of oatmeal is (I usually do adjust that, since I know from experience that the serving size is about what I want at breakfast and I like consistency). I don't see how that's somehow harder than using cups, but I never really used cups anyway -- I eyeballed before I weighed.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    This post is still a thing?

    Anyway I posted it here because I knew there would be a debate. No, I don't think you need to weigh food. However, if that's your thing, than good for you. You're taking your health into your hands and getting results.

    But for those that want to give up.... you have other choices. That is my point. Please read my posts before responding. And no, I did not write the original post as a dissertation, so yeah, it may not have conveyed every point I meant.

    In 5 years, let me know if your still weighing your food. 5 years! I will save this post and come back to it than and you can tell me all about how weighing food is sooooo important.... 5 years from now. August 24, 2021.

    But do you still feel sorry for those of us who choose to weigh our food?

    Yes and no. Yes but no. I stand by my, tell me after 5 years of weighing. I will happily retract my statement.

    I'm at almost 5.5 years. (2000 day streak yesterday). Still weighing all my food at home everyday. Still log ALL my food. Still not feeling sorry for myself. Still have maintained my initial weight loss for almost 5 years.

    It barely takes any time, it's accurate and faster and easier than other measures like counting or using measuring cups, and it keeps my visual scale honest for when I'm out and can't weigh my food.

    Statement retracted for you.
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    This post is still a thing?

    Anyway I posted it here because I knew there would be a debate. No, I don't think you need to weigh food. However, if that's your thing, than good for you. You're taking your health into your hands and getting results.

    But for those that want to give up.... you have other choices. That is my point. Please read my posts before responding. And no, I did not write the original post as a dissertation, so yeah, it may not have conveyed every point I meant.

    In 5 years, let me know if your still weighing your food. 5 years! I will save this post and come back to it than and you can tell me all about how weighing food is sooooo important.... 5 years from now. August 24, 2021.

    But do you still feel sorry for those of us who choose to weigh our food?

    Yes and no. Yes but no. I stand by my, tell me after 5 years of weighing. I will happily retract my statement.

    I'm at almost 5.5 years. (2000 day streak yesterday). Still weighing all my food at home everyday. Still log ALL my food. Still not feeling sorry for myself. Still have maintained my initial weight loss for almost 5 years.

    It barely takes any time, it's accurate and faster and easier than other measures like counting or using measuring cups, and it keeps my visual scale honest for when I'm out and can't weigh my food.

    omg! happy 2001!!!!!
  • xWondertje
    xWondertje Posts: 65 Member
    The fact that people here felt shamed/put-down because he was questioning measuring food over long-term is just ridiculous. No, OP wasn't the smoothest talker in the world, but nowhere did he/she deserve the response this thread got.

    I think it's great to bring up other point of views and showing people that there's no need to measure every single meal, every day. I sure felt great reading OP's post as I find measuring tedious but I know I need to do it at this current time. I'm hoping to move away from measuring after awhile, learning to just eat like a normal person.
  • SleepyEquus
    SleepyEquus Posts: 6 Member
    I eyeball the whole plate with food xD, I weighed and measured a good portion of things starting out, now I know what certain foods will look like on my plate. But certain ones I do not, then I bust out my measuring and scale and go to town :). Nothing wrong with or without doing it. Just makes people feel more accountable and its a very helpful tool as well!!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited August 2016
  • Nova
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