40 lbs in 4 months!



  • jibeirish
    jibeirish Posts: 244 Member
    Am I too late to join this challenge? I got back on track on the 28th, so only a few days after you started.

    SW: 301
    CW: 293
    GW: 261
    UGW: 160

    no your not too late most people are doing there first weigh in today :) i have added you to the spreadsheet, this is where we will add our weights each week, there is also a section for body measurements that you can fill in if you like :) please see the link below

  • susanbenita
    susanbenita Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for creating the spreadsheet, @jibeirish ! If nobody wants the neck measurement, would it be possible to use that column for a running total of lbs lost (or gained!) each week?
  • ajf729
    ajf729 Posts: 13 Member
    jibeirish wrote: »
    @xosummerrainxo are you trying to edit from your phone? If so, it wont let you, you need to edit from a tablet or pc.

    If you install the Google sheets app you can edit from your phone. The first time I selected the spreadsheet link my phone prompted me to install the app, maybe yours will too @xosummerrainxo
  • jibeirish
    jibeirish Posts: 244 Member
    @susanbenita i have added a column
  • jibeirish
    jibeirish Posts: 244 Member
    edited September 2016
    @AZkris10m @DiKoehler you have both added challenges i have moved them from beside your name to the top of the spreadsheet

  • hippiejacket0810
    hippiejacket0810 Posts: 68 Member
    edited September 2016
    myfitnesspal starting weight: 161.8
    Challenge starting weight: 153.6
    Today's weigh in: 149.2
    Goal weight: 125.0

    4.4 lbs lost this week.
    12.6 lbs total loss

    What I'm doing:
    *Yoga every morning 20-30 minutes followed by 10-20 minute meditation (really helps keep you motivated. HIGHLY recommend)

    *At least 8-11 glasses of water every day. (One of the most common reasons for fatigue is dehydration!! If your pee is not clear, you need more water. I drink at least 4 water bottles instead of pouring out glasses of water.)

    *drink a bottle of water before I eat a meal

    *Eat fruits and veggies instead of junk for snacks

    *Trying not to eat many carbs (No bun on burgers, etc)

    *Switched to turkey/chicken instead of beef, pork, etc. (No I haven't completely cut it out. Just substitute most of the time)

    *Find something active to do every day. (Take kids to the park, go for a walk, etc.)

  • alyssarhc
    alyssarhc Posts: 8 Member
    Start posting results when you feel comfortable! Let's just go for it!!!! (= SW: 181.2 CW: 177.4 GW: 141
  • alyssarhc
    alyssarhc Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much @jibeirish for making the spreadsheet!
    Does anyone know how to set the app to notify me when people comment on this post....?

  • alyssarhc
    alyssarhc Posts: 8 Member
    I am curious, what are you guys doing to lose weight? What's the action plan to complete the challenge besides diet?

    I am setting myself a goal... Everyone has something different that works for them.
    I am going to the gym 5 days a week. 30 minutes cardio followed by 30 minutes weight lifting 4 of those days, and 1 hour water aerobics on the 5th day.
    On top of that I have been counting calories.
  • ccervantes90
    ccervantes90 Posts: 11 Member
    SW: 184.5
    CW: 180.9
  • jibeirish
    jibeirish Posts: 244 Member
    @alyssarhc delighted to see you! We weren't sure if you were coming back, theres 2 pages in the spreadsheet you can use the second one for challenges, I personally think if you set out a new one each week it will keep ppl motivated, im happy to help you out :)
  • jibeirish
    jibeirish Posts: 244 Member
    @alyssarhc in the top right hand corner of the thread you'll see a little star, if you click it, it will turn yellow, then you'll receive notifications
  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    Sorry, I can't edit the spreadsheet.

    8/26: 229
    9/2: 227
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    I'd love to join this challenge! I have 43lbs to lose until I'm at my goal weight!

    SW: 234
    CW: 203
    GW: 163
  • mskelr
    mskelr Posts: 1 Member
    Starting late but I'm in.
    SW 203
    CW 190
    GW 145
  • DiKoehler
    DiKoehler Posts: 65 Member
    just one more thing to look at while losing weight is your BMI. this calculator uses age and sex as part of the calculation. http://www.smartbmicalculator.com
  • mandasmom514
    mandasmom514 Posts: 3 Member
    I am late starting but I would like to join.
  • lelliott1992
    lelliott1992 Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm In my birthday is December 30th and I'm going to Jamaica so I would love to be 30lbs lighter
    SW: 215
    CW: 211
    GW: 171
    UGW: 150
  • alyssarhc
    alyssarhc Posts: 8 Member
    jibeirish wrote: »
    @alyssarhc delighted to see you! We weren't sure if you were coming back, theres 2 pages in the spreadsheet you can use the second one for challenges, I personally think if you set out a new one each week it will keep ppl motivated, im happy to help you out :)

    I'm not sure if I figured it out or not. I'm trying.... New to my fitness pal. (=

    I tried to add a challenge to the spreadsheet too. Did it work?
  • SW: 243 (8/22)
    CW: 235 (9/2)
    GW: 199 (1/1/2017) using I.F.