Headache from healthy eating?



  • BBchambers5
    BBchambers5 Posts: 5 Member
    You may need to eat more carbs. I once tried the Atkins diet and got so sick from 0 carbs it was unbelievable. You don't have to add a lot, but adding a serving in the past has helped. Hang in there.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You may need to eat more carbs. I once tried the Atkins diet and got so sick from 0 carbs it was unbelievable. You don't have to add a lot, but adding a serving in the past has helped. Hang in there.

    OP ate only fruit and veg... That's pretty much all carbs, so....? :huh:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If you have a headache it's not from cutting out "crap" or a "detox." It could be caffeine withdrawal, as others have noted, or it could be unrelated to diet or a nocebo effect. It's not from cutting out bacon and eggs or whatever you cut out.

    Only fruit and veg isn't "eating healthy." Eating healthy requires protein and healthy fats too. (Veg have some protein, not enough; avocado has some healthy fats, shouldn't be the sole source.)

    Why do you think eating only raw fruits and veg is the healthiest way to go?
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Who told you this was "healthy eating?"
  • teetertatertango
    teetertatertango Posts: 229 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal, low blood sugar, or electrolyte imbalance.

    100% raw food is not something you can just jump into from your normal diet without consequences (any drastic change from normal eating habits can cause discomforts of various sorts, easier on the body to make small sustainable changes over time).

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Drink some water and pop an ibuprofen. Then see how it goes tomorrow.

    ibuprofen is a chemical and I thought OP was trying to "detox" from chemicals??
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I challenged myself to eat raw (only fruits and vegetables) all day today, and my head has been pounding all day. I have a feeling that my body is detoxing from all of the crap and chemicals that I have been consuming, but it's a little uncomfortable.

    I am tempted to take an ibuprofen, but I don't think that it's the best idea.

    Has this happened to anyone else on their healthy eating journey?

    Honestly, probably either caffeine or sugar withdrawal. Fruits and veggies are not the only "healthy" foods. Protein is great, and carbs are too, in moderation!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It is probably your body fighting to keep your unhealthy ways and sabotage you.
    You might want to make an alkaline water mix to speed up the process.

    Think of it like passing kidney stones. They hurt coming out, but you're healthier when it is done.
    This is a similar process in your metabolic and digestive systems.

    I can't see the "sarcasm" emoticon, so - what the hell are you talking about??
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Were you eating a large amount of sugar or consuming a lot of caffeine before you did a 180? Because, although it's not a detox, it might be a withdrawal-type symptom of purging that kind of stuff all at once. I know when I've tried to "quit" caffeine in the past, I've felt this way. And before you went "raw", did you plan accordingly so you were still able to get appropriate nutrition??

    I am quoting this to show my support of the message. :) I can get headaches from lack of caffeine, I do love coffee and have also gotten them if I try to stop all sugar not found naturally in food.
  • zumbagirl2526
    zumbagirl2526 Posts: 30 Member
    I don't drink enough caffeine in order to experience a headache from not consuming any for an entire day.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I challenged myself to eat raw (only fruits and vegetables) all day today, and my head has been pounding all day. I have a feeling that my body is detoxing from all of the crap and chemicals that I have been consuming, but it's a little uncomfortable.

    I am tempted to take an ibuprofen, but I don't think that it's the best idea.

    Has this happened to anyone else on their healthy eating journey?

    Honestly, probably either caffeine or sugar withdrawal. Fruits and veggies are not the only "healthy" foods. Protein is great, and carbs are too, in moderation!

    Exactly. Everyone says processed sugar is just the same as natural sugar, but we have people like this poster who are having sugar withdrawal from processed sugar while getting plenty of naturally occuring fruit and vegetagle sugars.

    oh purleez.
    We all know all sugars are bluddy marvelous for us in moderation.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    I do not know how long it takes for you to start having symptoms related to the body trying to flush things out/things dying off (like yeast die off, for example - https://www.thecandidadiet.com/candida-die-off.htm ). However, I would be suspicious of something else when it happens this quickly. Most of the things I know of as confirmed responses tend to take a few days, at least.

    I would think the body having trouble with losing something it has become addicted to (or has an addictive similar response to), or having more of something it has trouble with, might be more likely when it's so quick.

    you were mentioning that caffeine wouldn't be an issue - i assume you don't have it daily then, yeah? If you have it daily, some people will have a headache reaction, even if the level is quite low.

    But wheat and sugar are also two substances that people can have an addiction-like response to. It's similar to morphine in how the body responds to it, actually (there are a few interesting studies you can find on this). Gluten withdrawal is a term coined in the celiac community because so many folks there have a reaction to dropping gluten/wheat in their diet.

    As for things that were added in. If you have any mild allergies, that could be something you have more of now. If you have salicylate sensitivity, that could be an issue, as veggies and fruits tend to have more of these, so you'd be getting more.

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Only fruit and veg? Sounds rather unhealthy.

    Eat a balance of protein, fats and carbs. Don't be afraid of food. Consume caffeine.

    Something I didn't see mentioned at the time of my posting is electrolyte imbalance, how much water are you drinking and how much sodium are you consuming? I ask, because no sodium plus lots of water will upset your electrolyte imbalance and cause headaches.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I feel like crap when I haven't had any protein. A diet of only fruit and veggies is certainly not healthy. You need proteins and fats.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but I'll add this anyway...a sudden extreme drop in my calorie intake + chucking my blood sugar all over hell's half acre by just eating carbs would = a major headache for me too.
  • zumbagirl2526
    zumbagirl2526 Posts: 30 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but I'll add this anyway...a sudden extreme drop in my calorie intake + chucking my blood sugar all over hell's half acre by just eating carbs would = a major headache for me too.

    I'm not a troll i'm real. The raw vegan diet has helped alot of people get healthier.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but I'll add this anyway...a sudden extreme drop in my calorie intake + chucking my blood sugar all over hell's half acre by just eating carbs would = a major headache for me too.

    I'm not a troll i'm real. The raw vegan diet has helped alot of people get healthier.

    Eating nothing but raw fruits and vegetables is nutritionally lacking...it's not healthy.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    I'm pretty sure "raw vegan" must include seeds and nuts.
  • MirrorMe33
    MirrorMe33 Posts: 35 Member
    I often get headaches if I have a big drop in processed carbs!