Colonic Hydrotherapy



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Chilli7777 wrote: »
    Youre better off taking a bowel prep which will completely clean out your bowel.

    No reason to do this either unless medically necessary.

    And by "medically necessary" I don't mean by eating imaginary toxins.
    Exactly. And why would you want to? I have colonoscopies every year and no way would I take it just for fun.


    My mom has Crohn's also. She is in remission these days but still has to have regular colonoscopies. It really is no fun and I don't understand why people would willingly do that to themselves.

    Cuz' kinky?
  • Shaelynmae
    Shaelynmae Posts: 13 Member
    You should watch Penn and Tellers show "*kitten*" they have an episode where they debunk the health claims. Very insightful. Best wishes
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Chilli7777 wrote: »
    Youre better off taking a bowel prep which will completely clean out your bowel.

    No reason to do this either unless medically necessary.

    And by "medically necessary" I don't mean by eating imaginary toxins.
    Exactly. And why would you want to? I have colonoscopies every year and no way would I take it just for fun.


    My mom has Crohn's also. She is in remission these days but still has to have regular colonoscopies. It really is no fun and I don't understand why people would willingly do that to themselves.

    Cuz' kinky?

    That reason was covered in the enemas thread!

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    colonic hydrotherapy? So like...shooting saline up your butt? I suppose there would be some shortterm weightloss associated with that sure. Don't think it would do very much for your health.

    Not sure about cost. I mean you could probably put a hose in your rectum for free get the same effect.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Did anybody see that episode of Impractical Jokers where the lady said she loves colonics? She wasn't ashamed either. She signed the release.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Did anybody see that episode of Impractical Jokers where the lady said she loves colonics? She wasn't ashamed either. She signed the release.

    Nope, on YouTube?
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Did anybody see that episode of Impractical Jokers where the lady said she loves colonics? She wasn't ashamed either. She signed the release.

    Nope, on YouTube?

    Grr. I can't find that exact clip, but I think it was in Season 2, Episode 6.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    The Gerson Clinic is a strong advocate of this and they're getting people to beat cancer with it.

    Gershon protocol kills -
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Groan.. it's a sad day when people feel the need to comment about something they are NOT interested in.

    I don't have to eat the WHOLE egg to know it's rotten.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    Groan.. it's a sad day when people feel the need to comment about something they are NOT interested in.

    I don't have to eat the WHOLE egg to know it's rotten.

    Exactly. I don't have to try it to know it's bogus. All I have to do is research for half an hour.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    sconns21 wrote: »
    However it is nice to try new things, wait til it's cheap on groupon.

    I only just read back through the whole thread, and this little tidbit does it for me.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Why would anyone do these things to themselves? You would need to pay me an awesome sum in order to even consider it for a second before saying no.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Oh dear lord, I just got a chance to read the entire thread - hilarious!

    I do understand why the idea of cleansing could be so appealing to some. If you think about it, the sludge we eliminate is pretty disgusting and is associated with all kinds of negative symbolism. Centuries of folk medicine says flush it out for a cleaner, healthier body. You can see the result with your own eyes!

    The science that refutes this theory hasn't been around all that long, comparatively, and isn't generally discussed and supported on the popular talk shows, because let's face it there isn't much profit associated with telling people not to buy stuff. And snake-oil sells, whether it's Dr. Smith's Cure-All Tonic (proven to have cured REAL PEOPLE at the brink of death) or relief from the "rotting poop" clogging up your intestines. Check this out. It was the first thing that came up when I googled "colonics": Horrifying.

    Legit science can be hard for people to access when it's buried in all the popular crap-science (ha!) hype. Most people who do cleanses aren't going to read articles based on peer-reviewed papers by people they're never heard of. They're going to listen to people like Dr. Oz (he's a real Dr., right?) because there he is front and center in their living rooms telling them what they want to hear (proven to have cured REAL PEOPLE) - same old snake oil, same old scare tactics, same old predators.

    As someone said above, it makes me sick.
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    I love colon hydrotherapy! It is so refreshing to get that suits out LOL.

    It is not a miracle cure for anything. Most people do not have much accumulated waste and have no reason to do it aside from the rapid absorption of water makes you feel a little high.

    That said...
    I take meds that slow my bowel to a crazy degree. To avoid dependency I basically never use stimulants. Fibre supplements make it worse even though I drink literally a gallon of water and day. Prunes I eat because they are tasty but do not seem to help and PEG makes me nauseated so I can only use it for short periods.

    Using fleet enemas clears up the rectum but nothing else. Fleet oral is useful on occasion but can mess with your electrolytes. Same with Pico salax. One of my meds makes me highly susceptible to electrolyte imbalances so thats out much of the time. And they are all so salty I sometimes vomit.

    Enter colonics. The person who owns the place I go to is a 20 year friend of mine. The piece that touches you is sterile and disposable. The toilet chair is disinfected before every use. The first time I went I had thrown my whole arsenal at the problem to no avail. I could feel a mass up in my hepatic flexure. So off I went and alternately filled then emptied and eventually dislodged something the size of an orange that got stuck in the outlet pipe and took a while to flush through.

    Now that I have thoroughly grossed you out you can see that in rare cases it is a miracle cure. Cheers!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    mykaylis wrote: »
    I love colon hydrotherapy! It is so refreshing to get that suits out LOL.

    It is not a miracle cure for anything. Most people do not have much accumulated waste and have no reason to do it aside from the rapid absorption of water makes you feel a little high.

    That said...
    I take meds that slow my bowel to a crazy degree. To avoid dependency I basically never use stimulants. Fibre supplements make it worse even though I drink literally a gallon of water and day. Prunes I eat because they are tasty but do not seem to help and PEG makes me nauseated so I can only use it for short periods.

    Using fleet enemas clears up the rectum but nothing else. Fleet oral is useful on occasion but can mess with your electrolytes. Same with Pico salax. One of my meds makes me highly susceptible to electrolyte imbalances so thats out much of the time. And they are all so salty I sometimes vomit.

    Enter colonics. The person who owns the place I go to is a 20 year friend of mine. The piece that touches you is sterile and disposable. The toilet chair is disinfected before every use. The first time I went I had thrown my whole arsenal at the problem to no avail. I could feel a mass up in my hepatic flexure. So off I went and alternately filled then emptied and eventually dislodged something the size of an orange that got stuck in the outlet pipe and took a while to flush through.

    Now that I have thoroughly grossed you out you can see that in rare cases it is a miracle cure. Cheers!


    This is still not advisable for the general population looking to lose weight.
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    This thread is full of crap (minus the intelligent anti-woo posts...)

    Four words:
    Haribo sugar-free gummies.
    You're welcome.

    I just shot soda out of my nose, lmao! I need to re-read the reviews section on Amazon for those sometime. :D
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Never thought i'd see a thread that's three years old about colonics.

    in regards to "gerson therapy", it lacks any sort of evidence. Unless you're on deaths door and have exhausted all treatment options, i wouldn't even consider it. Actually, if i were, i'd rather spend time with loved ones that have my last days on earth doing this "therapy"
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    edited September 2016
    2013sk wrote: »
    Ive had a couple of them in the past, Only because I used to eat soooo much sugary cereal, I used to always feel bloated. Really worked well, and done the trick. The lady I saw, was lovely too, chatted the whole way through and made me at ease

    Not really a nice feeling, (Like your pooping yourself hahaha) I had pimples on my legs the whole time and felt cold hahahaah!! But yes, It cleanses everything out, and you feel heaps lighter when you come out, I think you have to watch what you eat before and after them for a bit. Also supposed to be good for your skin, hair, health etc...Lots of benefits....

    I also had to buy some probiotics after, to put all the good bacteria in you, you keep them in the fridge... She will tell you all this anyway. Alot of food like steak or red meat can be stored in your gut for years and years, as doesnt full digest properly. She will tell you all about the colon, etc....Well I dont have that horrible bloated feeling anymore.... Worked for me and worth every penny, wasnt cheap either!!

    Good luck....Let me know how you get on with it!!!

    S x

    edited because zombie thread. D'oh!